
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #define printing false
00002 //#define occupancyprinting false
00004 #include "DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/interface/SiPixelActionExecutor.h"
00005 #include "DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/interface/SiPixelUtility.h"
00006 #include "DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/interface/SiPixelInformationExtractor.h"
00007 #include "DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/interface/SiPixelTrackerMapCreator.h"
00008 #include "DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/interface/ANSIColors.h"
00009 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00010 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/FileInPath.h"
00011 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
00012 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/MonitorElement.h"
00013 #include "DQM/SiPixelCommon/interface/SiPixelFolderOrganizer.h"
00014 #include "DataFormats/DetId/interface/DetId.h"
00015 #include "DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/Surface.h"
00016 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelBarrelName.h"
00017 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelEndcapName.h"
00018 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelSubdetector.h"
00019 #include "CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/DetectorIndex.h"
00020 #include "CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/SiPixelFrameConverter.h"
00021 #include "Geometry/TrackerNumberingBuilder/interface/GeometricDet.h"
00022 #include "Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/TrackerGeometry.h"
00023 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/TrackerDigiGeometryRecord.h"
00024 #include "Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/PixelGeomDetUnit.h"
00025 #include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/PixelTopology.h"
00027 #include <math.h>
00029 #include <iostream>
00030 using namespace std;
00031 //=============================================================================================================
00032 //
00033 // -- Constructor
00034 // 
00035 SiPixelActionExecutor::SiPixelActionExecutor(bool offlineXMLfile, 
00036                                              bool Tier0Flag) : 
00037   offlineXMLfile_(offlineXMLfile), 
00038   Tier0Flag_(Tier0Flag) {
00039   edm::LogInfo("SiPixelActionExecutor") << 
00040     " Creating SiPixelActionExecutor " << "\n" ;
00041   configParser_ = 0;
00042   configWriter_ = 0;
00043   qtHandler_ = 0;  
00044   ndet_ = 0;
00045   //collationDone = false;
00046 }
00047 //=============================================================================================================
00048 //
00049 // --  Destructor
00050 // 
00051 SiPixelActionExecutor::~SiPixelActionExecutor() {
00052   edm::LogInfo("SiPixelActionExecutor") << 
00053     " Deleting SiPixelActionExecutor " << "\n" ;
00054   if (configParser_) delete configParser_;
00055   if (configWriter_) delete configWriter_;  
00056   if (qtHandler_) delete qtHandler_;
00057 }
00058 //=============================================================================================================
00059 //
00060 // -- Read Configuration File
00061 //
00062 void SiPixelActionExecutor::readConfiguration() {
00063   string localPath;
00064   if(offlineXMLfile_) localPath = string("DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/test/sipixel_tier0_config.xml");
00065   else localPath = string("DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/test/sipixel_monitorelement_config.xml");
00066   if (configParser_ == 0) {
00067     configParser_ = new SiPixelConfigParser();
00068     configParser_->getDocument(edm::FileInPath(localPath).fullPath());
00069   }
00070 }
00071 //=============================================================================================================
00072 //
00073 // -- Read Configuration File
00074 //
00075 bool SiPixelActionExecutor::readConfiguration(int& tkmap_freq, 
00076                                               int& sum_barrel_freq, 
00077                                               int& sum_endcap_freq, 
00078                                               int& sum_grandbarrel_freq, 
00079                                               int& sum_grandendcap_freq, 
00080                                               int& message_limit_,
00081                                               int& source_type_,
00082                                               int& calib_type_) {
00083   //printing cout<<"Entering SiPixelActionExecutor::readConfiguration..."<<endl;
00084   string localPath;
00085   if(offlineXMLfile_) localPath = string("DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/test/sipixel_tier0_config.xml");
00086   else localPath = string("DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/test/sipixel_monitorelement_config.xml");
00087   if (configParser_ == 0) {
00088     configParser_ = new SiPixelConfigParser();
00089     configParser_->getDocument(edm::FileInPath(localPath).fullPath());
00090   }
00092   if (!configParser_->getFrequencyForTrackerMap(tkmap_freq)){
00093     cout << "SiPixelActionExecutor::readConfiguration: Failed to read TrackerMap configuration parameters!! ";
00094     return false;
00095   }
00096   if (!configParser_->getFrequencyForBarrelSummary(sum_barrel_freq)){
00097     edm::LogInfo("SiPixelActionExecutor") << "Failed to read Barrel Summary configuration parameters!! " << "\n" ;
00098     return false;
00099   }
00100   if (!configParser_->getFrequencyForEndcapSummary(sum_endcap_freq)){
00101     edm::LogInfo("SiPixelActionExecutor")  << "Failed to read Endcap Summary configuration parameters!! " << "\n" ;
00102     return false;
00103   }
00104   if (!configParser_->getFrequencyForGrandBarrelSummary(sum_grandbarrel_freq)){
00105     edm::LogInfo("SiPixelActionExecutor") << "Failed to read Grand Barrel Summary configuration parameters!! " << "\n" ;
00106     return false;
00107   }
00108   if (!configParser_->getFrequencyForGrandEndcapSummary(sum_grandendcap_freq)){
00109     edm::LogInfo("SiPixelActionExecutor")  << "Failed to read Grand Endcap Summary configuration parameters!! " << "\n" ;
00110     return false;
00111   }
00112   if (!configParser_->getMessageLimitForQTests(message_limit_)){
00113     edm::LogInfo("SiPixelActionExecutor")  << "Failed to read QTest Message Limit" << "\n" ;
00114     return false;
00115   }
00116   if (!configParser_->getSourceType(source_type_)){
00117     edm::LogInfo("SiPixelActionExecutor")  << "Failed to read Source Type" << "\n" ;
00118     return false;
00119   }
00120   if (!configParser_->getCalibType(calib_type_)){
00121     edm::LogInfo("SiPixelActionExecutor")  << "Failed to read Calib Type" << "\n" ;
00122     return false;
00123   }
00124   //printing cout<<"...leaving SiPixelActionExecutor::readConfiguration..."<<endl;
00125   return true;
00126 }
00127 //=============================================================================================================
00128 bool SiPixelActionExecutor::readConfiguration(int& tkmap_freq, int& summary_freq) {
00129   //printing cout<<"Entering SiPixelActionExecutor::readConfiguration..."<<endl;
00130   string localPath;
00131   if(offlineXMLfile_) localPath = string("DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/test/sipixel_tier0_config.xml");
00132   else localPath = string("DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/test/sipixel_monitorelement_config.xml");
00133   if (configParser_ == 0) {
00134     configParser_ = new SiPixelConfigParser();
00135     configParser_->getDocument(edm::FileInPath(localPath).fullPath());
00136   }
00138   if (!configParser_->getFrequencyForTrackerMap(tkmap_freq)){
00139     cout << "SiPixelActionExecutor::readConfiguration: Failed to read TrackerMap configuration parameters!! ";
00140     return false;
00141   }
00142   if (!configParser_->getFrequencyForBarrelSummary(summary_freq)){
00143     edm::LogInfo("SiPixelActionExecutor") << "Failed to read Summary configuration parameters!! " << "\n" ;
00144     return false;
00145   }
00146   //printing cout<<"...leaving SiPixelActionExecutor::readConfiguration..."<<endl;
00147   return true;
00148 }
00149 //=============================================================================================================
00150 // -- Create Tracker Map
00151 //
00152 void SiPixelActionExecutor::createTkMap(DQMStore* bei, 
00153                                         string mEName,
00154                                         string theTKType) 
00155 {
00157   SiPixelTrackerMapCreator tkmap_creator(mEName,theTKType,offlineXMLfile_);
00158   tkmap_creator.create(bei);
00160 /*     cout << ACYellow << ACBold 
00161           << "[SiPixelActionExecutor::createTkMap()]"
00162           << ACPlain
00163           << " Tracker map created (type:" 
00164           << theTKType
00165           << ")"
00166           << endl;
00167 */
00168 }
00170 //=============================================================================================================
00171 void SiPixelActionExecutor::createSummary(DQMStore* bei) {
00172   //cout<<"entering SiPixelActionExecutor::createSummary..."<<endl;
00173   string barrel_structure_name;
00174   vector<string> barrel_me_names;
00175   string localPath;
00176   if(offlineXMLfile_) localPath = string("DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/test/sipixel_tier0_config.xml");
00177   else localPath = string("DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/test/sipixel_monitorelement_config.xml");
00178 //  cout<<"*********************ATTENTION! LOCALPATH= "<<localPath<<endl;
00179   if (configParser_ == 0) {
00180     configParser_ = new SiPixelConfigParser();
00181     configParser_->getDocument(edm::FileInPath(localPath).fullPath());
00182   }
00183   if (!configParser_->getMENamesForBarrelSummary(barrel_structure_name, barrel_me_names)){
00184     cout << "SiPixelActionExecutor::createSummary: Failed to read Barrel Summary configuration parameters!! ";
00185     return;
00186   }
00187   configParser_->getSourceType(source_type_); 
00188 //  cout<<"++++++++++++++++++++++++++SOURCE TYPE= "<<source_type_<<endl;
00189   bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/");
00190   //bei->cd();
00191   fillSummary(bei, barrel_structure_name, barrel_me_names, true); // Barrel
00192   bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/");
00193   //bei->cd();
00194   string endcap_structure_name;
00195   vector<string> endcap_me_names;
00196   if (!configParser_->getMENamesForEndcapSummary(endcap_structure_name, endcap_me_names)){
00197     edm::LogInfo("SiPixelActionExecutor")  << "Failed to read Endcap Summary configuration parameters!! " << "\n" ;
00198     return;
00199   }
00201 //  cout << "--- Processing endcap" << endl;
00203   bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/");
00204   //bei->cd();
00205   fillSummary(bei, endcap_structure_name, endcap_me_names, false); // Endcap
00206   bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/");
00207   //if(!Tier0Flag_) fillDeviations(bei);
00208   bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/");
00209   //bei->cd();
00210   if(source_type_==0||source_type_==5 || source_type_ == 20){//do this only if RawData source is present
00211     string federror_structure_name;
00212     vector<string> federror_me_names;
00213     if (!configParser_->getMENamesForFEDErrorSummary(federror_structure_name, federror_me_names)){
00214       cout << "SiPixelActionExecutor::createSummary: Failed to read FED Error Summary configuration parameters!! ";
00215       return;
00216     }
