This is the complete list of members for reco::CaloJet, including all inherited members.
addDaughter(const CandidatePtr &) | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | inline |
begin() const | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | virtual |
begin() | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | virtual |
beginFilter(const S &s) const | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
boostToCM() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
cacheCartesian() const | reco::LeafCandidate | inlineprotected |
cacheCartesianFixed_ | reco::LeafCandidate | mutableprotected |
cachePolar() const | reco::LeafCandidate | inlineprotected |
cachePolarFixed_ | reco::LeafCandidate | mutableprotected |
CaloJet() | reco::CaloJet | inline |
CaloJet(const LorentzVector &fP4, const Point &fVertex, const Specific &fSpecific, const Jet::Constituents &fConstituents) | reco::CaloJet | |
CaloJet(const LorentzVector &fP4, const Point &fVertex, const Specific &fSpecific) | reco::CaloJet | |
CaloJet(const LorentzVector &fP4, const Specific &fSpecific, const Jet::Constituents &fConstituents) | reco::CaloJet | |
Candidate() | reco::Candidate | inline |
Charge typedef | reco::LeafCandidate | |
charge() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
clearCache() const | reco::LeafCandidate | inlineprotected |
clearDaughters() | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | inline |
clone() const | reco::CaloJet | virtual |
CompositePtrCandidate() | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | inline |
CompositePtrCandidate(Charge q, const LorentzVector &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true) | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | inline |
CompositePtrCandidate(Charge q, const PolarLorentzVector &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true) | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | inline |
CompositePtrCandidate(const Candidate &p) | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | inlineexplicit |
const_iterator typedef | reco::Candidate | |
Constituent typedef | reco::Jet | |
constituentEtaPhiSpread() const | reco::Jet | |
constituentPtDistribution() const | reco::Jet | |
Constituents typedef | reco::Jet | |
ConstituentTypeFwdPtr typedef | reco::CaloJet | |
ConstituentTypePtr typedef | reco::CaloJet | |
CovarianceMatrix typedef | reco::Candidate | |
daughter(size_type) const | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | virtual |
daughter(size_type) | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | virtual |
reco::LeafCandidate::daughter(const std::string &s) | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
reco::LeafCandidate::daughter(const std::string &s) const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
daughterPtr(size_type i) const | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | inline |
daughterPtrVector() const | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | inline |
daughters typedef | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | |
detectorEta(float fZVertex, float fPhysicsEta) | reco::Jet | static |
detectorP4() const | reco::CaloJet | |
reco::Jet::detectorP4(const Candidate::Point &vertex, const Candidate &inParticle) | reco::Jet | static |
dimension enum value | reco::Candidate | |
dmass(GlobalVector v, double e) | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinestatic |
emEnergyFraction() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
emEnergyInEB() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
emEnergyInEE() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
emEnergyInHF() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
end() const | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | virtual |
end() | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | virtual |
endFilter(const S &s) const | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
energy() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
energyFractionHadronic() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
et() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
eta() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
eta_ | reco::LeafCandidate | protected |
etaetaMoment() const | reco::Jet | |
etaphiMoment() const | reco::Jet | |
etaPhiStatistics() const | reco::Jet | |
etInAnnulus(float fRmin, float fRmax) const | reco::Jet | |
fillVertexCovariance(CovarianceMatrix &v) const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
get() const | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
get() const | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
get(size_type i) const | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
get(size_type i) const | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
getCaloConstituent(unsigned fIndex) const | reco::CaloJet | virtual |
getCaloConstituents() const | reco::CaloJet | virtual |
getJetConstituents() const | reco::Jet | virtual |
getJetConstituentsQuick() const | reco::Jet | virtual |
getSpecific() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
getTowerIndices() const | reco::CaloJet | |
hadEnergyInHB() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
hadEnergyInHE() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
hadEnergyInHF() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
hadEnergyInHO() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
hasMasterClone() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
hasMasterClonePtr() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
index typedef | reco::LeafCandidate | |
isCaloMuon() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
isConvertedPhoton() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
isElectron() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
isGlobalMuon() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
isJet() const | reco::Jet | virtual |
isMuon() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
isPhoton() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
isStandAloneMuon() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
isTrackerMuon() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
iterator typedef | reco::Candidate | |
Jet() | reco::Jet | inline |
Jet(const LorentzVector &fP4, const Point &fVertex) | reco::Jet | |
Jet(const LorentzVector &fP4, const Point &fVertex, const Constituents &fConstituents) | reco::Jet | |
jetArea() const | reco::Jet | inlinevirtual |
LeafCandidate() | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
LeafCandidate(const Candidate &c) | reco::LeafCandidate | inlineexplicit |
LeafCandidate(Charge q, const P4 &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true) | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
LeafCandidate(Charge q, const PtEtaPhiMass &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true) | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
