
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // File:
00002 // Description:  An algorithm for CMS jet reconstruction.
00003 // Author:  R. M. Harris
00004 // Creation Date:  RMH Feb. 4, 2005   Inital version of the CMS Midpoint Algorithm starting 
00005 //                                    from the CDF Midpoint Algorithm code by Matthias Toennesmann
00006 // Revisions       RMH Oct 19, 2005   Modified to work with real CaloTowers from Jeremy Mans.
00007 //
00008 // Pseudo Code for the CMS Midpoint Algorithm
00009 //--------------------------------------------
00010 // Loop over all Towers in ET order 
00011 //    If (Tower ET > Seed ET Threshold) Add tower to Seed list
00012 // Loop over all Seeds
00013 //    Add all towers with dR(Tower,Seed) < R_Cone to SeedCluster Tower List.
00014 //    Find eta0 and phi0 of seed cluster's Lorentz Vector
00015 //    Recenter cone on eta0 and phi0 and recalculate SeedCluster Tower List
00016 //    Iterate until eta and phi stable or max iterations
00017 //    Add unique SeedClusters to list of Protojets
00018 // Loop over all Protojets
00019 //    Add all protojets within 2 R_Cone (of each other) to a protojet group list.
00020 // Loop over all Protojet Groups
00021 //    Find the midpoint of each group: sum of Lorentz Vectors.
00022 //    As for seeds, make midpoint clusters of towers within R_Cone and iterate.
00023 //    Add unique midpoint clusters to list of ProtoJets
00024 // Loop over Protojets in Pt order
00025 //   If protojet overlaps with another proto jet.
00026 //     Get protojet energies.
00027 //     Get energy in overlap region and calculate overlap fraction.
00028 //     If (overlap fraction > overlap threshold)Merge ProtoJets into one jet
00029 //     If (overlap fraction < overlap threshold)Split ProtoJets into two jets
00030 //   Else If protojet does not overlap with any other protojet
00031 //     Promote protojet to jet without any changes
00032 //
00034 #include "DataFormats/Candidate/interface/Candidate.h"
00035 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/deltaR.h"
00036 #include "RecoParticleFlow/PFRootEvent/interface/ProtoJet.h"
00037 #include "RecoParticleFlow/PFRootEvent/interface/JetAlgoHelper.h"
00038 #include "RecoParticleFlow/PFRootEvent/interface/CMSMidpointAlgorithm.h"
00042 using namespace std;
00043 using namespace reco;
00044 using namespace JetReco;
00046 // helping stuff
00047 namespace {
00049   bool sameTower (InputItem c1, InputItem c2) {
00050     return c1 == c2;
00051   }
00053   std::vector<InputItem> towersWithinCone(const InputCollection& fInput, double coneEta, double conePhi, double coneRadius){
00054     std::vector<InputItem> result;
00055     double r2 = coneRadius*coneRadius;
00056     InputCollection::const_iterator towerIter = fInput.begin();
00057     InputCollection::const_iterator towerIterEnd = fInput.end();
00058     for (;towerIter != towerIterEnd; ++towerIter) {
00059       InputItem caloTowerPointer = *towerIter;
00060       double dR2 = deltaR2 (coneEta, conePhi, caloTowerPointer->eta(), caloTowerPointer->phi());
00061       if(dR2 < r2){
00062         result.push_back(caloTowerPointer);
00063       }
00064     }
00065     return result;
00066   }
00068   // etOrderedCaloTowers returns an Et order list of pointers to CaloTowers with Et>etTreshold
00069   std::vector<InputItem> etOrderedCaloTowers(const InputCollection& fInput, double etThreshold) {
00070     std::vector<InputItem> result;
00071     InputCollection::const_iterator towerIter = fInput.begin();
00072     InputCollection::const_iterator towerIterEnd = fInput.end();
00073     for (;towerIter != towerIterEnd; ++towerIter) {
00074       InputItem caloTowerPointer = *towerIter;
00075       if(caloTowerPointer->et() > etThreshold){
00076         result.push_back(caloTowerPointer);
00077       }
00078     }   
00079     GreaterByEtRef <InputItem> compCandidate;
00080     sort (result.begin(), result.end(), compCandidate);
00081     return result;
00082   }
00087 }
00090 //  Run the algorithm
00091 //  ------------------
00092 void CMSMidpointAlgorithm::run(const InputCollection& fInput, OutputCollection* fOutput)
00093 {
00094   if (!fOutput) {
00095     std::cerr << "CMSMidpointAlgorithm::run-> ERROR: no output collection" << std::endl;
00096   }
00097   if(theDebugLevel>=1)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Num of input constituents = " << fInput.size() << endl;
00098   if(theDebugLevel>=2) {
00099     unsigned index = 0;
00100     for (; index < fInput.size (); index++) {
00101       cout << index << " consituent p/eta/phi: " 
00102            << fInput[index]->p() << '/'
00103            << fInput[index]->eta() << '/'
00104            << fInput[index]->phi() << std::endl;
00105     }
00106   }
00107   // Find proto-jets from the seeds.
