
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import os
00002 import configTemplates
00003 from helperFunctions import replaceByMap
00004 from TkAlExceptions import AllInOneError
00006 class Alignment:
00007     def __init__(self, name, config, runGeomComp = "1"):
00008         self.condShorts = {
00009             "TrackerAlignmentErrorRcd":
00010                 {"zeroAPE":{"connectString": ("frontier://FrontierProd"
00011                                               "/CMS_COND_31X_FROM21X"),
00012                             "tagName": "TrackerIdealGeometryErrors210_mc",
00013                             "labelName": ""}}}
00014         section = "alignment:%s"%name
00015         if not config.has_section( section ):
00016             raise AllInOneError, ("section %s not found. Please define the "
00017                                   "alignment!"%section)
00018         config.checkInput(section,
00019                           knownSimpleOptions = ['globaltag', 'style', 'color'],
00020                           knownKeywords = ['condition'])
00021 = name
00022         self.runGeomComp = runGeomComp
00023         self.globaltag = config.get( section, "globaltag" )
00024         self.conditions = self.__getConditions( config, section )
00025         self.color = config.get(section,"color")
00026 = config.get(section,"style")
00029     def __shorthandExists(self, theRcdName, theShorthand):
00030         """Method which checks, if `theShorthand` is a valid shorthand for the
00031         given `theRcdName`.
00033         Arguments:
00034         - `theRcdName`: String which specifies the database record.
00035         - `theShorthand`: String which specifies the shorthand to check.
00036         """
00038         if (theRcdName in self.condShorts) and \
00039                 (theShorthand in self.condShorts[theRcdName]):
00040             return True
00041         else:
00042             return False
00045     def __getConditions( self, theConfig, theSection ):
00046         conditions = []
00047         for option in theConfig.options( theSection ):
00048             if option.startswith( "condition " ):
00049                 rcdName = option.split( "condition " )[1]
00050                 condPars = theConfig.get( theSection, option ).split( "," )
00051                 if len(condPars) == 1:
00052                     if len(condPars[0])==0:
00053                         msg = ("In section [%s]: '%s' is used with too few "
00054                                "arguments. A connect_string and a tag are "
00055                                "required!"%(theSection, option))
00056                         raise AllInOneError(msg)
00057                     elif self.__shorthandExists(rcdName, condPars[0]):
00058                         shorthand = condPars[0]
00059                         condPars = [
00060                             self.condShorts[rcdName][shorthand]["connectString"],
00061                             self.condShorts[rcdName][shorthand]["tagName"],
00062                             self.condShorts[rcdName][shorthand]["labelName"]]
00063                     else:
00064                         msg = ("In section [%s]: '%s' is used with '%s', "
00065                                "which is an unknown shorthand for '%s'. Either "
00066                                "provide at least a connect_string and a tag or "
00067                                "use a known shorthand.\n"
00068                                %(theSection, option, condPars[0], rcdName))
00069                         if rcdName in self.condShorts:
00070                             msg += "Known shorthands for '%s':\n"%(rcdName)
00071                             theShorts = self.condShorts[rcdName]
00072                             knownShorts = [("\t"+key+": "
00073                                             +theShorts[key]["connectString"]+","
00074                                             +theShorts[key]["tagName"]+","
00075                                             +theShorts[key]["labelName"]) \
00076                                                for key in theShorts]
00077                             msg+="\n".join(knownShorts)
00078                         else:
00079                             msg += ("There are no known shorthands for '%s'."
00080                                     %(rcdName))
00081                         raise AllInOneError(msg)
00082                 if len( condPars ) == 2:
00083                     condPars.append( "" )
00084                 if len(condPars) > 3:
00085                     msg = ("In section [%s]: '%s' is used with too many "
00086                            "arguments. A maximum of 3 arguments is allowed."
00087                            %(theSection, option))
00088                     raise AllInOneError(msg)
00089                 conditions.append({"rcdName": rcdName.strip(),
00090                                    "connectString": condPars[0].strip(),
00091                                    "tagName": condPars[1].strip(),
00092                                    "labelName": condPars[2].strip()})
00093         return conditions
00095     def __testDbExist(self, dbpath):
00096         #FIXME delete return to end train debuging
00097         return
00098         if not dbpath.startswith("sqlite_file:"):
00099             print "WARNING: could not check existence for",dbpath
00100         else:
00101             if not os.path.exists( dbpath.split("sqlite_file:")[1] ):
00102                 raise "could not find file: '%s'"%dbpath.split("sqlite_file:")[1]
00104     def restrictTo( self, restriction ):
00105         result = []
00106         if not restriction == None:
00107             for mode in self.mode:
00108                 if mode in restriction:
00109                     result.append( mode )
00110             self.mode = result
00112     def getRepMap( self ):
00113         result = {
00114             "name":,
00115             "color": self.color,
00116             "style":,
00117             "runGeomComp": self.runGeomComp,
00118             "GlobalTag": self.globaltag
00119             }
00120         return result  
00122     def getConditions(self):
00123         """This function creates the configuration snippet to override
00124            global tag conditions.
00125            """
00126         if len( self.conditions ):
00127             loadCond = ("\nimport CalibTracker.Configuration."
00128                         "Common.PoolDBESSource_cfi\n")
00129             for cond in self.conditions:
00130                 if not cond["labelName"] == "":
00131                     temp = configTemplates.conditionsTemplate.replace(
00132                         "tag = cms.string('.oO[tagName]Oo.')",
00133                         ("tag = cms.string('.oO[tagName]Oo.'),"
00134                          "\nlabel = cms.untracked.string('.oO[labelName]Oo.')"))
00135                 else:    
00136                     temp = configTemplates.conditionsTemplate
00137                 loadCond += replaceByMap( temp, cond )
00138         else:
00139             loadCond = ""
00140         return loadCond