
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 full_title = "RecoJets collections (in RECO and AOD)"
00003 full = {
00004     '0':['*', 'recoCaloJets', 'No documentation'] ,
00005     '1':['*', 'recoPFJets', 'No documentation'] ,
00006     '2':['*', 'recoTrackJets', 'No documentation'] ,
00007     '3':['*', 'recoJPTJets', 'No documentation'] ,
00008     '4':['caloTowers', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00009     '5':['towerMaker', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00010     '6':['CastorTowerReco', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00011     '7':['trackRefsForJets', 'recoRecoChargedRefCandidates', 'No documentation'] ,
00012     '8':['ic5JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00013     '9':['iterativeCone5JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00014     '10':['iterativeCone5JetTracksAssociatorAtCaloFace', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00015     '11':['iterativeCone5JetExtender', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00016     '12':['sisCone5JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00017     '13':['sisCone5JetTracksAssociatorAtCaloFace', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00018     '14':['sisCone5JetExtender', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00019     '15':['kt4JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00020     '16':['kt4JetTracksAssociatorAtCaloFace', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00021     '17':['kt4JetExtender', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00022     '18':['ak5JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00023     '19':['ak5JetTracksAssociatorAtCaloFace', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00024     '20':['ak5JetExtender', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00025     '21':['ak5JetTracksAssociatorExplicit', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00026     '22':['ak7JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00027     '23':['ak7JetTracksAssociatorAtCaloFace', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00028     '24':['ak7JetExtender', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00029     '25':['ak5JetID', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00030     '26':['sc5JetID', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00031     '27':['ic5JetID', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00032     '28':['gk5JetID', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00033     '29':['kt4JetID', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00034     '30':['ca4JetID', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00035     '31':['kt4CaloJets','reco::CaloJetCollection','Fastjet kT R=0.4 jets reconstructed from CaloTowers with pT>0.5 GeV'],
00036     '32':['kt6CaloJets','reco::CaloJetCollection','Fastjet kT R=0.6 jets reconstructed from CaloTowers with pT>0.5 GeV'],
00037     '33':['ak5CaloJets', 'reco::CaloJetCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.5 jets reconstructed from CaloTowers with pT>0.5 GeV. Note that the label is antikt5CaloJets for CMSSW_3_1_X (Summer09 MC production)'],
00038     '34' :['ak7CaloJets','reco::CaloJetCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.7 jets reconstructed from CaloTowers with pT>0.5 GeV. Note that the label is antikt7CaloJets for CMSSW_3_1_X (Summer09 MC production)'],
00039     '35':['iterativeCone5CaloJets', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00040     '36':['iterativeCone15CaloJets', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00041     '37':['ak5PFJets','reco::PFJetCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.5 jets reconstructed from PF particles. Note that the label is antikt5PFJets for CMSSW_3_1_X (Summer09 MC production)'],
00042     '38':['ak7PFJets','reco::PFJetCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.7 jets reconstructed from PF particles. Note that the label is antikt7PFJets for CMSSW_3_1_X (Summer09 MC production)'],
00043     '39':['kt4PFJets','reco::PFJetCollection','Fastjet kT R=0.4 jets reconstructed from PF particles'],
00044     '40':['kt6PFJets','reco::PFJetCollection','Fastjet kT R=0.6 jets reconstructed from PF particles'],
00045     '41':['iterativeCone5PFJets', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00046     '42':['JetPlusTrackZSPCorJetAntiKt5','reco::JPTJetCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.5 jets reconstructed from CaloTowers, corrected with track response within the jet cone.'],
00047     '43':['ak5TrackJets','reco::TrackJetCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.5 jets reconstructed from tracks.'],
00048     '44':['kt4TrackJets', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00049     '45':['ak7BasicJets','reco::CastorTowerCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.7 jets reconstructed from CastorTowers'],
00050     '46':['ak7CastorJetID','reco::CastorJetIDValueMap','Corresponding JetID object to go with the ak7BasicJets, contains various information on how a jet in CASTOR looks, see CASTOR reconstruction page for more info'],
00051     '47':['fixedGridRho*', '*', 'No documentation'],
00053       # Correction needed, because not matched with Event Content
00054     '47':['ak5GenJets','reco::GenJetCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.5 jets reconstructed from stable generator particles. Note that the label is antikt5GenJets for CMSSW_3_1_X (Summer09 MC production)'],
00055     '48':['ak7GenJets','reco::GenJetCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.7 jets reconstructed from stable generator particles. Note that the label is antikt7GenJets for CMSSW_3_1_X (Summer09 MC production)'],
00056     '49':['kt4GenJets','reco::GenJetCollection','Fastjet kT R=0.4 jets reconstructed from stable generator particles'],
00057     '50':['kt6GenJets','reco::GenJetCollection','Fastjet kT R=0.6 jets reconstructed from stable generator particles'] 
00058 }
00060 reco_title = "RecoJets collections (in RECO only)"
00062 reco = {
00063     '0':['kt4CaloJets','reco::CaloJetCollection','Fastjet kT R=0.4 jets reconstructed from CaloTowers with pT>0.5 GeV'],
00064     '1':['kt6CaloJets','reco::CaloJetCollection','Fastjet kT R=0.6 jets reconstructed from CaloTowers with pT>0.5 GeV'],
00065     '2':['ak5CaloJets', 'reco::CaloJetCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.5 jets reconstructed from CaloTowers with pT>0.5 GeV. Note that the label is antikt5CaloJets for CMSSW_3_1_X (Summer09 MC production)'],
