
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //#include "Utilities/Configuration/interface/Architecture.h"
00002 /*  
00003  *  $Date: 2012/06/04 11:26:22 $
00004  *  $Revision: 1.20 $
00005  *  \author J. Mans -- UMD
00006  */
00008 #include "EventFilter/HcalRawToDigi/interface/HcalHTRData.h"
00009 #else
00010 #include "HcalHTRData.h"
00011 const int HcalHTRData::CHANNELS_PER_SPIGOT         = 24;
00012 const int HcalHTRData::MAXIMUM_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL = 20;
00013 #endif
00014 #include <string.h>
00015 #include <stdio.h>
00017 HcalHTRData::HcalHTRData() : m_formatVersion(-2), m_rawLength(0), m_rawConst(0), m_ownData(0) { }
00018 HcalHTRData::HcalHTRData(const unsigned short* data, int length) {
00019   adoptData(data,length);
00020   m_ownData=0;
00021 }
00022 HcalHTRData::HcalHTRData(const HcalHTRData& hd) : m_formatVersion(hd.m_formatVersion), m_rawLength(hd.m_rawLength), m_rawConst(hd.m_rawConst), m_ownData(0) { }
00024 HcalHTRData::HcalHTRData(int version_to_create) : m_formatVersion(version_to_create) {
00025   allocate(version_to_create);
00026 }
00028 void HcalHTRData::allocate(int version_to_create) {
00029   m_formatVersion=version_to_create;
00030   // the needed space is for the biggest possible event...
00031   const int needed=0x200;
00032   // create a buffer big enough...
00033   m_ownData=new unsigned short[needed];
00034   // clear isn't really necessary, but it makes valgrind happy
00035   memset(m_ownData,0,sizeof(unsigned short)*needed);
00036   m_rawLength=0;
00037   m_rawConst=m_ownData;
00038 }
00040 HcalHTRData& HcalHTRData::operator=(const HcalHTRData& hd) {
00041   if (m_ownData==0) {
00042     m_formatVersion=hd.m_formatVersion;
00043     m_rawLength=hd.m_rawLength;
00044     m_rawConst=hd.m_rawConst;
00045   }
00046   return (*this);
00047 }
00049 void HcalHTRData::adoptData(const unsigned short* data, int length) {
00050   m_rawLength=length;
00051   m_rawConst=data;
00052   if (m_rawLength<5) {
00053     m_formatVersion=-2; // invalid!
00054   } else {
00055     // determine format version
00056     if ((m_rawConst[2]&0x8000)==0) m_formatVersion=-1; // original format before versions
00057     else m_formatVersion=(m_rawConst[4]>>12)&0xF;
00058   }
00059 }
00061 // check :: not EE, length is reasonable, length matches wordcount
00062 //          length required for tp+daq is correct
00064 bool HcalHTRData::check() const {
00065   if (m_formatVersion==-1) {
00066     // length checks
00067     //  minimum length
00068     if (m_rawLength<6+12) return false;
00069     //  matches wordcount
00070     if (m_rawLength!=m_rawConst[m_rawLength-3]) return false;
00071     // empty event check
00072     if (m_rawConst[2]&0x20) return false;
00073   } else {
00074     // length checks
00075     //  minimum length
00076     if (m_rawLength<8+4) return false;
00077     if (m_formatVersion<=3) {
00078       //  matches wordcount
00079       if (m_rawLength!=m_rawConst[m_rawLength-3]) {
00080         if (isHistogramEvent() && m_rawConst[m_rawLength-3]==786) {
00081           // known bug!
00082         } else
00083           return false;
00084       }
00085     } else { 
00086       // eventually add CRC check
00087     }
00088     // empty event check (redundant...)
00089     if (m_rawConst[2]&0x4) return false;
00090   }
00092   if (!isHistogramEvent()) {
00093     // daq/tp length check
00094     int tp, daq, header, trailer;
00095     determineSectionLengths(tp,daq,header,trailer);
00096     if (tp+daq+header+trailer>m_rawLength) return false;
00097   }
00099   return true;
00100 }
00102 bool HcalHTRData::isEmptyEvent() const {
00103   if (m_formatVersion==-1) {
00104     return (m_rawConst[2]&0x20)!=0;
00105   } else {
00106     return (m_rawConst[2]&0x4)!=0;
00107   }
00108 }
00111 bool HcalHTRData::isOverflowWarning() const {
00112   if (m_formatVersion==-1) {
00113     return false; // too old to care.