00217     bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/");
00218     //bei->cd();
00219     fillFEDErrorSummary(bei, federror_structure_name, federror_me_names);
00220     bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/");
00221     //bei->cd();
00222   }
00223   //createLayout(bei);
00224   //string fname = "test.xml";
00225   // configWriter_->write(fname);
00226   if (configWriter_) delete configWriter_;
00227   configWriter_ = 0;
00228 //  cout<<"leaving SiPixelActionExecutor::createSummary..."<<endl;
00229 }
00231 //=============================================================================================================
00232 void SiPixelActionExecutor::bookDeviations(DQMStore* bei) {
00233   bei->cd();
00234   bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/Barrel");
00235   DEV_adc_Barrel = bei->book1D("DEV_adc_Barrel","Deviation from reference;Module;<adc_ref>-<adc>",768,0.,768.);
00236   DEV_ndigis_Barrel = bei->book1D("DEV_ndigis_Barrel","Deviation from reference;Module;<ndigis_ref>-<ndigis>",768,0.,768.);
00237   DEV_charge_Barrel = bei->book1D("DEV_charge_Barrel","Deviation from reference;Module;<charge_ref>-<charge>",768,0.,768.);
00238   DEV_nclusters_Barrel = bei->book1D("DEV_nclusters_Barrel","Deviation from reference;Module;<nclusters_ref>-<nclusters>",768,0.,768.);
00239   DEV_size_Barrel = bei->book1D("DEV_size_Barrel","Deviation from reference;Module;<size_ref>-<size>",768,0.,768.);
00240   bei->cd();
00241   bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/Endcap");
00242   DEV_adc_Endcap = bei->book1D("DEV_adc_Endcap","Deviation from reference;Module;<adc_ref>-<adc>",672,0.,672.);
00243   DEV_ndigis_Endcap = bei->book1D("DEV_ndigis_Endcap","Deviation from reference;Module;<ndigis_ref>-<ndigis>",672,0.,672.);
00244   DEV_charge_Endcap = bei->book1D("DEV_charge_Endcap","Deviation from reference;Module;<charge_ref>-<charge>",672,0.,672.);
00245   DEV_nclusters_Endcap = bei->book1D("DEV_nclusters_Endcap","Deviation from reference;Module;<nclusters_ref>-<nclusters>",672,0.,672.);
00246   DEV_size_Endcap = bei->book1D("DEV_size_Endcap","Deviation from reference;Module;<size_ref>-<size>",672,0.,672.);  
00247   bei->cd();
00248 }
00251 void SiPixelActionExecutor::fillDeviations(DQMStore* bei) {
00252   int n = 768;
00253   MonitorElement* me1; MonitorElement* me2; 
00254   MonitorElement* me3; MonitorElement* me4; 
00255   MonitorElement* me5; 
00256   TH1* ref1; TH1* ref2; 
00257   TH1* ref3; TH1* ref4; 
00258   TH1* ref5; 
00259   MonitorElement* dev1; MonitorElement* dev2; 
00260   MonitorElement* dev3; MonitorElement* dev4; 
00261   MonitorElement* dev5; 
00262   me1 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/SUMDIG_adc_Barrel");
00263   ref1 = me1->getRefTH1();
00264   dev1 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/DEV_adc_Barrel");
00265   me2 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/SUMDIG_ndigis_Barrel");
00266   ref2 = me2->getRefTH1();
00267   dev2 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/DEV_ndigis_Barrel");
00268   me3 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/SUMCLU_charge_Barrel");
00269   ref3 = me3->getRefTH1();
00270   dev3 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/DEV_charge_Barrel");
00271   me4 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/SUMCLU_nclusters_Barrel");
00272   ref4 = me4->getRefTH1();
00273   dev4 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/DEV_nclusters_Barrel");
00274   me5 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/SUMCLU_size_Barrel");
00275   ref5 = me5->getRefTH1();
00276   dev5 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/DEV_size_Barrel");
00277   for(int i=1; i!=n+1; i++){
00278     float ref_value; float new_value;
00279     // Barrel adc: 
00280     if(me1)if(ref1)if(dev1){
00281       new_value = me1->getBinContent(i);
00282       ref_value = ref1->GetBinContent(i); 
00283       dev1->setBinContent(i,ref_value-new_value);
00284     }
00285     //Barrel ndigis:
00286     if(me2)if(ref2)if(dev2){
00287       new_value = me2->getBinContent(i);
00288       ref_value = ref2->GetBinContent(i); 
00289       dev2->setBinContent(i,ref_value-new_value);
00290     }
00291     // Barrel cluster charge:
00292     if(me3)if(ref3)if(dev3){
00293       new_value = me3->getBinContent(i);
00294       ref_value = ref3->GetBinContent(i); 
00295       dev3->setBinContent(i,ref_value-new_value);
00296     }
00297     // Barrel nclusters:
00298     if(me4)if(ref4)if(dev4){
00299       new_value = me4->getBinContent(i);
00300       ref_value = ref4->GetBinContent(i); 
00301       dev4->setBinContent(i,ref_value-new_value);
00302     }
00303     // Barrel cluster size:
00304     if(me5)if(ref5)if(dev5){
00305       new_value = me5->getBinContent(i);
00306       ref_value = ref5->GetBinContent(i); 
00307       dev5->setBinContent(i,ref_value-new_value);
00308     }
00309   }
00311   int nn = 672;
00312   MonitorElement* me11; MonitorElement* me12; 
00313   MonitorElement* me13; MonitorElement* me14; 
00314   MonitorElement* me15; 
00315   TH1* ref11; TH1* ref12; 
00316   TH1* ref13; TH1* ref14; 
00317   TH1* ref15; 
00318   MonitorElement* dev11; MonitorElement* dev12; 
00319   MonitorElement* dev13; MonitorElement* dev14; 
00320   MonitorElement* dev15; 
00321   me11 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/SUMDIG_adc_Endcap");
00322   ref11 = me11->getRefTH1();
00323   dev11 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/DEV_adc_Endcap");
00324   me12 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/SUMDIG_ndigis_Endcap");
00325   ref12 = me12->getRefTH1();
00326   dev12 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/DEV_ndigis_Endcap");
00327   me13 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/SUMCLU_charge_Endcap");
00328   ref13 = me13->getRefTH1();
00329   dev13 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/DEV_charge_Endcap");
00330   me14 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/SUMCLU_nclusters_Endcap");
00331   ref14 = me14->getRefTH1();
00332   dev14 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/DEV_nclusters_Endcap");
00333   me15 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/SUMCLU_size_Endcap");
00334   ref15 = me15->getRefTH1();
00335   dev15 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/DEV_size_Endcap");
00336   for(int i=1; i!=nn+1; i++){
00337     float ref_value; float new_value;
00338     // Endcap adc: 
00339     if(me11)if(ref11)if(dev11){
00340       new_value = me11->getBinContent(i);
00341       ref_value = ref11->GetBinContent(i); 
00342       dev11->setBinContent(i,ref_value-new_value);
00343     }
00344     //Endcap ndigis:
00345     if(me12)if(ref12)if(dev12){
00346       new_value = me12->getBinContent(i);
00347       ref_value = ref12->GetBinContent(i); 
00348       dev12->setBinContent(i,ref_value-new_value);
00349     }
00350     // Endcap cluster charge:
00351     if(me13)if(ref13)if(dev13){
00352       new_value = me13->getBinContent(i);
00353       ref_value = ref13->GetBinContent(i); 
00354       dev13->setBinContent(i,ref_value-new_value);
00355     }
00356     // Endcap nclusters:
00357     if(me14)if(ref14)if(dev14){
00358       new_value = me14->getBinContent(i);
00359       ref_value = ref14->GetBinContent(i); 
00360       dev14->setBinContent(i,ref_value-new_value);
00361     }
00362     // Endcap cluster size:
00363     if(me15)if(ref15)if(dev15){
00364       new_value = me15->getBinContent(i);
00365       ref_value = ref15->GetBinContent(i); 
00366       dev15->setBinContent(i,ref_value-new_value);
00367     }
00368   }
00369 }
00371 //=============================================================================================================
00373 void SiPixelActionExecutor::GetBladeSubdirs(DQMStore* bei, vector<string>& blade_subdirs) {
00374         blade_subdirs.clear();
00375 //      cout << "BladeSubdirs::" << bei->pwd() << endl;
00376         vector<string> panels = bei->getSubdirs();
00377         vector<string> modules;
00378         for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = panels.begin(); it != panels.end(); it++) {
00379                 bei->cd(*it);
00380                 modules = bei->getSubdirs();
00381                 for (vector<string>::const_iterator m_it = modules.begin(); m_it != modules.end(); m_it++) {
00382 //                      cout << "Would have added " << (*m_it) << "." << endl;
00383                         blade_subdirs.push_back(*m_it);
00384                 }
00385         }
00386 //      cout << "Got Blade subdirs" << endl;
00387 }
00390 //=============================================================================================================
00392 void SiPixelActionExecutor::fillSummary(DQMStore* bei, string dir_name, vector<string>& me_names, bool isbarrel)
00393 {
00396   //cout<<"entering SiPixelActionExecutor::fillSummary..."<<endl;
00397   string currDir = bei->pwd();
00398   //cout<<"currDir= "<<currDir<<endl;
00399   string prefix;
00400   if(source_type_==0) prefix="SUMRAW";
00401   else if (source_type_==1) prefix="SUMDIG";
00402   else if (source_type_==2) prefix="SUMCLU";
00403   else if (source_type_==3) prefix="SUMTRK";
00404   else if (source_type_==4) prefix="SUMHIT";
00405   else if (source_type_>=7 && source_type_<20) prefix="SUMCAL";
00406   else if (source_type_==20) prefix="SUMOFF";
00407   if (currDir.find(dir_name) != string::npos)  {
00408     vector<MonitorElement*> sum_mes;
00409     for (vector<string>::const_iterator iv = me_names.begin();
00410          iv != me_names.end(); iv++) {
00411       if(source_type_==5||source_type_==6){
00412         if((*iv)=="errorType"||(*iv)=="NErrors"||(*iv)=="fullType"||(*iv)=="chanNmbr"||
00413            (*iv)=="TBMType"||(*iv)=="EvtNbr"||(*iv)=="evtSize"||(*iv)=="linkId"||
00414            (*iv)=="ROCId"||(*iv)=="DCOLId"||(*iv)=="PXId"||(*iv)=="ROCNmbr"||
00415            (*iv)=="TBMMessage"||(*iv)=="Type36Hitmap") 
00416           prefix="SUMRAW";
00417         else if((*iv)=="ndigis"||(*iv)=="adc")
00418           prefix="SUMDIG";
00419         else if((*iv)=="nclusters"||(*iv)=="x"||(*iv)=="y"||(*iv)=="charge"||
00420                 (*iv)=="size"||(*iv)=="sizeX"||(*iv)=="sizeY"||(*iv)=="minrow"||
00421                 (*iv)=="maxrow"||(*iv)=="mincol"||(*iv)=="maxcol")
00422           prefix="SUMCLU";
00423           if(currDir.find("Track")!=string::npos) prefix="SUMTRK";
00424         else if((*iv)=="residualX"||(*iv)=="residualY")
00425           prefix="SUMTRK";
00426         else if((*iv)=="ClustX"||(*iv)=="ClustY"||(*iv)=="nRecHits"||(*iv)=="ErrorX"||(*iv)=="ErrorY")
00427           prefix="SUMHIT";
00428         else if((*iv)=="Gain1d"||(*iv)=="GainChi2NDF1d"||
00429                 (*iv)=="GainChi2Prob1d"||(*iv)=="Pedestal1d"||
00430                 (*iv)=="GainNPoints1d"||(*iv)=="GainHighPoint1d"||
00431                 (*iv)=="GainLowPoint1d"||(*iv)=="GainEndPoint1d"||
00432                 (*iv)=="GainFitResult2d"||(*iv)=="GainDynamicRange2d"||
00433                 (*iv)=="GainSaturate2d"||
00434                 (*iv)=="ScurveChi2ProbSummary"||(*iv)=="ScurveFitResultSummary"||
00435                 (*iv)=="ScurveSigmasSummary"||(*iv)=="ScurveThresholdSummary"||
00436                 (*iv)=="pixelAliveSummary"  || (*iv) == "SiPixelErrorsCalibDigis") 
00437           prefix="SUMCAL"; 
00438       }
00439       MonitorElement* temp; string tag;
00440       if((*iv).find("residual")!=string::npos){                           // track residuals
00441         tag = prefix + "_" + (*iv) + "_mean_" 
00442           + currDir.substr(currDir.find(dir_name));
00443         temp = getSummaryME(bei, tag);
00444         sum_mes.push_back(temp);
