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3 # The services
6 L2Muons = cms.EDProducer("L2MuonProducer",
7  MuonTrackLoaderForSTA,
8  MuonServiceProxy,
9  InputObjects = cms.InputTag("L2MuonSeeds"),
10  MuonTrajectoryBuilder = cms.string("StandAloneMuonTrajectoryBuilder"),
11  DoSeedRefit = cms.bool(False),
12  SeedTransformerParameters = cms.PSet(
13  Fitter = cms.string("hltESPKFFittingSmootherForL2Muon"),
14  MuonRecHitBuilder = cms.string("hltESPMuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder"),
15  NMinRecHits = cms.uint32(2),
16  UseSubRecHits = cms.bool(False),
17  Propagator = cms.string("hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny"),
18  RescaleError = cms.double(100.0)
19  ),
20  L2TrajBuilderParameters = cms.PSet(
21  DoRefit = cms.bool(False),
22  FilterParameters = cms.PSet(
23  NumberOfSigma = cms.double(3.0),
24  FitDirection = cms.string('insideOut'),
25  DTRecSegmentLabel = cms.InputTag("dt4DSegments"),
26  MaxChi2 = cms.double(1000.0),
27  MuonTrajectoryUpdatorParameters = cms.PSet(
28  MaxChi2 = cms.double(25.0),
29  RescaleError = cms.bool(False),
30  RescaleErrorFactor = cms.double(100.0),
31  Granularity = cms.int32(0),
32  ExcludeRPCFromFit = cms.bool(False),
33  UseInvalidHits = cms.bool(True),
34  ),
35  EnableRPCMeasurement = cms.bool(True),
36  CSCRecSegmentLabel = cms.InputTag("cscSegments"),
37  EnableDTMeasurement = cms.bool(True),
38  RPCRecSegmentLabel = cms.InputTag("rpcRecHits"),
39  Propagator = cms.string('SteppingHelixPropagatorL2Any'),
40  EnableCSCMeasurement = cms.bool(True)
41  ),
42  # a precise propagation direction can be choosen accordingly with the
43  # above seed position
44  SeedPropagator = cms.string('SteppingHelixPropagatorL2Any'),
45  NavigationType = cms.string('Standard'),
46  DoBackwardFilter = cms.bool(True),
47  # where you want the seed (in,out)
48  SeedPosition = cms.string('in'),
49  BWFilterParameters = cms.PSet(
50  NumberOfSigma = cms.double(3.0),
51  BWSeedType = cms.string('fromGenerator'),
52  FitDirection = cms.string('outsideIn'),
53  DTRecSegmentLabel = cms.InputTag("dt4DSegments"),
54  MaxChi2 = cms.double(100.0),
55  MuonTrajectoryUpdatorParameters = cms.PSet(
56  MaxChi2 = cms.double(25.0),
57  RescaleError = cms.bool(False),
58  RescaleErrorFactor = cms.double(100.0),
59  Granularity = cms.int32(2),
60  ExcludeRPCFromFit = cms.bool( False ),
61  UseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
62  ),
63  EnableRPCMeasurement = cms.bool(True),
64  CSCRecSegmentLabel = cms.InputTag("cscSegments"),
65  EnableDTMeasurement = cms.bool(True),
66  RPCRecSegmentLabel = cms.InputTag("rpcRecHits"),
67  Propagator = cms.string('SteppingHelixPropagatorL2Any'),
68  EnableCSCMeasurement = cms.bool(True)
69  ),
70  )
71 )