This is the complete list of members for GlobalMuonRefitter, including all inherited members.
all4DSegments | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
all4DSegmentsToken | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
checkMuonHits(const reco::Track &, ConstRecHitContainer &, std::map< DetId, int > &) const | GlobalMuonRefitter | protected |
checkRecHitsOrdering(const ConstRecHitContainer &) const | GlobalMuonRefitter | protected |
ConstMuonRecHitContainer typedef | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
ConstMuonRecHitPointer typedef | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
ConstRecHitContainer typedef | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
ConstRecHitPointer typedef | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
CSCSegments | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
CSCSegmentsToken | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
dytInfo | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
getDYTInfo() | GlobalMuonRefitter | inline |
getFirstHits(const reco::Track &, ConstRecHitContainer &, ConstRecHitContainer &) const | GlobalMuonRefitter | protected |
getRidOfSelectStationHits(const ConstRecHitContainer &hits, const TrackerTopology *tTopo) const | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
GlobalMuonRefitter(const edm::ParameterSet &, const MuonServiceProxy *, edm::ConsumesCollector &) | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
hitCloner | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
insideOut enum value | GlobalMuonRefitter | protected |
MuonRecHitContainer typedef | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
MuonRecHitPointer typedef | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
outsideIn enum value | GlobalMuonRefitter | protected |
printHits(const ConstRecHitContainer &) const | GlobalMuonRefitter | protected |
PXB enum value | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
PXF enum value | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
RecHitContainer typedef | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
RecHitPointer typedef | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
refit(const reco::Track &globalTrack, const int theMuonHitsOption, const TrackerTopology *tTopo) const | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
refit(const reco::Track &globalTrack, const reco::TransientTrack track, const TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitContainer &allRecHitsTemp, const int theMuonHitsOption, const TrackerTopology *tTopo) const | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
RefitDirection enum name | GlobalMuonRefitter | protected |
selectMuonHits(const Trajectory &, const std::map< DetId, int > &) const | GlobalMuonRefitter | protected |
service() const | GlobalMuonRefitter | inlineprotected |
setEvent(const edm::Event &) | GlobalMuonRefitter | virtual |
setServices(const edm::EventSetup &) | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
subDetector enum name | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
TC typedef | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
TEC enum value | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
theCacheId_TRH | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theCategory | GlobalMuonRefitter | protected |
theCosmicFlag | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theCSCChi2Cut | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theCSCRecHitLabel | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theCSCRecHits | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theCSCRecHitToken | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theDTChi2Cut | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theDTRecHitLabel | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theDTRecHits | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theDTRecHitToken | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theDYTselector | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theDYTthrs | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theDYTupdator | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theDYTuseAPE | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theEvent | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theFitter | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theFitterName | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theGEMChi2Cut | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theGEMRecHitLabel | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theGEMRecHits | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theGEMRecHitToken | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theHitThreshold | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theMuonHitsOption | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theMuonRecHitBuilder | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theMuonRecHitBuilderName | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theProbCut | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
thePropagatorName | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
thePtCut | GlobalMuonRefitter | protected |
theRefitDirection | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theRescaleErrorFactor | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theRPCChi2Cut | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theRPCInTheFit | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theService | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theSkipStation | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theTkTrajsAvailableFlag | GlobalMuonRefitter | protected |
theTrackerRecHitBuilder | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theTrackerRecHitBuilderName | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theTrackerSkipSection | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
theTrackerSkipSystem | GlobalMuonRefitter | private |
TI typedef | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
TIB enum value | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
TID enum value | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
TOB enum value | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
transform(const reco::Track &newTrack, const reco::TransientTrack track, const TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitContainer &recHitsForReFit) const | GlobalMuonRefitter | |
undetermined enum value | GlobalMuonRefitter | protected |
~GlobalMuonRefitter() | GlobalMuonRefitter | virtual |