
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/Line3D.h"
00002 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloCellCrossing.h"
00004 CaloCellCrossing::CaloCellCrossing( const GlobalPoint&              gp ,
00005                                     const GlobalVector&             gv ,
00006                                     const CaloCellCrossing::DetIds* di ,
00007                                     const CaloSubdetectorGeometry*  sg ,
00008                                     DetId::Detector                 det ,
00009                                     int                             subdet,
00010                                     double                          small,
00011                                     bool                            onewayonly ) :
00012    m_gp ( gp ) ,
00013    m_gv ( gv ) 
00014 {
00015    const double eps ( fabs( small ) > 1.e-15 ? fabs( small ) : 1.e-10 ) ;
00016    static unsigned int k_rlen ( 30 ) ;
00017    m_detId.reserve( k_rlen ) ;
00018    m_ctr  .reserve( k_rlen ) ;
00019    m_entr .reserve( k_rlen ) ;
00020    m_exit .reserve( k_rlen ) ;
00021 //------------------------------------------------------------
00022    const HepLine3D line ( HepGeom::Point3D<double> (  gp.x(), gp.y(), gp.z() ), 
00023                           HepGeom::Vector3D<double> ( gv.x(), gv.y(), gv.z() ), eps ) ;
00025 //   std::cout<<"*** Line: pt="<<<<", unitvec="<<line.uv()<<std::endl ;
00027    const DetIds& ids ( 0 == di ? sg->getValidDetIds( det, subdet ) : *di ) ;
00028 //------------------------------------------------------------
00029    for( DetIds::const_iterator id ( ids.begin() ) ; id != ids.end() ; ++id )
00030    {
00031       const DetId dId ( *id ) ;
00032       unsigned int found ( 0 ) ;
00033       const CaloCellGeometry& cg ( *sg->getGeometry( dId ) ) ;
00034       const CaloCellGeometry::CornersVec& gc ( cg.getCorners() ) ;
00035       const HepGeom::Point3D<double>  fr ( cg.getPosition().x(),
00036                             cg.getPosition().y(),
00037                             cg.getPosition().z()  ) ;
00038       const double bCut2 ( ( gc[0] - gc[6] ).mag2() ) ;
00040       if( ( !onewayonly ||
00041             eps < HepGeom::Vector3D<double> ( fr - ).dot( line.uv() ) ) &&
00042           bCut2 > line.dist2( fr ) ) // first loose cut
00043       {
00044 //       std::cout<<"*** fr="<<fr<<", bCut ="<<sqrt(bCut2)<<", dis="<<line.dist(fr)<<std::endl ;
00045          const HepGeom::Point3D<double>  cv[8] = 
00046             { HepGeom::Point3D<double> ( gc[0].x(), gc[0].y(), gc[0].z() ) ,
00047               HepGeom::Point3D<double> ( gc[1].x(), gc[1].y(), gc[1].z() ) ,
00048               HepGeom::Point3D<double> ( gc[2].x(), gc[2].y(), gc[2].z() ) ,
00049               HepGeom::Point3D<double> ( gc[3].x(), gc[3].y(), gc[3].z() ) ,
00050               HepGeom::Point3D<double> ( gc[4].x(), gc[4].y(), gc[4].z() ) ,
00051               HepGeom::Point3D<double> ( gc[5].x(), gc[5].y(), gc[5].z() ) ,
00052               HepGeom::Point3D<double> ( gc[6].x(), gc[6].y(), gc[6].z() ) ,
00053               HepGeom::Point3D<double> ( gc[7].x(), gc[7].y(), gc[7].z() ) } ;
00054          const HepGeom::Point3D<double>  ctr ( 0.125*(cv[0]+cv[1]+cv[2]+cv[3]+
00055                                        cv[4]+cv[5]+cv[6]+cv[7]) ) ;
00056          const double dCut2 ( bCut2/4. ) ;
00057          if( dCut2 > line.dist2( ctr ) ) // tighter cut
00058 //       if( 1 > line.dist2( ctr ) ) // tighter cut
00059          {
00060 //          std::cout<<"** 2nd cut: ctr="<<ctr
00061 //                   <<", dist="<<line.dist(ctr)<<std::endl ;
00062             static const unsigned int nc[6][4] = 
00063                { { 0,1,2,3 }, { 0,4,5,1 }, { 0,4,7,3 },
00064                  { 6,7,4,5 }, { 6,2,3,7 }, { 6,2,1,5 } } ;
00065             for( unsigned int face ( 0 ) ; face != 6 ; ++face )
00066             {
00067                const unsigned int* ic ( &nc[face][0] ) ;
00068                const HepGeom::Plane3D<double>  pl ( cv[ic[0]], cv[ic[1]], cv[ic[2]] ) ;
