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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 # Module to create simulated ME0 Pre Reco digis.
4 simMuonME0Digis = cms.EDProducer("ME0DigiPreRecoProducer",
5  mixLabel = cms.string('mix'),
6  inputCollection = cms.string('g4SimHitsMuonME0Hits'),
7  digiPreRecoModelString = cms.string('PreRecoGaussian'),
8  timeResolution = cms.double(0.010), # [in ns] => for now at 10ps
9  phiResolution = cms.double(0.05), # [in cm] average resolution along local x in case of no correlation
10  etaResolution = cms.double(1.), # [in cm] average resolution along local y in case of no correlation
11  useCorrelation = cms.bool(False),
12  useEtaProjectiveGEO = cms.bool(False),
13  averageEfficiency = cms.double(0.98),
14  doBkgNoise = cms.bool(False), # False => No background noise simulation
15  digitizeOnlyMuons = cms.bool(False),
16  simulateIntrinsicNoise = cms.bool(False),
17  simulateElectronBkg = cms.bool(False), # True => will simulate electron background
18  averageNoiseRate = cms.double(0.001), # simulation of intrinsic noise
19  bxwidth = cms.int32(25),
20  minBunch = cms.int32(-5), # in bx-units (x 25 ns)
21  maxBunch = cms.int32(3)
22 )