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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 ecalGlobalUncalibRecHit = cms.EDProducer("EcalUncalibRecHitProducer",
4  EBdigiCollection = cms.InputTag("ecalDigis","ebDigis"),
5  EEdigiCollection = cms.InputTag("ecalDigis","eeDigis"),
6  EBhitCollection = cms.string("EcalUncalibRecHitsEB"),
7  EEhitCollection = cms.string('EcalUncalibRecHitsEE'),
8  algo = cms.string("EcalUncalibRecHitWorkerGlobal"),
9  algoPSet = cms.PSet(
10  # for ratio method
11  EBtimeFitParameters = cms.vdouble(-2.015452e+00, 3.130702e+00, -1.234730e+01, 4.188921e+01, -8.283944e+01, 9.101147e+01, -5.035761e+01, 1.105621e+01),
12  EEtimeFitParameters = cms.vdouble(-2.390548e+00, 3.553628e+00, -1.762341e+01, 6.767538e+01, -1.332130e+02, 1.407432e+02, -7.541106e+01, 1.620277e+01),
13  EBamplitudeFitParameters = cms.vdouble(1.138,1.652),
14  EEamplitudeFitParameters = cms.vdouble(1.890,1.400),
15  EBtimeFitLimits_Lower = cms.double(0.2),
16  EBtimeFitLimits_Upper = cms.double(1.4),
17  EEtimeFitLimits_Lower = cms.double(0.2),
18  EEtimeFitLimits_Upper = cms.double(1.4),
19  # for kOutOfTime flag
20  EBtimeConstantTerm= cms.double(.6),
21  EBtimeNconst = cms.double(28.5),
22  EEtimeConstantTerm= cms.double(1.0),
23  EEtimeNconst = cms.double(31.8),
24  outOfTimeThresholdGain12pEB = cms.double(5), # times estimated precision
25  outOfTimeThresholdGain12mEB = cms.double(5), # times estimated precision
26  outOfTimeThresholdGain61pEB = cms.double(5), # times estimated precision
27  outOfTimeThresholdGain61mEB = cms.double(5), # times estimated precision
28  outOfTimeThresholdGain12pEE = cms.double(1000), # times estimated precision
29  outOfTimeThresholdGain12mEE = cms.double(1000), # times estimated precision
30  outOfTimeThresholdGain61pEE = cms.double(1000), # times estimated precision
31  outOfTimeThresholdGain61mEE = cms.double(1000), # times estimated precision
32  amplitudeThresholdEB = cms.double(10),
33  amplitudeThresholdEE = cms.double(10),
35  ebSpikeThreshold = cms.double(1.042),
37  ebPulseShape = cms.vdouble( 5.2e-05,-5.26e-05 , 6.66e-05, 0.1168, 0.7575, 1., 0.8876, 0.6732, 0.4741, 0.3194 ),
38  eePulseShape = cms.vdouble( 5.2e-05,-5.26e-05 , 6.66e-05, 0.1168, 0.7575, 1., 0.8876, 0.6732, 0.4741, 0.3194 ),
40  kPoorRecoFlagEB = cms.bool(True),
41  kPoorRecoFlagEE = cms.bool(False),
42  chi2ThreshEB_ = cms.double(36.0),
43  chi2ThreshEE_ = cms.double(95.0),
44  EBchi2Parameters = cms.vdouble(2.122, 0.022, 2.122, 0.022),
45  EEchi2Parameters = cms.vdouble(2.122, 0.022, 2.122, 0.022),
46  )
47 )