This is the complete list of members for PFBlockAlgo, including all inherited members.
associate(IE next, IE last, std::vector< PFBlockLink > &links) | PFBlockAlgo | private |
blocks() const | PFBlockAlgo | inline |
blocks_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
bNoSuperclus_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
buildGraph() | PFBlockAlgo | private |
checkDisplacedVertexLinks(reco::PFBlock &block) const | PFBlockAlgo | private |
checkMaskSize(const reco::PFRecTrackCollection &tracks, const reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection &gsftracks, const reco::PFClusterCollection &ecals, const reco::PFClusterCollection &hcals, const reco::PFClusterCollection &hos, const reco::PFClusterCollection &hfems, const reco::PFClusterCollection &hfhads, const reco::PFClusterCollection &pss, const reco::PhotonCollection &egphh, const reco::SuperClusterCollection &sceb, const reco::SuperClusterCollection &scee, const Mask &trackMask, const Mask &gsftrackMask, const Mask &ecalMask, const Mask &hcalMask, const Mask &hoMask, const Mask &hfemMask, const Mask &hfhadMask, const Mask &psMask, const Mask &phMask, const Mask &scMask) const | PFBlockAlgo | private |
debug_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
DPtovPtCut_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
dummyMask_ | PFBlockAlgo | privatestatic |
elements_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
fillFromPhoton(const T< reco::PhotonCollection > &, unsigned isc, reco::PFBlockElementSuperCluster *pfbe) | PFBlockAlgo | private |
findBlocks() | PFBlockAlgo | |
goodPtResolution(const reco::TrackRef &trackref) | PFBlockAlgo | private |
IBC typedef | PFBlockAlgo | |
IE typedef | PFBlockAlgo | |
IEC typedef | PFBlockAlgo | |
link(const reco::PFBlockElement *el1, const reco::PFBlockElement *el2, PFBlockLink::Type &linktype, reco::PFBlock::LinkTest &linktest, double &dist) const | PFBlockAlgo | private |
linkPrefilter(const reco::PFBlockElement *last, const reco::PFBlockElement *next) const | PFBlockAlgo | inlineprivate |
Mask typedef | PFBlockAlgo | |
muAssocToTrack(const reco::TrackRef &trackref, const edm::Handle< reco::MuonCollection > &muonh) const | PFBlockAlgo | private |
muAssocToTrack(const reco::TrackRef &trackref, const edm::OrphanHandle< reco::MuonCollection > &muonh) const | PFBlockAlgo | private |
NHitCut_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
nuclearInteractionsPurity_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
operator<<(std::ostream &, const PFBlockAlgo &) | PFBlockAlgo | friend |
packLinks(reco::PFBlock &block, const std::vector< PFBlockLink > &links) const | PFBlockAlgo | private |
PFBlockAlgo() | PFBlockAlgo | |
pfclusterassoc_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
pfcSCVec_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
photonSelector_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
PSELinker_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
scpfcRefs_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
setDebug(bool debug) | PFBlockAlgo | inline |
setHOTag(bool ho) | PFBlockAlgo | inline |
setInput(const T< reco::PFRecTrackCollection > &trackh, const T< reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection > &gsftrackh, const T< reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection > &convbremgsftrackh, const T< reco::MuonCollection > &muonh, const T< reco::PFDisplacedTrackerVertexCollection > &nuclearh, const T< reco::PFRecTrackCollection > &nucleartrackh, const T< reco::PFConversionCollection > &conv, const T< reco::PFV0Collection > &v0, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &ecalh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &hcalh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &hoh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &hfemh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &hfhadh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &psh, const T< reco::PhotonCollection > &egphh, const T< reco::SuperClusterCollection > &sceb, const T< reco::SuperClusterCollection > &scee, const T< edm::ValueMap< reco::CaloClusterPtr > > &pfclusterassoc, const Mask &trackMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &gsftrackMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &ecalMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &hcalMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &hoMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &hfemMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &hfhadMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &psMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &phMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &scMask=dummyMask_) | PFBlockAlgo | |
setInput(const T< reco::PFRecTrackCollection > &trackh, const T< reco::MuonCollection > &muonh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &ecalh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &hcalh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &hoh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &hfemh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &hfhadh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &psh, const Mask &trackMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &ecalMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &hcalMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &hoMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &psMask=dummyMask_) | PFBlockAlgo | inline |
setInput(const T< reco::PFRecTrackCollection > &trackh, const T< reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection > &gsftrackh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &ecalh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &hcalh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &hoh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &psh, const Mask &trackMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &gsftrackMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &ecalMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &hcalMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &hoMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &psMask=dummyMask_) | PFBlockAlgo | inline |
setParameters(std::vector< double > &DPtovPtCut, std::vector< unsigned > &NHitCut, bool useConvBremPFRecTracks, bool useIterTracking, int nuclearInteractionsPurity, bool useEGPhotons, std::vector< double > &photonSelectionCuts, bool useSuperClusters, bool superClusterMatchByRef) | PFBlockAlgo | |
setUseOptimization(bool useKDTreeTrackEcalLinker) | PFBlockAlgo | |
superClusterMatchByRef_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
superClusters_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
TELinker_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
testECALAndHCAL(const reco::PFCluster &ecal, const reco::PFCluster &hcal) const | PFBlockAlgo | private |
testHCALAndHO(const reco::PFCluster &hcal, const reco::PFCluster &ho) const | PFBlockAlgo | private |
testLinkBySuperCluster(const reco::PFClusterRef &elt1, const reco::PFClusterRef &elt2) const | PFBlockAlgo | private |
testLinkByVertex(const reco::PFBlockElement *elt1, const reco::PFBlockElement *elt2) const | PFBlockAlgo | private |
testPS1AndPS2(const reco::PFCluster &ps1, const reco::PFCluster &ps2) const | PFBlockAlgo | private |
testSuperClusterPFCluster(const reco::SuperClusterRef &sct1, const reco::PFClusterRef &elt2) const | PFBlockAlgo | private |
testTrackAndPS(const reco::PFRecTrack &track, const reco::PFCluster &ps) const | PFBlockAlgo | private |
THLinker_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
transferBlocks() | PFBlockAlgo | inline |
useConvBremPFRecTracks_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
useEGPhotons_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
useHO_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
useIterTracking_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
useKDTreeTrackEcalLinker_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
useSuperClusters_ | PFBlockAlgo | private |
~PFBlockAlgo() | PFBlockAlgo |