
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 //
00003 // Package:     HcalTestBeam
00004 // Class  :     HcalTB06Analysis
00005 //
00006 // Implementation:
00007 //     Main analysis class for Hcal Test Beam 2006 Analysis
00008 //
00009 // Original Author:
00010 //         Created:  Tue May 16 10:14:34 CEST 2006
00011 // $Id:,v 1.1 2012/07/02 04:44:40 sunanda Exp $
00012 //
00014 // system include files
00015 #include <cmath>
00016 #include <iostream>
00017 #include <iomanip>
00019 // user include files
00020 #include "SimG4CMS/HcalTestBeam/interface/HcalTB06Analysis.h"
00022 #include "SimG4Core/Notification/interface/BeginOfRun.h"
00023 #include "SimG4Core/Notification/interface/BeginOfEvent.h"
00024 #include "SimG4Core/Notification/interface/EndOfEvent.h"
00025 #include "SimG4Core/Watcher/interface/SimWatcherFactory.h"
00027 // to retreive hits
00028 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalSubdetector.h"
00029 #include "SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloG4Hit.h"
00030 #include "SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloG4HitCollection.h"
00031 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/Point3D.h"
00033 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
00034 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
00035 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
00036 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
00037 #include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/ModuleDef.h"
00038 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00040 #include "G4SDManager.hh"
00041 #include "G4VProcess.hh"
00042 #include "G4HCofThisEvent.hh"
00043 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
00044 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalPhysicalConstants.h"
00046 //
00047 // constructors and destructor
00048 //
00050 HcalTB06Analysis::HcalTB06Analysis(const edm::ParameterSet &p): histo(0) {
00052   edm::ParameterSet m_Anal = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("HcalTB06Analysis");
00053   names          = m_Anal.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("Names");
00054   beamOffset     =-m_Anal.getParameter<double>("BeamPosition")*cm;
00055   double fMinEta = m_Anal.getParameter<double>("MinEta");
00056   double fMaxEta = m_Anal.getParameter<double>("MaxEta");
00057   double fMinPhi = m_Anal.getParameter<double>("MinPhi");
00058   double fMaxPhi = m_Anal.getParameter<double>("MaxPhi");
00059   double beamEta = (fMaxEta+fMinEta)/2.;
00060   double beamPhi = (fMaxPhi+fMinPhi)/2.;
00061   double beamThet= 2*atan(exp(-beamEta));
00062   if (beamPhi < 0) beamPhi += twopi;
00063   iceta          = (int)(beamEta/0.087) + 1;
00064   icphi          = (int)(fabs(beamPhi)/0.087) + 5;
00065   if (icphi > 72) icphi -= 73;
00067   produces<PHcalTB06Info>();
00069   beamline_RM = new G4RotationMatrix;
00070   beamline_RM->rotateZ(-beamPhi);
00071   beamline_RM->rotateY(-beamThet);
00073   edm::LogInfo("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06:: Initialised as observer of BeginOf"
00074                             << "Job/BeginOfRun/BeginOfEvent/G4Step/EndOfEvent"
00075                             << " with Parameter values:\n \tbeamOffset = " 
00076                             << beamOffset << "\ticeta = " << iceta 
00077                             << "\ticphi = " << icphi << "\n\tbeamline_RM = "
00078                             << *beamline_RM;
00080   init();
00082   histo  = new HcalTB06Histo(m_Anal);
00083 } 
00085 HcalTB06Analysis::~HcalTB06Analysis() {
00087   edm::LogInfo("HcalTBSim") << "\n -------->  Total number of selected entries"
00088                             << " : " << count << "\nPointers:: Histo " <<histo;
00089   if (histo)   {
00090     delete histo;
00091     histo  = 0;
00092   }
00093 }
00095 //
00096 // member functions
00097 //
00099 void HcalTB06Analysis::produce(edm::Event& e, const edm::EventSetup&) {
00101   std::auto_ptr<PHcalTB06Info> product(new PHcalTB06Info);
00102   fillEvent(*product);
00103   e.put(product);
00104 }
00106 void HcalTB06Analysis::init() {
00108   // counter 
00109   count = 0;
00110   evNum = 0;
00111   clear();
00112 }
