1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
5 EaxisEdges.append(
pow(10., -0.5 + 2.5 / 50. * i))
10 summaryTimeWindow = 7.
12 ecalTimingTask = cms.untracked.PSet(
13 params = cms.untracked.PSet(
14 energyThresholdEE = cms.untracked.double(energyThresholdEE),
15 energyThresholdEB = cms.untracked.double(energyThresholdEB)
17 MEs = cms.untracked.PSet(
18 TimeMap = cms.untracked.PSet(
19 path = cms.untracked.string(
'%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sTimingTask/%(prefix)sTMT timing %(sm)s'),
20 kind = cms.untracked.string(
21 zaxis = cms.untracked.PSet(
22 high = cms.untracked.double(timeWindow),
23 low = cms.untracked.double(-timeWindow),
24 title = cms.untracked.string(
'time (ns)')
26 otype = cms.untracked.string(
27 btype = cms.untracked.string(
28 description = cms.untracked.string(
'2D distribution of the mean rec hit timing. Only hits with GOOD or OUT_OF_TIME reconstruction flags and energy above threshold are used. Hits with |t| > ' + str(timeWindow) +
' ns are discarded. The energy thresholds are ' + (
'%f and %f' % (energyThresholdEB, energyThresholdEE)) +
' for EB and EE respectively.')
30 TimeAll = cms.untracked.PSet(
31 path = cms.untracked.string(
'%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sTimingTask/%(prefix)sTMT timing 1D summary%(suffix)s'),
32 kind = cms.untracked.string(
33 otype = cms.untracked.string(
34 xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet(
35 high = cms.untracked.double(timeWindow),
36 nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100),
37 low = cms.untracked.double(-timeWindow),
38 title = cms.untracked.string(
'time (ns)')
40 btype = cms.untracked.string(
41 description = cms.untracked.string(
'Distribution of the mean rec hit timing. Only hits with GOOD or OUT_OF_TIME reconstruction flags and energy above threshold are used. The energy thresholds are ' + (
'%f and %f' % (energyThresholdEB, energyThresholdEE)) +
' for EB and EE respectively.')
43 TimeAllMap = cms.untracked.PSet(
44 path = cms.untracked.string(
'%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sTimingTask/%(prefix)sTMT timing map%(suffix)s'),
45 kind = cms.untracked.string(
46 zaxis = cms.untracked.PSet(
47 high = cms.untracked.double(summaryTimeWindow),
48 low = cms.untracked.double(-summaryTimeWindow),
49 title = cms.untracked.string(
'time (ns)')
51 otype = cms.untracked.string(
52 btype = cms.untracked.string(
53 description = cms.untracked.string(
'2D distribution of the mean rec hit timing. Only hits with GOOD or OUT_OF_TIME reconstruction flags and energy above threshold are used. Hits with |t| > ' + str(summaryTimeWindow) +
' ns are discarded. The energy thresholds are ' + (
'%f and %f' % (energyThresholdEB, energyThresholdEE)) +
' for EB and EE respectively.')
55 TimeAmpAll = cms.untracked.PSet(
56 kind = cms.untracked.string(
57 yaxis = cms.untracked.PSet(
58 high = cms.untracked.double(50.0),
59 nbins = cms.untracked.int32(200),
60 low = cms.untracked.double(-50.0),
61 title = cms.untracked.string(
'time (ns)')
63 otype = cms.untracked.string(
64 xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet(
65 edges = cms.untracked.vdouble(EaxisEdges),
66 title = cms.untracked.string(
'energy (GeV)')
68 btype = cms.untracked.string(
69 path = cms.untracked.string(
'%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sTimingTask/%(prefix)sTMT timing vs amplitude summary%(suffix)s'),
70 description = cms.untracked.string(
'Correlation between hit timing and energy. Only hits with GOOD or OUT_OF_TIME reconstruction flags are used.')
72 TimeAmp = cms.untracked.PSet(
73 kind = cms.untracked.string(
74 yaxis = cms.untracked.PSet(
75 high = cms.untracked.double(50.0),
76 nbins = cms.untracked.int32(200),
77 low = cms.untracked.double(-50.0),
78 title = cms.untracked.string(
'time (ns)')
80 otype = cms.untracked.string(
81 xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet(
82 edges = cms.untracked.vdouble(EaxisEdges),
83 title = cms.untracked.string(
'energy (GeV)')
85 btype = cms.untracked.string(
86 path = cms.untracked.string(
'%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sTimingTask/%(prefix)sTMT timing vs amplitude %(sm)s'),
87 description = cms.untracked.string(
'Correlation between hit timing and energy. Only hits with GOOD or OUT_OF_TIME reconstruction flags are used.')
89 Time1D = cms.untracked.PSet(
90 path = cms.untracked.string(
'%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sTimingTask/%(prefix)sTMT timing 1D %(sm)s'),
91 kind = cms.untracked.string(
92 otype = cms.untracked.string(
93 xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet(
94 high = cms.untracked.double(timeWindow),
95 nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100),
96 low = cms.untracked.double(-timeWindow),
97 title = cms.untracked.string(
'time (ns)')
99 btype = cms.untracked.string(
100 description = cms.untracked.string(
'Distribution of the mean rec hit timing. Only hits with GOOD or OUT_OF_TIME reconstruction flags and energy above threshold are used. The energy thresholds are ' + (
'%f and %f' % (energyThresholdEB, energyThresholdEE)) +
' for EB and EE respectively.')
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)