
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
00002 #include "DataFormats/JetReco/interface/Jet.h"
00003 #include "DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/Jet.h"
00004 #include "PhysicsTools/PatExamples/interface/AnalysisTasksAnalyzerJEC.h"
00005 #include "TH2.h"
00006 #include "TProfile.h"
00009 AnalysisTasksAnalyzerJEC::AnalysisTasksAnalyzerJEC(const edm::ParameterSet& cfg, TFileDirectory& fs): 
00010   edm::BasicAnalyzer::BasicAnalyzer(cfg, fs),
00011   Jets_(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("Jets")),
00012   jecLevel_(cfg.getParameter<std::string>("jecLevel")),
00013   jecSetLabel_(cfg.getParameter<std::string>("jecSetLabel"))
00014 {
00015   hists_["Response"  ] = fs.make<TH2F>("Response" , "response "+TString(jecLevel_)+"; #eta;p_{T}(reco)/p_{T}(gen)"  ,  5,  -3.3, 3.3, 100, 0.4, 1.6);
00016 }
00018 AnalysisTasksAnalyzerJEC::~AnalysisTasksAnalyzerJEC()
00019 {
00020 }
00022 void 
00023 AnalysisTasksAnalyzerJEC::analyze(const edm::EventBase& event)
00024 {
00025   // define what Jet you are using; this is necessary as FWLite is not 
00026   // capable of reading edm::Views
00027   using pat::Jet;
00029   // Handle to the Jet collection
00030   edm::Handle<std::vector<Jet> > Jets;
00031   event.getByLabel(Jets_, Jets);
00033   // loop Jet collection and fill histograms
00034   for(std::vector<Jet>::const_iterator jet_it=Jets->begin(); jet_it!=Jets->end(); ++jet_it){  
00038       for(unsigned int k=0; k< jet_it->availableJECSets().size(); ++k){
00039           edm::LogInfo ("hint1") <<"\n \n *************** HINT 1 *************** \n \n Label of available JEC Set: "<< jet_it->availableJECSets()[k] 
00040                                  <<"\n \n You found out which JEC Sets were created within the PAT tuple creation! The wrong label caused the segmentation fault in the next for-loop where you ask for JEC levels of a JEC Set that does not exist. Correct the JEC label in your config file and eliminate the segmentation fault. \n  *********************************************** \n"; 
00041       }                 
00042       for(unsigned int k=0; k< jet_it->availableJECLevels().size(); ++k){
00043           edm::LogInfo("hint2")<<" \n \n  Label of available JEC level: "<< jet_it->availableJECLevels(jecSetLabel_)[k] << "\n \n "; 
00044       }
00045       edm::LogInfo("hint2")<<"\n \n  *************** HINT 2 ************** \n You did it correctly congratulations!!!!  And you found out above which JEC levels are saved within the jets. We want to investigate these in the following with the response function. At the moment you are trying to access the JEC Level: "
00046                            << jecLevel_ << ". Does it exist? This causes the error below (see 'Exception Message')! Correct the label of the correction level to an existing one that you are interested in. \n ******************************************* \n " <<std::endl;                   
00047       if(jet_it->genParticlesSize()>0){
00048           hists_["Response" ]->Fill( jet_it->correctedJet(jecLevel_).eta(), jet_it->correctedJet(jecLevel_).pt()/ jet_it->genParticle(0)->pt());
00049       }
00050   }
00051 }