00108   InternalCollection protoJets;         // Initialize working container
00109   // vector<ProtoJet> finalJets;         // Final proto-jets container
00110   findStableConesFromSeeds(fInput, &protoJets);   //Find the proto-jets from the seeds
00111   if(theDebugLevel>=1)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Num proto-jets from Seeds = " << protoJets.size() << endl;
00113   // Find proto-jets from the midpoints, and add them to the list
00114   if(protoJets.size()>0)findStableConesFromMidPoints(fInput, &protoJets);// Add midpoints
00115   if(theDebugLevel>=1)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Num proto-jets from Seeds and Midpoints = " << protoJets.size() << endl;
00117   // Split and merge the proto-jets, assigning each tower in the protojets to one and only one final jet.
00118   if(protoJets.size()>0)splitAndMerge(fInput, &protoJets, fOutput);    // Split and merge 
00119   if(theDebugLevel>=1)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Num final jets = " << fOutput->size() << endl;
00121   // Make the CaloJets from the final protojets
00122   //  MakeCaloJet(*theCtcp, finalJets, caloJets);
00124 }
00128 // Find the proto-jets from the seed towers.
00129 // ----------------------------------------
00130 void CMSMidpointAlgorithm::findStableConesFromSeeds(const InputCollection& fInput, InternalCollection* fOutput) {
00131   // This dictates that the cone size will be reduced in the iterations procedure,
00132   // to prevent excessive cone movement, and then will be enlarged at the end of
00133   // the iteration procedure (ala CDF).
00134   bool reduceConeSize = true;  
00136   // Get the Seed Towers sorted by Et.  
00137   vector<InputItem> seedTowers = etOrderedCaloTowers(fInput, theSeedThreshold);  //This gets towers
00139   // Loop over all Seeds
00140   for(vector<InputItem>::const_iterator i = seedTowers.begin(); i != seedTowers.end(); ++i) {
00141     double seedEta = (*i)->eta ();
00142     double seedPhi = (*i)->phi (); 
00144     // Find stable cone from seed.  
00145     // This iterates the cone centroid, makes a proto-jet, and adds it to the list.
00146     if(theDebugLevel>=2) cout << endl << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] seed " << i-seedTowers.begin() << ": eta=" << seedEta << ", phi=" << seedPhi << endl;
00147     iterateCone(fInput, seedEta, seedPhi, 0, reduceConeSize, fOutput);
00149   }
00151 }
00153 // Iterate the proto-jet center until it is stable
00154 // -----------------------------------------------
00155 void CMSMidpointAlgorithm::iterateCone(const InputCollection& fInput,
00156                                        double startRapidity, 
00157                                        double startPhi, 
00158                                        double startE, 
00159                                        bool reduceConeSize, 
00160                                        InternalCollection* stableCones) {
00161   //  The workhorse of the algorithm.
00162   //  Throws a cone around a position and iterates the cone until the centroid and energy of the clsuter is stable.
00163   //  Uses a reduced cone size to prevent excessive cluster drift, ala CDF.
00164   //  Adds unique clusters to the list of proto-jets.