00445         tag = prefix + "_" + (*iv) + "_RMS_" 
00446           + currDir.substr(currDir.find(dir_name));
00447         temp = getSummaryME(bei, tag);
00448         sum_mes.push_back(temp);
00449       }else if(prefix == "SUMCAL"){                  // calibrations
00450         if((*iv)=="Gain1d" || (*iv)=="GainChi2NDF1d" || (*iv)=="GainChi2Prob1d" ||
00451            (*iv)=="GainNPoints1d" || (*iv)=="GainHighPoint1d" ||
00452            (*iv)=="GainLowPoint1d" || (*iv)=="GainEndPoint1d" || 
00453            (*iv)=="GainDynamicRange2d" || (*iv)=="GainSaturate2d" ||
00454            (*iv)=="Pedestal1d" ||
00455            (*iv)=="ScurveChi2ProbSummary" || (*iv)=="ScurveFitResultSummary" ||
00456            (*iv)=="ScurveSigmasSummary" || (*iv)=="ScurveThresholdSummary"){                    
00457           tag = prefix + "_" + (*iv) + "_mean_" 
00458             + currDir.substr(currDir.find(dir_name));
00459           temp = getSummaryME(bei, tag);
00460           sum_mes.push_back(temp);
00461           tag = prefix + "_" + (*iv) + "_RMS_" 
00462             + currDir.substr(currDir.find(dir_name));
00463           temp = getSummaryME(bei, tag);
00464           sum_mes.push_back(temp);
00465         }else if((*iv) == "SiPixelErrorsCalibDigis"){
00466           tag = prefix + "_" + (*iv) + "_NCalibErrors_"
00467             + currDir.substr(currDir.find(dir_name));
00468           temp = getSummaryME(bei, tag);
00469           sum_mes.push_back(temp);
00470         }else if((*iv)=="GainFitResult2d"){
00471           tag = prefix + "_" + (*iv) + "_NNegativeFits_"
00472             + currDir.substr(currDir.find(dir_name));
00473           temp = getSummaryME(bei, tag);
00474           sum_mes.push_back(temp);
00475         }else if((*iv)=="pixelAliveSummary"){
00476           tag = prefix + "_" + (*iv) + "_FracOfPerfectPix_"
00477             + currDir.substr(currDir.find(dir_name));
00478           temp = getSummaryME(bei, tag);
00479           sum_mes.push_back(temp);
00480           tag = prefix + "_" + (*iv) + "_mean_"
00481             + currDir.substr(currDir.find(dir_name));
00482           temp = getSummaryME(bei, tag);
00483           sum_mes.push_back(temp);
00484         }
00485       }else{
00486         tag = prefix + "_" + (*iv) + "_" + currDir.substr(currDir.find(dir_name));
00487         temp = getSummaryME(bei, tag);
00488         sum_mes.push_back(temp);
00489         if((*iv)=="ndigis"){
00490           tag = prefix + "_" + (*iv) + "FREQ_" 
00491             + currDir.substr(currDir.find(dir_name));
00492           temp = getSummaryME(bei, tag);
00493           sum_mes.push_back(temp);
00494         }
00495         if(prefix=="SUMDIG" && (*iv)=="adc"){
00496           tag = "ALLMODS_" + (*iv) + "COMB_" + currDir.substr(currDir.find(dir_name));
00497           temp = bei->book1D(tag.c_str(), tag.c_str(),128, 0., 256.);
00498           sum_mes.push_back(temp);
00499         }
00500         if(prefix=="SUMCLU" && (*iv)=="charge"){
00501           tag = "ALLMODS_" + (*iv) + "COMB_" + currDir.substr(currDir.find(dir_name));
00502           temp = bei->book1D(tag.c_str(), tag.c_str(),100, 0., 200.); // To look to get the size automatically    
00503           sum_mes.push_back(temp);
00504         }
00505       }
00506     }
00507     if (sum_mes.size() == 0) {
00508       edm::LogInfo("SiPixelActionExecutor") << " Summary MEs can not be created" << "\n" ;
00509       return;
00510     }
00511     vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
00512 //Blade
00513   if(dir_name.find("Blade_") == 0) GetBladeSubdirs(bei, subdirs);
00515     int ndet = 0;
00516     for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin();
00517          it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
00518       if (prefix!="SUMOFF" && (*it).find("Module_") == string::npos) continue;
00519       if (prefix=="SUMOFF" && (*it).find(isbarrel?"Layer_":"Disk_") == string::npos) continue;
00520       bei->cd(*it);
00521       ndet++;
00523       vector<string> contents = bei->getMEs(); 
00525                         for (vector<MonitorElement*>::const_iterator isum = sum_mes.begin();
00526                                  isum != sum_mes.end(); isum++) {
00527                                 for (vector<string>::const_iterator im = contents.begin();
00528                                          im != contents.end(); im++) {
00529                                         string sname = ((*isum)->getName());
00530                                         string tname = " ";
00531                                         tname = sname.substr(7,(sname.find("_",7)-6));
00532                                         if(sname.find("ALLMODS_adcCOMB_")!=string::npos) tname = "adc_";
00533                                         if(sname.find("ALLMODS_chargeCOMB_")!=string::npos) tname = "charge_";
00534                                         if(sname.find("_charge_")!=string::npos && sname.find("Track_")==string::npos) tname = "charge_";
00535                                         if(sname.find("_nclusters_")!=string::npos && sname.find("Track_")==string::npos) tname = "nclusters_";
00536                                         if(sname.find("_size_")!=string::npos && sname.find("Track_")==string::npos) tname = "size_";
00537                                         if(sname.find("_charge_OffTrack_")!=string::npos) tname = "charge_OffTrack_";
00538                                         if(sname.find("_nclusters_OffTrack_")!=string::npos) tname = "nclusters_OffTrack_";
00539                                         if(sname.find("_size_OffTrack_")!=string::npos) tname = "size_OffTrack_";
00540                                         if(sname.find("_sizeX_OffTrack_")!=string::npos) tname = "sizeX_OffTrack_";
00541                                         if(sname.find("_sizeY_OffTrack_")!=string::npos) tname = "sizeY_OffTrack_";
00542                                         if(sname.find("_charge_OnTrack_")!=string::npos) tname = "charge_OnTrack_";
00543                                         if(sname.find("_nclusters_OnTrack_")!=string::npos) tname = "nclusters_OnTrack_";
00544                                         if(sname.find("_size_OnTrack_")!=string::npos) tname = "size_OnTrack_";
00545                                         if(sname.find("_sizeX_OnTrack_")!=string::npos) tname = "sizeX_OnTrack_";
00546                                         if(sname.find("_sizeY_OnTrack_")!=string::npos) tname = "sizeY_OnTrack_";
00547                                         //if(sname.find("ALLMODS")!=string::npos) cout<<"sname and tname= "<<sname<<","<<tname<<endl;
00548                                         if(tname.find("FREQ")!=string::npos) tname = "ndigis_";
00549                                         if (((*im)).find(tname) == 0) {
00550                                                 string fullpathname = bei->pwd() + "/" + (*im); 
00551                                         //cout<<"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SNAME= "<<sname<<endl;   
00552             MonitorElement *  me = bei->get(fullpathname);
00554             if (me){ 
00555               if(sname.find("_charge")!=string::npos && sname.find("Track_")==string::npos && me->getName().find("Track_")!=string::npos) continue;
00556               if(sname.find("_nclusters_")!=string::npos && sname.find("Track_")==string::npos && me->getName().find("Track_")!=string::npos) continue;
00557               if(sname.find("_size")!=string::npos && sname.find("Track_")==string::npos && me->getName().find("Track_")!=string::npos) continue;
00558 //cout<<"tell me the sname and me name: "<<sname<<" , "<<me->getName()<<endl;
00559               // fill summary histos:
00560               if (sname.find("_RMS_")!=string::npos && 
00561                   sname.find("GainDynamicRange2d")==string::npos && 
00562                   sname.find("GainSaturate2d")==string::npos){
00563                 (*isum)->Fill(ndet, me->getRMS());
00564               }else if (sname.find("GainDynamicRange2d")!=string::npos ||
00565                         sname.find("GainSaturate2d")!=string::npos){
00566                 float SumOfEntries=0.; float SumOfSquaredEntries=0.; int SumOfPixels=0;
00567                 for(int cols=1; cols!=me->getNbinsX()+1; cols++) for(int rows=1; rows!=me->getNbinsY()+1; rows++){
00568                   SumOfEntries+=me->getBinContent(cols,rows);
00569                   SumOfSquaredEntries+=(me->getBinContent(cols,rows))*(me->getBinContent(cols,rows));
00570                   SumOfPixels++;
00571                 }
00573                 float MeanInZ = SumOfEntries / float(SumOfPixels);
00574                 float RMSInZ = sqrt(SumOfSquaredEntries/float(SumOfPixels));
00575                 if(sname.find("_mean_")!=string::npos) (*isum)->Fill(ndet, MeanInZ);
00576                 if(sname.find("_RMS_")!=string::npos) (*isum)->Fill(ndet, RMSInZ);
00577               }else if (sname.find("_FracOfPerfectPix_")!=string::npos){
00578                 //printing cout<<"nbins = "<<me->getNbinsX()<<" , "<<me->getBinContent(me->getNbinsX()-1)<<" , "<<me->getBinContent(me->getNbinsX())<<endl;
00579                 float nlast = me->getBinContent(me->getNbinsX());
00580                 float nall = (me->getTH1F())->Integral(1,11);
00581                 //printing cout << nall << endl;
00582                 (*isum)->Fill(ndet, nlast/nall);
00583               }else if (sname.find("_NCalibErrors_")!=string::npos ||
00584                         sname.find("FREQ_")!=string::npos){
00585                 float nall = me->getEntries();
00586                 (*isum)->Fill(ndet, nall);
00587               }else if (sname.find("GainFitResult2d")!=string::npos){
00588                 int NegFitPixels=0;
00589                 for(int cols=1; cols!=me->getNbinsX()+1; cols++) for(int rows=1; rows!=me->getNbinsY()+1; rows++){
00590                   if(me->getBinContent(cols,rows)<0.) NegFitPixels++;
00591                 }
00592                 (*isum)->Fill(ndet, float(NegFitPixels));
00593               }else if (sname.find("ALLMODS_adcCOMB_")!=string::npos || 
00594                         (sname.find("ALLMODS_chargeCOMB_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos)){
00595                 (*isum)->getTH1F()->Add(me->getTH1F());
00596               }else if (sname.find("_NErrors_")!=string::npos){
00597                 string path1 = fullpathname;
00598                 path1 = path1.replace(path1.find("NErrors"),7,"errorType");
00599                 MonitorElement * me1 = bei->get(path1);
00600                 bool notReset=true;
00601                 if(me1){
00602                   for(int jj=1; jj<16; jj++){
00603                     if(me1->getBinContent(jj)>0.){
00604                       if(jj==6){ //errorType=30 (reset)
00605                         string path2 = path1;
00606                         path2 = path2.replace(path2.find("errorType"),9,"TBMMessage");
00607                         MonitorElement * me2 = bei->get(path2);
00608                         if(me2) if(me2->getBinContent(6)>0. || me2->getBinContent(7)>0.) notReset=false;
00609                       }
00610                     }
00611                   }
00612                 }
00613                 if(notReset) (*isum)->Fill(ndet, me1->getEntries());
00614               }else if ((sname.find("_charge_")!=string::npos && sname.find("Track_")==string::npos && 
00615                         me->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos) ||
00616                         (sname.find("_charge_")!=string::npos && sname.find("_OnTrack_")!=string::npos && 
00617                         me->getName().find("_OnTrack_")!=string::npos) ||
