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/afs/ File Reference

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class  cuy::additionElement
class  cuy::divideElement
class  cuy::FindIssue
class  cuy::graphElement
class  cuy::ParsingError
class  cuy::plotElement
class  cuy::superimposeElement
class  cuy::ValElement


namespace  cuy


def cuy::exit
def cuy::nonzero
def cuy::parse


dictionary cuy::afilelist = {}
list cuy::afilename = thedata[ikey]
tuple cuy::aleg = TLegend(0.6,0.4,0.8,0.6)
string cuy::arelease = ""
list cuy::astack = stacklist[thesuper[ikey].name]
list cuy::ath = thedata[jkey]
tuple cuy::atmpth = ath.Clone()
int cuy::aweight = 1
string cuy::Banner = "CMS Preliminary"
tuple cuy::BinWidth = (0.01+ath.GetMaximum())
float cuy::BMid = 0.005
int cuy::col = 2
tuple cuy::createXML = Inspector.Inspector()
dictionary cuy::cv = {}
list cuy::denominator = thedivition[ikey]
list cuy::denominatorth = thedata[jkey]
tuple cuy::dh = FindIssue()
 cuy::dif1 = BMid-yBin
 cuy::dif2 = yClosest-BMid
 cuy::doFill = False
 cuy::dolegend = False
 cuy::doNormalize = False
list cuy::doRebin = thesuper[ikey]
 cuy::Err = BinWidth
string cuy::firstFilename = ''
list cuy::graphs
tuple cuy::histonamekeys = thehistos.keys()
int cuy::ib = 1
 cuy::iBinClosest = iBinClosestInit
int cuy::iBinClosestInit = 0
int cuy::ihnameIt = 0
int cuy::ii = 0
tuple cuy::ins = Inspector.Inspector()
 cuy::isFirst = True
list cuy::listcolor = thesuper[ikey]
list cuy::listflavour = thegraph[ikey]
list cuy::listlegend = thesuper[ikey]
list cuy::listmarker = thesuper[ikey]
list cuy::listname = theaddition[ikey]
list cuy::listweight = theaddition[ikey]
int cuy::mark = 22
int cuy::max = 2
tuple cuy::maxInHisto = ath.GetMaximum()
int cuy::min = 2
tuple cuy::minInHisto = ath.GetMinimum()
tuple cuy::nAthBin = ath.GetNbinsX()
int cuy::nBinB = 200
tuple cuy::newth = ath.Clone(theaddition[ikey].name)
list cuy::newTH1list = []
tuple cuy::newthpx = ath.ProjectionX(ath.GetName()+"_px",0,-1,"e")
tuple cuy::newthpy = ath.ProjectionY(ath.GetName()+"_py",0,-1,"e")
list cuy::numerator = thedivition[ikey]
list cuy::numeratorth = thedata[jkey]
int cuy::nVal_ref = 0
int cuy::nVal_val = 0
string cuy::optionstring = ""
tuple cuy::outputroot = TFile("cuy.root","RECREATE")
tuple cuy::parser = make_parser()
 cuy::printBanner = False
 cuy::printCanvas = False
string cuy::printFormat = "png"
string cuy::profileAxis = "no"
string cuy::projectAxis = "no"
int cuy::projectBin = 1
float cuy::RangeMax = 0.005
float cuy::RangeMin = 0.9
string cuy::rep = ''
list cuy::save = thegraph[ikey]
dictionary cuy::stacklist = {}
tuple cuy::tex = TLatex(0.35,0.95,Banner)
 cuy::theaddition = dh.addition
 cuy::thedata =
 cuy::thedivition = dh.divide
 cuy::thegraph = dh.graph
list cuy::thehistos = thedata[ikey]
list cuy::thelabels = thesuper[ikey]
tuple cuy::thestyle = Style.Style()
 cuy::thesuper = dh.superimpose
list cuy::tmpkeys = thedata[jkey]
tuple cuy::tmpsumth = newth.Clone()
tuple cuy::USAGE = re.compile(r'(?s)\s*usage: (.*?)(\n[ \t]*\n|$)')
 cuy::verbose = False
tuple cuy::xErr_ref = TVectorD()
tuple cuy::xErr_val = TVectorD()
tuple cuy::xmlfile = open(option.xml)
tuple cuy::xVal_ref = TVectorD()
tuple cuy::xVal_val = TVectorD()
tuple cuy::yBin = ath.GetBinContent(iAthBin)
tuple cuy::yBin_ref = std.vector(int)
tuple cuy::yBin_val = std.vector(int)
 cuy::yClosest = yClosestInit
int cuy::yClosestInit = 0
tuple cuy::yErr_ref = TVectorD()
tuple cuy::yErr_val = TVectorD()
tuple cuy::yVal_ref = TVectorD()
tuple cuy::yVal_val = TVectorD()
tuple cuy::zErr_ref = TVectorD()
tuple cuy::zErr_val = TVectorD()
tuple cuy::zVal_ref = TVectorD()
tuple cuy::zVal_val = TVectorD()