00001 #include <stdlib.h>
00003 #include <iostream>
00004 #include <fstream>
00005 #include <sstream>
00006 #include <vector>
00007 #include <map>
00008 #include <algorithm>
00009 #include <string>
00012 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h"
00013 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalTrigTowerDetId.h"
00014 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalElectronicsId.h"
00015 #include "Geometry/CaloTopology/interface/HcalTopology.h"
00018 #include "CondCore/IOVService/interface/IOV.h"
00021 #include "CalibCalorimetry/HcalAlgos/interface/HcalDbHardcode.h"
00022 #include "CalibCalorimetry/HcalAlgos/interface/HcalDbASCIIIO.h"
00023 #include "CondTools/Hcal/interface/HcalDbXml.h"
00024 #include "CondTools/Hcal/interface/HcalDbOnline.h"
00025 #include "CondTools/Hcal/interface/HcalDbTool.h"
00027 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalPedestals.h"
00028 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalPedestalWidths.h"
00029 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalGains.h"
00030 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalGainWidths.h"
00031 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalElectronicsMap.h"
00032 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalChannelQuality.h"
00033 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalQIEData.h"
00034 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalCalibrationQIEData.h"
00037 #include "FWCore/MessageService/interface/MessageServicePresence.h"
00042 typedef HcalDbTool::IOVRun IOVRun;
00043 typedef std::map<IOVRun,std::string> IOVCollection;
00046 class Args {
00047 public:
00048 Args () {};
00049 ~Args () {};
00050 void defineOption (const std::string& fOption, const std::string& fComment = "");
00051 void defineParameter (const std::string& fParameter, const std::string& fComment = "");
00052 void parse (int nArgs, char* fArgs []);
00053 void printOptionsHelp () const;
00054 std::string command () const;
00055 std::vector<std::string> arguments () const;
00056 bool optionIsSet (const std::string& fOption) const;
00057 std::string getParameter (const std::string& fKey);
00058 private:
00059 std::string mProgramName;
00060 std::vector <std::string> mOptions;
00061 std::vector <std::string> mParameters;
00062 std::vector <std::string> mArgs;
00063 std::map <std::string, std::string> mParsed;
00064 std::map <std::string, std::string> mComments;
00065 };
00067 template <class T>
00068 std::vector<HcalDetId> undefinedCells (const T& fData) {
00069 static std::vector<HcalDetId> result;
00070 if (result.size () <= 0) {
00071 HcalTopology topology;
00072 for (int eta = -63; eta < 64; eta++) {
00073 for (int phi = 0; phi < 128; phi++) {
00074 for (int depth = 1; depth < 5; depth++) {
00075 for (int det = 1; det < 5; det++) {
00076 HcalDetId cell ((HcalSubdetector) det, eta, phi, depth);
00077 try {
00078 fData.getValues (cell);
00079 }
00080 catch (...) {
00081 if (topology.valid(cell)) result.push_back (cell);
00082 }
00083 }
00084 }
00085 }
00086 }
00087 }
00088 return result;
00089 }
00091 void fillDefaults (HcalPedestals*& fPedestals) {
00092 if (!fPedestals) {
00093 fPedestals = new HcalPedestals;
00094 fPedestals->sort ();
00095 }
00096 std::vector<HcalDetId> cells = undefinedCells (*fPedestals);
00097 for (std::vector <HcalDetId>::const_iterator cell = cells.begin (); cell != cells.end (); cell++) {
00098 HcalPedestal item = HcalDbHardcode::makePedestal (*cell, false);
00099 fPedestals->addValue (*cell, item.getValues ());
00100 }
00101 fPedestals->sort ();
00102 }
00104 void fillDefaults (HcalPedestalWidths*& fPedestals) {
00105 if (!fPedestals) {
00106 fPedestals = new HcalPedestalWidths;