00618                         (sname.find("_charge_")!=string::npos && sname.find("_OffTrack_")!=string::npos && 
00619                         me->getName().find("_OffTrack_")!=string::npos) ||
00620                         (sname.find("_nclusters_")!=string::npos && sname.find("Track_")==string::npos && 
00621                         me->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos) ||
00622                         (sname.find("_nclusters_")!=string::npos && sname.find("_OnTrack_")!=string::npos && 
00623                         me->getName().find("_OnTrack_")!=string::npos) ||
00624                         (sname.find("_nclusters_")!=string::npos && sname.find("_OffTrack_")!=string::npos && 
00625                         me->getName().find("_OffTrack_")!=string::npos) ||
00626                         (sname.find("_size")!=string::npos && sname.find("Track_")==string::npos && 
00627                         me->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos) ||
00628                         (sname.find("_size")!=string::npos && sname.find("_OnTrack_")!=string::npos && 
00629                         me->getName().find("_OnTrack_")!=string::npos) ||
00630                         (sname.find("_size")!=string::npos && sname.find("_OffTrack_")!=string::npos && 
00631                         me->getName().find("_OffTrack_")!=string::npos)){
00632                 (*isum)->Fill(ndet, me->getMean());
00633               }else if(sname.find("_charge_")==string::npos && sname.find("_nclusters_")==string::npos && sname.find("_size")==string::npos){
00634                 (*isum)->Fill(ndet, me->getMean());
00635                 //std::cout<<bei->pwd()<<"/"<<(*isum)->getName()<<" , "<<ndet<<" , "<<me->getMean()<<" , "<<(*isum)->getBinContent(ndet)<<std::endl;
00636               }
00638               // set titles:
00639               if(prefix=="SUMOFF"){
00640                 (*isum)->setAxisTitle(isbarrel?"Ladders":"Blades",1);
00641               }else if(sname.find("ALLMODS_adcCOMB_")!=string::npos){
00642                 (*isum)->setAxisTitle("Digi charge [ADC]",1);
00643               }else if(sname.find("ALLMODS_chargeCOMB_")!=string::npos){
00644                 (*isum)->setAxisTitle("Cluster charge [kilo electrons]",1);
00645               }else{
00646                 (*isum)->setAxisTitle("Modules",1);
00647               }
00648               string title = " ";
00649               if (sname.find("_RMS_")!=string::npos){
00650                 title = "RMS of " + sname.substr(7,(sname.find("_",7)-7)) + " per module"; 
00651               }else if (sname.find("_FracOfPerfectPix_")!=string::npos){
00652                 title = "FracOfPerfectPix " + sname.substr(7,(sname.find("_",7)-7)) + " per module"; 
00653               }else if(sname.find("_NCalibErrors_")!=string::npos){
00654                 title = "Number of CalibErrors " + sname.substr(7,(sname.find("_",7)-7)) + " per module"; 
00655               }else if(sname.find("_NNegativeFits_")!=string::npos){
00656                 title = "Number of pixels with neg. fit result " + sname.substr(7,(sname.find("_",7)-7)) + " per module"; 
00657               }else if (sname.find("FREQ_")!=string::npos){
00658                 title = "NEvents with digis per module"; 
00659               }else if (sname.find("ALLMODS_adcCOMB_")!=string::npos){
00660                 title = "NDigis";
00661               }else if (sname.find("ALLMODS_chargeCOMB_")!=string::npos){
00662                 title = "NClusters";
00663               }else if (sname.find("_NErrors_")!=string::npos){
00664                 if(prefix=="SUMOFF" && isbarrel) title = "Total number of errors per Ladder";
00665                 else if(prefix=="SUMOFF" && !isbarrel) title = "Total number of errors per Blade";
00666                 else title = "Total number of errors per Module";
00667               }else{
00668                 if(prefix=="SUMOFF") title = "Mean " + sname.substr(7,(sname.find("_",7)-7)) + (isbarrel?" per Ladder":" per Blade"); 
00669                 else title = "Mean " + sname.substr(7,(sname.find("_",7)-7)) + " per Module"; 
00670               }
00671               (*isum)->setAxisTitle(title,2);
00672             }
00673             break;
00674           }
00675         }
00676       }
00677       bei->goUp();
00678           if(dir_name.find("Blade") == 0) bei->goUp(); // Going up a second time if we are processing the Blade
00679     } // end for it (subdirs)
00680   } else {  
00681     vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
00682     // printing cout << "#\t" << bei->pwd() << endl;
00683     if(isbarrel)
00684       {
00686         for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin();
00687              it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
00688           //                             cout << "##\t" << bei->pwd() << "\t" << (*it) << endl;
00689           if((bei->pwd()).find("Endcap")!=string::npos ||
00690              (bei->pwd()).find("AdditionalPixelErrors")!=string::npos) bei->goUp();
00691           bei->cd(*it);
00692           if((*it).find("Endcap")!=string::npos ||
00693              (*it).find("AdditionalPixelErrors")!=string::npos) continue;
00694           fillSummary(bei, dir_name, me_names, true); // Barrel
00695           bei->goUp();
00696         }
00697         string grandbarrel_structure_name;
00698         vector<string> grandbarrel_me_names;
00699         if (!configParser_->getMENamesForGrandBarrelSummary(grandbarrel_structure_name, grandbarrel_me_names)){
00700           cout << "SiPixelActionExecutor::createSummary: Failed to read Grand Barrel Summary configuration parameters!! ";
00701           return;
00702         }
00703         fillGrandBarrelSummaryHistos(bei, grandbarrel_me_names);
00705       }
00706     else // Endcap
00707       {
00709         for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin();
00710              it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
00711           //                             cout << "##\t" << bei->pwd() << "\t" << (*it) << endl;
00712           if((bei->pwd()).find("Barrel")!=string::npos ||
00713              (bei->pwd()).find("AdditionalPixelErrors")!=string::npos) bei->goUp();
00714           bei->cd((*it));
00715           if ((*it).find("Barrel")!=string::npos ||
00716               (*it).find("AdditionalPixelErrors")!=string::npos) continue;
00717           fillSummary(bei, dir_name, me_names, false); // Endcap
00718           bei->goUp();
00719         }
00720         string grandendcap_structure_name;
00721         vector<string> grandendcap_me_names;
00722         if (!configParser_->getMENamesForGrandEndcapSummary(grandendcap_structure_name, grandendcap_me_names)){
00723           cout << "SiPixelActionExecutor::createSummary: Failed to read Grand Endcap Summary configuration parameters!! ";
00724           return;
00725         }
00726         fillGrandEndcapSummaryHistos(bei, grandendcap_me_names);
00729       }
00730   }
00731 //  cout<<"...leaving SiPixelActionExecutor::fillSummary!"<<endl;
00733   // End of cleanup
00736 }
00738 //=============================================================================================================
00739 void SiPixelActionExecutor::fillFEDErrorSummary(DQMStore* bei,
00740                                                 string dir_name,
00741                                                 vector<string>& me_names) {
00742   //printing cout<<"entering SiPixelActionExecutor::fillFEDErrorSummary..."<<endl;
00743   string currDir = bei->pwd();
00744   string prefix;
00745   if(source_type_==0) prefix="SUMRAW";
00746   else if(source_type_==20) prefix="SUMOFF";
00748   if (currDir.find(dir_name) != string::npos)  {
00749     vector<MonitorElement*> sum_mes;
00750     for (vector<string>::const_iterator iv = me_names.begin();
00751          iv != me_names.end(); iv++) {
00752       bool isBooked = false;
00753       vector<string> contents = bei->getMEs();
00754       for (vector<string>::const_iterator im = contents.begin(); im != contents.end(); im++)
00755         if ((*im).find(*iv) != string::npos) isBooked = true;
00756       if(source_type_==5||source_type_==6){
00757         if((*iv)=="errorType"||(*iv)=="NErrors"||(*iv)=="fullType"||(*iv)=="chanNmbr"||
00758            (*iv)=="TBMType"||(*iv)=="EvtNbr"||(*iv)=="evtSize"||(*iv)=="linkId"||
00759            (*iv)=="ROCId"||(*iv)=="DCOLId"||(*iv)=="PXId"||(*iv)=="ROCNmbr"||
00760            (*iv)=="TBMMessage"||(*iv)=="Type36Hitmap"||
00761            (*iv)=="FedChLErrArray"||(*iv)=="FedChNErrArray"||(*iv)=="FedETypeNErrArray") 
00762           prefix="SUMRAW";
00763       }
00764       if((*iv)=="errorType"||(*iv)=="NErrors"||(*iv)=="fullType"||(*iv)=="chanNmbr"||
00765          (*iv)=="TBMType"||(*iv)=="EvtNbr"||(*iv)=="evtSize"||(*iv)=="linkId"||
00766          (*iv)=="ROCId"||(*iv)=="DCOLId"||(*iv)=="PXId"||(*iv)=="ROCNmbr"||
00767          (*iv)=="TBMMessage"||(*iv)=="Type36Hitmap"){
00768         string tag = prefix + "_" + (*iv) + "_FEDErrors";
00769         MonitorElement* temp = getFEDSummaryME(bei, tag);
00770         sum_mes.push_back(temp);
00771       }else if((*iv)=="FedChLErrArray"||(*iv)=="FedChNErrArray"||(*iv)=="FedETypeNErrArray"){
00772         string tag = prefix + "_" + (*iv);
00773         MonitorElement* temp;
00774         if((*iv)=="FedChLErrArray") {if (!isBooked) temp = bei->book2D("FedChLErrArray","Type of last error",40,-0.5,39.5,37,0.,37.);
00775           else{ 
00776             string fullpathname = bei->pwd() + "/" + (*iv);
00777             temp = bei->get(fullpathname);
00778             temp->Reset();}}  //If I don't reset this one, then I instead start adding error codes..
00779         if((*iv)=="FedChNErrArray") {if (!isBooked) temp = bei->book2D("FedChNErrArray","Total number of errors",40,-0.5,39.5,37,0.,37.);
00780           else{ 
00781             string fullpathname = bei->pwd() + "/" + (*iv);
00782             temp = bei->get(fullpathname);
00783             temp->Reset();}}  //If I don't reset this one, then I instead start adding error codes..
00784         if((*iv)=="FedETypeNErrArray"){
00785           if(!isBooked){
00786             temp = bei->book2D("FedETypeNErrArray","Number of each error type",40,-0.5,39.5,21,0.,21.);
00787             temp->setBinLabel(1,"ROC of 25",2);
00788             temp->setBinLabel(2,"Gap word",2);
00789             temp->setBinLabel(3,"Dummy word",2);
00790             temp->setBinLabel(4,"FIFO full",2);
00791             temp->setBinLabel(5,"Timeout",2);
00792             temp->setBinLabel(6,"Stack full",2);
00793             temp->setBinLabel(7,"Pre-cal issued",2);
00794             temp->setBinLabel(8,"Trigger clear or sync",2);
00795             temp->setBinLabel(9,"No token bit",2);
00796             temp->setBinLabel(10,"Overflow",2);
00797             temp->setBinLabel(11,"FSM error",2);
00798             temp->setBinLabel(12,"Invalid #ROCs",2);
00799             temp->setBinLabel(13,"Event number",2);
00800             temp->setBinLabel(14,"Slink header",2);
00801             temp->setBinLabel(15,"Slink trailer",2);
00802             temp->setBinLabel(16,"Event size",2);
00803             temp->setBinLabel(17,"Invalid channel#",2);
00804             temp->setBinLabel(18,"ROC value",2);
00805             temp->setBinLabel(19,"Dcol or pixel value",2);
00806             temp->setBinLabel(20,"Readout order",2);
00807             temp->setBinLabel(21,"CRC error",2);
00808           }
00809           else{
00810             string fullpathname = bei->pwd() + "/" + (*iv);
00811             temp = bei->get(fullpathname);
00812             temp->Reset();}  //If I don't reset this one, then I instead start adding error codes..
