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postLS1Customs Namespace Reference


def customise_Digi
def customise_DigiToRaw
def customise_DQM
def customise_harvesting
def customise_HLT
def customise_L1Emulator
def customise_RawToDigi
def customise_Reco
def customise_Sim
def customise_Validation
def customisePostLS1
def digiEventContent
def recoOutputCustoms

Function Documentation

def postLS1Customs.customise_Digi (   process)

Definition at line 75 of file

References digiEventContent().

Referenced by customisePostLS1().

76 def customise_Digi(process):
77  process=digiEventContent(process)
78  if hasattr(process,'mix') and hasattr(process.mix,'digitizers'):
79  if hasattr(process.mix.digitizers,'hcal') and hasattr(process.mix.digitizers.hcal,'ho'):
80  process.mix.digitizers.hcal.ho.photoelectronsToAnalog = cms.vdouble([4.0]*16)
81  process.mix.digitizers.hcal.ho.siPMCode = cms.int32(1)
82  process.mix.digitizers.hcal.ho.pixels = cms.int32(2500)
83  process.mix.digitizers.hcal.ho.doSiPMSmearing = cms.bool(False)
84  if hasattr(process.mix.digitizers,'hcal') and hasattr(process.mix.digitizers.hcal,'hf1'):
85  process.mix.digitizers.hcal.hf1.samplingFactor = cms.double(0.60)
86  if hasattr(process.mix.digitizers,'hcal') and hasattr(process.mix.digitizers.hcal,'hf2'):
87  process.mix.digitizers.hcal.hf2.samplingFactor = cms.double(0.60)
88  if hasattr(process.mix.digitizers,'pixel'):
89  # DynamicInefficency - 13TeV - 50ns case
90  if process.mix.bunchspace == 50:
91  process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theInstLumiScaleFactor = cms.double(246.4)
92  process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theLadderEfficiency_BPix1 = cms.vdouble(
93  0.979259,
94  0.976677,
95  0.979259,
96  0.976677,
97  0.979259,
98  0.976677,
99  0.979259,
100  0.976677,
101  0.979259,
102  0.976677,
103  0.979259,
104  0.976677,
105  0.979259,
106  0.976677,
107  0.979259,
108  0.976677,
109  0.979259,
110  0.976677,
111  0.979259,
112  0.976677,
113  )
114  process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theLadderEfficiency_BPix2 = cms.vdouble(
115  0.994321,
116  0.993944,
117  0.994321,
118  0.993944,
119  0.994321,
120  0.993944,
121  0.994321,
122  0.993944,
123  0.994321,
124  0.993944,
125  0.994321,
126  0.993944,
127  0.994321,
128  0.993944,
129  0.994321,
130  0.993944,
131  0.994321,
132  0.993944,
133  0.994321,
134  0.993944,
135  0.994321,
136  0.993944,
137  0.994321,
138  0.993944,
139  0.994321,
140  0.993944,
141  0.994321,
142  0.993944,
143  0.994321,
144  0.993944,
145  0.994321,
146  0.993944,
147  )
148  process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theLadderEfficiency_BPix3 = cms.vdouble(
149  0.996787,
150  0.996945,
151  0.996787,
152  0.996945,
153  0.996787,
154  0.996945,
155  0.996787,
156  0.996945,
157  0.996787,
158  0.996945,
159  0.996787,
160  0.996945,
161  0.996787,
162  0.996945,
163  0.996787,
164  0.996945,
165  0.996787,
166  0.996945,
167  0.996787,
168  0.996945,
169  0.996787,
170  0.996945,
171  0.996787,
172  0.996945,
173  0.996787,
174  0.996945,
175  0.996787,
176  0.996945,
177  0.996787,
178  0.996945,
179  0.996787,
180  0.996945,
181  0.996787,
182  0.996945,
183  0.996787,
184  0.996945,
185  0.996787,
186  0.996945,
187  0.996787,
188  0.996945,
189  0.996787,
190  0.996945,
191  0.996787,
192  0.996945,
193  )
194  # DynamicInefficency - 13TeV - 25ns case
195  if process.mix.bunchspace == 25:
196  process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theInstLumiScaleFactor = cms.double(364)
197  process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theLadderEfficiency_BPix1 = cms.vdouble(
198  1,
199  1,
200  1,
201  1,
202  1,
203  1,
204  1,
205  1,
206  1,
207  1,
208  1,
209  1,
210  1,
211  1,
212  1,
213  1,
214  1,
215  1,
216  1,
217  1,
218  )
219  process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theLadderEfficiency_BPix2 = cms.vdouble(
220  1,
221  1,
222  1,
223  1,
224  1,
225  1,
226  1,
227  1,
228  1,
229  1,
230  1,
231  1,
232  1,
233  1,
234  1,
235  1,
236  1,
237  1,
238  1,
239  1,
240  1,
241  1,
242  1,
243  1,
244  1,
245  1,
246  1,
247  1,
248  1,
249  1,
250  1,
251  1,
252  )
253  process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theLadderEfficiency_BPix3 = cms.vdouble(
254  1,
255  1,
256  1,
257  1,
258  1,
259  1,
260  1,
261  1,
262  1,
263  1,
264  1,
265  1,
266  1,
267  1,
268  1,
269  1,
270  1,
271  1,
272  1,
273  1,
274  1,
275  1,
276  1,
277  1,
278  1,
279  1,
280  1,
281  1,
282  1,
283  1,
284  1,
285  1,
286  1,
287  1,
288  1,
289  1,
290  1,
291  1,
292  1,
293  1,
294  1,
295  1,
296  1,
297  1,
298  )
299  process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theModuleEfficiency_BPix1 = cms.vdouble(
300  1,
301  1,
302  1,
303  1,
304  )
305  process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theModuleEfficiency_BPix2 = cms.vdouble(
306  1,
307  1,
308  1,
309  1,
310  )
311  process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theModuleEfficiency_BPix3 = cms.vdouble(
312  1,
313  1,
314  1,
315  1,
316  )
317  process.mix.digitizers.pixel.thePUEfficiency_BPix1 = cms.vdouble(
318  1.00023,
319  -3.18350e-06,
320  5.08503e-10,
321  -6.79785e-14,
322  )
323  process.mix.digitizers.pixel.thePUEfficiency_BPix2 = cms.vdouble(
324  9.99974e-01,
325  -8.91313e-07,
326  5.29196e-12,
327  -2.28725e-15,
328  )
329  process.mix.digitizers.pixel.thePUEfficiency_BPix3 = cms.vdouble(
330  1.00005,
331  -6.59249e-07,
332  2.75277e-11,
333  -1.62683e-15,
334  )
335  return process
def postLS1Customs.customise_DigiToRaw (   process)