00114   } else {
00115     return (m_rawConst[2]&0x1)!=0;
00116   }
00117 }
00119 bool HcalHTRData::isBusy() const {
00120   if (m_formatVersion==-1) {
00121     return false; // too old to care.
00122   } else {
00123     return (m_rawConst[2]&0x2)!=0;
00124   }
00125 }
00127 void HcalHTRData::determineSectionLengths(int& tpWords, int& daqWords, int& headerWords, int& trailerWords) const {
00128   if (m_formatVersion==-1) {
00129     tpWords=m_rawConst[5]>>8;
00130     daqWords=CHANNELS_PER_SPIGOT*(m_rawConst[m_rawLength-4]>>8); // always 24 channels, no zero suppresion
00131     headerWords=6;
00132     trailerWords=12;
00133   } else {
00134     tpWords=m_rawConst[5]>>8;
00135     if (m_rawLength>4) 
00136       daqWords=m_rawConst[m_rawLength-4]&0x7FF; // zero suppression supported
00137     headerWords=8;
00138     trailerWords=4; // minimum, may be more...
00139   }
00140 }
00142 void HcalHTRData::determineStaticLengths(int& headerWords, int& trailerWords) const {
00143   if (m_formatVersion==-1) {
00144     headerWords=6;
00145     trailerWords=12;
00146   } else if (m_formatVersion<5) {
00147     headerWords=8;
00148     trailerWords=4; // minimum, may be more...
00149   } else {
00150     headerWords=8;
00151     trailerWords=12; // minimum, may be more...
00152   }
00153 }
00155 void HcalHTRData::dataPointers(const unsigned short** daq_first, 
00156                                const unsigned short** daq_last, 
00157                                const unsigned short** tp_first, 
00158                                const unsigned short** tp_last) const {
00159   int tp_words_total, daq_words_total, headerLen, trailerLen;
00160   determineSectionLengths(tp_words_total,daq_words_total,headerLen,trailerLen);
00162   *tp_first=m_rawConst+headerLen;
00163   *tp_last=*tp_first+(tp_words_total-1);
00164   *daq_first=*tp_last+1;
00165   *daq_last=*daq_first+(daq_words_total-1);
00166 }
00168 /* using FiberAd[2:0] ChanId[1:0] */
00169 static const int channelDecoder[32] = { 0, 1, 2, 99, 3, 4, 5, 99, 
00170                                         6, 7, 8, 99, 9,10,11, 99,
00171                                         12,13,14,99,15,16,17, 99,
00172                                         18,19,20,99,21,22,23, 99};
00174 void HcalHTRData::unpack(unsigned char* daq_lengths, unsigned short* daq_samples,
00175                          unsigned char* tp_lengths, unsigned short* tp_samples) const {
00177   if (daq_lengths!=0) memset(daq_lengths,0,CHANNELS_PER_SPIGOT);
00178   if (tp_lengths!=0) memset(tp_lengths,0,CHANNELS_PER_SPIGOT);
00180   // currently, the major differences between the versions are
00181   //  -1 : 6 word header, no zero suppression, trailer setup
00182   //   0 : 8 word header, zero suppression, 
00184   int tp_words_total, daq_words_total, headerLen, trailerLen;
00185   determineSectionLengths(tp_words_total,daq_words_total,headerLen,trailerLen);
00187   //  printf("%d %d %d %d\n",tp_words_total,daq_words_total,headerLen,trailerLen);
00188   int wordPtr;
00189   const unsigned short* tpBase=m_rawConst+headerLen;
00190   // process the trigger primitive words
00191   if (tp_lengths!=0) {
00192     for (wordPtr=0; wordPtr<tp_words_total; wordPtr++) {
00193       int ichan=channelDecoder[tpBase[wordPtr]>>11];
00194       if (ichan>=24) continue;
00195       tp_samples[ichan*MAXIMUM_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL+tp_lengths[ichan]]=tpBase[wordPtr]&0x3ff;
00196       tp_lengths[ichan]++;
00197     }
00198   }