00813         }
00814         sum_mes.push_back(temp);
00815       }
00816     }
00817     if (sum_mes.size() == 0) {
00818       edm::LogInfo("SiPixelActionExecutor") << " Summary MEs can not be created" << "\n" ;
00819       return;
00820     }
00821     vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
00822     int ndet = 0;
00823     for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin();
00824          it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
00825       if ( (*it).find("FED_") == string::npos) continue;
00826       bei->cd(*it);
00827       string fedid = (*it).substr((*it).find("_")+1);
00828       std::istringstream isst;
00829       isst.str(fedid);
00830       isst>>ndet; ndet++;
00831       vector<string> contents = bei->getMEs(); 
00833       for (vector<MonitorElement*>::const_iterator isum = sum_mes.begin();
00834            isum != sum_mes.end(); isum++) {
00835         for (vector<string>::const_iterator im = contents.begin();
00836              im != contents.end(); im++) {
00837           if(((*im).find("FedChNErrArray_")!=std::string::npos && (*isum)->getName().find("FedChNErrArray")!=std::string::npos) ||
00838              ((*im).find("FedChLErrArray_")!=std::string::npos && (*isum)->getName().find("FedChLErrArray")!=std::string::npos) ||
00839              ((*im).find("FedETypeNErrArray_")!=std::string::npos && (*isum)->getName().find("FedETypeNErrArray")!=std::string::npos)){
00840             string fullpathname = bei->pwd() + "/" + (*im); 
00841             MonitorElement *  me = bei->get(fullpathname);
00842             if(me && me->getIntValue()>0){
00843               for(int i=0; i!=37; i++){
00844                 int n = (*im).find("_"); n++;
00845                 string channel_str = (*im).substr(n);
00846                 std::istringstream jsst;
00847                 jsst.str(channel_str);
00848                 int channel=-1;
00849                 jsst>>channel;
00850                 if(channel==i){
00851                   if((*im).find("FedETypeNErrArray_")!=std::string::npos && i<21) (*isum)->Fill(ndet-1,i,me->getIntValue());
00852                   else (*isum)->Fill(ndet-1,i,me->getIntValue());
00853                 }
00854               }
00855             }
00856           }
00857           string sname = ((*isum)->getName());
00858           string tname = " ";
00859           tname = sname.substr(7,(sname.find("_",7)-6));
00860           if (((*im)).find(tname) == 0) {
00861             string fullpathname = bei->pwd() + "/" + (*im); 
00862             MonitorElement *  me = bei->get(fullpathname);
00864             if (me){ 
00865               if(me->getMean()>0.){
00866                 if (sname.find("_NErrors_")!=string::npos){
00867                   string path1 = fullpathname;
00868                   path1 = path1.replace(path1.find("NErrors"),7,"errorType");
00869                   MonitorElement * me1 = bei->get(path1);
00870                   bool notReset=true;
00871                   if(me1){
00872                     for(int jj=1; jj<16; jj++){
00873                       if(me1->getBinContent(jj)>0.){
00874                         if(jj==6){ //errorType=30 (reset)
00875                           string path2 = path1;
00876                           path2 = path2.replace(path2.find("errorType"),9,"TBMMessage");
00877                           MonitorElement * me2 = bei->get(path2);
00878                           if(me2) if(me2->getBinContent(6)>0. || me2->getBinContent(7)>0.) notReset=false; 
00879                         }
00880                       }
00881                     }
00882                   }
00883                   if(notReset) (*isum)->setBinContent(ndet, (*isum)->getBinContent(ndet) + me1->getEntries());
00884                 }else (*isum)->setBinContent(ndet, (*isum)->getBinContent(ndet) + me->getEntries());
00885               }
00886               (*isum)->setAxisTitle("FED #",1);
00887               string title = " ";
00888               title = sname.substr(7,(sname.find("_",7)-7)) + " per FED"; 
00889               (*isum)->setAxisTitle(title,2);
00890             }
00891             break;
00892           }
00893         }
00894       }
00895       bei->goUp();
00896     }
00897   } else {  
00898     vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
00899     for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin();
00900          it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
00901       if((*it).find("Endcap")!=string::npos ||
00902          (*it).find("Barrel")!=string::npos) continue;
00903       bei->cd(*it);
00904       fillFEDErrorSummary(bei, dir_name, me_names);
00905       bei->goUp();
00906     }
00907   }
00908   //printing cout<<"...leaving SiPixelActionExecutor::fillFEDErrorSummary!"<<endl;
00909 }
00912 //=============================================================================================================
00913 void SiPixelActionExecutor::fillGrandBarrelSummaryHistos(DQMStore* bei,
00914                                                          vector<string>& me_names) {
00915 //  cout<<"Entering SiPixelActionExecutor::fillGrandBarrelSummaryHistos...:"<<me_names.size()<<endl;
00916   vector<MonitorElement*> gsum_mes;
00917   string currDir = bei->pwd();
00918   string path_name = bei->pwd();
00919   string dir_name =  path_name.substr(path_name.find_last_of("/")+1);
00920 //  cout<<"I am in "<<path_name<<" now."<<endl;
00921   if ((dir_name.find("DQMData") == 0) ||
00922       (dir_name.find("Pixel") == 0) ||
00923       (dir_name.find("AdditionalPixelErrors") == 0) ||
00924       (dir_name.find("Endcap") == 0) ||
00925       (dir_name.find("HalfCylinder") == 0) ||
00926       (dir_name.find("Disk") == 0) ||
00927       (dir_name.find("Blade") == 0) ||
00928       (dir_name.find("Panel") == 0) ) return;
00929   vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
00930   int nDirs = subdirs.size();
00931   int iDir =0;
00932   int nbin = 0;
00933   int nbin_i = 0; 
00934   int nbin_subdir = 0; 
00935   int cnt=0;
00936   bool first_subdir = true;
00937   for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin();
00938        it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
00939     cnt++;
00940     bei->cd(*it);
00941 //    cout << "--- " << cnt << "\t" << bei->pwd() << endl;
00942     vector<string> contents = bei->getMEs();
00944     bei->goUp();
00946                 string prefix;
00947                 if(source_type_==0) prefix="SUMRAW";
00948                 else if (source_type_==1) prefix="SUMDIG";
00949                 else if (source_type_==2) prefix="SUMCLU";
00950                 else if (source_type_==3) prefix="SUMTRK";
00951                 else if (source_type_==4) prefix="SUMHIT";
00952                 else if (source_type_>=7 && source_type_<20) prefix="SUMCAL";
00953                 else if (source_type_==20) prefix="SUMOFF";
00956     for (vector<string>::const_iterator im = contents.begin();
00957          im != contents.end(); im++) {
00958 //      cout<<"A: iterating over "<<(*im)<<" now:"<<endl;
00959       for (vector<string>::const_iterator iv = me_names.begin();
00960            iv != me_names.end(); iv++) {
00961         string var = "_" + (*iv) + "_";
00962 //      cout<<"\t B: iterating over "<<(*iv)<<" now, var is set to: "<<var<<endl;
00963         if ((*im).find(var) != string::npos) {
00964           if((var=="_charge_" || var=="_nclusters_" || var=="_size_" || var=="_sizeX_" || var=="_sizeY_") && 
00965              (*im).find("Track_")!=string::npos) continue;
00966 //        cout << "Looking into " << (*iv) << endl;
00967           string full_path = (*it) + "/" +(*im);
00968           MonitorElement * me = bei->get(full_path.c_str());
00969           if (!me) continue; 
00970           if(source_type_==5||source_type_==6){
00971             if((*iv)=="errorType"||(*iv)=="NErrors"||(*iv)=="fullType"||(*iv)=="chanNmbr"||
00972                (*iv)=="TBMType"||(*iv)=="EvtNbr"||(*iv)=="evtSize"||(*iv)=="linkId"||
00973                (*iv)=="ROCId"||(*iv)=="DCOLId"||(*iv)=="PXId"||(*iv)=="ROCNmbr"||
00974                (*iv)=="TBMMessage"||(*iv)=="Type36Hitmap") 
00975               prefix="SUMRAW";
00976             else if((*iv)=="ndigis"||(*iv)=="adc" ||
00977                     (*iv)=="ndigisFREQ" || (*iv)=="adcCOMB")
00978               prefix="SUMDIG";
00979             else if((*iv)=="nclusters"||(*iv)=="x"||(*iv)=="y"||(*iv)=="charge"||(*iv)=="chargeCOMB"||
00980                     (*iv)=="size"||(*iv)=="sizeX"||(*iv)=="sizeY"||(*iv)=="minrow"||
00981                     (*iv)=="maxrow"||(*iv)=="mincol"||(*iv)=="maxcol")
00982               prefix="SUMCLU";
00983               if(currDir.find("Track")!=string::npos) prefix="SUMTRK";
00984             else if((*iv)=="residualX_mean"||(*iv)=="residualY_mean"||
00985                     (*iv)=="residualX_RMS"||(*iv)=="residualY_RMS")
00986               prefix="SUMTRK";
00987             else if((*iv)=="ClustX"||(*iv)=="ClustY"||(*iv)=="nRecHits"||(*iv)=="ErrorX"||(*iv)=="ErrorY")
00988               prefix="SUMHIT";
00989             else if((*iv)=="Gain1d_mean"||(*iv)=="GainChi2NDF1d_mean"||
00990                     (*iv)=="GainChi2Prob1d_mean"||(*iv)=="Pedestal1d_mean"||
00991                     (*iv)=="ScurveChi2ProbSummary_mean"||(*iv)=="ScurveFitResultSummary_mean"||
00992                     (*iv)=="ScurveSigmasSummary_mean"||(*iv)=="ScurveThresholdSummary_mean"||
00993                     (*iv)=="Gain1d_RMS"||(*iv)=="GainChi2NDF1d_RMS"||
00994                     (*iv)=="GainChi2Prob1d_RMS"||(*iv)=="Pedestal1d_RMS"||
00995                     (*iv)=="GainNPoints1d_mean" || (*iv)=="GainNPoints1d_RMS" ||
00996                     (*iv)=="GainHighPoint1d_mean" || (*iv)=="GainHighPoint1d_RMS" ||
00997                     (*iv)=="GainLowPoint1d_mean" || (*iv)=="GainLowPoint1d_RMS" ||
00998                     (*iv)=="GainEndPoint1d_mean" || (*iv)=="GainEndPoint1d_RMS" ||
00999                     (*iv)=="GainFitResult2d_mean" || (*iv)=="GainFitResult2d_RMS" ||
01000                     (*iv)=="GainDynamicRange2d_mean" || (*iv)=="GainDynamicRange2d_RMS" ||
01001                     (*iv)=="GainSaturate2d_mean" || (*iv)=="GainSaturate2d_RMS" ||
01002                     (*iv)=="ScurveChi2ProbSummary_RMS"||(*iv)=="ScurveFitResultSummary_RMS"||
01003                     (*iv)=="ScurveSigmasSummary_RMS"||(*iv)=="ScurveThresholdSummary_RMS"||
01004                     (*iv)=="pixelAliveSummary_mean"||(*iv)=="pixelAliveSummary_FracOfPerfectPix" ||
01005                     (*iv)=="SiPixelErrorsCalibDigis_NCalibErrors" )
01006               prefix="SUMCAL";
01007           } // end source_type if
01009           // bugfix: gsum_mes is filled using the contents of me_names. Proceeding with each entry in me_names.