00069                bool parallel ;
00070                const HepGeom::Point3D<double>  pt ( line.point( pl, parallel ) ) ;
00071 //             std::cout<<"***Face: "<<face<<", pt="<<pt<<std::endl ;
00072                if( !parallel )
00073                {
00074 //                std::cout<<"Not parallel"<<std::endl ;
00075                   const HepLine3D la ( cv[ic[0]], cv[ic[1]], eps ) ;
00076                   const HepLine3D lb ( cv[ic[2]], cv[ic[3]], eps ) ;
00078 //                std::cout<<"la.point="<<la.point(pt)<<std::endl ;
00080 //                const double dot (  ( la.point( pt ) - pt ).dot( ( lb.point( pt ) - pt ) ) ) ;
00081 //                std::cout<<"***Dot1="<<dot<<std::endl;
00082                   if( eps > ( la.point( pt ) - pt ).dot( ( lb.point( pt ) - pt ) ) )
00083                   {
00084                      const HepLine3D lc ( cv[ic[0]], cv[ic[3]], eps ) ;
00085                      const HepLine3D ld ( cv[ic[1]], cv[ic[2]], eps ) ;
00086 //                   const double dot (  ( lc.point( pt ) - pt ).dot( ( ld.point( pt ) - pt ) ) ) ;
00087 //                   std::cout<<"***Dot2="<<dot<<std::endl;
00088                      if( eps > ( lc.point( pt ) - pt ).dot( ( ld.point( pt ) - pt ) ) )
00089                      {
00090                         if( 0 == found )
00091                         {
00092                            ++found ;
00093                            m_detId.push_back( dId ) ;
00094                            m_ctr .push_back( GlobalPoint( ctr.x(), ctr.y(), ctr.z() ) ) ;
00095                            m_entr.push_back( GlobalPoint(  pt.x(),  pt.y(),  pt.z() ) ) ;
00096                         }
00097                         else
00098                         {
00099                            if( 1 == found )
00100                            {
00101                               ++found ;
00102                               m_exit.push_back( GlobalPoint( pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z() ) ) ;
00103                            } 
00104                            else
00105                            {
00106                               const double dist1 (
00107                                  ( pt - HepGeom::Point3D<double> ( m_entr.back().x(),
00108                                                     m_entr.back().y(),
00109                                                     m_entr.back().z() ) ).mag() ) ;
00110                               const double dist2 ( 
00111                                  ( pt - HepGeom::Point3D<double> ( m_exit.back().x(),
00112                                                     m_exit.back().y(),
00113                                                     m_exit.back().z() ) ).mag() ) ;
00114                               if( eps < dist1 && 
00115                                   eps < dist2    )
00116                               {
00117                                  std::cout << "********For DetId = " << dId 
00118                                            << " distances too big: "
00119                                            << dist1 << ", " << dist2
00120                                            << std::endl ;
00121                               }
00122                            }
00123                         }
00124                      }
00125                   }
00126                }
00127             }
00128          }
00129       }
00130       assert( 2 >= found ) ;
00131       if( 1 == found ) m_exit.push_back( m_entr.back() ) ;
00132    }
00133 //------------------------------------------------------------
00134    assert( m_detId.size() == m_entr.size() &&
00135            m_detId.size() == m_ctr .size() &&
00136            m_detId.size() == m_exit.size()    ) ;
00138    m_len.reserve( m_entr.size() ) ;
00139    for( unsigned int i ( 0 ) ; i != m_entr.size() ; ++i )
00140    {
00141       m_len.push_back( ( m_exit[i] - m_entr[i] ).mag() ) ;
00142    }
00143 }