00165   //
00166   int nIterations = 0;
00167   bool keepJet = true;
00168   ProtoJet* trialCone = new ProtoJet;
00169   double iterationtheConeRadius = theConeRadius;
00170   if(reduceConeSize)iterationtheConeRadius *= sqrt(theConeAreaFraction);
00171   while(++nIterations <= theMaxIterations + 1 && keepJet){
00173     // Last iteration uses the full cone size.  Others use reduced cone size.
00174     if(nIterations == theMaxIterations + 1)iterationtheConeRadius = theConeRadius;
00176     //Add all towers in cone and over threshold to the cluster
00177     vector<InputItem> towersInSeedCluster 
00178       = towersWithinCone(fInput, startRapidity, startPhi, iterationtheConeRadius);
00179     if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] iter=" << nIterations << ", towers=" <<towersInSeedCluster.size();    
00181     if(towersInSeedCluster.size()<1) {  // Just in case there is an empty cone.
00182       keepJet = false;
00183       if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << endl;
00184     } else{
00185       //Put seed cluster into trial cone 
00186       trialCone->putTowers(towersInSeedCluster);
00187       double endRapidity = trialCone->y();
00188       double endPhi      = trialCone->phi();
00189       double endPt       = trialCone->pt();
00190       double endE        = trialCone->e();
00191       if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << ", y=" << endRapidity << ", phi=" << endPhi << ", PT=" << endPt << ", constituents=" << trialCone->getTowerList().size () << endl;
00192       if(nIterations <= theMaxIterations){
00193         // Do we have a stable cone?
00194         if(std::abs(endRapidity-startRapidity)<.001 && 
00195            std::abs(endPhi-startPhi)<.001 && 
00196            std::abs(endE - startE) < .001) {
00197           nIterations = theMaxIterations;       // If cone size is reduced, then still one more iteration.
00198           if(!reduceConeSize) ++nIterations; // Otherwise, this is the last iteration.
00199         }
00200         else{
00201           // Another iteration.
00202           startRapidity = endRapidity;
00203           startPhi      = endPhi;
00204           startE        = endE;
00205         }
00206       } 
00207       if(nIterations==theMaxIterations+1) {
00208         for(vector<InputItem>::const_iterator i = towersInSeedCluster.begin(); i != towersInSeedCluster.end(); ++i) {
00209           InputItem t = *i;
00210           if(theDebugLevel>=2) cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Tower " <<
00211                                  i-towersInSeedCluster.begin() << ": eta=" << t->eta() << 
00212                                  ", phi=" << t->phi() << ", ET="  << t->et() << endl;
00213         }
00214       }         
00215     }
00216   }
00218   if(keepJet){  // Our trial cone is now stable
00219     bool identical = false;
00220     // Loop over proto-jets and check that our trial cone is a unique proto-jet
00221     for (unsigned icone = 0; icone < stableCones->size(); icone++) {
00222       if (trialCone->p4() == (*stableCones) [icone]->p4()) identical = true;  // This proto-jet is not unique.
00223     }
00224     if(!identical){
00225       stableCones->push_back(trialCone);  // Save the unique proto-jets
00226       trialCone = 0;
00227       if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Unique Proto-Jet Saved" << endl;
00228     }    
00229   }
00230   delete trialCone;
00231 }
00234 // Find proto-jets from the midpoints
00235 // ----------------------------------
00236 void CMSMidpointAlgorithm::findStableConesFromMidPoints(const InputCollection& fInput, InternalCollection* stableCones){
00237   // We take the previous list of stable protojets from seeds as input and add to it
00238   // those from the midpoints between proto-jet pairs, triplets, etc.
00239   // distanceOK[i-1][j] = Is distance between stableCones i and j (i>j) less than 2*_theConeRadius?
00240   vector< vector<bool> > distanceOK;         // A vector of vectors
00241   distanceOK.resize(stableCones->size() - 1); // Set the outer vector size, num protojets - 1
00242   for(unsigned int nCluster1 = 1; nCluster1 < stableCones->size(); ++nCluster1){  // Loop over the protojets
00243     distanceOK[nCluster1 - 1].resize(nCluster1);               //Set inner vector size: monotonically increasing.