00107 fPedestals->sort ();
00108 }
00109 std::vector<HcalDetId> cells = undefinedCells (*fPedestals);
00110 for (std::vector <HcalDetId>::const_iterator cell = cells.begin (); cell != cells.end (); cell++) {
00111 HcalPedestalWidth item = HcalDbHardcode::makePedestalWidth (*cell);
00112 fPedestals->setWidth (item);
00113 }
00114 fPedestals->sort ();
00115 }
00117 void fillDefaults (HcalGains*& fGains) {
00118 if (!fGains) {
00119 fGains = new HcalGains;
00120 fGains->sort ();
00121 }
00122 std::vector<HcalDetId> cells = undefinedCells (*fGains);
00123 for (std::vector <HcalDetId>::const_iterator cell = cells.begin (); cell != cells.end (); cell++) {
00124 HcalGain item = HcalDbHardcode::makeGain (*cell, false);
00125 fGains->addValue (*cell, item.getValues ());
00126 }
00127 fGains->sort ();
00128 }
00130 void fillDefaults (HcalGainWidths*& fGains) {
00131 if (!fGains) {
00132 fGains = new HcalGainWidths;
00133 fGains->sort ();
00134 }
00135 std::vector<HcalDetId> cells = undefinedCells (*fGains);
00136 for (std::vector <HcalDetId>::const_iterator cell = cells.begin (); cell != cells.end (); cell++) {
00137 HcalGainWidth item = HcalDbHardcode::makeGainWidth (*cell);
00138 fGains->addValue (*cell, item.getValues ());
00139 }
00140 fGains->sort ();
00141 }
00143 void fillDefaults (HcalElectronicsMap*& fMap) {
00144 if (!fMap) {
00145 fMap = new HcalElectronicsMap;
00146 fMap->sort ();
00147 }
00148 std::cerr << "Warning: fillDefaults (HcalElectronicsMap* fMap) is not implemented. Ignore." << std::endl;
00149 }
00151 void fillDefaults (HcalQIEData*& fObject) {
00152 if (!fObject) {
00153 fObject = new HcalQIEData;
00154 fObject->sort ();
00155 }
00156 HcalTopology topology;
00157 for (int eta = -63; eta < 64; eta++) {
00158 for (int phi = 0; phi < 128; phi++) {
00159 for (int depth = 1; depth < 5; depth++) {
00160 for (int det = 1; det < 5; det++) {
00161 HcalDetId cell ((HcalSubdetector) det, eta, phi, depth);
00162 if (topology.valid(cell)) {
00163 HcalQIECoder item = HcalDbHardcode::makeQIECoder (cell);
00164 fObject->addCoder (item);
00165 }
00166 }
00167 }
00168 }
00169 }
00170 fObject->sort ();
00171 }
00173 void fillDefaults (HcalCalibrationQIEData*& fObject) {
00174 if (!fObject) {
00175 fObject = new HcalCalibrationQIEData;
00176 fObject->sort ();
00177 }
00178 HcalTopology topology;
00179 for (int eta = -63; eta < 64; eta++) {
00180 for (int phi = 0; phi < 128; phi++) {
00181 for (int depth = 1; depth < 5; depth++) {
00182 for (int det = 1; det < 5; det++) {
00183 HcalDetId cell ((HcalSubdetector) det, eta, phi, depth);
00184 if (topology.valid(cell)) {
00185 HcalCalibrationQIECoder item = HcalDbHardcode::makeCalibrationQIECoder (cell);
00186 fObject->addCoder (item);
00187 }
00188 }
00189 }
00190 }
00191 }
00192 fObject->sort ();
00193 }
00195 void printHelp (const Args& args) {
00196 char buffer [1024];
00197 std::cout << "Tool to manipulate by Hcal Calibrations" << std::endl;
00198 std::cout << " feedback -> ratnikov@fnal.gov" << std::endl;
00199 std::cout << "Use:" << std::endl;
00200 sprintf (buffer, " %s <what> <options> <parameters>\n", args.command ().c_str());
00201 std::cout << buffer;
00202 std::cout << " where <what> is: \n pedestals\n gains\n pwidths\n gwidths\n emap\n qie\n calibqie" << std::endl;
00203 args.printOptionsHelp ();
00204 }
00206 bool defaultsFile (const std::string fParam) {
00207 return fParam == "defaults";
00208 }
00210 bool asciiFile (const std::string fParam) {
00211 return fParam.find (':') == std::string::npos && std::string (fParam, fParam.length () - 4) == ".txt";
00212 }
00214 bool xmlFile (const std::string fParam) {