00114 void HcalTB06Analysis::update(const BeginOfRun * run) {
00116   int irun = (*run)()->GetRunID();
00117   edm::LogInfo("HcalTBSim") <<" =====> Begin of Run = " << irun;
00119 }
00121 void HcalTB06Analysis::update(const BeginOfEvent * evt) {
00123   evNum = (*evt) ()->GetEventID ();
00124   clear();
00125   edm::LogInfo("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis: =====> Begin of event = "
00126                             << evNum;
00127 }
00129 void HcalTB06Analysis::update(const G4Step * aStep) {
00131   if (aStep != NULL) {
00132     //Get Step properties
00133     G4ThreeVector thePreStepPoint  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
00134     G4ThreeVector thePostStepPoint;
00136     // Get Tracks properties
00137     G4Track*      aTrack   = aStep->GetTrack();
00138     int           trackID  = aTrack->GetTrackID();
00139     int           parentID = aTrack->GetParentID();
00140     G4ThreeVector position = aTrack->GetPosition();
00141     G4ThreeVector momentum = aTrack->GetMomentum();
00142     G4String      partType = aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleType();
00143     G4String      partSubType = aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleSubType();
00144     int    partPDGEncoding = aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
00145 #ifdef ddebug
00146     bool   isPDGStable = aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGStable();
00147 #endif
00148     double pDGlifetime = aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGLifeTime();
00149     double gammaFactor = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetGamma();
00151     if (!pvFound) { //search for v1
00152       double stepDeltaEnergy = aStep->GetDeltaEnergy ();
00153       double kinEnergy = aTrack->GetKineticEnergy ();
00155       // look for DeltaE > 10% kinEnergy of particle, or particle death - Ek=0
00156       if (trackID == 1 && parentID == 0 && 
00157           ((kinEnergy == 0.) || (fabs (stepDeltaEnergy / kinEnergy) > 0.1))) {
00158         pvType = -1;
00159         if (kinEnergy == 0.) {
00160           pvType = 0;
00161         } else {
00162           if (fabs (stepDeltaEnergy / kinEnergy) > 0.1) pvType = 1;
00163         }
00164         pvFound    = true;
00165         pvPosition = position;
00166         pvMomentum = momentum;
00167         // Rotated coord.system:
00168         pvUVW      = (*beamline_RM)*(pvPosition);
00170         //Volume name requires some checks:
00171         G4String thePostPVname = "NoName";
00172         G4StepPoint * thePostPoint = aStep->GetPostStepPoint ();
00173         if (thePostPoint) {
00174           thePostStepPoint = thePostPoint->GetPosition();
00175           G4VPhysicalVolume * thePostPV = thePostPoint->GetPhysicalVolume ();
00176           if (thePostPV) thePostPVname = thePostPV->GetName ();
00177         }
00178 #ifdef ddebug
00179         LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: V1 found at: " 
00180                               << thePostStepPoint << " G4VPhysicalVolume: " 
00181                               << thePostPVname;
00182 #endif      
00183         LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis::fill_v1Pos: Primary Track "
00184                               << "momentum: " << pvMomentum << " psoition " 
00185                               << pvPosition << " u/v/w " << pvUVW;
00186       }
00187     } else { 
00188       // watch for secondaries originating @v1, including the surviving primary
00189       if ((trackID != 1 && parentID == 1 &&
00190            (aTrack->GetCurrentStepNumber () == 1) && 
00191            (thePreStepPoint == pvPosition)) || 
00192           (trackID == 1 && thePreStepPoint == pvPosition)) {
00193 #ifdef ddebug
00194         LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis::A secondary...  PDG:" 
00195                               << partPDGEncoding << " TrackID:" << trackID
00196                               << " ParentID:" << parentID << " stable: "  
00197                               << isPDGStable << " Tau: " << pDGlifetime 
00198                               << " cTauGamma=" 
00199                               << c_light*pDGlifetime*gammaFactor*1000.