00244     const ProtoJet* cluster1 = (*stableCones)[nCluster1];
00245     for(unsigned int nCluster2 = 0; nCluster2 < nCluster1; ++nCluster2){         // Loop over the other proto-jets
00246       const ProtoJet* cluster2 = (*stableCones)[nCluster2];
00247       double dR2 = deltaR2 (cluster1->y(), cluster1->phi(), cluster2->y(), cluster2->phi());
00248       distanceOK[nCluster1 - 1][nCluster2] = dR2 < 4*theConeRadius*theConeRadius;
00249     }
00250   }
00252   // Find all pairs (triplets, ...) of stableCones which are less than 2*theConeRadius apart from each other.
00253   vector< vector<int> > pairs(0);  
00254   vector<int> testPair(0);
00255   int maxClustersInPair = theMaxPairSize;  // Set maximum proto-jets to a pair or a triplet, etc.
00256   if(!maxClustersInPair)maxClustersInPair = stableCones->size();  // If zero, then skys the limit!
00257   addClustersToPairs(fInput, testPair,pairs,distanceOK,maxClustersInPair);  // Make the pairs, triplets, etc.
00259   // Loop over all combinations. Calculate MidPoint. Make midPointClusters.
00260   bool reduceConeSize = false;  // Note that here we keep the iteration cone size fixed.
00261   for(vector<vector<int> >::const_iterator iPair = pairs.begin(); iPair != pairs.end(); ++iPair) {
00262     const vector<int> & Pair = *iPair;
00263     // Calculate rapidity, phi and energy of MidPoint.
00264     reco::Particle::LorentzVector midPoint (0,0,0,0);
00265     for(vector<int>::const_iterator iPairMember = Pair.begin(); iPairMember != Pair.end(); ++iPairMember) {
00266       midPoint += (*stableCones)[*iPairMember]->p4();
00267     }
00268     if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << endl << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] midpoint " << iPair-pairs.begin() << ": y = " << midPoint.Rapidity() << ", phi=" << midPoint.Phi() <<
00269                           ", size=" << Pair.size() << endl;
00270     iterateCone(fInput, midPoint.Rapidity(),midPoint.Phi(),midPoint.e(),reduceConeSize,stableCones);
00271   }
00272   GreaterByPtPtr<ProtoJet> compJets;
00273   sort (stableCones->begin(), stableCones->end(), compJets);
00274 }
00276 // Add proto-jets to pairs from which we will find the midpoint
00277 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00278 void CMSMidpointAlgorithm::addClustersToPairs(const InputCollection& fInput,
00279                                               vector<int>& testPair, vector< vector<int> >& pairs,
00280                                               vector< vector<bool> >& distanceOK, int maxClustersInPair)
00281 {
00282   // Recursively adds clusters to pairs, triplets, ... whose mid-points are then calculated.
00284   // Find StableCone number to start with (either 0 at the beginning or last element of testPair + 1).
00285   int nextClusterStart = 0;
00286   if(testPair.size())
00287     nextClusterStart = testPair.back() + 1;
00288   for(unsigned int nextCluster = nextClusterStart; nextCluster <= distanceOK.size(); ++nextCluster){
00289     // Is new SeedCone less than 2*_theConeRadius apart from all clusters in testPair?
00290     bool addCluster = true;
00291     for(unsigned int iCluster = 0; iCluster < testPair.size() && addCluster; ++iCluster)
00292       if(!distanceOK[nextCluster - 1][testPair[iCluster]])
00293         addCluster = false;
00294     if(addCluster){
00295       // Add it to the testPair.
00296       testPair.push_back(nextCluster);
00297       // If testPair is a pair, add it to pairs.
00298       if(testPair.size() > 1)
00299         pairs.push_back(testPair);
00300       // If not bigger than allowed, find more clusters within 2*theConeRadius.
00301       if(testPair.size() < unsigned(maxClustersInPair))
00302         addClustersToPairs(fInput, testPair,pairs,distanceOK,maxClustersInPair);
00303       // All combinations containing testPair found. Remove last element.
00304       testPair.pop_back();
00305     }
00306   }
00307 }
00309 // Split and merge the proto-jets, assigning each tower in the protojets to one and only one final jet.
00310 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00311 void CMSMidpointAlgorithm::splitAndMerge(const InputCollection& fInput,
00312                                          InternalCollection* stableCones, OutputCollection* fFinalJets) {
00313   //
00314   // This can use quite a bit of optimization and simplification.
