
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "BFit.h"
00002 #include <cstring>
00004 using namespace std;
00005 using namespace magfieldparam;
00007 //_______________________________________________________________________________
00010 #ifdef BFit_PW
00011 const double BFit::Z_nom[4] = { -2.37615687260664e-2,
00012                                 -1.86400109250045e-2,
00013                                 -1.80502358070104e-2,
00014                                 -1.60470955291956e-2 };
00016 const double BFit::B_nom[4] = {  2.02156567013928,  //Nominal foeld values
00017                                  3.51622117206486,
00018                                  3.81143026675623,
00019                                  4.01242188708911 };
00021 const double BFit::C_nom[4][16] = {{  1.0,                  -3.61278802720839e-3,
00022                                       6.36561393690475e-6,   8.32541914664693e-5,
00023                                      -2.42108313492765e-6,  -1.87295909297299e-5,
00024                                       3.06832709074461e-7,   1.91827319271226e-6,
00025                                      -2.15392717311725e-8,  -1.25266203359502e-7,
00026                                       3.87507522135914e-10,  4.85518568040635e-9,
00027                                       4.42080729840719e-11, -8.83065447433858e-11,
00028                                      -2.41380148377896e-12,  0.0 },
00029                                    {  1.0,                  -5.04020236643808e-3,
00030                                       2.03224205921125e-6,   6.79444854179620e-5,
00031                                      -1.98082200052911e-6,  -1.93324798138490e-5,
00032                                       3.15120940544812e-7,   1.82623212354924e-6,
00033                                      -3.30483297560429e-8,  -1.13251951654739e-7,
00034                                       1.96974144659278e-9,   4.25153392971594e-9,
00035                                      -6.12986034064675e-11, -7.59031334826116e-11,
00036                                       6.40295019219590e-13,  0.0 },
00037                                    {  1.0,                  -5.23012318846739e-3,
00038                                       8.80302231241395e-7,   6.51341641212249e-5,
00039                                      -1.68564063895995e-6,  -1.93693613146655e-5,
00040                                       2.58178734098114e-7,   1.81311192824207e-6,
00041                                      -2.79301520182866e-8,  -1.11679980224632e-7,
00042                                       1.72615649164433e-9,   4.17328869038146e-9,
00043                                      -5.72514160410955e-11, -7.41998111228714e-11,
00044                                       7.30938527053447e-13,  0.0 },
00045                                    {  1.0,                  -5.34172971309074e-3,
00046                                       2.48943649506081e-7,   6.23054033447814e-5,
00047                                      -1.60390978074464e-6,  -1.92618217244767e-5,
00048                                       2.42461261622770e-7,   1.78772142159379e-6,
00049                                      -2.61432416866515e-8,  -1.09159464672341e-7,
00050                                       1.62705377496138e-9,   4.02967933726133e-9,
00051                                      -5.48168162195020e-11, -7.00249566028285e-11,
00052                                       8.22254619144001e-13,  0.0 }};
00053 #else
00054 const double BFit::dZ_0 = -2.62328760352034e-2;
00055 const double BFit::dZ_2 =  5.94363870284212e-4;
00057 const double BFit::C_0[16] = {  1.0,                  -2.52864632909442e-3, 
00058                                 8.76365790071351e-6,   9.19077286315044e-5, 
00059                                -2.49284256023752e-6,  -1.80143891826520e-5, 
