
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "MuonAnalysis/MuonAssociators/interface/MatcherByPullsAlgorithm.h"
00003 // user include files
00004 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/deltaR.h"
00006 /*     ____                _                   _             
00007  *    / ___|___  _ __  ___| |_ _ __ _   _  ___| |_ ___  _ __ 
00008  *   | |   / _ \| '_ \/ __| __| '__| | | |/ __| __/ _ \| '__|
00009  *   | |__| (_) | | | \__ \ |_| |  | |_| | (__| || (_) | |   
00010  *    \____\___/|_| |_|___/\__|_|   \__,_|\___|\__\___/|_|   
00011  *                                                           
00012  */  
00013 MatcherByPullsAlgorithm::MatcherByPullsAlgorithm(const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig) :
00014     dr2_(std::pow(iConfig.getParameter<double>("maxDeltaR"),2)),
00015     cut_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("maxPull")),
00016     diagOnly_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("diagonalElementsOnly")),
00017     useVertex_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("useVertexVariables"))
00018 {
00019     std::string track = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("track");
00020     if      (track == "standAloneMuon") track_ = StaTrack;
00021     else if (track == "combinedMuon")   track_ = GlbTrack;
00022     else if (track == "track")          track_ = TrkTrack;
00023     else throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "MatcherByPullsAlgorithm: track '"<<track<<"' is not known\n" << 
00024                "Allowed values are: 'track', 'combinedMuon', 'standAloneMuon' (as per reco::RecoCandidate object)\n";
00025 }
00027 MatcherByPullsAlgorithm::~MatcherByPullsAlgorithm()
00028 {
00029 }
00031 /*    __  __       _       _                   
00032  *   |  \/  | __ _| |_ ___| |__   ___ _ __ ___ 
00033  *   | |\/| |/ _` | __/ __| '_ \ / _ \ '__/ __|
00034  *   | |  | | (_| | || (__| | | |  __/ |  \__ \
00035  *   |_|  |_|\__,_|\__\___|_| |_|\___|_|  |___/
00036  *                                             
00037  */  
00038 std::pair<bool,float> 
00039 MatcherByPullsAlgorithm::match(const reco::Track &tk, const reco::Candidate &c, const AlgebraicSymMatrix55 &invCov) const {
00040     if (::deltaR2(tk,c) <= dr2_) {
00041         AlgebraicVector5 diff(tk.qoverp() - c.charge()/c.p(), 
00042                               tk.theta() - c.theta(), 
00043                               ::deltaPhi(tk.phi(), c.phi()),
00044                               tk.dxy(c.vertex()),
00045                               tk.dsz(c.vertex())); 
00046         double pull = ROOT::Math::Similarity(diff, invCov);
00047 #if 0
00048         std::cout << "Tk charge/pt/eta/phi/vx/vy/vz " << tk.charge() << "\t" << << "\t" << tk.eta() << "\t" << tk.phi() << "\t" << tk.vx() << "\t" << tk.vy() << "\t" << tk.vz() << std::endl;
00049         std::cout << "MC charge/pt/eta/phi/vx/vy/vz " << c.charge() << "\t" << << "\t" << c.eta() << "\t" << c.phi() << "\t" << c.vx() << "\t" << c.vy() << "\t" << c.vz() << std::endl;
00050         std::cout << "Delta: " << diff << std::endl;
00051         std::cout << "Sigmas: ";
00052         for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
00053             if (invCov(i,i) == 0) std::cout << "---\t";
00054             else std::cout << std::sqrt(1.0/invCov(i,i)) << "\t";
00055         }
00056         std::cout << std::endl;
00057         std::cout << "Items: ";
00058         for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
00059             if (invCov(i,i) == 0) std::cout << "---\t";
00060             else std::cout << diff(i)*std::sqrt(invCov(i,i)) << "\t";
00061         }
00062         std::cout << std::endl;
00063         std::cout << "Pull: "  << pull << std::endl;
00064 #endif
00065         return std::pair<bool,float>(pull < cut_, pull);
00066     }
00067     return std::pair<bool,float>(false,9e9);
00068 }
00072 std::pair<int,float>
00073 MatcherByPullsAlgorithm::match(const reco::RecoCandidate &src, 
00074                       const std::vector<reco::GenParticle> &cands,
00075                       const std::vector<uint8_t>       &good) const 
00076 {
00077     const reco::Track * tk = track(src);
00078     return (tk == 0 ? 