LeafCandidate(Charge q, const LorentzVector &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true) | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
LeafCandidate(Charge q, const PolarLorentzVector &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true) | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
LeafCandidate(Charge q, const GlobalVector &p3, float iEnergy, bool massless, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true) | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
LeafCandidate(Charge q, const GlobalVector &p3, float iEnergy, float imass, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true) | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
longLived() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
longLivedTag | reco::LeafCandidate | static |
LorentzVector typedef | reco::LeafCandidate | |
m_specific | reco::CaloJet | private |
magd(GlobalVector v) | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinestatic |
mass() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
mass_ | reco::LeafCandidate | protected |
massConstraint() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
massConstraintTag | reco::LeafCandidate | static |
massSqr() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
masterClone() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
masterClonePtr() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
masterRef() const | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
maxDistance() const | reco::Jet | |
maxEInEmTowers() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
maxEInHadTowers() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
momentum() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
mother(size_t i=0) const | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | virtual |
mothers typedef | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | |
mt() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
mtSqr() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
n60() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
n90() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
nCarrying(float fFraction) const | reco::Jet | |
nConstituents() const | reco::Jet | inlinevirtual |
nPasses() const | reco::Jet | inlinevirtual |
numberOf() const | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
numberOf() const | reco::LeafCandidate | inline |
numberOfDaughters() const | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | virtual |
numberOfMothers() const | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | virtual |
numberOfSourceCandidatePtrs() const | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | virtual |
overlap(const Candidate &) const | reco::CaloJet | privatevirtual |
p() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
p4() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
p4Cartesian_ | reco::LeafCandidate | mutableprotected |
p4Polar_ | reco::LeafCandidate | mutableprotected |
pdgId() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
pdgId_ | reco::LeafCandidate | protected |
phi() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
phi_ | reco::LeafCandidate | protected |
phiphiMoment() const | reco::Jet | |
physicsEta(float fZVertex, float fDetectorEta) | reco::Jet | static |
physicsP4(const Particle::Point &vertex) const | reco::CaloJet | |
reco::Jet::physicsP4(const Candidate::Point &newVertex, const Candidate &inParticle, const Candidate::Point &oldVertex=Candidate::Point(0, 0, 0)) | reco::Jet | static |
pileup() const | reco::Jet | inlinevirtual |
Point typedef | reco::LeafCandidate | |
PolarLorentzVector typedef | reco::LeafCandidate | |
polarP4() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
print() const | reco::CaloJet | virtual |
pt() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
pt_ | reco::LeafCandidate | protected |
px() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
py() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
pz() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
qx3_ | reco::LeafCandidate | protected |
rapidity() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
scaleEnergy(double fScale) | reco::Jet | virtual |
setCharge(Charge q) GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
setJetArea(float fArea) | reco::Jet | inlinevirtual |
setLongLived() GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
setMass(double m) GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
setMassConstraint() GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
setNPasses(int fPasses) | reco::Jet | inlinevirtual |
setP4(const LorentzVector &p4) GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
setP4(const PolarLorentzVector &p4) GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
setPdgId(int pdgId) GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
setPileup(float fEnergy) | reco::Jet | inlinevirtual |
setPz(double pz) GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
setSourceCandidatePtr(const CandidatePtr &ptr) | reco::Candidate | inlinevirtual |
setStatus(int status) GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
setThreeCharge(Charge qx3) GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
setVertex(const Point &vertex) | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
size enum value | reco::Candidate | |
size_type typedef | reco::Candidate | |
sourceCandidatePtr(size_type i) const | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | virtual |
status() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
status_ | reco::LeafCandidate | protected |
theta() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
threeCharge() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
towersArea() const | reco::CaloJet | inline |
Vector typedef | reco::LeafCandidate | |
vertex() const | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
vertex_ | reco::LeafCandidate | protected |
vertexChi2() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
vertexCovariance(int i, int j) const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
vertexCovariance() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
vertexNdof() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
vertexNormalizedChi2() const | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |
vx() const | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
vy() const | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
vz() const | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
y() const GCC11_FINAL | reco::LeafCandidate | inlinevirtual |
~CaloJet() | reco::CaloJet | inlinevirtual |
~Candidate() | reco::Candidate | virtual |
~CompositePtrCandidate() | reco::CompositePtrCandidate | virtual |
~Jet() | reco::Jet | inlinevirtual |
~LeafCandidate() | reco::LeafCandidate | virtual |