
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*  
00002  *  $Date: 2012/10/22 14:05:56 $
00003  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
00004  *  \author J. Mans -- UMD
00005  */
00006 #include "EventFilter/HcalRawToDigi/interface/HcalHTRData.h"
00007 #include "EventFilter/HcalRawToDigi/interface/HcalDTCHeader.h"
00008 #include <string.h>
00009 #include <stdint.h>
00011 const int HcalDTCHeader::SLOT_COUNT = 12;
00012 const int HcalDTCHeader::MINIMUM_SLOT = 1;
00013 const int HcalDTCHeader::MAXIMUM_SLOT = 12;
00015 HcalDTCHeader::HcalDTCHeader() { }
00017 unsigned int HcalDTCHeader::getTotalLengthBytes() const { 
00018   unsigned int totalSize=sizeof(HcalDTCHeader);
00019   for (int i=0; i<SLOT_COUNT; i++) 
00020     totalSize+=(slotInfo[i]&0xFFF)*sizeof(uint16_t);
00021   return totalSize;
00022 }
00024 int HcalDTCHeader::getSlotData(int nslot, HcalHTRData& decodeTool, int validSize) const {
00025   const unsigned short* base=((unsigned short*)this)+sizeof(HcalDTCHeader)/sizeof(unsigned short);
00026   int offset=0,i,len=0;
00027   for (i=1; i<=nslot; i++) {
00028     offset+=len;
00029     len=(slotInfo[i-1]&0xFFF);
00030   }
00031   if ((offset+len+sizeof(HcalDTCHeader)/sizeof(unsigned short))<(validSize/sizeof(unsigned short))) {
00032     decodeTool.adoptData(base+offset,len);
00033     return 0;
00034   } else { return -1; }
00035 }
00037 void HcalDTCHeader::clear() {
00038   commondataformat0=0;
00039   commondataformat1=0x50000000u;
00040   commondataformat2=0;
00041   commondataformat3=0;
00042   dcch0=0x1; // format version 1
00043   dcch1=0;
00044   for (int i=0; i<SLOT_COUNT; i++) 
00045     slotInfo[i]=0;
00046 }
00048 void HcalDTCHeader::setHeader(int sourceid, int bcn, int l1aN, int orbN) {
00049   commondataformat0=0x8|((sourceid&0xFFF)<<8)|((bcn&0xFFF)<<20);
00050   commondataformat1=0x50000000u|(l1aN&0xFFFFFF);
00051 }
00053 void HcalDTCHeader::copySlotData(unsigned int slot_id, const HcalHTRData& data, bool valid) {
00054   if (slot_id==0 || slot_id>(unsigned int)SLOT_COUNT) return;
00055   // construct the slot info
00056   slotInfo[slot_id-1]=(data.getRawLength())|0xc000;
00057   if (valid) slotInfo[slot_id-1]|=0x2000;
00058   // status info...
00059   //  if (valid) dcch0|=(1<<(slot_id+14));
00060   // copy
00061   unsigned int lenSoFar=0;
00062   for (unsigned int i=1; i<slot_id; i++) lenSoFar+=getSlotDataLength(i);
00063   unsigned short* startingPoint=((unsigned short*)this)+sizeof(HcalDTCHeader)/sizeof(unsigned short)+lenSoFar;
00064   memcpy(startingPoint,data.getRawData(),sizeof(unsigned short)*data.getRawLength());
00065   // update the trailer...
00066   lenSoFar+=data.getRawLength(); 
00067   uint32_t* trailer=((uint32_t*)this)+sizeof(HcalDTCHeader)/sizeof(uint32_t)+lenSoFar/2;
00068   int len64=sizeof(HcalDTCHeader)/8+lenSoFar/4+1; 
00069   trailer[1]=0;
00070   trailer[0]=0xA0000000u|len64;
00071 }
00073 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const HcalDTCHeader& head) {
00075   for (int i=0; i<HcalDTCHeader::SLOT_COUNT; i++) {
00076     s << "Slot " << i << " : " << head.getSlotDataLength(i) << " bytes, ";
00077     if (head.getSlotEnabled(i)) s << "E";
00078     if (head.getSlotPresent(i)) s << "P";
00079     if (head.getSlotValid(i)) s << "V";
00080     if (head.getSlotCRCError(i)) s << "C";
00081     //    s << ". Error codes: " << std::hex << int(head.getSlotErrorBits(i)) << "," << int(head.getLRBErrorBits(i)) << std::dec;
00082     s << std::endl;
00083   }
00084   return s;
00085 }