Definition at line 346 of file

Referenced by customisePostLS1().

347 def customise_DigiToRaw(process):
348  return process
def postLS1Customs.customise_DQM (   process)

Definition at line 54 of file

Referenced by customisePostLS1().

55 def customise_DQM(process):
56  #process.dqmoffline_step.remove(process.jetMETAnalyzer)
57  # Turn off flag of gangedME11a
58  process.l1tCsctf.gangedME11a = cms.untracked.bool(False)
59  return process
def postLS1Customs.customise_harvesting (   process)

Definition at line 375 of file

Referenced by customisePostLS1().

376 def customise_harvesting(process):
377  #process.dqmHarvesting.remove(process.dataCertificationJetMET)
378  #process.dqmHarvesting.remove(process.sipixelEDAClient)
379  #process.dqmHarvesting.remove(process.sipixelCertification)
380  return (process)
def postLS1Customs.customise_HLT (   process)

Definition at line 350 of file

References muonCustoms.customise_csc_hlt().

Referenced by customisePostLS1().

351 def customise_HLT(process):
352  process=customise_csc_hlt(process)
353  return process
def customise_csc_hlt
def postLS1Customs.customise_L1Emulator (   process)

Definition at line 337 of file

Referenced by customisePostLS1().

338 def customise_L1Emulator(process):
339  return process
def postLS1Customs.customise_RawToDigi (   process)

Definition at line 341 of file

Referenced by customisePostLS1().

342 def customise_RawToDigi(process):
343  process.RawToDigi.remove(process.gtEvmDigis)
344  return process
def postLS1Customs.customise_Reco (   process)

Definition at line 355 of file

Referenced by customisePostLS1().