00200                               << "um" << " GammaFactor: " << gammaFactor;
00201 #endif      
00202         secTrackID.push_back(trackID);
00203         secPartID.push_back(partPDGEncoding);
00204         secMomentum.push_back(momentum);
00205         secEkin.push_back(aTrack->GetKineticEnergy());
00207         // Check for short-lived secondaries: cTauGamma<100um
00208         double ctaugamma_um = c_light * pDGlifetime * gammaFactor * 1000.;
00209         if ((ctaugamma_um>0.) && (ctaugamma_um<100.)) {//short-lived secondary
00210           shortLivedSecondaries.push_back(trackID);
00211       } else {//normal secondary - enter into the V1-calorimetric tree
00212         //          histos->fill_v1cSec (aTrack);
00213       }
00214       }
00215       // Also watch for tertiary particles coming from 
00216       // short-lived secondaries from V1
00217       if (aTrack->GetCurrentStepNumber() == 1) {
00218         if (shortLivedSecondaries.size() > 0) {
00219           int pid = parentID;
00220           std::vector<int>::iterator pos1= shortLivedSecondaries.begin();
00221           std::vector<int>::iterator pos2 = shortLivedSecondaries.end();
00222           std::vector<int>::iterator pos;
00223           for (pos = pos1; pos != pos2; pos++) {
00224             if (*pos == pid) {//ParentID is on the list of short-lived 
00225               // secondary 
00226 #ifdef ddebug
00227               LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: A tertiary...  PDG:"
00228                                     << partPDGEncoding << " TrackID:" <<trackID
00229                                     << " ParentID:" << parentID << " stable: "
00230                                     << isPDGStable << " Tau: " << pDGlifetime
00231                                     << " cTauGamma=" 
00232                                     << c_light*pDGlifetime*gammaFactor*1000. 
00233                                     << "um GammaFactor: " << gammaFactor;
00234 #endif
00235             }
00236           }
00237         }
00238       }
00239     }
00240   }
00241 }
00243 void HcalTB06Analysis::update(const EndOfEvent * evt) {
00245   count++;
00247   //fill the buffer
00248   LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis::Fill event " 
00249                         << (*evt)()->GetEventID();
00250   fillBuffer (evt);
00252   //Final Analysis
00253   LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis::Final analysis";  
00254   finalAnalysis();
00256   int iEvt = (*evt)()->GetEventID();
00257   if (iEvt < 10) 
00258     edm::LogInfo("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: Event " << iEvt;
00259   else if ((iEvt < 100) && (iEvt%10 == 0)) 
00260     edm::LogInfo("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: Event " << iEvt;
00261   else if ((iEvt < 1000) && (iEvt%100 == 0)) 
00262     edm::LogInfo("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: Event " << iEvt;
00263   else if ((iEvt < 10000) && (iEvt%1000 == 0)) 
00264     edm::LogInfo("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: Event " << iEvt;
00265 }
00267 void HcalTB06Analysis::fillBuffer(const EndOfEvent * evt) {
00269   std::vector<CaloHit> hhits;
00270   int                  idHC, j;
00271   CaloG4HitCollection* theHC;
00272   std::map<int,float,std::less<int> > primaries;
00273   double               etot1=0, etot2=0;
00275   // Look for the Hit Collection of HCal
00276   G4HCofThisEvent* allHC = (*evt)()->GetHCofThisEvent();
00277   std::string sdName = names[0];
00278   idHC  = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID(sdName);
00279   theHC = (CaloG4HitCollection*) allHC->GetHC(idHC);
00280   LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: Hit Collection for " << sdName
00281                         << " of ID " << idHC << " is obtained at " << theHC;