00060                                 2.29295162454016e-7,   1.96139195659245e-6, 
00061                                -3.47342625923464e-9,  -1.32147627969588e-7, 
00062                                -1.50735830442900e-9,   5.17724172101696e-9, 
00063                                 1.54539960459831e-10, -9.30914368388717e-11, 
00064                                -5.20466591966397e-12,  0.0 };
00066 const double BFit::C_2[16] = {  0.0,                  -2.96314154618866e-4, 
00067                                -6.04246295125223e-7,  -2.22393436573694e-6, 
00068                                 2.84133631738674e-9,  -2.07090716476209e-7, 
00069                                 2.55850963123821e-8,  -1.06689136150163e-8, 
00070                                -5.48842256680751e-9,   1.78987539969165e-9, 
00071                                 5.57809366992069e-10, -8.25055601520632e-11, 
00072                                -3.18509299957904e-11,  1.11714602344300e-12, 
00073                                 7.90102331886296e-13,  0.0 };
00075 const double BFit::C_4[16] = {  0.0,                   7.57194953855834e-6, 
00076                                 4.48169046115052e-9,   2.49606093449927e-8, 
00077                                 3.42264285146368e-9,   7.95338846845187e-9, 
00078                                -1.57711106312732e-9,   1.02715424120585e-11, 
00079                                 2.57261485255293e-10, -2.41682937761163e-11, 
00080                                -2.27894837943020e-11,  7.98570801347331e-13, 
00081                                 1.17889573705870e-12,  1.64571374852252e-14, 
00082                                -2.60212133934707e-14,  0.0 };
00083 #endif
00084 //_______________________________________________________________________________
00085 BFit::BFit()
00086 {
00087    dZ = 0.;
00088    memset(C, 0, 16*sizeof(double));
00089    rz_poly *P_base = new rz_poly(16); //Potential basis
00091    Bz_base = new rz_poly(P_base->Diff(1));  //Bz basis
00092    Bz_base->SetOFF(1);                      //Switch off linear term
00094    Br_base = new rz_poly(P_base->Diff(0));  //Br basis is shifted, so
00095    Br_base->SetOFF(0);                      //"0" term is ignored
00097    delete P_base;
00098 }
00100 //_______________________________________________________________________________
00101 void BFit::SetField(double B)
00102 {
00103 //Set nominal field [Tesla]
00104 //
00105    unsigned int jj;
00107 #ifdef BFit_PW
00108    unsigned int kk = 1;
00109    double w_0, w_1;
00110    if (B <= B_nom[0]) {
00111       dZ = Z_nom[0];
00112       for (jj = 0; jj < 16; ++jj) {
00113          C[jj] = B*C_nom[0][jj];
00114       }
00115    } else if (B >= B_nom[3]) {
00116       dZ = Z_nom[3];
00117       for (jj = 0; jj < 16; ++jj) {
00118          C[jj] = B*C_nom[3][jj];
00119       }
00120    } else {
00121       while (B_nom[kk] < B) ++kk;
00122       w_1 = (B - B_nom[kk-1])/(B_nom[kk] - B_nom[kk-1]);
00123       w_0 = 1.0 - w_1;
00124       dZ = Z_nom[kk-1]*w_0 + Z_nom[kk]*w_1;
00125       for (jj = 0; jj < 16; ++jj) {
00126          C[jj] = B*(C_nom[kk-1][jj]*w_0 + C_nom[kk][jj]*w_1);
00127       }
00128    }
00129 #else
00130    double B2 = B*B;
00131    dZ = dZ_0 + dZ_2*B2;
00132    for (jj = 0; jj < 16; ++jj) {
00133       C[jj] = B*((C_4[jj]*B2 + C_2[jj])*B2 + C_0[jj]);
00134    }
00135 #endif
00136 }
00138 //_______________________________________________________________________________
00139 void BFit::GetField(double r,   double z,   double phi,
00140                     double &Br, double &Bz, double &Bphi)
00141 {
00142 //Get field components in the point (r,z,phi). Always return Bphi=0. 
00143 //Parameters phi and Bphi introduced in order to keep interface
00144 //compatible with future trully 3D version
00145 //
00146    double zc = z + dZ;
00148    Bz   = Bz_base->GetSVal(r, zc, C);
00149    Br   = Br_base->GetSVal(r, zc, C+1);
00150    Bphi = 0.;
00151 }