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1 #Default Pythia Paramters for Hydjet & Pyquen
3 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
7 collisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number
8  comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)
9  )
11 collisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number
12  comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)
13  )
15 collisionParameters = collisionParameters2760GeV.clone()
17 qgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;
18  qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;
19  hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),
20  doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss
21  doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),
22  qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3
23  numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed
24  )
26 pyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),
27  angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :
28  embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),
29  backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag("generator") ## ineffective in no mixing
30  )
32 hydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),
33  shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),
34  nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),
35  fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),
36  maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),
37  maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),
38  rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),
39  allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),
40  embeddingMode = cms.bool(False)
41  )
43 pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(
44  pythiaUESettingsBlock,
45  hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',
46  'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin
47  'MSTP(81)=0'
48  ),
49  ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',
50  'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin
51  'MSTP(81)=0'
52  ),
53  pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes,
54  'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',
55  'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',
56  'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',
57  'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',
58  'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'
59  'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin
60  'MSTJ(22)=2',
61  'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm
62  'PARP(67)=1.',
63  'PARP(82)=1.9',
64  'PARP(85)=0.33',
65  'PARP(86)=0.66',
66  'PARP(89)=1000.',
67  'PARP(91)=1.0',
68  'MSTJ(11)=3',
69  'MSTJ(22)=2'
70  ),
71  ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),
72  customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),
73  pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q
74  'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar
75  'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g
76  'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g
77  'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar
78  'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g
79  ),
80  pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma
81  'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma
82  'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma
83  'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma
84  'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma
85  ),
87  pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',
88  'MSUB(2)=1'),
90  pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',
91  'MSUB(30)=1'),
93  pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',
94  'MSUB(422) = 1',
95  'MSUB(423) = 1',
96  'MSUB(424) = 1',
97  'MSUB(425) = 1',
98  'MSUB(426) = 1',
99  'MSUB(427) = 1',
100  'MSUB(428) = 1',
101  'MSUB(429) = 1',
102  'MSUB(430) = 1',
103  'MSUB(431) = 1',
104  'MSUB(432) = 1',
105  'MSUB(433) = 1',
106  'MSUB(434) = 1',
107  'MSUB(435) = 1',
108  'MSUB(436) = 1',
109  'MSUB(437) = 1',
110  'MSUB(438) = 1',
111  'MSUB(439) = 1'
112  ),
114  pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',
115  'MSUB(462) = 1',
116  'MSUB(463) = 1',
117  'MSUB(464) = 1',
118  'MSUB(465) = 1',
119  'MSUB(466) = 1',
120  'MSUB(467) = 1',
121  'MSUB(468) = 1',
122  'MSUB(469) = 1',
123  'MSUB(470) = 1',
124  'MSUB(471) = 1',
125  'MSUB(472) = 1',
126  'MSUB(473) = 1',
127  'MSUB(474) = 1',
128  'MSUB(475) = 1',
129  'MSUB(476) = 1',
130  'MSUB(477) = 1',
131  'MSUB(478) = 1',
132  'MSUB(479) = 1',
133  ),
135  pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements
136  'PARP(142)=0.0119',
137  'PARP(143)=0.01',
138  'PARP(144)=0.01',
139  'PARP(145)=0.05',
140  'PARP(146)=9.28',
141  'PARP(147)=0.15',
142  'PARP(148)=0.02',
143  'PARP(149)=0.02',
144  'PARP(150)=0.085',
145  # Meson spin
146  'PARJ(13)=0.60',
147  'PARJ(14)=0.162',
148  'PARJ(15)=0.018',
149  'PARJ(16)=0.054',
150  # Polarization
151  'MSTP(145)=0',
152  'MSTP(146)=0',
153  'MSTP(147)=0',
154  'MSTP(148)=1',
155  'MSTP(149)=1',
156  # Chi_c branching ratios
157  'BRAT(861)=0.202',
158  'BRAT(862)=0.798',
159  'BRAT(1501)=0.013',
160  'BRAT(1502)=0.987',
161  'BRAT(1555)=0.356',
162  'BRAT(1556)=0.644'
163  ),
165  pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring("MDME(174,1)=0", # !Z decay into d dbar,
166  "MDME(175,1)=0", # !Z decay into u ubar,
167  "MDME(176,1)=0", # !Z decay into s sbar,
168  "MDME(177,1)=0", # !Z decay into c cbar,
169  "MDME(178,1)=0", # !Z decay into b bbar,
170  "MDME(179,1)=0", # !Z decay into t tbar,
171  "MDME(182,1)=0", # !Z decay into e- e+,
172  "MDME(183,1)=0", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,
173  "MDME(184,1)=1", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,
174  "MDME(185,1)=0", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,
175  "MDME(186,1)=0", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,
176  "MDME(187,1)=0" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar
177  ),
180  pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring("MDME(174,1)=0", # !Z decay into d dbar,
181  "MDME(175,1)=0", # !Z decay into u ubar,
182  "MDME(176,1)=0", # !Z decay into s sbar,
183  "MDME(177,1)=0", # !Z decay into c cbar,
184  "MDME(178,1)=0", # !Z decay into b bbar,
185  "MDME(179,1)=0", # !Z decay into t tbar,
186  "MDME(182,1)=1", # !Z decay into e- e+,
187  "MDME(183,1)=0", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,
188  "MDME(184,1)=0", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,
189  "MDME(185,1)=0", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,
190  "MDME(186,1)=0", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,
191  "MDME(187,1)=0" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar
192  ),
194  pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring("MDME(174,1)=0", # !Z decay into d dbar,
195  "MDME(175,1)=0", # !Z decay into u ubar,
196  "MDME(176,1)=0", # !Z decay into s sbar,
197  "MDME(177,1)=0", # !Z decay into c cbar,
198  "MDME(178,1)=0", # !Z decay into b bbar,
199  "MDME(179,1)=0", # !Z decay into t tbar,
200  "MDME(182,1)=1", # !Z decay into e- e+,
201  "MDME(183,1)=0", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,
202  "MDME(184,1)=1", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,
203  "MDME(185,1)=0", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,
204  "MDME(186,1)=0", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,
205  "MDME(187,1)=0" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar
206  ),
208  pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',
209  'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',
210  'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',
211  'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',
212  'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',
213  'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',
214  'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',
215  'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',
216  'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',
217  'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',
218  'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',
219  'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',
220  'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',
221  'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',
222  'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',
223  'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',
224  'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',
225  'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'
226  ),
228  pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',
229  'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',
230  'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',
231  'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',
232  'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',
233  'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'
234  ),
236  pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(
237  'CKIN(3)=20',
238  'MSTJ(22)=2',
239  'PARJ(71)=40.'
240  ),
241  myParameters = cms.vstring(
242  )
244 )
246 # This one is not to be used
247 impactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),
248  bFixed = cms.double(0),
249  bMin = cms.double(0),
250  bMax = cms.double(30)
251  )