00283   if (idHC >= 0 && theHC > 0) {
00284     hhits.reserve(theHC->entries());
00285     for (j = 0; j < theHC->entries(); j++) {
00286       CaloG4Hit* aHit = (*theHC)[j]; 
00287       double e        = aHit->getEnergyDeposit()/GeV;
00288       double time     = aHit->getTimeSlice();
00289       math::XYZPoint pos  = aHit->getEntry();
00290       unsigned int id = aHit->getUnitID();
00291       double theta    = pos.theta();
00292       double eta      = -log(tan(theta * 0.5));
00293       double phi      = pos.phi();
00294       CaloHit hit(2,1,e,eta,phi,time,id);
00295       hhits.push_back(hit);
00296       primaries[aHit->getTrackID()]+= e;
00297       etot1 += e;
00298 #ifdef ddebug
00299       LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: Hcal Hit i/p " << j 
00300                             << "  ID 0x" << std::hex << id << std::dec 
00301                             << " time " << std::setw(6) << time << " theta "
00302                             << std::setw(8) << theta << " eta " << std::setw(8)
00303                             << eta << " phi " << std::setw(8) << phi << " e " 
00304                             << std::setw(8) << e;
00305 #endif
00306     }
00307   }
00309   // Add hits in the same channel within same time slice
00310   std::vector<CaloHit>::iterator itr;
00311   int nHit = hhits.size();
00312   std::vector<CaloHit*> hits(nHit);
00313   for (j = 0, itr = hhits.begin(); itr != hhits.end(); j++, itr++) {
00314     hits[j] = &hhits[j];
00315   }
00316   sort(hits.begin(),hits.end(),CaloHitIdMore());
00317   std::vector<CaloHit*>::iterator k1, k2;
00318   int nhit = 0;
00319   for (k1 = hits.begin(); k1 != hits.end(); k1++) {
00320     int      det    = (**k1).det();
00321     int      layer  = (**k1).layer();
00322     double   ehit   = (**k1).e();
00323     double   eta    = (**k1).eta();
00324     double   phi    = (**k1).phi();
00325     double   jitter = (**k1).t();
00326     uint32_t unitID = (**k1).id();
00327     int      jump  = 0;
00328     for (k2 = k1+1; k2 != hits.end() && fabs(jitter-(**k2).t())<1 &&
00329            unitID==(**k2).id(); k2++) {
00330       ehit += (**k2).e();
00331       jump++;
00332     }
00333     nhit++;
00334     CaloHit hit(det, layer, ehit, eta, phi, jitter, unitID);
00335     hcalHitCache.push_back(hit);
00336     etot2 += ehit;
00337     k1    += jump;
00338 #ifdef ddebug
00339     LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: Hcal Hit store " << nhit 
00340                           << "  ID 0x" << std::hex  << unitID  << std::dec 
00341                           << " time " << std::setw(6) << jitter << " eta "
00342                           << std::setw(8) << eta << " phi " << std::setw(8) 
00343                           << phi  << " e " << std::setw(8) << ehit;
00344 #endif
00345   }
00346   LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: Stores " << nhit << " HCal hits"
00347                         << " from " << nHit << " input hits E(Hcal) " << etot1 
00348                         << " " << etot2;
00350   // Look for the Hit Collection of ECal
00351   std::vector<CaloHit> ehits;
00352   sdName= names[1];
00353   idHC  = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID(sdName);
00354   theHC = (CaloG4HitCollection*) allHC->GetHC(idHC);
00355   etot1 = etot2 = 0;
00356   LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: Hit Collection for " << sdName
00357                         << " of ID " << idHC << " is obtained at " << theHC;
00358   if (idHC >= 0 && theHC > 0) {
00359     ehits.reserve(theHC->entries());
00360     for (j = 0; j < theHC->entries(); j++) {
00361       CaloG4Hit* aHit = (*theHC)[j]; 
00362       double e        = aHit->getEnergyDeposit()/GeV;
00363       double time     = aHit->getTimeSlice();
