
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00004 #include <algorithm>
00006 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/PrincipalGetAdapter.h"
00007 #include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProductRegistry.h"
00008 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Principal.h"
00009 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDMException.h"
00010 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/ProductKindOfType.h"
00011 #include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ModuleDescription.h"
00012 #include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProductHolderIndexHelper.h"
00013 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EDConsumerBase.h"
00015 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00017 namespace edm {
00019   PrincipalGetAdapter::PrincipalGetAdapter(Principal & pcpl,
00020         ModuleDescription const& md)  :
00021     //putProducts_(),
00022     principal_(pcpl),
00023     md_(md) {
00024   }
00026   PrincipalGetAdapter::~PrincipalGetAdapter() {
00027   }
00030   void
00031   principal_get_adapter_detail::deleter::operator()(std::pair<WrapperOwningHolder, ConstBranchDescription const*> const p) const {
00032     WrapperOwningHolder* edp = const_cast<WrapperOwningHolder*>(&p.first);
00033     edp->reset();
00034   }
00036   void
00037   principal_get_adapter_detail::throwOnPutOfNullProduct(
00038         char const* principalType,
00039         TypeID const& productType,
00040         std::string const& productInstanceName) {
00041       throw Exception(errors::NullPointerError)
00042         << principalType
00043         << "::put: A null auto_ptr was passed to 'put'.\n"
00044         << "The pointer is of type "
00045         << productType
00046         << ".\nThe specified productInstanceName was '"
00047         << productInstanceName
00048         << "'.\n";
00049   }
00051   void
00052   principal_get_adapter_detail::throwOnPrematureRead(
00053         char const* principalType,
00054         TypeID const& productType,
00055         std::string const& moduleLabel,
00056         std::string const& productInstanceName) {
00057       //throw Exception(errors::LogicError)
00058       LogWarning("LogicError")
00059         << "::getByLabel: An attempt was made to read a "
00060         << principalType
00061         << " product before end"
00062         << principalType
00063         << "() was called.\n"
00064         << "The product is of type '"
00065         << productType
00066         << "'.\nThe specified ModuleLabel was '"
00067         << moduleLabel
00068         << "'.\nThe specified productInstanceName was '"
00069         << productInstanceName
00070         << "'.\n";
00071   }
00073   void
00074   principal_get_adapter_detail::throwOnPrematureRead(
00075         char const* principalType,
00076         TypeID const& productType) {
00077       //throw Exception(errors::LogicError)
00078       LogWarning("LogicError")
00079         << "::getManyByType: An attempt was made to read a "
00080         << principalType
00081         << " product before end"
00082         << principalType
00083         << "() was called.\n"
00084         << "The product is of type '"
00085         << productType
00086         << "'.\n";
00087   }
00089   void
00090   principal_get_adapter_detail::throwOnPrematureRead(
00091                                                      char const* principalType,
00092                                                      TypeID const& productType,
00093                                                      EDGetToken token) {
00094     throw Exception(errors::LogicError)
00095     << "::getByToken: An attempt was made to read a "
00096     << principalType
00097     << " product before end"
00098     << principalType
00099     << "() was called.\n"
00100     << "The index of the token was "<<token.index()<<".\n";
00101   }
00103   BasicHandle
00104   PrincipalGetAdapter::makeFailToGetException(KindOfType kindOfType,
00105                                               TypeID const& productType,
00106                                               EDGetToken token) const {
00107     EDConsumerBase::Labels labels;
00108     consumer_->labelsForToken(token,labels);
00109     boost::shared_ptr<cms::Exception> exception(new Exception(errors::ProductNotFound));
00110     if (kindOfType == PRODUCT_TYPE) {
00111       *exception << "Principal::getByToken: Found zero products matching all criteria\nLooking for type: " << productType << "\n"
00112       << "Looking for module label: " << labels.module << "\n" << "Looking for productInstanceName: " << labels.productInstance << "\n"
00113       << (0==labels.process[0] ? "" : "Looking for process: ") << labels.process << "\n";
00114     } else {
00115       *exception << "Principal::getByToken: Found zero products matching all criteria\nLooking for a container with elements of type: " << productType << "\n"
00116       << "Looking for module label: " << labels.module << "\n" << "Looking for productInstanceName: " << labels.productInstance << "\n"
00117       << (0==labels.process[0] ? "" : "Looking for process: ") << labels.process << "\n";
00118     }
00119     return BasicHandle(exception);
00120   }
00122   void
00123   PrincipalGetAdapter::throwAmbiguousException(TypeID const& productType,
