This is the complete list of members for PixelCPEBase, including all inherited members.
alpha2Order | PixelCPEBase | protected |
alpha_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
beta_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
clearParameters() const | ClusterParameterEstimator< SiPixelCluster > | inlinevirtual |
clusterProbComputationFlag() const | PixelCPEBase | inline |
clusterProbComputationFlag_ | PixelCPEBase | protected |
computeAnglesFromDetPosition(const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det) const | PixelCPEBase | |
computeAnglesFromTrajectory(const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det, const LocalTrajectoryParameters <p) const | PixelCPEBase | protected |
computeLorentzShifts() const | PixelCPEBase | protected |
cotalpha_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
cotbeta_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
driftDirection(GlobalVector bfield) const | PixelCPEBase | protected |
driftDirection(LocalVector bfield) const | PixelCPEBase | protected |
driftDirection_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
driftDirectionCorrect(GlobalVector bfield) const | PixelCPEBase | protected |
enterLocalParameters(unsigned int id, std::pair< int, int > &row_col, LocalValues pos_err_info) const | ClusterParameterEstimator< SiPixelCluster > | inlinevirtual |
enterLocalParameters(uint32_t id, uint16_t firstStrip, LocalValues pos_err_info) const | ClusterParameterEstimator< SiPixelCluster > | inlinevirtual |
Frame typedef | PixelCPEBase | protected |
genErrorParm_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
getDrift() const | PixelCPEBase | inlineprotected |
hasBadPixels() const | PixelCPEBase | inline |
hasBadPixels_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
hasFilledProb() const | PixelCPEBase | inline |
hasFilledProb_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
isFlipped() const | PixelCPEBase | protected |
isOnEdge() const | PixelCPEBase | inline |
isOnEdge_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
loc_traj_param_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
loc_trk_pred_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
localError(const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det) const =0 | PixelCPEBase | pure virtual |
localParameters(const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det) const | PixelCPEBase | inlinevirtual |
localParameters(const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det, const LocalTrajectoryParameters <p) const | PixelCPEBase | inlinevirtual |
localParameters(const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det, float alpha, float beta) const | PixelCPEBase | inline |
PixelClusterParameterEstimator::localParameters(const SiPixelCluster &cluster, const GeomDetUnit &gd, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos) const | ClusterParameterEstimator< SiPixelCluster > | inlinevirtual |
localParametersV(const SiPixelCluster &cluster, const GeomDetUnit &gd) const | ClusterParameterEstimator< SiPixelCluster > | inlinevirtual |
localParametersV(const SiPixelCluster &cluster, const GeomDetUnit &gd, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos) const | ClusterParameterEstimator< SiPixelCluster > | inlinevirtual |
localPosition(const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det) const | PixelCPEBase | virtual |
LocalValues typedef | ClusterParameterEstimator< SiPixelCluster > | |
lorentzAngle_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
lorentzShiftInCmX_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
lorentzShiftInCmY_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
lorentzShiftX() const | PixelCPEBase | protected |
lorentzShiftX_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
lorentzShiftY() const | PixelCPEBase | protected |
lorentzShiftY_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
m_Params | PixelCPEBase | mutableprivate |
magfield_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
measurementError(const SiPixelCluster &, const GeomDetUnit &det) const | PixelCPEBase | protected |
measurementPosition(const SiPixelCluster &cluster, const GeomDetUnit &det) const | PixelCPEBase | protected |
nRecHitsTotal_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
nRecHitsUsedEdge_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
param() const | PixelCPEBase | protected |
Params typedef | PixelCPEBase | private |
PixelClusterParameterEstimator() | PixelClusterParameterEstimator | inline |
PixelCPEBase(edm::ParameterSet const &conf, const MagneticField *mag=0, const SiPixelLorentzAngle *lorentzAngle=0, const SiPixelCPEGenericErrorParm *genErrorParm=0, const SiPixelTemplateDBObject *templateDBobject=0) | PixelCPEBase | |
probabilityQ() const | PixelCPEBase | inline |
probabilityQ_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
probabilityX() const | PixelCPEBase | inline |
probabilityX_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
probabilityXY() const | PixelCPEBase | inline |
probabilityY() const | PixelCPEBase | inline |
probabilityY_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
qBin() const | PixelCPEBase | inline |
qBin_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
rawQualityWord() const | PixelCPEBase | virtual |
setMagField(const MagneticField *mag) const | PixelCPEBase | inline |
setTheDet(const GeomDetUnit &det, const SiPixelCluster &cluster) const | PixelCPEBase | protected |
spansTwoRocks() const | PixelCPEBase | inline |
spansTwoROCs_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
templateDBobject_ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
theDet | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
theDetR | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
theDetZ | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
theLShiftX | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
theLShiftY | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
theNumOfCol | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
theNumOfRow | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
theParam | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
thePart | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
thePitchX | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
thePitchY | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
theRecTopol | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
theSign | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
theThickness | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
theTopol | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
theVerboseLevel | PixelCPEBase | protected |
trk_lp_x | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
trk_lp_y | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
VLocalValues typedef | ClusterParameterEstimator< SiPixelCluster > | |
with_track_angle | PixelCPEBase | mutableprotected |
xpos(const SiPixelCluster &) const =0 | PixelCPEBase | protectedpure virtual |
ypos(const SiPixelCluster &) const =0 | PixelCPEBase | protectedpure virtual |
~ClusterParameterEstimator() | ClusterParameterEstimator< SiPixelCluster > | inlinevirtual |