00200   const unsigned short* daqBase=m_rawConst+headerLen+tp_words_total;
00201   // process the DAQ words [ assumes that data from one channel will always be together ]
00202   int lastChan=-1;
00203   int lastCapid=0;
00204   if (daq_lengths!=0) {
00205     for (wordPtr=0; wordPtr<daq_words_total; wordPtr++) {
00206       int ichan=channelDecoder[daqBase[wordPtr]>>11];
00207       if (ichan>=24) continue;
00208       int capid=(daqBase[wordPtr]&0x180)>>7;
00209       int erdv=(daqBase[wordPtr]&0x600)>>9;
00210       if (erdv!=0x1 || 
00211           (lastChan==ichan && (capid!=((lastCapid+1)%4)))) {
00212         daq_lengths[ichan]|=0x80;
00213       } 
00214       lastChan=ichan;
00215       lastCapid=capid;
00217       int useLength=daq_lengths[ichan]&0x1F;
00218       //     printf("%d %d\n",ichan,useLength);
00219       daq_samples[ichan*MAXIMUM_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL+useLength]=daqBase[wordPtr]&0x3ff;
00220       daq_lengths[ichan]=(useLength+1)|(daq_lengths[ichan]&0xE0); // keep the error bits
00221     }
00222   }
00224 }
00226 void HcalHTRData::pack(unsigned char* daq_lengths, unsigned short* daq_samples,
00227                        unsigned char* tp_lengths, unsigned short* tp_samples, bool do_capid) {
00229   int tp_words_total=0, daq_words_total=0, headerLen, trailerLen;
00230   determineStaticLengths(headerLen,trailerLen);
00232   tp_words_total=0;
00233   daq_words_total=0;
00234   int ichan,isample;
00236   // trigger primitive words
00237   unsigned short* ptr=m_ownData+headerLen;
00238   if (tp_samples!=0 && tp_lengths!=0) {
00239     for (ichan=0; ichan<24; ichan++) {
00240       unsigned short chanid=((ichan%3)+((ichan/3)<<2))<<11;
00241       for (isample=0; isample<tp_lengths[ichan] && isample<MAXIMUM_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; isample++) {
00242         ptr[tp_words_total]=chanid|(tp_samples[ichan*MAXIMUM_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL+isample]&0x3FF);
00243         tp_words_total++;
00244       }
00245     }
00246   }
00248   // daq words
00249   ptr=m_ownData+headerLen+tp_words_total;
00250   for (ichan=0; ichan<24; ichan++) {
00251     unsigned short chanid=((ichan%3)+((ichan/3)<<2))<<11;
00252     for (isample=0; isample<daq_lengths[ichan] && isample<MAXIMUM_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; isample++) {
00253       unsigned short basedata=daq_samples[ichan*MAXIMUM_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL+isample]&0x3FF;
00254       if (do_capid) basedata=(basedata&0x7F)|(0x200)|((isample%4)<<7);
00255       ptr[daq_words_total]=chanid|basedata;
00256       daq_words_total++;
00257     }
00258   }
00259   unsigned short totalLen;
00260   if (m_formatVersion==-1) {
00261     m_ownData[5]=(tp_words_total<<8)|0x1;
00262     totalLen=headerLen+tp_words_total+daq_words_total+trailerLen;
00263     m_rawLength=totalLen;
00264     m_ownData[totalLen-3]=totalLen;
00265     m_ownData[totalLen-4]=(tp_words_total/CHANNELS_PER_SPIGOT)|((daq_words_total/CHANNELS_PER_SPIGOT)<<8);
00266   } else {
00267     m_ownData[5]=(tp_words_total<<8)|0x1;
00268     totalLen=headerLen+tp_words_total+daq_words_total+trailerLen;
00269     if ((totalLen%2)==1) {
00270       m_ownData[totalLen-4]=0xFFFF; // parity word
00271       totalLen++; // round to even number of 16-bit words
00272     }
00273     m_rawLength=totalLen;
00274     m_ownData[totalLen-2]=totalLen/2; // 32-bit words
00275     m_ownData[totalLen-3]=totalLen;
00276     m_ownData[totalLen-4]=daq_words_total;
00277   }
