Go to the documentation of this file.
2 Created on Jun 26, 2013
3 @author: Mantas Stankevicius
4 @contact: mantas.stankevicius@cern.ch
5 http://cmsdoxy.web.cern.ch/cmsdoxy/dataformats/
13 "title":
"RecoLocalCalo collections (in RECO and AOD)",
16 "instance":
18 "desc":
"No documentation"
21 "instance":
23 "desc":
"No documentation"
27 "container":
28 "desc":
"No documentation"
31 "instance":
33 "desc":
"No documentation"
36 "instance":
38 "desc":
"No documentation"
43 "desc":
"No documentation"
48 "desc":
"No documentation"
51 "instance":
52 "container":
53 "desc":
"No documentation"
56 "instance":
57 "container":
58 "desc":
"No documentation"
61 "instance":
62 "container":
63 "desc":
"No documentation"
66 "instance":
67 "container":
68 "desc":
"No documentation"
72 "container":
73 "desc":
"No documentation"
77 "container":
78 "desc":
"No documentation"
83 "title":
"RecoLocalCalo collections (in AOD only)",
86 "instance":
88 "desc":
"No documentation"
91 "instance":
93 "desc":
"No documentation"
97 "container":
98 "desc":
"No documentation"
103 "title":
"RecoLocalCalo collections (in RECO only)",
106 "instance":
107 "container":
108 "desc":
"Collection of Ecal Hits in EB"
112 "container":
113 "desc":
"No documentation"
116 "instance":
117 "container":
118 "desc":
"Collection of Ecal Hits in ES"
121 "instance":
122 "container":
123 "desc":
"Collection of Ecal Hits in EE"
126 "instance":
127 "container":
128 "desc":
"Very Forward calorimeter RecHits collection"
131 "instance":
132 "container":
133 "desc":
"Joint HCAL barrel+endcap RecHits collection"
136 "instance":
137 "container":
138 "desc":
"No documentation"
141 "instance":
142 "container":
143 "desc":
"Outer clorimeter RecHits collection"
146 "instance":
147 "container":
148 "desc":
"No documentation"
151 "instance":
152 "container":
153 "desc":
"No documentation"
156 "instance":
157 "container":
158 "desc":
"Zero-degree calorimeter RecHits collection"
161 "instance":
162 "container":
163 "desc":
"No documentation"
166 "instance":
167 "container":
168 "desc":
"Collection of CastorRecHits containing energy deposits for all channels"
171 "instance":
173 "desc":
"No documentation"