This is the complete list of members for
MuonMillepedeAlgorithm, including all inherited members.
addCalibrations(const std::vector< IntegratedCalibrationBase * > &iCals) | AlignmentAlgorithmBase | [inline, virtual] |
AlignmentAlgorithmBase(const edm::ParameterSet &cfg) | AlignmentAlgorithmBase | |
beginLuminosityBlock(const edm::EventSetup &setup) | AlignmentAlgorithmBase | [inline, virtual] |
beginRun(const edm::EventSetup &setup) | AlignmentAlgorithmBase | [inline, virtual] |
chi2nCut | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
collec_f | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
collec_number | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
collec_path | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
collect() | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | |
ConstTrajTrackPair typedef | AlignmentAlgorithmBase | |
ConstTrajTrackPairCollection typedef | AlignmentAlgorithmBase | |
endLuminosityBlock(const edm::EventSetup &setup) | AlignmentAlgorithmBase | [inline, virtual] |
endRun(const EndRunInfo &runInfo, const edm::EventSetup &setup) | AlignmentAlgorithmBase | [inline, virtual] |
fs | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
histoMap | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
initialize(const edm::EventSetup &setup, AlignableTracker *tracker, AlignableMuon *muon, AlignableExtras *extras, AlignmentParameterStore *store) | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [virtual] |
isCollectionJob | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
map_invCov | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
map_N | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
map_weightRes | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
MuonMillepedeAlgorithm(const edm::ParameterSet &cfg) | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | |
outputCollName | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
printM(AlgebraicMatrix) | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
ptCut | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
run(const edm::EventSetup &setup, const EventInfo &eventInfo) | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [virtual] |
RunNumber typedef | AlignmentAlgorithmBase | |
RunRange typedef | AlignmentAlgorithmBase | |
setParametersForRunRange(const RunRange &rr) | AlignmentAlgorithmBase | [inline, virtual] |
startNewLoop() | AlignmentAlgorithmBase | [inline, virtual] |
terminate(const edm::EventSetup &setup) | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [virtual] |
theAlignableDetAccessor | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
theAlignables | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
theAlignmentParameterStore | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
toTMat(AlgebraicMatrix *, TMatrixD *) | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | |
updateInfo(AlgebraicMatrix, AlgebraicMatrix, AlgebraicMatrix, std::string) | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | |
verbose | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [private] |
~AlignmentAlgorithmBase() | AlignmentAlgorithmBase | [inline, virtual] |
~MuonMillepedeAlgorithm() | MuonMillepedeAlgorithm | [inline] |