01010       /*
01011           int actual_size = gsum_mes.size();
01012           int wanted_size = me_names.size();
01013           // printing cout << actual_size << "\t" << wanted_size << endl;
01014           if (actual_size !=  wanted_size) { */
01015           if (first_subdir){
01016 //          bool create_me = true;
01017             nbin = me->getTH1F()->GetNbinsX();        
01018             string me_name = prefix + "_" + (*iv) + "_" + dir_name;
01019             if((*iv)=="adcCOMB"||(*iv)=="chargeCOMB") me_name = "ALLMODS_" + (*iv) + "_" + dir_name;
01020             else if(prefix=="SUMOFF" && dir_name=="Barrel") nbin=192;
01021             else if((*iv)=="adcCOMB") nbin=256;
01022             else if(dir_name=="Barrel") nbin=768;
01023             else if(prefix=="SUMOFF" && dir_name.find("Shell")!=string::npos) nbin=48;
01024             else if(dir_name.find("Shell")!=string::npos) nbin=192;
01025             else nbin=nbin*nDirs;
01027                 getGrandSummaryME(bei, nbin, me_name, gsum_mes);
01028           }
01029           /*
01030             for (vector<MonitorElement*>::const_iterator igm = gsum_mes.begin();
01031                  igm !=gsum_mes.end(); igm++) { 
01032               // To be further optimized
01033               if( (*iv).find("Clust") != string::npos && (*igm)->getName().find(me_name) != string::npos ) create_me = false; //cout << "Already have it" << endl;
01034             }
01036             // printing cout<<"me_name to be created= "<<me_name<<endl;
01037             if(create_me) getGrandSummaryME(bei, nbin, me_name, gsum_mes);
01038           }
01039           */
01040           // end bugfix: gsum_mes.
01043           for (vector<MonitorElement*>::const_iterator igm = gsum_mes.begin();
01044                igm != gsum_mes.end(); igm++) {
01045 //          cout<<"\t \t C: iterating over "<<(*igm)->getName()<<" now:"<<endl;
01046             if ((*igm)->getName().find(var) != string::npos) {
01047 //            cout<<"\t \t D: Have the correct var now!"<<endl;
01048               if(prefix=="SUMOFF") (*igm)->setAxisTitle("Ladders",1);
01049               else if((*igm)->getName().find("adcCOMB_")!=string::npos) (*igm)->setAxisTitle("Digi charge [ADC]",1);
01050               else if((*igm)->getName().find("chargeCOMB_")!=string::npos) (*igm)->setAxisTitle("Cluster charge [kilo electrons]",1);
01051               else (*igm)->setAxisTitle("Modules",1);
01053               // Setting title
01055                   string title="";
01056               if((*igm)->getName().find("NErrors_") != string::npos && prefix=="SUMOFF") title = "Total number of errors per Ladder";
01057               else if((*igm)->getName().find("NErrors_") != string::npos && prefix=="SUMRAW") title = "Total number of errors per Module";
01058               else if(prefix=="SUMOFF") title = "mean " + (*iv) + " per Ladder"; 
01059               else if((*igm)->getName().find("FREQ_") != string::npos && prefix!="SUMOFF") title = "NEvents with digis per Module"; 
01060               else if((*igm)->getName().find("FREQ_") != string::npos && prefix=="SUMOFF") title = "NEvents with digis per Ladder/Blade"; 
01061               else if((*igm)->getName().find("adcCOMB_") != string::npos) title = "NDigis";
01062               else if((*igm)->getName().find("chargeCOMB_") != string::npos) title = "NClusters";
01063               else title = "mean " + (*iv) + " per Module"; 
01064               (*igm)->setAxisTitle(title,2);
01066                   // Setting binning
01068               if((*igm)->getName().find("ALLMODS_adcCOMB_")!=string::npos){
01069                 nbin_subdir=128;
01070               }else if((*igm)->getName().find("ALLMODS_chargeCOMB_")!=string::npos){
01071                 nbin_subdir=100;
01072               }else if((*igm)->getName().find("Ladder") != string::npos){
01073                 nbin_i=0; nbin_subdir=4;
01074               }else if((*igm)->getName().find("Layer") != string::npos){
01075                 nbin_i=(cnt-1)*4; nbin_subdir=4;
01076               }else if((*igm)->getName().find("Shell") != string::npos){
01077                 if(prefix!="SUMOFF"){
01078                   if(iDir==0){ nbin_i=0; nbin_subdir=40; }
01079                   else if(iDir==1){ nbin_i=40; nbin_subdir=64; }
01080                   else if(iDir==2){ nbin_i=104; nbin_subdir=88; }
01081                 }else{
01082                   if(iDir==0){ nbin_i=0; nbin_subdir=10; }
01083                   else if(iDir==1){ nbin_i=10; nbin_subdir=16; }
01084                   else if(iDir==2){ nbin_i=26; nbin_subdir=22; }
01085                 }
01086               }else if((*igm)->getName().find("Barrel") != string::npos){
01087                 if(prefix!="SUMOFF"){
01088                   if(iDir==0){ nbin_i=0; nbin_subdir=192; }
01089                   else if(iDir==1){ nbin_i=192; nbin_subdir=192; }
01090                   else if(iDir==2){ nbin_i=384; nbin_subdir=192; }
01091                   else if(iDir==3){ nbin_i=576; nbin_subdir=192; }
01092                 }else{
01093                   if(iDir==0){ nbin_i=0; nbin_subdir=48; }
01094                   else if(iDir==1){ nbin_i=48; nbin_subdir=48; }
01095                   else if(iDir==2){ nbin_i=96; nbin_subdir=48; }
01096                   else if(iDir==3){ nbin_i=144; nbin_subdir=48; }
01097                 }
01098               }
01101                         if((*igm)->getName().find("ndigisFREQ")==string::npos)
01102                         { 
01103                                 if(((*igm)->getName().find("adcCOMB")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("adcCOMB")!=string::npos) 
01104                                                 || ((*igm)->getName().find("chargeCOMB")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("chargeCOMB")!=string::npos))
01105                                 {
01106                                         (*igm)->getTH1F()->Add(me->getTH1F());
01107                                 }else if(((*igm)->getName().find("charge_")!=string::npos && (*igm)->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos && 
01108                                           me->getName().find("charge_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos) || 
01109                                          ((*igm)->getName().find("nclusters_")!=string::npos && (*igm)->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos && 
01110                                           me->getName().find("nclusters_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos) || 
01111                                          ((*igm)->getName().find("size_")!=string::npos && (*igm)->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos && 
01112                                           me->getName().find("size_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos) || 
01113                                          ((*igm)->getName().find("charge_OffTrack_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("charge_OffTrack_")!=string::npos) || 
01114                                          ((*igm)->getName().find("nclusters_OffTrack_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("nclusters_OffTrack_")!=string::npos) || 
01115                                          ((*igm)->getName().find("size_OffTrack_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("size_OffTrack_")!=string::npos) || 
01116                                          ((*igm)->getName().find("charge_OnTrack_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("charge_OnTrack_")!=string::npos) || 
01117                                          ((*igm)->getName().find("nclusters_OnTrack_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("nclusters_OnTrack_")!=string::npos) || 
01118                                          ((*igm)->getName().find("size_OnTrack_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("size_OnTrack_")!=string::npos) || 
01119                                          ((*igm)->getName().find("charge_")==string::npos && (*igm)->getName().find("nclusters_")==string::npos && 
01120                                           (*igm)->getName().find("size_")==string::npos)){
01121                                         for (int k = 1; k < nbin_subdir+1; k++) if(me->getBinContent(k) > 0) (*igm)->setBinContent(k+nbin_i, me->getBinContent(k));
01122                                 }
01123                         }
01124                         else if(me->getName().find("ndigisFREQ")!=string::npos)
01125                         {
01126                                 for (int k = 1; k < nbin_subdir+1; k++) if(me->getBinContent(k) > 0) (*igm)->setBinContent(k+nbin_i, me->getBinContent(k));
01127                         }
01128             } // end var in igm (gsum_mes)
01129           } // end igm loop
01130         } // end var in im (contents)
01131       } // end of iv loop
01132     } // end of im loop
01133     iDir++;
01134   first_subdir = false; // We are done processing the first directory, we don't add any new MEs in the future passes.   
