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2 import Geometry.TrackerGeometryBuilder.trackerGeometryConstants_cfi as trackerGeometryConstants_cfi
4 # misalignment scenarios
7 # algorithms
10 # parameters
13 looper = cms.Looper("AlignmentProducer",
14  AlignmentParameterStore, # configuration of AlignmentParameterStore
15  maxLoops = cms.untracked.uint32(1),
16  doTracker = cms.untracked.bool(True),
17  doMuon = cms.untracked.bool(False),
18  useExtras = cms.untracked.bool(False),
19  # Read survey info from DB: true requires configuration of PoolDBESSource
20  # See Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/test/readDB.cfg for an example
21  useSurvey = cms.bool(False),
23  # (Mis-)alignment including surface deformations from database
24  # true requires configuration of PoolDBESSource
25  applyDbAlignment = cms.untracked.bool(False),
27  # Checks the IOV of the alignment to be applied. Only has an effect
28  # if applyDbAlignment is True as well. If set to True, the alignment
29  # record to be applied is expected to have a validity from 1 to INF
30  checkDbAlignmentValidity = cms.untracked.bool(True),
32  # misalignment scenario
33  MisalignmentScenario = cms.PSet(NoMovementsScenario), # why not by reference?
34  doMisalignmentScenario = cms.bool(False),
35  # simple misalignment of selected alignables and selected dof (deprecated!)
36  randomShift = cms.double(0.0),
37  randomRotation = cms.double(0.0),
38  parameterSelectorSimple = cms.string('-1'),
40  # selection of alignables and their parameters
41  # see twiki: SWGuideAlignmentAlgorithms
42  ParameterBuilder = cms.PSet(parameterTypes = cms.vstring('Selector,RigidBody'),
43  Selector = cms.PSet(alignParams = cms.vstring('PixelHalfBarrelLayers,111000'))
44  ),
45  # number of selected alignables to be kept fixed (deprecated!)
46  nFixAlignables = cms.int32(0), # i.e. removed from selection above...
48  # event input
49  tjTkAssociationMapTag = cms.InputTag("TrackRefitter"),
50  beamSpotTag = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"),
51  hitPrescaleMapTag = cms.InputTag(""), # not used if empty
52  # run input
53  tkLasBeamTag = cms.InputTag(""), # not used if empty
55  # Choose one algorithm with configuration, HIP is default
56  algoConfig = cms.PSet(HIPAlignmentAlgorithm), # why not by reference?
57  # Some algorithms support integrated calibrations, which to use is defined
58  # by the string 'calibrationName' in the PSet of each calibration.
59  calibrations = cms.VPSet(),
60  # choose monitors (default is none)
61  monitorConfig = cms.PSet(monitors = cms.untracked.vstring()),
63  # VPSet that allows splitting of alignment parameters into various
64  # run ranges. The default is a run range independent alignment
65  RunRangeSelection = cms.VPSet(
66  #cms.PSet(RunRanges = cms.vstring('-1','140401','143488')
67  # selector = cms.vstring('TrackerTPBHalfBarrel,001000',
68  # 'TrackerTPEHalfDisk,111000')
69  #)
70  ),
72  # Tracker constants: different for SLHC pixel topology
73  trackerGeometryConstants = cms.PSet(trackerGeometryConstants_cfi.trackerGeometryConstants),
75  # Save alignment to DB: true requires configuration of PoolDBOutputService
76  saveToDB = cms.bool(False), # save alignment?
77  saveApeToDB = cms.bool(False), # save APE?
78  saveDeformationsToDB = cms.bool(False) # save surface deformations (bows, etc.)?
79  )