string | conddblib.__author__ = 'Miguel Ojeda' |
string | conddblib.__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2013, CERN' |
list | conddblib.__credits__ = ['Giacomo Govi', 'Miguel Ojeda', 'Andreas Pfeiffer'] |
string | conddblib.__email__ = 'mojedasa@cern.ch' |
string | conddblib.__license__ = 'Unknown' |
string | conddblib.__maintainer__ = 'Miguel Ojeda' |
tuple | conddblib._Base = sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base() |
string | conddblib.contact_help = 'If you need assistance, please write an email to %s and %s. If you need immediate/urgent assistance, you can call the Offline DB expert on call (%s).' |
string | conddblib.database_help |
int | conddblib.description_length = 4000 |
string | conddblib.empty_label = '-' |
tuple | conddblib.hash_length = len(hash('')) |
tuple | conddblib.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
int | conddblib.name_length = 100 |
string | conddblib.offline_db_experts_email = 'cms-offlinedb-exp@cern.ch' |
string | conddblib.offline_db_experts_phone = '+41 22 76 70817, or 70817 from CERN; check https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/DBShifterHelpPage if it does not work; availability depends on the state of the LHC' |
string | conddblib.web_experts_email = 'cms-cond-dev@cern.ch' |