00315   //
00317   // Debugging
00318   if(theDebugLevel>=2){
00319     // Take a look at the proto-jets we were given
00320     int numProtojets = stableCones->size();
00321     for(int i = 0; i < numProtojets ; ++i){
00322       const ProtoJet* icone = (*stableCones)[i];
00323       int numTowers = icone->getTowerList().size();
00324       cout << endl << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] ProtoJet " << i << ": PT=" << (*stableCones)[i]->pt()
00325            << ", y="<< icone->y()
00326            << ", phi="<< icone->phi()  
00327            << ", ntow="<< numTowers << endl;
00328       ProtoJet::Constituents protojetTowers = icone->getTowerList(); 
00329       for(int j = 0; j < numTowers; ++j){
00330         cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Tower " << j << ": ET=" << protojetTowers[j]->et() 
00331              << ", eta="<< protojetTowers[j]->eta()
00332              << ", phi="<<   protojetTowers[j]->phi() << endl;
00333       }
00334     }      
00335   }
00337   // Start of split and merge algorithm
00338   bool mergingNotFinished = true;
00339   while(mergingNotFinished){
00341     // Sort the stable cones (highest pt first).
00342     GreaterByPtPtr<ProtoJet> compJets;
00343     sort(stableCones->begin(),stableCones->end(),compJets);
00344     // clean removed clusters
00345     //InternalCollection::const_iterator i = find (stableCones->begin(), stableCones->end(), (ProtoJet*)0);
00346     //    for (; i != stableCones->end(); ++i) std::cout << "CMSMidpointAlgorithm::splitAndMerge-> removing pointer " << *i << std::endl; 
00347     stableCones->erase (find (stableCones->begin(), stableCones->end(), (ProtoJet*)0), stableCones->end()); 
00349     // Start with the highest pt cone left in list. List changes in loop,
00350     // getting smaller with each iteration.
00351     InternalCollection::iterator stableConeIter1 = stableCones->begin();
00353     if(stableConeIter1 == stableCones->end()) {  // Stable cone list empty?
00354       mergingNotFinished = false;
00355     }
00356     else {
00357       ProtoJet* stableCone1 = *stableConeIter1;
00358       if (!stableCone1) {
00359         std::cerr << "CMSMidpointAlgorithm::splitAndMerge-> Error: stableCone1 should never be 0" << std::endl;
00360         continue;
00361       }
00362       bool coneNotModified = true;
00364       // Determine whether highest pt cone has an overlap with other stable cones.
00365       InternalCollection::iterator stableConeIter2 = stableConeIter1; 
00366       ++stableConeIter2;   // Iterator for 2nd highest pt cone, just past 1st cone.
00368       while(coneNotModified && stableConeIter2 != stableCones->end()){
00369         ProtoJet* stableCone2 = *stableConeIter2;
00370         if (!stableCone2) {
00371           std::cerr << "CMSMidpointAlgorithm::splitAndMerge-> Error: stableCone2 should never be 0" << std::endl;
00372           continue;
00373         }
00375         // Calculate overlap of the two cones.
00376         bool overlap = false;
00377         vector<InputItem> overlapTowers;  // Make a list to hold the overlap towers
00378         //cout << "1st cone num towers=" << stableCone1->getTowerList().size() << endl;
00379         //int numTowers1=0;
00381         //Loop over towers in higher Pt cone
00382         for(ProtoJet::Constituents::const_iterator towerIter1 = stableCone1->getTowerList().begin();
00383             towerIter1 != stableCone1->getTowerList().end();
00384             ++towerIter1){
00385           //cout << "1st cone tower " << numTowers1 << endl;
00386           //++numTowers1;
00387           bool isInCone2 = false;
00388           //cout << "2nd cone num towers=" << stableCone2->getTowerList().size() << endl;
00389           //int numTowers2=0;
00391           // Loop over towers in lower Pt cone
00392           for(ProtoJet::Constituents::const_iterator towerIter2 = stableCone2->getTowerList().begin();
00393               towerIter2 != stableCone2->getTowerList().end();
00394               ++towerIter2) {
00395             //cout << "2st cone tower " << numTowers2 << endl;
00396             //++numTowers2;
00398             // Check if towers are the same by checking for unique eta, phi and energy values.