356 def customise_Reco(process):
357  #lowering HO threshold with SiPM
358  if hasattr(process,'particleFlowRecHitHO'):
359  for prod in process.particleFlowRecHitHO.producers:
360  prod.qualityTests = cms.VPSet(
361  cms.PSet(
362  name = cms.string("PFRecHitQTestThreshold"),
363  threshold = cms.double(0.05) # new threshold for SiPM HO
364  ),
365  cms.PSet(
366  name = cms.string("PFRecHitQTestHCALChannel"),
367  maxSeverities = cms.vint32(11),
368  cleaningThresholds = cms.vdouble(0.0),
369  flags = cms.vstring('Standard')
370  )
371  )
373  return process
def postLS1Customs.customise_Sim (   process)

Definition at line 69 of file

Referenced by customisePostLS1().

70 def customise_Sim(process):
71  # enable 2015 HF shower library
72  process.g4SimHits.HFShowerLibrary.FileName = 'SimG4CMS/Calo/data/HFShowerLibrary_npmt_noatt_eta4_16en.root'
73  return process
def postLS1Customs.customise_Validation (   process)

Definition at line 61 of file

Referenced by customisePostLS1().

62 def customise_Validation(process):
63  #process.validation_step.remove(process.PixelTrackingRecHitsValid)
64  # We don't run the HLT
65  #process.validation_step.remove(process.HLTSusyExoVal)
66  #process.validation_step.remove(process.hltHiggsValidator)
67  return process
def postLS1Customs.customisePostLS1 (   process)

Definition at line 7 of file

References muonCustoms.customise_csc_PostLS1(), customise_Digi(), customise_DigiToRaw(), customise_DQM(), customise_harvesting(), customise_HLT(), customise_L1Emulator(), customise_RawToDigi(), customise_Reco(), customise_Sim(), customise_Validation(), and customsPostLS1.customiseSimL1EmulatorForPostLS1().

Referenced by combinedCustoms.cust_2017(), and combinedCustoms.cust_2019().

8 def customisePostLS1(process):
10  # deal with CSC separately:
11  process = customise_csc_PostLS1(process)
13  # deal with L1 Emulation separately:
16  # all the rest:
17  if hasattr(process,'g4SimHits'):
18  process=customise_Sim(process)
19  if hasattr(process,'DigiToRaw'):
20  process=customise_DigiToRaw(process)
21  if hasattr(process,'RawToDigi'):
22  process=customise_RawToDigi(process)
23  if hasattr(process,'reconstruction'):
24  process=customise_Reco(process)
25  if hasattr(process,'digitisation_step'):
26  process=customise_Digi(process)
27  if hasattr(process,'HLTSchedule'):
28  process=customise_HLT(process)
29  if hasattr(process,'L1simulation_step'):
30  process=customise_L1Emulator(process)
31  if hasattr(process,'dqmoffline_step'):
32  process=customise_DQM(process)
33  if hasattr(process,'dqmHarvesting'):
34  process=customise_harvesting(process)
35  if hasattr(process,'validation_step'):
36  process=customise_Validation(process)
38  return process
def customiseSimL1EmulatorForPostLS1
def customise_csc_PostLS1
def postLS1Customs.digiEventContent (   process)

Definition at line 40 of file

Referenced by customise_Digi().

41 def digiEventContent(process):
42  #extend the event content
45  for a in alist:
46  b=a+'output'
47  if hasattr(process,b):
48  getattr(process,b).outputCommands.append('keep *_simMuonCSCDigis_*_*')
49  getattr(process,b).outputCommands.append('keep *_simMuonRPCDigis_*_*')
50  getattr(process,b).outputCommands.append('keep *_simHcalUnsuppressedDigis_*_*')
52  return process
def postLS1Customs.recoOutputCustoms (   process)

Definition at line 381 of file

382 def recoOutputCustoms(process):
385  for a in alist:
386  b=a+'output'
387  if hasattr(process,b):
388  getattr(process,b).outputCommands.append('keep *_simMuonCSCDigis_*_*')
389  getattr(process,b).outputCommands.append('keep *_simMuonRPCDigis_*_*')
390  getattr(process,b).outputCommands.append('keep *_simHcalUnsuppressedDigis_*_*')
391  getattr(process,b).outputCommands.append('keep *_rawDataCollector_*_*')
392  return process