00215 return fParam.find (':') == std::string::npos && std::string (fParam, fParam.length () - 4) == ".xml";
00216 }
00218 bool dbFile (const std::string fParam) {
00219 return fParam.find (':') != std::string::npos;
00220 }
00222 bool occiFile (const std::string fParam) {
00223 return fParam.find ("cms_val_lb.cern.ch") != std::string::npos &&
00224 fParam.find (':') == std::string::npos;
00225 }
00227 bool onlineFile (const std::string fParam) {
00228 return fParam.find ('@') != std::string::npos &&
00229 fParam.find ("cms_val_lb") == std::string::npos;
00230 }
00232 template <class T> bool copyObject (T* fObject,
00233 const std::string& fInput, const std::string& fInputTag, HcalDbTool::IOVRun fInputRun,
00234 const std::string& fOutput, const std::string& fOutputTag, HcalDbTool::IOVRun fOutputRun,
00235 bool fAppend,
00236 unsigned long long fIovgmtbegin, unsigned long long fIovgmtend,
00237 unsigned fNread, unsigned fNwrite, unsigned fNtrace,
00238 bool fVerbose,
00239 const char* fInputCatalog, const char* fOutputCatalog, bool fXmlAuth
00240 ) {
00241 typedef std::vector <std::pair<HcalDbTool::IOVRun, T*> > Objects;
00243 bool result = false;
00244 time_t t0 = time (0);
00245 time_t t1 = t0;
00246 unsigned traceCounter = 0;
00247 HcalDbTool* poolDb = 0;
00248 HcalDbOnline* onlineDb = 0;
00250 Objects allInstances;
00251 while (traceCounter < fNread) {
00252 delete fObject;
00254 if (defaultsFile (fInput)) {
00255 if (!traceCounter) std::cout << "USE INPUT: defaults" << std::endl;
00256 fillDefaults (fObject);
00257 result = true;
00258 }
00259 else if (asciiFile (fInput)) {
00260 if (!traceCounter) std::cout << "USE INPUT: ASCII: " << fInput << std::endl;
00261 std::ifstream inStream (fInput.c_str ());
00262 fObject = new T;
00263 HcalDbASCIIIO::getObject (inStream, fObject);
00264 result = true;
00265 }
00266 else if (dbFile (fInput)) {
00267 if (!traceCounter) std::cout << "USE INPUT: Pool: " << fInput << "/" << fInputRun << std::endl;
00268 if (!poolDb) poolDb = new HcalDbTool (fInput, fVerbose, fXmlAuth, fInputCatalog);
00269 if (fInputRun > 0) {
00270 fObject = new T;
00271 result = poolDb->getObject (fObject, fInputTag, fInputRun);
00272 }
00273 else {
00274 std::cout << "Copy all instances... " << std::endl;
00275 cond::IOV iov;
00276 if (poolDb->getObject (&iov, fInputTag)) {
00277 IOVCollection::const_iterator iovi = iov.iov.begin ();
00278 for (; iovi != iov.iov.end (); iovi++) {
00279 IOVRun iovMax = iovi->first;
00280 if (fVerbose) {
00281 std::cout << "fetching object for run " << iovMax << std::endl;
00282 }
00283 T* object = new T;
00284 if (!poolDb->getObject (object, fInputTag, iovMax)) {
00285 std::cerr << "Failed to fetch object..." << std::endl;
00286 result = false;
00287 delete object;
00288 break;
00289 }
00290 allInstances.push_back (std::make_pair (iovMax, object));
00291 std::cerr << '.';
00292 }
00293 if (iovi == iov.iov.end ()) result = true;
00294 }
00295 else {
00296 std::cerr << "can not find IOV for tag " << fInputTag << std::endl;
00297 result = false;
00298 }
00299 }
00300 }
00301 else if (onlineFile (fInput)) {
00302 if (!traceCounter) std::cout << "USE INPUT: Online: " << fInput << std::endl;
00303 if (!onlineDb) onlineDb = new HcalDbOnline (fInput, fVerbose);
00304 if (fInputRun > 0) {
00305 fObject = new T;
00306 result = onlineDb->getObject (fObject, fInputTag, fInputRun);
00307 }
00308 else {
00309 std::cout << "Copy all instances... " << std::endl;
00310 std::vector<HcalDbOnline::IntervalOV> iovs = onlineDb->getIOVs (fInputTag);
00311 for (unsigned i = 0; i < iovs.size ();i++) {
00312 IOVRun iovMin = iovs[i].first;
00313 if (fVerbose) {
00314 std::cout << "fetching object for run " << iovMin << std::endl;
00315 }
00316 T* object = new T;
