Go to the documentation of this file. 1 buildfileTemplate =
2 <library file="$_CLASS_NAME_-PyWrapper.cc" name=$_CLASS_NAME_-PyInterface>
3 <use name=CondCore/Utilities>
4 <use name=CondFormats/$_PACKAGE_>
6 <use name=boost_filesystem>
7 <use name=boost_python>
14 #include "CondFormats/$_PACKAGE_/interface/$_HEADER_FILE_.h"
16 #include "CondCore/Utilities/interface/PayLoadInspector.h"
17 #include "CondCore/Utilities/interface/InspectorPythonWrapper.h"
25 class ValueExtractor<$_CLASS_NAME_>: public BaseValueExtractor<$_CLASS_NAME_> {
28 typedef $_CLASS_NAME_ Class;
29 typedef ExtractWhat<Class> What;
30 static What what() { return What();}
33 ValueExtractor(What const & what)
35 // here one can make stuff really complicated...
37 void compute(Class const & it){
46 PayLoadInspector<$_CLASS_NAME_>::dump() const {
53 std::string PayLoadInspector<$_CLASS_NAME_>::summary() const {
60 std::string PayLoadInspector<$_CLASS_NAME_>::plot(std::string const & filename,
62 std::vector<int> const&,
63 std::vector<float> const& ) const {
64 std::string fname = filename + ".png";
65 std::ofstream f(fname.c_str());