00278   if (trailerLen==12) { // initialize extra trailer words if present
00279     for (int i=12; i>4; i--)
00280       m_ownData[totalLen-i]=0;
00281   }
00283 }
00285 void HcalHTRData::packHeaderTrailer(int L1Anumber, int bcn, int submodule, int orbitn, int pipeline, int ndd, int nps, int firmwareRev) {
00286   m_ownData[0]=L1Anumber&0xFF;
00287   m_ownData[1]=(L1Anumber&0xFFFF00)>>8;
00288   if (m_formatVersion==-1) {
00289     m_ownData[2]=((pipeline&0x7F)<<8); // no error bits
00290     m_ownData[3]=((orbitn&0xFF)<<8)|(submodule&0xFF);
00291     m_ownData[4]=bcn&0xFFF;
00292     //    m_ownData[5]&=0xFF01;
00293   } else {
00294     m_ownData[2]=0x8000; // Version is valid, no error bits
00295     if (m_formatVersion==0) 
00296       m_ownData[3]=((orbitn&0x3F)<<10)|(submodule&0x3FF);
00297     else 
00298       m_ownData[3]=((orbitn&0x1F)<<11)|(submodule&0x7FF);
00299     m_ownData[4]=((m_formatVersion&0xF)<<12)|(bcn&0xFFF);
00300     m_ownData[5]|=((nps&0x1F)<<3)|0x1;
00301     m_ownData[6]=((firmwareRev&0x70000)>>3)|(firmwareRev&0x1FFF);
00302     m_ownData[7]=pipeline&0xFF;
00303     m_ownData[m_rawLength-4]&=0x7FF;
00304     m_ownData[m_rawLength-4]|=(ndd&0x1F)<<11;
00305   }
00306   m_ownData[m_rawLength-2]=m_rawLength/2; // 32-bit words
00307   m_ownData[m_rawLength-1]=(L1Anumber&0xFF)<<8;
00308 }
00310 void HcalHTRData::packUnsuppressed(const bool* mp) {
00311   if (m_formatVersion<4) return;
00313   for (int fiber=1; fiber<=8; fiber++) {
00314     for (int fiberchan=0; fiberchan<=2; fiberchan++) {
00315       int linchan=(fiber-1)*3+fiberchan;
00317       unsigned short& val=m_ownData[m_rawLength-12+(linchan/8)];
00318       if (mp[linchan]) val|=1<<(linchan%8);
00319     }
00320   }
00322   // set the unsupressed bit
00323   m_ownData[6]|=0x8000;
00324 }
00326 unsigned int HcalHTRData::getOrbitNumber() const { 
00327   switch (m_formatVersion) {
00328   case (-1) : return (m_rawConst[3]>>8);
00329   case (0) : return (m_rawConst[3]>>10);
00330   default : return (m_rawConst[3]>>11);
00331   }
00332 }
00333 unsigned int HcalHTRData::getSubmodule() const {
00334   switch (m_formatVersion) {
00335   case (-1) : return (m_rawConst[3]&0xFF);
00336   case (0) : return (m_rawConst[3]&0x3FF);
00337   default : return (m_rawConst[3]&0x7FF);
00338   }
00339 }
00340 unsigned int HcalHTRData::htrSlot() const{
00341   const unsigned int smid = getSubmodule();
00342   return ((smid>>1)&0x1F);
00343 } 
00344 unsigned int HcalHTRData::htrTopBottom() const{
00345   const unsigned int smid = getSubmodule();
00346   return (smid&0x01);
00347 } 
00348 unsigned int HcalHTRData::readoutVMECrateId() const{
00349   const unsigned int smid = getSubmodule();
00350   return ((smid>>6)&0x1F);
00351 } 
00352 bool HcalHTRData::isCalibrationStream() const {
00353   return (m_formatVersion==-1)?(false):(m_rawConst[2]&0x4000);
00354 }
00355 bool HcalHTRData::isUnsuppressed() const {
00356   return (m_formatVersion<4)?(false):(m_rawConst[6]&0x8000);
00357 }
00358 bool HcalHTRData::wasMarkAndPassZS(int fiber, int fiberchan) const {
00359   if (fiber<1 || fiber>8 || fiberchan<0 || fiberchan>2) return false;
00360   if (!isUnsuppressed() || m_formatVersion<5) return false;
00361   int linchan=(fiber-1)*3+fiberchan;
00363   unsigned short val=m_rawConst[m_rawLength-12+(linchan/8)];
00364   return ((val>>(linchan%8))&0x1)!=0;
00365 } 
00366 bool HcalHTRData::wasMarkAndPassZSTP(int slb, int slbchan) const {
00367   if (slb<1 || slb>6 || slbchan<0 || slbchan>3) return false;