00066     '3' :['ak7CaloJets','reco::CaloJetCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.7 jets reconstructed from CaloTowers with pT>0.5 GeV. Note that the label is antikt7CaloJets for CMSSW_3_1_X (Summer09 MC production)'],
00067     '4':['iterativeCone5CaloJets', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00068     '5':['iterativeCone15CaloJets', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00069     '6':['kt4PFJets', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00070     '7':['kt6PFJets', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00071     '8':['ak5PFJets', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00072     '9':['ak7PFJets', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00073     '10':['ak5PFJetsCHS*', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00074     '11':['iterativeCone5PFJets', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00075     '12':['JetPlusTrackZSPCorJetAntiKt5','reco::JPTJetCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.5 jets reconstructed from CaloTowers, corrected with track response within the jet cone.'],
00076     '13':['ak5TrackJets', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00077     '14':['kt4TrackJets', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00078     '15':['trackRefsForJets', 'recoRecoChargedRefCandidates', 'No documentation'] ,
00079     '16':['caloTowers', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00080     '17':['towerMaker', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00081     '18':['CastorTowerReco','reco::CastorTowerCollection','Collection of towers in CASTOR (RecHits in one phi sector summed over z)'],
00082     '19':['ic5JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00083     '20':['iterativeCone5JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00084     '21':['iterativeCone5JetTracksAssociatorAtCaloFace', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00085     '22':['iterativeCone5JetExtender', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00086     '23':['kt4JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00087     '24':['kt4JetTracksAssociatorAtCaloFace', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00088     '25':['kt4JetExtender', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00089     '26':['ak5JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex',' ','tracks associated to all ak5CaloJets within a Cone R=0.5 at the vertex'],
00090     '27':['ak5JetTracksAssociatorAtCaloFace', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00091     '28':['ak5JetTracksAssociatorExplicit', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00092     '29':['ak5JetExtender', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00093     '30':['ak7JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00094     '31':['ak7JetTracksAssociatorAtCaloFace', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00095     '32':['ak7JetExtender', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00096     '33':['ak5JetID', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00097     '34':['ic5JetID', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00098     '35':['kt4JetID', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00099     '36':['ak7BasicJets','reco::CastorTowerCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.7 jets reconstructed from CastorTowers'],
00100     '37':['ak7CastorJetID','reco::CastorJetIDValueMap','Corresponding JetID object to go with the ak7BasicJets, contains various information on how a jet in CASTOR looks, see CASTOR reconstruction page for more info'],
00101     '38':['kt6CaloJetsCentral', 'double', 'No documentation'] ,
00102     '39':['kt6PFJetsCentralChargedPileUp', 'double', 'No documentation'] ,
00103     '40':['kt6PFJetsCentralNeutral', 'double', 'No documentation'] ,
00104     '41':['kt6PFJetsCentralNeutralTight', 'double', 'No documentation'] ,
00105     '42':['fixedGridRho*', '*', 'No documentation'] 
00106 }
00108 aod_title = "RecoJets collections (in AOD only)"
00110 aod = {
00111     '0':['ak5CaloJets','reco::CaloJetCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.5 jets reconstructed from CaloTowers with pT>0.5 GeV. Note that the label is antikt5CaloJets for CMSSW_3_1_X (Summer09 MC production)'],
00112     '1':['ak5PFJetsCHS*', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00113     '2':['kt6PFJets','reco::PFJetCollection','Fastjet kT R=0.6 jets reconstructed from PF particles'],
00114     '3':['ak5PFJets','reco::PFJetCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.5 jets reconstructed from PF particles. Note that the label is antikt5PFJets for CMSSW_3_1_X (Summer09 MC production)'],
00115     '4':['ak7PFJets','reco::PFJetCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.7 jets reconstructed from PF particles. Note that the label is antikt7PFJets for CMSSW_3_1_X (Summer09 MC production)'],
00116     '5':['ak5TrackJets', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00117     '6':['trackRefsForJets', 'recoRecoChargedRefCandidates', 'No documentation'] ,
00118     '7':['caloTowers', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00119     '8':['CastorTowerReco','reco::CastorTowerCollection','Collection of towers in CASTOR (RecHits in one phi sector summed over z)'],
00120     '9':['ak5JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex',' ','tracks associated to all ak5CaloJets within a Cone R=0.5 at the vertex'],
00121     '10':['ak5JetTracksAssociatorExplicit', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00122     '11':['ak7JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00123     '12':['kt4JetExtender', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00124     '13':['ak5JetExtender', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00125     '14':['ak7JetExtender', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00126     '15':['ak5JetID', '*', 'No documentation'] ,
00127     '16':['ak7BasicJets','reco::CastorTowerCollection','Fastjet Anti-kT R=0.7 jets reconstructed from CastorTowers'],
00128     '17':['ak7CastorJetID','reco::CastorJetIDValueMap','Corresponding JetID object to go with the ak7BasicJets, contains various information on how a jet in CASTOR looks, see CASTOR reconstruction page for more info'],
00129     '18':['kt6CaloJetsCentral', 'double', 'No documentation'] ,
00130     '19':['kt6PFJetsCentralChargedPileUp', 'double', 'No documentation'] ,
00131     '20':['kt6PFJetsCentralNeutral', 'double', 'No documentation'] ,
00132     '21':['kt6PFJetsCentralNeutralTight', 'double', 'No documentation'] ,
00133     '22':['fixedGridRho*', '*', 'No documentation'] 
00134 }