01135   } // end of it loop (subdirs)
01136 //  cout<<"...leaving SiPixelActionExecutor::fillGrandBarrelSummaryHistos!"<<endl;
01137 }
01139 //=============================================================================================================
01140 void SiPixelActionExecutor::fillGrandEndcapSummaryHistos(DQMStore* bei,
01141                                                          vector<string>& me_names) {
01142   //printing cout<<"Entering SiPixelActionExecutor::fillGrandEndcapSummaryHistos..."<<endl;
01143   vector<MonitorElement*> gsum_mes;
01144   string currDir = bei->pwd();
01145   string path_name = bei->pwd();
01146   string dir_name =  path_name.substr(path_name.find_last_of("/")+1);
01147   if ((dir_name.find("DQMData") == 0) ||
01148       (dir_name.find("Pixel") == 0) ||
01149       (dir_name.find("AdditionalPixelErrors") == 0) ||
01150       (dir_name.find("Barrel") == 0) ||
01151       (dir_name.find("Shell") == 0) ||
01152       (dir_name.find("Layer") == 0) ||
01153       (dir_name.find("Ladder") == 0) ) return;
01154   vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
01155   int iDir =0;
01156   int nbin = 0;
01157   int nbin_i = 0; 
01158   int nbin_subdir = 0; 
01159   int cnt=0;
01160   bool first_subdir = true;  
01161   for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin();
01162        it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
01163     cnt++;
01164     bei->cd(*it);
01165     vector<string> contents = bei->getMEs();
01166     bei->goUp();
01168     string prefix;
01169     if(source_type_==0) prefix="SUMRAW";
01170     else if (source_type_==1) prefix="SUMDIG";
01171     else if (source_type_==2) prefix="SUMCLU";
01172     else if (source_type_==3) prefix="SUMTRK";
01173     else if (source_type_==4) prefix="SUMHIT";
01174     else if (source_type_>=7 && source_type_<20) prefix="SUMCAL";
01175     else if (source_type_==20) prefix="SUMOFF";
01177     for (vector<string>::const_iterator im = contents.begin();
01178          im != contents.end(); im++) {
01179       for (vector<string>::const_iterator iv = me_names.begin();
01180            iv != me_names.end(); iv++) {
01181         string var = "_" + (*iv) + "_";
01182         if ((*im).find(var) != string::npos) {
01183           if((var=="_charge_" || var=="_nclusters_" || var=="_size_" || var=="_sizeX_" || var=="_sizeY_") && 
01184              (*im).find("Track_")!=string::npos) continue;
01185           string full_path = (*it) + "/" +(*im);
01186           MonitorElement * me = bei->get(full_path.c_str());
01187           if (!me) continue; 
01188           if(source_type_==5||source_type_==6){
01189             if((*iv)=="errorType"||(*iv)=="NErrors"||(*iv)=="fullType"||(*iv)=="chanNmbr"||
01190                (*iv)=="TBMType"||(*iv)=="EvtNbr"||(*iv)=="evtSize"||(*iv)=="linkId"||
01191                (*iv)=="ROCId"||(*iv)=="DCOLId"||(*iv)=="PXId"||(*iv)=="ROCNmbr"||
01192                (*iv)=="TBMMessage"||(*iv)=="Type36Hitmap") 
01193               prefix="SUMRAW";
01194             else if((*iv)=="ndigis"||(*iv)=="adc" ||
01195                     (*iv)=="ndigisFREQ"||(*iv)=="adcCOMB")
01196               prefix="SUMDIG";
01197             else if((*iv)=="nclusters"||(*iv)=="x"||(*iv)=="y"||(*iv)=="charge"||(*iv)=="chargeCOMB"||
01198                     (*iv)=="size"||(*iv)=="sizeX"||(*iv)=="sizeY"||(*iv)=="minrow"||
01199                     (*iv)=="maxrow"||(*iv)=="mincol"||(*iv)=="maxcol")
01200               prefix="SUMCLU";
01201               if(currDir.find("Track")!=string::npos) prefix="SUMTRK";
01202             else if((*iv)=="residualX_mean"||(*iv)=="residualY_mean"||
01203                     (*iv)=="residualX_RMS"||(*iv)=="residualY_RMS")
01204               prefix="SUMTRK";
01205             else if((*iv)=="ClustX"||(*iv)=="ClustY"||(*iv)=="nRecHits"||(*iv)=="ErrorX"||(*iv)=="ErrorY")
01206               prefix="SUMHIT";
01207             else if((*iv)=="Gain1d_mean"||(*iv)=="GainChi2NDF1d_mean"||
01208                     (*iv)=="GainChi2Prob1d_mean"||(*iv)=="Pedestal1d_mean"||
01209                     (*iv)=="ScurveChi2ProbSummary_mean"||(*iv)=="ScurveFitResultSummary_mean"||
01210                     (*iv)=="ScurveSigmasSummary_mean"||(*iv)=="ScurveThresholdSummary_mean"||
01211                     (*iv)=="Gain1d_RMS"||(*iv)=="GainChi2NDF1d_RMS"||
01212                     (*iv)=="GainChi2Prob1d_RMS"||(*iv)=="Pedestal1d_RMS"||
01213                     (*iv)=="GainNPoints1d_mean" || (*iv)=="GainNPoints1d_RMS" ||
01214                     (*iv)=="GainHighPoint1d_mean" || (*iv)=="GainHighPoint1d_RMS" ||
01215                     (*iv)=="GainLowPoint1d_mean" || (*iv)=="GainLowPoint1d_RMS" ||
01216                     (*iv)=="GainEndPoint1d_mean" || (*iv)=="GainEndPoint1d_RMS" ||
01217                     (*iv)=="GainFitResult2d_mean" || (*iv)=="GainFitResult2d_RMS" ||
01218                     (*iv)=="GainDynamicRange2d_mean" || (*iv)=="GainDynamicRange2d_RMS" ||
01219                     (*iv)=="GainSaturate2d_mean" || (*iv)=="GainSaturate2d_RMS" ||
01220                     (*iv)=="ScurveChi2ProbSummary_RMS"||(*iv)=="ScurveFitResultSummary_RMS"||
01221                     (*iv)=="ScurveSigmasSummary_RMS"||(*iv)=="ScurveThresholdSummary_RMS"||
01222                     (*iv)=="pixelAliveSummary_mean"||(*iv)=="pixelAliveSummary_FracOfPerfectPix"|| 
01223                     (*iv) == "SiPixelErrorsCalibDigis_NCalibErrors")
01224               prefix="SUMCAL"; 
01225           }
01227           // bugfix: gsum_mes is filled using the contents of me_names. Proceeding with each entry in me_names.
01228           /*
01229           int actual_size = gsum_mes.size();
01230           int wanted_size = me_names.size();
01231           if (actual_size !=  wanted_size) { */
01232           if (first_subdir){
01233 //          bool create_me = true;
01234             nbin = me->getTH1F()->GetNbinsX();        
01235             string me_name = prefix + "_" + (*iv) + "_" + dir_name;
01236             if((*iv)=="adcCOMB"||(*iv)=="chargeCOMB") me_name = "ALLMODS_" + (*iv) + "_" + dir_name;
01237             else if(prefix=="SUMOFF" && dir_name=="Endcap") nbin=96;
01238             else if(dir_name=="Endcap") nbin=672;
01239             else if(prefix=="SUMOFF" && dir_name.find("HalfCylinder")!=string::npos) nbin=24;
01240             else if(dir_name.find("HalfCylinder")!=string::npos) nbin=168;
01241             else if(prefix=="SUMOFF" && dir_name.find("Disk")!=string::npos) nbin=12;
01242             else if(dir_name.find("Disk")!=string::npos) nbin=84;
01243             else if(dir_name.find("Blade")!=string::npos) nbin=7;
01244             //else if(dir_name.find("Panel_1")!=string::npos) nbin=4;
01245             //else if(dir_name.find("Panel_2")!=string::npos) nbin=3;
01246                 //cout << dir_name.c_str() << "\t" << nbin << endl;
01247                 getGrandSummaryME(bei, nbin, me_name, gsum_mes);
01248           }
01249           /*
01251             for (vector<MonitorElement*>::const_iterator igm = gsum_mes.begin();
01252                  igm !=gsum_mes.end(); igm++) { 
01253               // To be further optimized
01254               if( (*iv).find("Clust") != string::npos && (*igm)->getName().find(me_name) != string::npos ) create_me = false; //cout << "Already have it" << endl;
01255             }
01257             // printing cout<<"me_name to be created= "<<me_name<<endl;
01258             if(create_me) getGrandSummaryME(bei, nbin, me_name, gsum_mes);
01259           }
01260           */
01261           // end bugfix: gsum_mes.
01263           for (vector<MonitorElement*>::const_iterator igm = gsum_mes.begin();
01264                igm != gsum_mes.end(); igm++) { 
01265             if ((*igm)->getName().find(var) != string::npos) {
01266               if(prefix=="SUMOFF") (*igm)->setAxisTitle("Blades",1);
01267               else if((*igm)->getName().find("adcCOMB_")!=string::npos) (*igm)->setAxisTitle("Digi charge [ADC]",1);
01268               else if((*igm)->getName().find("chargeCOMB_")!=string::npos) (*igm)->setAxisTitle("Cluster charge [kilo electrons]",1);
01269               else (*igm)->setAxisTitle("Modules",1);
01270               string title="";
01271               if((*igm)->getName().find("NErrors_") != string::npos && prefix=="SUMOFF") title = "Total number of errors per Blade";
01272               else if((*igm)->getName().find("NErrors_") != string::npos && prefix=="SUMRAW") title = "Total number of errors per Module";
01273               else if(prefix=="SUMOFF") title = "mean " + (*iv) + " per Blade"; 
01274               else if((*igm)->getName().find("FREQ_") != string::npos) title = "NEvents with digis per Module"; 
01275               else if((*igm)->getName().find("adcCOMB_")!=string::npos) title = "NDigis";
01276               else if((*igm)->getName().find("chargeCOMB_")!=string::npos) title = "NClusters";
01277               else title = "mean " + (*iv) + " per Module"; 
01278               (*igm)->setAxisTitle(title,2);
01279               nbin_i=0; 
01280               if((*igm)->getName().find("ALLMODS_adcCOMB_")!=string::npos){
01281                 nbin_subdir=128;
01282               }else if((*igm)->getName().find("ALLMODS_chargeCOMB_")!=string::npos){
01283                 nbin_subdir=100;
01284               }else if((*igm)->getName().find("Panel_") != string::npos){
01285                 nbin_subdir=7;
01286 //            }else if((*igm)->getName().find("Panel_1") != string::npos){
01287 //              nbin_subdir=4;
01288 //            }else if((*igm)->getName().find("Panel_2") != string::npos){
01289 //              nbin_subdir=3;
01290               }else if((*igm)->getName().find("Blade") != string::npos){
01291                 if((*im).find("_1") != string::npos) nbin_subdir=4;
01292                 if((*im).find("_2") != string::npos) {nbin_i=4; nbin_subdir=3;}
01293               }else if((*igm)->getName().find("Disk") != string::npos){
01294                 nbin_i=((cnt-1)%12)*7; nbin_subdir=7;
01295               }else if((*igm)->getName().find("HalfCylinder") != string::npos){
01296                 if(prefix!="SUMOFF"){
01297                   nbin_subdir=84;
01298                   if((*im).find("_2") != string::npos) nbin_i=84;
01299                 }else{
01300                   nbin_subdir=12;
01301                   if((*im).find("_2") != string::npos) nbin_i=12;
01302                 }
01303               }else if((*igm)->getName().find("Endcap") != string::npos){
01304                 if(prefix!="SUMOFF"){
01305                   nbin_subdir=168;
01306                   if((*im).find("_mO") != string::npos) nbin_i=168;
01307                   if((*im).find("_pI") != string::npos) nbin_i=336;
01308                   if((*im).find("_pO") != string::npos) nbin_i=504;
01309                 }else{
01310                   nbin_subdir=24;
01311                   if((*im).find("_mO") != string::npos) nbin_i=24;
01312                   if((*im).find("_pI") != string::npos) nbin_i=48;
01313                   if((*im).find("_pO") != string::npos) nbin_i=72;
01314                 }
01315               }
01317               //               for (int k = 1; k < nbin_subdir+1; k++) {
01318               if((*igm)->getName().find("ndigisFREQ")==string::npos){ 
01319                 if(((*igm)->getName().find("adcCOMB")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("adcCOMB")!=string::npos) || ((*igm)->getName().find("chargeCOMB")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("chargeCOMB")!=string::npos)){
01320                   (*igm)->getTH1F()->Add(me->getTH1F());
01321                 }else if(((*igm)->getName().find("charge_")!=string::npos && (*igm)->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos && 
01322                            me->getName().find("charge_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos) || 
01323                           ((*igm)->getName().find("nclusters_")!=string::npos && (*igm)->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos && 
01324                            me->getName().find("nclusters_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos) || 
01325                           ((*igm)->getName().find("size_")!=string::npos && (*igm)->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos && 
01326                            me->getName().find("size_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("Track_")==string::npos) || 
01327                           ((*igm)->getName().find("charge_OffTrack_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("charge_OffTrack_")!=string::npos) || 
01328                           ((*igm)->getName().find("nclusters_OffTrack_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("nclusters_OffTrack_")!=string::npos) || 
01329                           ((*igm)->getName().find("size_OffTrack_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("size_OffTrack_")!=string::npos) || 
01330                           ((*igm)->getName().find("charge_OnTrack_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("charge_OnTrack_")!=string::npos) || 
01331                           ((*igm)->getName().find("nclusters_OnTrack_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("nclusters_OnTrack_")!=string::npos) || 
01332                           ((*igm)->getName().find("size_OnTrack_")!=string::npos && me->getName().find("size_OnTrack_")!=string::npos) || 
01333                           ((*igm)->getName().find("charge_")==string::npos && (*igm)->getName().find("nclusters_")==string::npos && 
01334                            (*igm)->getName().find("size_")==string::npos)){
01335                   for (int k = 1; k < nbin_subdir+1; k++) if(me->getBinContent(k) > 0) (*igm)->setBinContent(k+nbin_i, me->getBinContent(k));
01336                 }
01337               }else if(me->getName().find("ndigisFREQ")!=string::npos){
01338                 for (int k = 1; k < nbin_subdir+1; k++)  if(me->getBinContent(k) > 0) (*igm)->setBinContent(k+nbin_i, me->getBinContent(k));
01339               }
01340               //               }// for
01342             }
01343           }
01344         }
01345       }
01346     }
01348     iDir++;
01349   first_subdir = false; // We are done processing the first directory, we don't add any new MEs in the future passes.   