00368   if (!isUnsuppressed() || m_formatVersion<5) return false;
00369   int linchan=(slb-1)*4+slbchan;
00371   unsigned short val=m_rawConst[m_rawLength-12+(linchan/8)];
00372   return ((val>>(linchan%8))&0x100)!=0;
00373 } 
00375 uint32_t HcalHTRData::zsBunchMask() const {
00376   uint32_t mask=0;
00377   if (isUnsuppressed() && m_formatVersion>=5) {
00378     mask=m_rawConst[m_rawLength-5]|
00379       ((m_rawConst[m_rawLength-6]&0xF000)<<4);
00380   }
00381   return mask;
00382 }
00384 bool HcalHTRData::isPatternRAMEvent() const {
00385   return (m_formatVersion==-1)?(false):(m_rawConst[2]&0x1000);
00386 }
00387 bool HcalHTRData::isHistogramEvent() const {
00388   return (m_formatVersion==-1)?(m_rawConst[2]&0x2):(m_rawConst[2]&0x2000);
00389 }
00390 int HcalHTRData::getNDD() const {
00391   return (m_formatVersion==-1)?(m_rawConst[m_rawLength-4]>>8):(m_rawConst[m_rawLength-4]>>11);
00392 }
00393 int HcalHTRData::getNTP() const {
00394   int retval=-1;
00395   if (m_formatVersion==-1) retval=m_rawConst[m_rawLength-4]&0xFF;
00396   else if (m_formatVersion<3) retval=m_rawConst[m_rawLength-4]>>11;
00397   return retval;
00398 }
00399 int HcalHTRData::getNPrecisionWords() const {
00400   return (m_formatVersion==-1)?(m_rawConst[m_rawLength-4]&0xFF):(m_rawConst[m_rawLength-4]&0x7FF);
00401 }
00402 int HcalHTRData::getNPS() const {
00403   return (m_formatVersion==-1)?(0):((m_rawConst[5]>>3)&0x1F);
00404 }
00405 unsigned int HcalHTRData::getPipelineLength() const {
00406   return (m_formatVersion==-1)?(m_rawConst[2]>>8):(m_rawConst[7]&0xFF);
00407 }
00408 unsigned int HcalHTRData::getFirmwareRevision() const {
00409   return (m_formatVersion==-1)?(0):((m_rawConst[6]&0x1FFF)+((m_rawConst[6]&0xE000)<<3));
00410 }
00411 int HcalHTRData::getFirmwareFlavor() const {
00412   return (m_formatVersion<2)?(-1):((m_rawConst[7]>>8)&0xFF);
00413 }
00415 void HcalHTRData::getHistogramFibers(int& a, int& b) const {
00416   a=-1;
00417   b=-1;
00418   if (m_formatVersion==-1) {
00419     a=((m_rawConst[2]&0x0F00)>>8);
00420     b=((m_rawConst[2]&0xF000)>>12);
00421   } else {
00422     a=((m_rawConst[5]&0x0F00)>>8);
00423     b=((m_rawConst[5]&0xF000)>>12);
00424   }
00425 }
00427 bool HcalHTRData::wasHistogramError(int ifiber) const {
00428   bool retval=!isHistogramEvent();
00429   if (!retval) {
00430     retval=((m_rawConst[7])&(1<<ifiber))!=0;
00431   }
00432   return retval;
00433 }
00435 bool HcalHTRData::unpack_per_channel_header(unsigned short header, int& flav, int& error_flags, int& capid0, int& channelid) {
00436   flav=(header>>12)&0x7;
00437   error_flags=(header>>10)&0x3;
00438   capid0=(header>>8)&0x3;
00439   channelid=(header)&0xFF;
00440   return (header&0x8000)!=0;
00441 }
00443 bool HcalHTRData::unpackHistogram(int myfiber, int mysc, int capid, unsigned short* histogram) const {
00444   // check for histogram mode
00445   if (!isHistogramEvent()) return false;
00447   int fiber1, fiber2;
00448   getHistogramFibers(fiber1,fiber2);
00449   if (fiber1!=myfiber && fiber2!=myfiber) return false;
00451   if (m_formatVersion==-1) {
00452     int offset=6+mysc*4*32+capid*32;
00453     if (myfiber==fiber2) offset+=3*4*32; // skip to the second half...
00454     for (int i=0; i<32; i++)
00455       histogram[i]=m_rawConst[offset+i];
00456     return true;
00457   } else {
00458     int offset=8+mysc*4*32+capid*32;
00459     if (myfiber==fiber2) offset+=3*4*32; // skip to the second half...
00460     for (int i=0; i<32; i++)
00461       histogram[i]=m_rawConst[offset+i];
00462     return true;
00463   }
00464 }