00364       math::XYZPoint pos  = aHit->getEntry();
00365       unsigned int id = aHit->getUnitID();
00366       double theta    = pos.theta();
00367       double eta      = -log(tan(theta * 0.5));
00368       double phi      = pos.phi();
00369       if (e < 0 || e > 100000.) e = 0;
00370       CaloHit hit(1,0,e,eta,phi,time,id);
00371       ehits.push_back(hit);
00372       primaries[aHit->getTrackID()]+= e;
00373       etot1 += e;
00374 #ifdef ddebug
00375       LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: Ecal Hit i/p " << j 
00376                             << "  ID 0x" << std::hex << id  << std::dec 
00377                             << " time " << std::setw(6) << time << " theta " 
00378                             << std::setw(8) << theta  << " eta " <<std::setw(8)
00379                             << eta  << " phi " << std::setw(8) << phi << " e "
00380                             << std::setw(8) << e;
00381 #endif
00382     }
00383   }
00385   // Add hits in the same channel within same time slice
00386   nHit = ehits.size();
00387   std::vector<CaloHit*> hite(nHit);
00388   for (j = 0, itr = ehits.begin(); itr != ehits.end(); j++, itr++) {
00389     hite[j] = &ehits[j];
00390   }
00391   sort(hite.begin(),hite.end(),CaloHitIdMore());
00392   nhit = 0;
00393   for (k1 = hite.begin(); k1 != hite.end(); k1++) {
00394     int      det    = (**k1).det();
00395     int      layer  = (**k1).layer();
00396     double   ehit   = (**k1).e();
00397     double   eta    = (**k1).eta();
00398     double   phi    = (**k1).phi();
00399     double   jitter = (**k1).t();
00400     uint32_t unitID = (**k1).id();
00401     int      jump  = 0;
00402     for (k2 = k1+1; k2 != hite.end() && fabs(jitter-(**k2).t())<1 &&
00403            unitID==(**k2).id(); k2++) {
00404       ehit += (**k2).e();
00405       jump++;
00406     }
00407     nhit++;
00408     CaloHit hit(det, layer, ehit, eta, phi, jitter, unitID);
00409     ecalHitCache.push_back(hit);
00410     etot2 += ehit;
00411     k1    += jump;
00412 #ifdef ddebug
00413     LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: Ecal Hit store " << nhit
00414                           << "  ID 0x" << std::hex << unitID  << std::dec 
00415                           << " time " << std::setw(6) << jitter << " eta "
00416                           << std::setw(8) << eta << " phi " << std::setw(8)
00417                           << phi << " e " << std::setw(8) << ehit;
00418 #endif
00419   }
00420   LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: Stores " << nhit << " ECal hits"
00421                         << " from " << nHit << " input hits E(Ecal) " << etot1 
00422                         << " " << etot2;
00424   // Find Primary info:
00425   nPrimary    = (int)(primaries.size());
00426   int trackID = 0;
00427   G4PrimaryParticle* thePrim=0;
00428   int nvertex = (*evt)()->GetNumberOfPrimaryVertex();
00429   LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: Event has " << nvertex 
00430                         << " verteices";
00431   if (nvertex<=0)
00432     edm::LogInfo("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis::EndOfEvent ERROR: no "
00433                               << "vertex found for event " << evNum;
00435   for (int i = 0 ; i<nvertex; i++) {
00436     G4PrimaryVertex* avertex = (*evt)()->GetPrimaryVertex(i);
00437     if (avertex == 0) {
00438       edm::LogInfo("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis::EndOfEvent ERR: pointer "
00439                                 << "to vertex = 0 for event " << evNum;
00440     } else {
00441       LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis::Vertex number :" << i << " "
00442                             << avertex->GetPosition();
00443       int npart = avertex->GetNumberOfParticle();
00444       if (npart == 0)
