#include <SmearedPFCandidateProducerForPFNoPUMEt.h>
Produce collection of "smeared" PFCandidates for PFCandidates that are within jets of Pt > 10 GeV. The aim of this correction is to account for the difference in jet energy resolution between Monte Carlo simulation and Data. Smearing of PFCandidate constituents of the jets is necessary to improve the data/MC agreement: As the no-PU MET algorithm considers only jets of Pt > 30 GeV as "jets", differences in jet energy resolution for jets between 10 and 30 GeV need to be accounted for by smearing the PFCandidate constituents. The jet energy resolutions have been measured in QCD di-jet and gamma + jets events selected in 2010 data, as documented in the PAS JME-10-014.
NOTE: Auxiliary class specific to estimating systematic uncertainty on PFMET reconstructed by no-PU MET reconstruction algorithm (implemented in JetMETCorrections/Type1MET/src/PFNoPUMETProducer.cc)