This is the complete list of members for TtFullLeptonicEvent, including all inherited members.
addEventHypo(const HypoClassKey &key, const HypoCombPair hyp) | TtEvent | inline |
b(const std::string &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
b(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
bBar(const std::string &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
bBar(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
correspondingHypo(const std::string &key1, const unsigned &hyp1, const std::string &key2) const | TtEvent | inline |
correspondingHypo(const HypoClassKey &key1, const unsigned &hyp1, const HypoClassKey &key2) const | TtEvent | |
eventHypo(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
evtHyp_ | TtEvent | protected |
fitChi2(const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
fitChi2_ | TtEvent | protected |
fitProb(const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
fitProb_ | TtEvent | protected |
genB() const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
genBBar() const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
genEvent() const | TtEvent | inline |
genEvt_ | TtEvent | protected |
genLepton() const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
genLeptonBar() const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
genMatchSumDR(const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
genMatchSumDR_ | TtEvent | protected |
genMatchSumPt(const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
genMatchSumPt_ | TtEvent | protected |
genNeutrino() const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
genNeutrinoBar() const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
genTop() const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
genTopBar() const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
genWMinus() const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
genWPlus() const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
hitFitChi2(const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
hitFitChi2_ | TtEvent | protected |
hitFitMT(const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
hitFitMT_ | TtEvent | protected |
hitFitProb(const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
hitFitProb_ | TtEvent | protected |
hitFitSigMT(const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
hitFitSigMT_ | TtEvent | protected |
HypoClassKey enum name | TtEvent | |
hypoClassKeyFromString(const std::string &label) const | TtEvent | protected |
HypoCombPair typedef | TtEvent | |
isHypoAvailable(const std::string &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
isHypoAvailable(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
isHypoClassAvailable(const std::string &key) const | TtEvent | inline |
isHypoClassAvailable(const HypoClassKey &key) const | TtEvent | inline |
isHypoValid(const std::string &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
isHypoValid(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
isWrongCharge() const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
jetLeptonCombination(const std::string &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
jetLeptonCombination(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
kGenMatch enum value | TtEvent | |
kGeom enum value | TtEvent | |
kHitFit enum value | TtEvent | |
kKinFit enum value | TtEvent | |
kKinSolution enum value | TtEvent | |
kMaxSumPtWMass enum value | TtEvent | |
kMVADisc enum value | TtEvent | |
kWMassDeltaTopMass enum value | TtEvent | |
kWMassMaxSumPt enum value | TtEvent | |
lepDecays() const | TtEvent | inline |
lepDecays_ | TtEvent | protected |
lepton(const std::string &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
lepton(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
leptonBar(const std::string &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
leptonBar(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
mvaDisc(const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
mvaDisc_ | TtEvent | protected |
mvaMethod() const | TtEvent | inline |
mvaMethod_ | TtEvent | protected |
neutrino(const std::string &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
neutrino(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
neutrinoBar(const std::string &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
neutrinoBar(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
nJetsConsidered_ | TtEvent | protected |
numberOfAvailableHypoClasses() const | TtEvent | inline |
numberOfAvailableHypos(const std::string &key) const | TtEvent | inline |
numberOfAvailableHypos(const HypoClassKey &key) const | TtEvent | inline |
numberOfConsideredJets(const std::string &key) const | TtEvent | inline |
numberOfConsideredJets(const HypoClassKey &key) const | TtEvent | inline |
print(const int verbosity=1) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | |
printParticle(edm::LogInfo &log, const char *name, const reco::Candidate *cand) const | TtEvent | |
setFitChi2(const std::vector< double > &val) | TtEvent | inline |
setFitProb(const std::vector< double > &val) | TtEvent | inline |
setGenEvent(const edm::Handle< TtGenEvent > &evt) | TtEvent | inline |
setGenMatchSumDR(const std::vector< double > &val) | TtEvent | inline |
setGenMatchSumPt(const std::vector< double > &val) | TtEvent | inline |
setHitFitChi2(const std::vector< double > &val) | TtEvent | inline |
setHitFitMT(const std::vector< double > &val) | TtEvent | inline |
setHitFitProb(const std::vector< double > &val) | TtEvent | inline |
setHitFitSigMT(const std::vector< double > &val) | TtEvent | inline |
setLepDecays(const WDecay::LeptonType &lepDecTop1, const WDecay::LeptonType &lepDecTop2) | TtEvent | inline |
setMvaDiscriminators(const std::vector< double > &val) | TtEvent | inline |
setMvaMethod(const std::string &name) | TtEvent | inline |
setNumberOfConsideredJets(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned int nJets) | TtEvent | inline |
setSolWeight(const std::vector< double > &val) | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
setWrongCharge(const bool &val) | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
solWeight(const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
solWeight_ | TtFullLeptonicEvent | protected |
top(const std::string &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
top(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
topBar(const std::string &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
topBar(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
topPair(const std::string &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
topPair(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtEvent | inline |
topPair() const | TtEvent | inline |
TtEvent() | TtEvent | inline |
TtFullLeptonicEvent() | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
wMinus(const std::string &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
wMinus(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
wPlus(const std::string &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
wPlus(const HypoClassKey &key, const unsigned &cmb=0) const | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inline |
wrongCharge_ | TtFullLeptonicEvent | protected |
~TtEvent() | TtEvent | inlinevirtual |
~TtFullLeptonicEvent() | TtFullLeptonicEvent | inlinevirtual |