00445         edm::LogWarning("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis::End Of Event ERR: "
00446                                      << "no primary!";
00447       if (thePrim==0) thePrim=avertex->GetPrimary(trackID);
00448     }
00449   }
00451   if (thePrim != 0) {
00452     double px = thePrim->GetPx();
00453     double py = thePrim->GetPy();
00454     double pz = thePrim->GetPz();
00455     double p  = std::sqrt(pow(px,2.)+pow(py,2.)+pow(pz,2.));
00456     pInit     = p/GeV;
00457     if (p==0) 
00458       edm::LogWarning("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: EndOfEvent ERR: "
00459                                    << "primary has p=0 ";
00460     else {
00461       double costheta = pz/p;
00462       double theta = acos(std::min(std::max(costheta,-1.),1.));
00463       etaInit = -log(tan(theta/2));
00464       if (px != 0 || py != 0) phiInit = atan2(py,px);  
00465     }
00466     particleType = thePrim->GetPDGcode();
00467   } else 
00468     edm::LogWarning("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis::EndOfEvent ERR: could "
00469                                  << "not find primary";
00471 }
00473 void HcalTB06Analysis::finalAnalysis() {
00475   //Beam Information
00476   histo->fillPrimary(pInit, etaInit, phiInit);
00478   // Total Energy
00479   eecals = ehcals = 0.;
00480   for (unsigned int i=0; i<hcalHitCache.size(); i++) {
00481     ehcals += hcalHitCache[i].e();
00482   }
00483   for (unsigned int i=0; i<ecalHitCache.size(); i++) {
00484     eecals += ecalHitCache[i].e();
00485   }
00486   etots = eecals + ehcals;
00487   LogDebug("HcalTBSim") << "HcalTB06Analysis:: Energy deposit at Sim Level "
00488                         << "(Total) " << etots << " (ECal) " << eecals 
00489                         << " (HCal) " << ehcals;
00490   histo->fillEdep(etots, eecals, ehcals);
00491 }
00494 void HcalTB06Analysis::fillEvent (PHcalTB06Info& product) {
00496   //Beam Information
00497   product.setPrimary(nPrimary, particleType, pInit, etaInit, phiInit);
00499   // Total Energy
00500   product.setEdep(etots, eecals, ehcals);
00502   //Energy deposits in the crystals and towers
00503   for (unsigned int i=0; i<hcalHitCache.size(); i++) 
00504     product.saveHit(hcalHitCache[i].id(), hcalHitCache[i].eta(),
00505                     hcalHitCache[i].phi(), hcalHitCache[i].e(),
00506                     hcalHitCache[i].t());
00507   for (unsigned int i=0; i<ecalHitCache.size(); i++) 
00508     product.saveHit(ecalHitCache[i].id(), ecalHitCache[i].eta(),
00509                     ecalHitCache[i].phi(), ecalHitCache[i].e(),
00510                     ecalHitCache[i].t());
00512   //Vertex associated quantities
00513   product.setVtxPrim(evNum, pvType, pvPosition.x(), pvPosition.y(), 
00514                      pvPosition.z(), pvUVW.x(), pvUVW.y(), pvUVW.z(),
00515                      pvMomentum.x(), pvMomentum.y(), pvMomentum.z());
00516   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < secTrackID.size(); i++) {
00517     product.setVtxSec(secTrackID[i], secPartID[i], secMomentum[i].x(),
00518                       secMomentum[i].y(), secMomentum[i].z(), secEkin[i]);
00519   }
00520 }
00522 void HcalTB06Analysis::clear() {
00524   pvFound = false;
00525   pvType  =-2;
00526   pvPosition = G4ThreeVector();
00527   pvMomentum = G4ThreeVector();
00528   pvUVW      = G4ThreeVector();
00529   secTrackID.clear();
00530   secPartID.clear();
00531   secMomentum.clear();
00532   secEkin.clear();
00533   shortLivedSecondaries.clear();
00535   ecalHitCache.erase(ecalHitCache.begin(), ecalHitCache.end()); 
00536   hcalHitCache.erase(hcalHitCache.begin(), hcalHitCache.end()); 
00537   nPrimary = particleType = 0;
00538   pInit = etaInit = phiInit = 0;
00539 }
00541 DEFINE_SIMWATCHER (HcalTB06Analysis);