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1 # Phase 1 R34V25 minbias pileup files
2 # E34 cm-2s-1
3 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
5 # this is the configuration to model pileup in the design LHC (10**34)
13 mix = cms.EDProducer("MixingModule",
14  digitizers = cms.PSet(
15  pixel = cms.PSet(
16  pixelDigitizer
17  ),
18  strip = cms.PSet(
19  stripDigitizer
20  ),
21  ecal = cms.PSet(
22  ecalDigitizer
23  ),
24  hcal = cms.PSet(
25  hcalDigitizer
26  ),
27  castor = cms.PSet(
28  castorDigitizer
29  )
30  ),
31  LabelPlayback = cms.string(''),
32  maxBunch = cms.int32(3),
33  minBunch = cms.int32(-5), ## in terms of 25 ns
35  bunchspace = cms.int32(25), ## nsec
36  mixProdStep1 = cms.bool(False),
37  mixProdStep2 = cms.bool(False),
39  playback = cms.untracked.bool(False),
40  useCurrentProcessOnly = cms.bool(False),
42  input = cms.SecSource("EmbeddedRootSource",
43  nbPileupEvents = cms.PSet(
44  averageNumber = cms.double(2.0)
45  ),
46  type = cms.string('poisson'),
47  sequential = cms.untracked.bool(False),
48  fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(
49  'file:MinBias_TuneZ2star_14TeV_pythia6_cff_GEN_SIM.root'
50  )
51  ),
52  mixObjects = cms.PSet(
53  mixCH = cms.PSet(
54  mixCaloHits
55  ),
56  mixTracks = cms.PSet(
57  mixSimTracks
58  ),
59  mixVertices = cms.PSet(
60  mixSimVertices
61  ),
62  mixSH = cms.PSet(
63  mixSimHits
64  ),
65  mixHepMC = cms.PSet(
66  mixHepMCProducts
67  )
68  )
69 )