1 #ifndef RecoLocalTracker_SiPixelRecHits_PixelCPEGeneric_H
2 #define RecoLocalTracker_SiPixelRecHits_PixelCPEGeneric_H
74 double upper_edge_first_pix,
75 double lower_edge_last_pix,
76 double half_lorentz_shift,
81 double eff_charge_cut_low,
82 double eff_charge_cut_high,
98 float err2X(
99 float err2Y(
std::vector< float > xerr_barrel_l1_
void collect_edge_charges(const SiPixelCluster &cluster, float &Q_f_X, float &Q_l_X, float &Q_m_X, float &Q_f_Y, float &Q_l_Y, float &Q_m_Y) const
double generic_position_formula(int size, double Q_f, double Q_l, double upper_edge_first_pix, double lower_edge_last_pix, double half_lorentz_shift, double cot_angle, double pitch, bool first_is_big, bool last_is_big, double eff_charge_cut_low, double eff_charge_cut_high, double size_cut) const
SiPixelCPEGenericDBErrorParametrization * genErrorsFromDB_
std::vector< float > xerr_barrel_ln_
float ypos(const SiPixelCluster &) const
bool UseErrorsFromTemplates_
bool IrradiationBiasCorrection_
double EdgeClusterErrorY_
std::vector< float > yerr_endcap_
bool TruncatePixelCharge_
double the_eff_charge_cut_highX
LocalPoint localPosition(const SiPixelCluster &cluster, const GeomDetUnit &det) const
double the_eff_charge_cut_lowY
bool LoadTemplatesFromDB_
PixelCPEGeneric(edm::ParameterSet const &conf, const MagneticField *, const SiPixelLorentzAngle *, const SiPixelCPEGenericErrorParm *, const SiPixelTemplateDBObject *)
The constructor.
bool inflate_all_errors_no_trk_angle
double EdgeClusterErrorX_
float xerr_barrel_l1_def_
std::vector< float > xerr_endcap_
LocalError localError(const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det) const
float xpos(const SiPixelCluster &) const
std::vector< float > yerr_barrel_l1_
float yerr_barrel_l1_def_
std::vector< float > yerr_barrel_ln_
Pixel cluster – collection of neighboring pixels above threshold.
double the_eff_charge_cut_lowX
float xerr_barrel_ln_def_
float err2X(bool &, int &) const
double the_eff_charge_cut_highY
float yerr_barrel_ln_def_
tuple size
Write out results.
float err2Y(bool &, int &) const