00124                                                EDGetToken token) const {
00125     EDConsumerBase::Labels labels;
00126     consumer_->labelsForToken(token,labels);
00127     cms::Exception exception("AmbiguousProduct");
00128     exception << "Principal::getByToken: More than 1 product matches all criteria\nLooking for a container with elements of type: " << productType << "\n"
00129     << "Looking for module label: " << labels.module << "\n" << "Looking for productInstanceName: " << labels.productInstance << "\n"
00130     << (0==labels.process[0] ? "" : "Looking for process: ") << labels.process << "\n"
00131     << "This can only occur with get function calls using a Handle<View> argument.\n"
00132     << "Try a get not using a View or change the instance name of one of the products";
00133     throw exception;    
00134   }
00136   BranchType const&
00137   PrincipalGetAdapter::branchType() const {
00138     return principal_.branchType();
00139   }
00141   BasicHandle
00142   PrincipalGetAdapter::getByLabel_(TypeID const& typeID,
00143                                    InputTag const& tag) const {
00144     return principal_.getByLabel(PRODUCT_TYPE, typeID, tag);
00145   }
00147   BasicHandle
00148   PrincipalGetAdapter::getByLabel_(TypeID const& typeID,
00149                                    std::string const& label,
00150                                    std::string const& instance,
00151                                    std::string const& process) const {
00152     return principal_.getByLabel(PRODUCT_TYPE, typeID, label, instance, process);
00153   }
00155   BasicHandle
00156   PrincipalGetAdapter::getByToken_(TypeID const& id, KindOfType kindOfType, EDGetToken token) const {
00157     ProductHolderIndex index = consumer_->indexFrom(token,InEvent,id);
00158     if( unlikely(index == ProductHolderIndexInvalid)) {
00159       return makeFailToGetException(kindOfType,id,token);
00160     } else if( unlikely(index == ProductHolderIndexAmbiguous)) {
00161       // This deals with ambiguities where the process is specified
00162       throwAmbiguousException(id, token);
00163     }
00164     bool ambiguous = false;
00165     BasicHandle h = principal_.getByToken(kindOfType,id,index, token.willSkipCurrentProcess(), ambiguous);
00166     if (ambiguous) {
00167       // This deals with ambiguities where the process is not specified
00168       throwAmbiguousException(id, token);
00169     } else if(!h.isValid()) {
00170       return makeFailToGetException(kindOfType,id,token);
00171     }
00172     return h;
00173   }
00175   BasicHandle
00176   PrincipalGetAdapter::getMatchingSequenceByLabel_(TypeID const& typeID,
00177                                                    InputTag const& tag) const {
00178     return principal_.getByLabel(ELEMENT_TYPE, typeID, tag);    
00179   }
00181   BasicHandle
00182   PrincipalGetAdapter::getMatchingSequenceByLabel_(TypeID const& typeID,
00183                                                    std::string const& label,
00184                                                    std::string const& instance,
00185                                                    std::string const& process) const {
00186     return principal_.getByLabel(ELEMENT_TYPE,
00187                                  typeID,
00188                                  label,
00189                                  instance,
00190                                  process);
00191   }
00193   void
00194   PrincipalGetAdapter::getManyByType_(TypeID const& tid,
00195                   BasicHandleVec& results) const {
00196     principal_.getManyByType(tid, results);
00197   }
00199   ProcessHistory const&
00200   PrincipalGetAdapter::processHistory() const {
00201     return principal_.processHistory();
00202   }
00204   ConstBranchDescription const&
00205   PrincipalGetAdapter::getBranchDescription(TypeID const& type,
00206                                      std::string const& productInstanceName) const {
00207     ProductHolderIndexHelper const& productHolderIndexHelper = principal_.productLookup();
00208     ProductHolderIndex index = productHolderIndexHelper.index(PRODUCT_TYPE, type, md_.moduleLabel().c_str(),productInstanceName.c_str(), md_.processName().c_str());
00209     if(index == ProductHolderIndexInvalid) {
00210       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::InsertFailure)
00211         << "Illegal attempt to 'put' an unregistered product.\n"
00212         << "No product is registered for\n"
00213         << "  process name:                '" << md_.processName() << "'\n"
00214         << "  module label:                '" << md_.moduleLabel() << "'\n"
00215         << "  product friendly class name: '" << type.friendlyClassName() << "'\n"
00216         << "  product instance name:       '" << productInstanceName << "'\n"
00218         << "The ProductRegistry contains:\n"
00219         << principal_.productRegistry()
00220         << '\n';
00221     }
00222     ProductHolderBase const*  phb = principal_.getProductByIndex(index, false, false);
00223     assert(phb != nullptr);
00224     return phb->branchDescription();
00225   }
00227   EDProductGetter const*
00228   PrincipalGetAdapter::prodGetter() const{
00229     return principal_.prodGetter();
00230   }
00232   bool
00233   PrincipalGetAdapter::isComplete() const {
00234     return principal_.isComplete();
00235   }
00236 }