00317 if (!onlineDb->getObject (object, fInputTag, iovMin)) {
00318 std::cerr << "Failed to fetch object..." << std::endl;
00319 result = false;
00320 delete object;
00321 break;
00322 }
00323 allInstances.push_back (std::make_pair (iovMin, object));
00324 std::cerr << '.';
00325 }
00326 result = true;
00327 }
00328 }
00335 traceCounter++;
00336 fInputRun++;
00337 if (fNtrace && !(traceCounter % fNtrace)) {
00338 time_t t = time (0);
00339 std::cout << "read transaction: " << traceCounter << " time: " << t - t0 << " dtime: " << t - t1 << std::endl;
00340 t1 = t;
00341 }
00342 }
00343 delete poolDb;
00344 delete onlineDb;
00345 poolDb = 0;
00346 onlineDb = 0;
00347 if (result) {
00348 t0 = time (0);
00349 t1 = t0;
00350 traceCounter = 0;
00351 T* object = 0;
00352 while (traceCounter < fNwrite) {
00353 delete object;
00354 object = fObject ? new T (*fObject) : 0;
00355 if (asciiFile (fOutput)) {
00356 if (!traceCounter) std::cout << "USE OUTPUT: ASCII: " << fOutput << std::endl;
00357 if (fObject && allInstances.empty ()) {
00358 std::ofstream outStream (fOutput.c_str ());
00359 HcalDbASCIIIO::dumpObject (outStream, *object);
00360 }
00361 else {
00362 for (unsigned i = 0; i < allInstances.size (); i++) {
00363 if (fVerbose) {
00364 std::cout << "Storing object for run " << allInstances[i].first << std::endl;
00365 }
00366 std::ostringstream outName;
00367 unsigned ipos = fOutput.find (".txt");
00368 if (ipos == std::string::npos) {
00369 outName << fOutput << "_" << allInstances[i].first;
00370 }
00371 else {
00372 outName << std::string (fOutput, 0, ipos) << "_" << allInstances[i].first << ".txt";
00373 }
00374 std::ofstream outStream (outName.str().c_str ());
00375 object = allInstances[i].second;
00376 HcalDbASCIIIO::dumpObject (outStream, *object);
00377 delete object;
00378 allInstances[i].second = 0;
00379 std::cerr << '.';
00380 }
00381 }
00382 }
00383 else if (xmlFile (fOutput)) {
00384 if (!traceCounter) std::cout << "USE OUTPUT: XML: " << fOutput << std::endl;
00385 std::ofstream outStream (fOutput.c_str ());
00386 HcalDbXml::dumpObject (outStream, fOutputRun, fIovgmtbegin, fIovgmtend, fOutputTag, *object);
00387 outStream.close ();
00388 std::cout << "close file\n";
00389 }
00390 else if (dbFile (fOutput)) {
00391 if (!traceCounter) std::cout << "USE OUTPUT: Pool: " << fOutput << '/' << fOutputRun << std::endl;
00392 if (!poolDb) poolDb = new HcalDbTool (fOutput, fVerbose, fXmlAuth, fOutputCatalog);
00393 if (fOutputRun > 0) {
00394 poolDb->putObject (object, fOutputTag, fOutputRun, fAppend);
00395 object = 0;
00396 }
00397 else {
00398 for (unsigned i = 0; i < allInstances.size (); i++) {
00399 if (fVerbose) {
00400 std::cout << "Storing object for run " << allInstances[i].first << std::endl;
00401 }
00402 poolDb->putObject (allInstances[i].second, fOutputTag, allInstances[i].first, fAppend);
00403 allInstances[i].second = 0;
00404 std::cerr << '.';
00405 }
00406 }
00407 }
00408 traceCounter++;
00409 fOutputRun++;
00410 if (fNtrace && !(traceCounter % fNtrace)) {
00411 time_t t = time (0);
00412 std::cout << "write transaction: " << traceCounter << " time: " << t - t0 << " dtime: " << t - t1 << std::endl;
00413 t1 = t;
00414 }
00415 }
00416 delete poolDb;
00417 poolDb = 0;
00418 }
00419 return result;
00420 }
00422 int main (int argn, char* argv []) {
00424 edm::service::MessageServicePresence my_message_service;
00426 Args args;
00427 args.defineParameter ("-input", "DB connection string, POOL format, or .txt file, or defaults");
00428 args.defineParameter ("-output", "DB connection string, POOL format, or .txt, or .xml file");
00429 args.defineParameter ("-inputrun", "run # for which constands should be made");
