#include <FWCore/Concurrency/interface/WaitingTaskList.h>
Description: Handles starting tasks once some resource becomes available.
Usage: This class can be used to have tasks wait to be spawned until a resource is available. Tasks that want to use the resource are added to the list by calling add(tbb::task*). When the resource becomes available one calls doneWaiting() and then any waiting tasks will be spawned. If a call to add() is made after doneWaiting() the newly added task will immediately be spawned. The class can be reused by calling reset(). However, reset() is not thread-safe so one must be certain neither add(...) nor doneWaiting() is called while reset() is running.
An example usage would be if you had a task doing a long calculation (the resource) and then several other tasks have been created in a different thread and before running those new tasks you need the result of the long calculation.
class CalcTask : public tbb::task { public: CalcTask(edm::WaitingTaskList* iWL, Value* v): m_waitList(iWL), m_output(v) {} tbb::task* execute() { *m_output = doCalculation(); m_waitList.doneWaiting(); return nullptr; } private: edm::WaitingTaskList* m_waitList; Value* m_output; };
In one part of the code we can setup the shared resource
WaitingTaskList waitList; Value v;
In another part we can start the calculation
tbb::task* calc = new(tbb::task::allocate_root()) CalcTask(&waitList,&v);
Finally in some unrelated part of the code we can create tasks needed the calculation
tbb::task* t1 = makeTask1(v); waitList.add(t1); tbb::task* t2 = makeTask2(v); waitList.add(t2);