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3 # Module to create simulated GEM digis.
4 simMuonGEMDigis = cms.EDProducer("GEMDigiProducer",
5  signalPropagationSpeed = cms.double(0.66),
6  cosmics = cms.bool(False),
7  timeResolution = cms.double(5),
8  timeJitter = cms.double(1.0),
9  averageShapingTime = cms.double(50.0),
10 # averageClusterSize = cms.double(1.5),#1.5
11 #cumulative cls distribution at 771 mkA; experimental results from test pion beam
12  clsParametrization = cms.vdouble(0.455091, 0.865613, 0.945891, 0.973286, 0.986234, 0.991686, 0.996865, 0.998501, 1.),
13 #cumulative cls distribution at 752 mkA; experimental results from test pion beam
14 # clsParametrization = cms.vdouble(0.663634, 0.928571, 0.967544, 0.982665, 0.990288, 0.994222, 0.997541, 0.999016, 1.),
15  averageEfficiency = cms.double(0.98),
16  averageNoiseRate = cms.double(0.001), #intrinsic noise
17  bxwidth = cms.int32(25),
18  minBunch = cms.int32(-5), ## in terms of 25 ns
19  maxBunch = cms.int32(3),
20  inputCollection = cms.string('g4SimHitsMuonGEMHits'),
21  digiModelString = cms.string('Simple'),
22  digitizeOnlyMuons = cms.bool(True),
23  doBkgNoise = cms.bool(True), #False == No background simulation
24  doNoiseCLS = cms.bool(True),
25  fixedRollRadius = cms.bool(True), #Uses fixed radius in the center of the roll
26  minPabsNoiseCLS = cms.double(0.),
27  simulateIntrinsicNoise = cms.bool(False),
28  scaleLumi = cms.double(1.),
29 #Parameters for background model
30  simulateElectronBkg = cms.bool(False), #False=simulate only neutral Bkg
31 #const and slope for the expo model of neutral bkg for GE1/1:
32  constNeuGE11 = cms.double(807.1),
33  slopeNeuGE11 = cms.double(-0.01443),
34 #params for the simple pol5 model of neutral bkg for GE2/1:
35  GE21NeuBkgParams = cms.vdouble(2954.04, -58.7558, 0.473481, -0.00188292, 3.67041e-06, -2.80261e-09),
36 #params for the simple pol3 model of electron bkg for GE1/1:
37  GE11ElecBkgParams = cms.vdouble(2135.93, -33.1251, 0.177738, -0.000319334),
38 #params for the simple pol6 model of electron bkg for GE2/1:
39  GE21ElecBkgParams = cms.vdouble(-43642.2, 1335.98, -16.476, 0.105281, -0.000368758, 6.72937e-07, -5.00872e-10)
41 )