00430 args.defineParameter ("-inputtag", "tag for the input constants set");
00431 args.defineParameter ("-inputcatalog", "catalog for POOL DB <$POOL_CATALOG>");
00432 args.defineParameter ("-outputrun", "run # for which constands should be dumped");
00433 args.defineParameter ("-outputtag", "tag for the output constants set");
00434 args.defineParameter ("-outputcatalog", "catalog for POOL DB <$POOL_CATALOG>");
00435 args.defineParameter ("-iovgmtbegin", "start time for online IOV <outputrun>");
00436 args.defineParameter ("-iovgmtend", "end time for online IOV <0>");
00437 args.defineParameter ("-nread", "repeat input that many times with increasing run# <1>");
00438 args.defineParameter ("-nwrite", "repeat output that many times with increasing run# <1>");
00439 args.defineParameter ("-trace", "trace time every that many operations <false>");
00440 args.defineOption ("-help", "this help");
00441 args.defineOption ("-online", "interpret input DB as an online DB");
00442 args.defineOption ("-xmlauth", "use XML authorization <false>");
00443 args.defineOption ("-append", "Strip previous IOV, make this IOV open (POOL DB) <false>");
00444 args.defineOption ("-verbose", "makes program verbose <false>");
00446 args.parse (argn, argv);
00448 std::vector<std::string> arguments = args.arguments ();
00450 if (arguments.size () < 1 || args.optionIsSet ("-help")) {
00451 printHelp (args);
00452 return -1;
00453 }
00455 std::string input = args.getParameter ("-input");
00456 std::string output = args.getParameter ("-output");
00458 HcalDbTool::IOVRun inputRun = args.getParameter ("-inputrun").empty () ? 0 : strtoull (args.getParameter ("-inputrun").c_str (), 0, 0);
00459 HcalDbTool::IOVRun outputRun = args.getParameter ("-outputrun").empty () ? 0 : strtoll (args.getParameter ("-outputrun").c_str (), 0, 0);
00460 std::string inputTag = args.getParameter ("-inputtag");
00461 std::string outputTag = args.getParameter ("-outputtag");
00463 unsigned long long iovgmtbegin = args.getParameter ("-iovgmtbegin").empty () ? outputRun : strtoull (args.getParameter ("-iovgmtbegin").c_str (), 0, 0);
00464 unsigned long long iovgmtend = args.getParameter ("-iovgmtend").empty () ? 0 : strtoull (args.getParameter ("-iovgmtend").c_str (), 0, 0);
00466 unsigned nread = args.getParameter ("-nread").empty () ? 1 : atoi (args.getParameter ("-nread").c_str ());
00467 unsigned nwrite = args.getParameter ("-nwrite").empty () ? 1 : atoi (args.getParameter ("-nwrite").c_str ());
00468 unsigned trace = args.getParameter ("-trace").empty () ? 0 : atoi (args.getParameter ("-trace").c_str ());
00470 const char* inputCatalog = args.getParameter ("-inputcatalog").empty () ? 0 : args.getParameter ("-inputcatalog").c_str();
00471 const char* outputCatalog = args.getParameter ("-outputcatalog").empty () ? 0 : args.getParameter ("-outputcatalog").c_str();
00473 bool xmlAuth = args.optionIsSet ("-xmlauth");
00474 bool append = args.optionIsSet ("-append");
00476 bool verbose = args.optionIsSet ("-verbose");
00479 std::string what = arguments [0];
00481 if (what == "pedestals") {
00482 HcalPedestals* object = 0;
00483 copyObject (object, input, inputTag, inputRun, output, outputTag, outputRun, append, iovgmtbegin, iovgmtend, nread, nwrite, trace, verbose, inputCatalog, outputCatalog, xmlAuth);
00484 }
00485 else if (what == "gains") {
00486 HcalGains* object = 0;
00487 copyObject (object, input, inputTag, inputRun, output, outputTag, outputRun, append, iovgmtbegin, iovgmtend, nread, nwrite, trace, verbose, inputCatalog, outputCatalog, xmlAuth);
00488 }
00489 else if (what == "pwidths") {
00490 HcalPedestalWidths* object = 0;