00399             // Will want to replace this with checking the tower index when available.
00400             if(sameTower(*towerIter1, *towerIter2)) {
00401               isInCone2 = true;   //The tower is in both cones
00402               //cout << "Merging found overlap tower: eta=" << (*towerIter1)->eta << ", phi=" << (*towerIter1)->phi << " in 1st protojet "  << 
00403               //                             " and eta=" << (*towerIter2)->eta << ", phi=" << (*towerIter2)->phi << " in 2nd protojet "  << endl;
00404             }
00405           }
00406           if(isInCone2){
00407             overlapTowers.push_back(*towerIter1);  //Add tower in both cones to the overlap list
00408             overlap = true;
00409           }          
00410         }
00411         if(overlap){   
00412           // non-empty overlap.  Decide on splitting or merging.
00414           // Make a proto-jet with the overlap towers so we can calculate things for the overlap
00415           ProtoJet overlap;
00416           overlap.putTowers(overlapTowers);
00417           coneNotModified = false;
00419           // Compare the overlap pt with the overlap fractcion threshold times the lower jet pt.
00420           if( >= theOverlapThreshold*stableCone2->pt()){
00422             // Merge the two cones.
00423             // Get a copy of the list of towers in higher Pt proto-jet 
00424             ProtoJet::Constituents stableCone1Towers = stableCone1->getTowerList(); 
00426             //Loop over the list of towers lower Pt jet
00427             for(ProtoJet::Constituents::const_iterator towerIter2 = stableCone2->getTowerList().begin();
00428                 towerIter2 != stableCone2->getTowerList().end();
00429                 ++towerIter2){
00430               bool isInOverlap = false;
00432               //Check if that tower is in the overlap region
00433               for(vector<InputItem>::iterator overlapTowerIter = overlapTowers.begin();
00434                   overlapTowerIter != overlapTowers.end();
00435                   ++overlapTowerIter){
00436                 // Check if towers are the same by checking for unique eta, phi and energy values.
00437                 // Will want to replace this with checking the tower index when available.
00438                 if(sameTower(*overlapTowerIter, *towerIter2))   isInOverlap = true;
00439               }
00440               //Add  non-overlap tower from proto-jet 2 into the proto-jet 1 tower list.
00441               if(!isInOverlap)stableCone1Towers.push_back(*towerIter2);  
00442             }
00444             if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << endl << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Merging: 1st Proto-jet grows: "
00445                                   " y=" << stableCone1->y() << 
00446                                   ", phi=" << stableCone1->phi() << 
00447                                   " increases from " << stableCone1->getTowerList().size() << 
00448                                   " to "  << stableCone1Towers.size() << " towers." << endl;
00450             // Put the new expanded list of towers into the first proto-jet
00451             stableCone1->putTowers(stableCone1Towers);
00453             if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Merging: 1st protojet now at y=" << stableCone1->y() <<
00454                                   ", phi=" << stableCone1->phi() << endl;
00456             if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Merging: 2nd Proto-jet removed:" 
00457                                   " y=" << stableCone2->y() << 
00458                                   ", phi=" << stableCone2->phi() << endl;
00460             // Remove the second proto-jet.
00461             delete *stableConeIter2;
00462             *stableConeIter2 = 0;
00464           }
00465           else{
00466             // Split the two proto-jets.
00468             // Create lists of towers to remove from each proto-jet
00469             vector<InputItem> removeFromCone1,removeFromCone2;
00471             // Which tower goes where?
00472             // Loop over the overlap towers
00473             for(vector<InputItem>::iterator towerIter = overlapTowers.begin();
00474                 towerIter != overlapTowers.end();
00475                 ++towerIter){
00476               double dR2Jet1 = deltaR2 ((*towerIter)->p4().Rapidity(), (*towerIter)->phi(), 
00477                                       stableCone1->y(), stableCone1->phi()); 
00478               // Calculate distance from proto-jet 2.
