Go to the source code of this file.
string | rpc-layouts.bx = "RPC BX distribution " |
string | rpc-layouts.clsize = "Cluster Size of RPC system" |
string | rpc-layouts.fed = "FED Fatal Errors" |
string | rpc-layouts.nrofcl = "Number of clusters, i.e. reconstructed hits." |
string | rpc-layouts.nrofdigi = "Number of single hits." |
string | rpc-layouts.occupancy = "Occupancy " |
string | rpc-layouts.rpcevents = "Events processed by the RPC DQM" |
string | rpc-layouts.rpclink = " >>> <a href=https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/DQMShiftRPC>Description</a>" |
| define varialbles for frequently used strings ############# More...
string | rpc-layouts.summary = "summary map for rpc, this is NOT an efficiency measurement" |
string | rpc-layouts.top = "RPC TOP Summary Histogram <br><font color=green><b>GREEN</b> - Good Chamber </font><br> <font color=blue><b>BLUE</b> - Chamber OFF</font><br> <font color=yellow><b>YELLOW</b> - Noisy Strip </font><br> <font color=orange><b>ORANGE</b> - Noisy Chamber </font><br> <font color=pink><b>PINK</b> - Partly Dead Chamber </font><br> <font color=red><b>RED</b> - Fully Dead Chamber </font><br> <font color=aqua><b>LIGHT BLUE</b> - Bad Occupancy Shape </font> <br>" |