00079             std::pair<int,float>(-1,9e9) : 
00080             match(*tk, cands, good));
00081 }
00083 std::pair<int,float>
00084 MatcherByPullsAlgorithm::match(const reco::Track &tk, 
00085                       const std::vector<reco::GenParticle> &cands,
00086                       const std::vector<uint8_t>       &good) const 
00087 {
00088     std::pair<int,float> best(-1,9e9);
00090     AlgebraicSymMatrix55 invCov; fillInvCov(tk, invCov);
00091     for (int i = 0, n = cands.size(); i < n; ++i) {
00092         if (!good[i]) continue;
00093         std::pair<bool,float> m = match(tk, cands[i], invCov);
00094         if (m.first && (m.second < best.second)) {
00095             best.first  = i;
00096             best.second = m.second;
00097         } 
00098     }
00099     return best;
00100 }
00102 void
00103 MatcherByPullsAlgorithm::matchMany(const reco::RecoCandidate &src,
00104                 const std::vector<reco::GenParticle> &cands,
00105                 const std::vector<uint8_t>           &good,
00106                 std::vector<std::pair<double,int> >  &matchesToFill) const
00107 {
00108     const reco::Track * tk = track(src);
00109     if (tk != 0) matchMany(*tk, cands, good, matchesToFill);
00110 }
00112 void
00113 MatcherByPullsAlgorithm::matchMany(const reco::Track &tk,
00114                 const std::vector<reco::GenParticle> &cands,
00115                 const std::vector<uint8_t>           &good,
00116                 std::vector<std::pair<double,int> >  &matchesToFill) const
00117 {
00119     AlgebraicSymMatrix55 invCov; fillInvCov(tk, invCov);
00120     for (int i = 0, n = cands.size(); i < n; ++i) {
00121         if (!good[i]) continue;
00122         std::pair<bool,double> m = match(tk, cands[i], invCov);
00123         if (m.first) matchesToFill.push_back(std::make_pair(m.second,i));
00124     }
00125     std::sort(matchesToFill.begin(),matchesToFill.end());
00126 }
00128 /*    _   _ _   _ _ _ _   _           
00129  *   | | | | |_(_) (_) |_(_) ___  ___ 
00130  *   | | | | __| | | | __| |/ _ \/ __|
00131  *   | |_| | |_| | | | |_| |  __/\__ \
00132  *    \___/ \__|_|_|_|\__|_|\___||___/
00133  *                                    
00134  */  
00135 const reco::Track * 
00136 MatcherByPullsAlgorithm::track(const reco::RecoCandidate &muon) const {
00137     switch (track_) {
00138         case StaTrack : return muon.standAloneMuon().isNonnull() ? muon.standAloneMuon().get() : 0;
00139         case GlbTrack : return muon.combinedMuon().isNonnull()   ? muon.combinedMuon().get()   : 0;
00140         case TrkTrack : return muon.track().isNonnull()          ? muon.track().get()          : 0;
00141     }
00142     assert(false);
00143 }
00146 void
00147 MatcherByPullsAlgorithm::fillInvCov(const reco::Track &tk, AlgebraicSymMatrix55 &invCov) const 
00148 {
00149     if (useVertex_) {
00150         invCov = tk.covariance();
00151         if (diagOnly_) {
00152             for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { for (size_t j = i+1; j < 5; ++j) { 
00153                 invCov(i,j) = 0;
00154             } }
00155         }
00156         invCov.Invert();
00157     } else {
00158         AlgebraicSymMatrix33 momCov = tk.covariance().Sub<AlgebraicSymMatrix33>(0,0); // get 3x3 matrix
00159         if (diagOnly_) { momCov(0,1) = 0; momCov(0,2) = 0; momCov(1,2) = 0; }
00160         momCov.Invert();
00161         invCov.Place_at(momCov,0,0);
00162     }
00163 }