00479               double dR2Jet2 = deltaR2 ((*towerIter)->p4().Rapidity(), (*towerIter)->phi(),
00480                                       stableCone2->y(), stableCone2->phi()); 
00482               if(dR2Jet1 < dR2Jet2){
00483                 // Tower is closer to proto-jet 1. To be removed from proto-jet 2.
00484                 removeFromCone2.push_back(*towerIter);
00485               }
00486               else {
00487                 // Tower is closer to proto-jet 2. To be removed from proto-jet 1.
00488                 removeFromCone1.push_back(*towerIter);
00489               }
00490             }
00491             // Remove towers in the overlap region from the cones to which they have the larger distance.
00493             // Remove towers from proto-jet 1.
00494             vector<InputItem> towerList1 (stableCone1->getTowerList().begin(), stableCone1->getTowerList().end()); 
00496             // Loop over towers in remove list
00497             for(vector<InputItem>::iterator towerIter = removeFromCone1.begin();
00498                 towerIter != removeFromCone1.end();
00499                 ++towerIter) {
00500               // Loop over towers in protojet
00501               for(vector<InputItem>::iterator towerIter1 = towerList1.begin(); towerIter1 != towerList1.end(); ++towerIter1) {
00502                 // Check if they are equal
00503                 if(sameTower(*towerIter, *towerIter1)) {
00504                   // Remove the tower
00505                   towerList1.erase(towerIter1);
00506                   break;
00507                 }
00508               }
00509             }
00511             if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << endl << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Splitting: 1st Proto-jet  shrinks: y=" << 
00512                                   stableCone1->y() << 
00513                                   ", phi=" << stableCone1->phi() << 
00514                                   " decreases from" << stableCone1->getTowerList().size() << 
00515                                   " to "  << towerList1.size() << " towers." << endl;
00517             //Put the new reduced list of towers into proto-jet 1.
00518             stableCone1->putTowers(towerList1); 
00519             // Remove towers from cone 2.
00520             vector<InputItem> towerList2 (stableCone2->getTowerList().begin(), stableCone2->getTowerList().end()); 
00522             // Loop over towers in remove list
00523             for(vector<InputItem>::iterator towerIter = removeFromCone2.begin();
00524                 towerIter != removeFromCone2.end();
00525                 ++towerIter) {
00526               // Loop over towers in protojet
00527               for(vector<InputItem>::iterator towerIter2 = towerList2.begin(); towerIter2 != towerList2.end(); ++towerIter2){
00528                 // Check if they are equal
00529                 if(sameTower(*towerIter, *towerIter2)) {
00530                   // Remove the tower
00531                   towerList2.erase(towerIter2);
00532                   break;
00533                 }
00534               }
00535             }
00537             if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Splitting: 2nd Proto-jet shrinks: y=" <<
00538                                   stableCone2->y() << 
00539                                   ", phi=" << stableCone2->phi() << 
00540                                   " decreases from" << stableCone2->getTowerList().size() << 
00541                                   " to "  << towerList2.size() << " towers." << endl;
00543             //Put the new reduced list of towers into proto-jet 2.
00544             stableCone2->putTowers(towerList2); 
00545           }
00546         }
00547         else {
00548           if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << endl << 
00549                                 "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] no overlap between 1st protojet at  y=" << stableCone1->y() << 
00550                                 ", phi=" << stableCone1->phi() << 
00551                                 " and 2nd protojet at  y=" << stableCone2->y() << 
00552                                 ", phi=" << stableCone2->phi() <<endl;
00553         }
00555         ++stableConeIter2;  //Increment iterator to the next highest Pt protojet
00556       }
00557       if(coneNotModified){
00559         if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << 
00560                               "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Saving: Proto-jet  at y=" << stableCone1->y() << 
00561                               ", phi=" << stableCone1->phi() <<  " has no overlap" << endl;
00563         fFinalJets->push_back(ProtoJet (stableCone1->p4(), stableCone1->getTowerList()));
00564         delete *stableConeIter1;
00565         *stableConeIter1 = 0;
00566       }
00567     }
00568   }
00570   GreaterByPt<ProtoJet> compJets;
00571   sort(fFinalJets->begin(),fFinalJets->end(),compJets);
00572 }