1 #ifndef CaloSimAlgos_CaloHitResponse_h
2 #define CaloSimAlgos_CaloHitResponse_h
9 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandPoissonQ.h"
22 #define ChangeHcalEnergyScale
146 #ifdef ChangeHcalEnergyScale
float hcal_en_scale[100][72][4]
void setGeometry(const CaloGeometry *geometry)
geometry needed for time-of-flight
CaloSamples makeBlankSignal(const DetId &detId) const
creates an empty signal for this DetId
virtual ~CaloHitResponse()
doesn't delete the pointers passed in
CLHEP::RandPoissonQ * theRandPoisson
bool withinBunchRange(int bunchCrossing) const
check if crossing is within bunch range:
virtual CaloSamples makeAnalogSignal(const PCaloHit &inputHit) const
creates the signal corresponding to this hit
virtual bool keepBlank() const
Electronic response of the preamp.
CaloHitResponse(const CaloVSimParameterMap *parameterMap, const CaloVShape *shape)
void setPECorrection(const CaloVPECorrection *peCorrection)
if you want to correct the photoelectrons
Main class for Parameters in different subdetectors.
const CaloGeometry * theGeometry
void setPhaseShift(const double &thePhaseShift)
setting the phase shift for asynchronous trigger (e.g. test beams)
const CaloVPECorrection * thePECorrection
std::map< DetId, CaloSamples > AnalogSignalMap
void setHitFilter(const CaloVHitFilter *filter)
if you want to reject hits, for example, from a certain subdetector, set this
Creates electronics signals from hits.
virtual void initializeHits()
Initialize hits.
virtual void add(const PCaloHit &hit)
process a single SimHit
void setHBHEScale(std::string &)
double timeOfFlight(const DetId &detId) const
double analogSignalAmplitude(const DetId &id, float energy, const CaloSimParameters ¶meters) const
const CaloVHitCorrection * theHitCorrection
AnalogSignalMap theAnalogSignalMap
virtual void run(MixCollection< PCaloHit > &hits)
Complete cell digitization.
virtual void finalizeHits()
Finalize hits.
const CaloShapes * theShapes
const CaloVSimParameterMap * theParameterMap
void setBunchRange(int minBunch, int maxBunch)
tells it which pileup bunches to do
CaloSamples * findSignal(const DetId &detId)
users can look for the signal for a given cell
ESHandle< TrackerGeometry > geometry
void setHitCorrection(const CaloVHitCorrection *hitCorrection)
If you want to correct hits, for attenuation or delay, set this.
void clear()
frees up memory
void addHit(const PCaloHit *hit, CaloSamples &frame) const
adds the amplitude for a single hit to the frame
const CaloVHitFilter * theHitFilter
virtual void setRandomEngine(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine &engine)
const CaloVShape * theShape
int nSignals() const
number of signals in the current cache