Go to the documentation of this file.
2 Created on Jun 26, 2013
3 @author: Mantas Stankevicius
4 @contact: mantas.stankevicius@cern.ch
5 http://cmsdoxy.web.cern.ch/cmsdoxy/dataformats/
13 "title":
"RecoLocalMuon collections (in RECO and AOD)",
16 "instance":
18 "desc":
"No documentation"
21 "instance":
23 "desc":
"No documentation"
26 "instance":
28 "desc":
"No documentation"
31 "instance":
33 "desc":
"No documentation"
38 "title":
"RecoLocalMuon collections (in AOD only)",
44 "title":
"RecoLocalMuon collections (in RECO only)",
47 "instance":
48 "container":
49 "desc":
"DT segment in a full chamber"
52 "instance":
53 "container":
54 "desc":
"DT 1D rechits with L/R ambiguity"
57 "instance":
59 "desc":
"No documentation"
62 "instance":
64 "desc":
"No documentation"
67 "instance":
68 "container":
69 "desc":
"CSC segments [A CSCSegment is built from the rechits in one CSC on a track; a CSCSegment is also, formally, itself a rechit]"
72 "instance":
73 "container":
74 "desc":
"CSC rechits [A CSCRecHit2D is a reconstructed hit on one layer of a CSC. Effectively 3-dim: 2-d x, y but CSCLayer - labelled by CSCDetId - gives z]"
77 "instance":
78 "container":
82 "instance":
83 "container":
84 "desc":
"DT segment in one projection"