00491 copyObject (object, input, inputTag, inputRun, output, outputTag, outputRun, append, iovgmtbegin, iovgmtend, nread, nwrite, trace, verbose, inputCatalog, outputCatalog, xmlAuth);
00492 }
00493 else if (what == "gwidths") {
00494 HcalGainWidths* object = 0;
00495 copyObject (object, input, inputTag, inputRun, output, outputTag, outputRun, append, iovgmtbegin, iovgmtend, nread, nwrite, trace, verbose, inputCatalog, outputCatalog, xmlAuth);
00496 }
00497 else if (what == "emap") {
00498 HcalElectronicsMap* object = 0;
00499 copyObject (object, input, inputTag, inputRun, output, outputTag, outputRun, append, iovgmtbegin, iovgmtend, nread, nwrite, trace, verbose, inputCatalog, outputCatalog, xmlAuth);
00500 }
00501 else if (what == "qie") {
00502 HcalQIEData* object = 0;
00503 copyObject (object, input, inputTag, inputRun, output, outputTag, outputRun, append, iovgmtbegin, iovgmtend, nread, nwrite, trace, verbose, inputCatalog, outputCatalog, xmlAuth);
00504 }
00505 else if (what == "calibqie") {
00506 HcalCalibrationQIEData* object = 0;
00507 copyObject (object, input, inputTag, inputRun, output, outputTag, outputRun, append, iovgmtbegin, iovgmtend, nread, nwrite, trace, verbose, inputCatalog, outputCatalog, xmlAuth);
00508 }
00509 }
00513 void Args::defineOption (const std::string& fOption, const std::string& fComment) {
00514 mOptions.push_back (fOption);
00515 mComments [fOption] = fComment;
00516 }
00518 void Args::defineParameter (const std::string& fParameter, const std::string& fComment) {
00519 mParameters.push_back (fParameter);
00520 mComments [fParameter] = fComment;
00521 }
00523 void Args::parse (int nArgs, char* fArgs []) {
00524 if (nArgs <= 0) return;
00525 mProgramName = std::string (fArgs [0]);
00526 int iarg = 0;
00527 while (++iarg < nArgs) {
00528 std::string arg (fArgs [iarg]);
00529 if (arg [0] != '-') mArgs.push_back (arg);
00530 else {
00531 if (std::find (mOptions.begin(), mOptions.end (), arg) != mOptions.end ()) {
00532 mParsed [arg] = "";
00533 }
00534 if (std::find (mParameters.begin(), mParameters.end (), arg) != mParameters.end ()) {
00535 if (iarg >= nArgs) {
00536 std::cerr << "ERROR: Parameter " << arg << " has no value specified. Ignore parameter." << std::endl;
00537 }
00538 else {
00539 mParsed [arg] = std::string (fArgs [++iarg]);
00540 }
00541 }
00542 }
00543 }
00544 }
00546 void Args::printOptionsHelp () const {
00547 char buffer [1024];
00548 std::cout << "Parameters:" << std::endl;
00549 for (unsigned i = 0; i < mParameters.size (); i++) {
00550 std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = mComments.find (mParameters [i]);
00551 std::string comment = it != mComments.end () ? it->second : "uncommented";
00552 sprintf (buffer, " %-8s <value> : %s", (mParameters [i]).c_str(), comment.c_str());
00553 std::cout << buffer << std::endl;
00554 }
00555 std::cout << "Options:" << std::endl;
00556 for (unsigned i = 0; i < mOptions.size (); i++) {
00557 std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = mComments.find (mOptions [i]);
00558 std::string comment = it != mComments.end () ? it->second : "uncommented";
00559 sprintf (buffer, " %-8s : %s", (mOptions [i]).c_str(), comment.c_str());
00560 std::cout << buffer << std::endl;
00561 }
00562 }
00564 std::string Args::command () const {
00565 int ipos = mProgramName.rfind ('/');
00566 return std::string (mProgramName, ipos+1);
00567 }
00569 std::vector<std::string> Args::arguments () const {return mArgs;}
00571 bool Args::optionIsSet (const std::string& fOption) const {
00572 return mParsed.find (fOption) != mParsed.end ();
00573 }
00575 std::string Args::getParameter (const std::string& fKey) {
00576 if (optionIsSet (fKey)) return mParsed [fKey];
00577 return "";
00578 }