01350   }  // end for it (subdirs)
01351 }
01352 //=============================================================================================================
01353 //
01354 // -- Get Summary ME
01355 //
01356 void SiPixelActionExecutor::getGrandSummaryME(DQMStore* bei,
01357                                               int nbin, 
01358                                               string& me_name, 
01359                                               vector<MonitorElement*> & mes) {
01360   //printing cout<<"Entering SiPixelActionExecutor::getGrandSummaryME for: "<<me_name<<endl;
01361   if((bei->pwd()).find("Pixel")==string::npos) return; // If one doesn't find pixel
01362   vector<string> contents = bei->getMEs();
01364   for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = contents.begin();
01365        it != contents.end(); it++) {
01366     //printing cout<<"in grand summary me: "<<me_name<<","<<(*it)<<endl;
01367     if ((*it).find(me_name) == 0) {
01368       string fullpathname = bei->pwd() + "/" + me_name;
01369       //                                cout << "###\t" << fullpathname << endl;
01370       MonitorElement* me = bei->get(fullpathname);
01372       if (me) {
01373         //      cout<<"Found grand ME: "<<fullpathname<<endl;
01374         me->Reset();
01375         mes.push_back(me);
01376         // if printing cout<<"reset and add the following me: "<<me->getName()<<endl;
01377         return;
01378       }
01379     }
01380   }
01382   //  MonitorElement* temp_me = bei->book1D(me_name.c_str(),me_name.c_str(),nbin,1.,nbin+1.);
01383   //  if (temp_me) mes.push_back(temp_me);
01384   MonitorElement* temp_me(0);
01385   if(me_name.find("ALLMODS_adcCOMB_")!=string::npos) temp_me = bei->book1D(me_name.c_str(),me_name.c_str(),128,0,256);
01386   else if(me_name.find("ALLMODS_chargeCOMB_")!=string::npos) temp_me = bei->book1D(me_name.c_str(),me_name.c_str(),100,0,200);
01387   else temp_me = bei->book1D(me_name.c_str(),me_name.c_str(),nbin,1.,nbin+1.);
01388   if (temp_me) mes.push_back(temp_me);
01390   //  if(temp_me) cout<<"finally found grand ME: "<<me_name<<endl;
01391 }
01394 //=============================================================================================================
01395 //
01396 // -- Get Summary ME
01397 //
01398 MonitorElement* SiPixelActionExecutor::getSummaryME(DQMStore* bei,
01399                                                     string me_name) {
01400   //printing cout<<"Entering SiPixelActionExecutor::getSummaryME for: "<<me_name<<endl;
01401   MonitorElement* me = 0;
01402   if((bei->pwd()).find("Pixel")==string::npos) return me;
01403   vector<string> contents = bei->getMEs();    
01405   for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = contents.begin();
01406        it != contents.end(); it++) {
01407     if ((*it).find(me_name) == 0) {
01408       string fullpathname = bei->pwd() + "/" + (*it); 
01409       me = bei->get(fullpathname);
01411       if (me) {
01412         //printing cout<<"got this ME: "<<fullpathname<<endl;
01413         me->Reset();
01414         return me;
01415       }
01416     }
01417   }
01418   contents.clear();
01419 //      cout << me_name.c_str() 
01420 //              << "\t" << ((me_name.find("SUMOFF")==string::npos)?"true":"false")
01421 //              << "\t" << ((me_name.find("Blade_")!= string::npos)?"true":"false")
01422 //              << "\t" << ((me_name.find("Layer1_")!=string::npos)?"true":"false")
01423 //              << "\t" << ((me_name.find("Layer2_")!=string::npos)?"true":"false")
01424 //              << "\t" << ((me_name.find("Layer3_")!=string::npos)?"true":"false")
01425 //              << "\t" << ((me_name.find("Disk_")!=string::npos)?"true":"false")
01426 //              << endl;
01427   if(me_name.find("SUMOFF")==string::npos){
01428         if(me_name.find("Blade_")!=string::npos)me = bei->book1D(me_name.c_str(), me_name.c_str(),7,1.,8.);
01429         else me = bei->book1D(me_name.c_str(), me_name.c_str(),4,1.,5.);
01430 //    if(me_name.find("Panel_2")!=string::npos)  me = bei->book1D(me_name.c_str(), me_name.c_str(),3,1.,4.);
01431 //    else me = bei->book1D(me_name.c_str(), me_name.c_str(),4,1.,5.);
01432   }else if(me_name.find("Layer_1")!=string::npos){ me = bei->book1D(me_name.c_str(), me_name.c_str(),10,1.,11.);
01433   }else if(me_name.find("Layer_2")!=string::npos){ me = bei->book1D(me_name.c_str(), me_name.c_str(),16,1.,17.);
01434   }else if(me_name.find("Layer_3")!=string::npos){ me = bei->book1D(me_name.c_str(), me_name.c_str(),22,1.,23.);
01435   }else if(me_name.find("Disk_")!=string::npos){ me = bei->book1D(me_name.c_str(), me_name.c_str(),12,1.,13.);
01436   }
01438   //  if(me) cout<<"Finally got this ME: "<<me_name<<endl;
01439   //if(me_name.find("ALLMODS_adc_")!=string::npos) me = bei->book1D(me_name.c_str(), me_name.c_str(),256, 0., 256.);
01441   //printing cout<<"...leaving SiPixelActionExecutor::getSummaryME!"<<endl;
01442   return me;
01443 }
01446 //=============================================================================================================
01447 MonitorElement* SiPixelActionExecutor::getFEDSummaryME(DQMStore* bei,
01448                                                        string me_name) {
01449   //printing cout<<"Entering SiPixelActionExecutor::getFEDSummaryME..."<<endl;
01450   MonitorElement* me = 0;
01451   if((bei->pwd()).find("Pixel")==string::npos) return me;
01452   vector<string> contents = bei->getMEs();
01454   for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = contents.begin();
01455        it != contents.end(); it++) {
01456     if ((*it).find(me_name) == 0) {
01457       string fullpathname = bei->pwd() + "/" + (*it); 
01459       me = bei->get(fullpathname);
01461       if (me) {
01462         //printing cout<<"got the ME: "<<fullpathname<<endl;
01463         me->Reset();
01464         return me;
01465       }
01466     }
01467   }
01468   contents.clear();
01469   me = bei->book1D(me_name.c_str(), me_name.c_str(),40,-0.5,39.5);
01470   //if(me) cout<<"finally got the ME: "<<me_name<<endl;
01471   return me;
01472   //printing cout<<"...leaving SiPixelActionExecutor::getFEDSummaryME!"<<endl;
01473 }
01475 //=============================================================================================================
01476 void SiPixelActionExecutor::bookOccupancyPlots(DQMStore* bei, bool hiRes, bool isbarrel) // Polymorphism
01477 {
01478   if(Tier0Flag_) return;
01479   vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
01480   for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin(); it != subdirs.end(); it++)
01481     {
01482       if(isbarrel && (*it).find("Barrel")==string::npos) continue;
01483       if(!isbarrel && (*it).find("Endcap")==string::npos) continue;
01485       if((*it).find("Module_")!=string::npos) continue;
01486       if((*it).find("Panel_")!=string::npos) continue;
01487       if((*it).find("Ladder_")!=string::npos) continue;
01488       if((*it).find("Blade_")!=string::npos) continue;
01489       if((*it).find("Layer_")!=string::npos) continue;
01490       if((*it).find("Disk_")!=string::npos) continue;
01491       bei->cd(*it);
01492       bookOccupancyPlots(bei, hiRes, isbarrel);
01493       if(!hiRes){
01494         //occupancyprinting cout<<"booking low res barrel occ plot now!"<<endl;
01495         OccupancyMap = bei->book2D((isbarrel?"barrelOccupancyMap":"endcapOccupancyMap"),"Barrel Digi Occupancy Map (4 pix per bin)",isbarrel?208:130,0.,isbarrel?416.:260.,80,0.,160.);
01496       }else{
01497         //occupancyprinting cout<<"booking high res barrel occ plot now!"<<endl;
01498         OccupancyMap = bei->book2D((isbarrel?"barrelOccupancyMap":"endcapOccupancyMap"),"Barrel Digi Occupancy Map (1 pix per bin)",isbarrel?416:260,0.,isbarrel?416.:260.,160,0.,160.);
01499       }
01500       OccupancyMap->setAxisTitle("Columns",1);
01501       OccupancyMap->setAxisTitle("Rows",2);
01503       bei->goUp();
01505     }
01509 }
01510 //=============================================================================================================
01511 void SiPixelActionExecutor::bookOccupancyPlots(DQMStore* bei, bool hiRes) {
01513   if(Tier0Flag_) return;
01514   // Barrel
01515   bei->cd();
01516   bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel");
01517   this->bookOccupancyPlots(bei, hiRes, true);
01519   // Endcap
01520   bei->cd();
01521   bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel");
01522   this->bookOccupancyPlots(bei, hiRes, false);
01524 }
01526 void SiPixelActionExecutor::createOccupancy(DQMStore* bei) {
01527   //std::cout<<"entering SiPixelActionExecutor::createOccupancy..."<<std::endl;
01528   if(Tier0Flag_) return;
01529   bei->cd();
01530   fillOccupancy(bei, true);
01531   bei->cd();
01532   fillOccupancy(bei, false);
01533   bei->cd();
01534   //std::cout<<"leaving SiPixelActionExecutor::createOccupancy..."<<std::endl;
01535 }
01537 //=============================================================================================================
01539 void SiPixelActionExecutor::fillOccupancy(DQMStore* bei, bool isbarrel)
01540 {
01541   //occupancyprinting cout<<"entering SiPixelActionExecutor::fillOccupancy..."<<std::endl;
01542   if(Tier0Flag_) return;
01543   string currDir = bei->pwd();
01544   string dname = currDir.substr(currDir.find_last_of("/")+1);
01545   //occupancyprinting cout<<"currDir= "<<currDir<< " , dname= "<<dname<<std::endl;
01547   if(dname.find("Layer_")!=string::npos || dname.find("Disk_")!=string::npos){ 
01548     vector<string> meVec = bei->getMEs();
01549     for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = meVec.begin(); it != meVec.end(); it++) {
01550       string full_path = currDir + "/" + (*it);
01551       if(full_path.find("hitmap_siPixelDigis")!=string::npos){ // If we have the hitmap ME
01552         MonitorElement * me = bei->get(full_path);
01553         if (!me) continue;
01554         //occupancyprinting cout << full_path << endl;
01555         string path = full_path;
01556         while (path.find_last_of("/") != 5) // Stop before Pixel/
01557           {
01558             path = path.substr(0,path.find_last_of("/"));
01559             //                                                  cout << "\t" << path << endl;
01560             OccupancyMap = bei->get(path + "/" + (isbarrel?"barrel":"endcap") + "OccupancyMap");
01562             if(OccupancyMap){ 
01563                 for(int i=1; i!=me->getNbinsX()+1; i++) for(int j=1; j!=me->getNbinsY()+1; j++){
01564                   float previous = OccupancyMap->getBinContent(i,j);
01565                   OccupancyMap->setBinContent(i,j,previous + me->getBinContent(i,j));
01566                 }
01567               OccupancyMap->getTH2F()->SetEntries(OccupancyMap->getTH2F()->Integral());
01568             }       
01570           }
01571       }
01573     }
01574     //bei->goUp();
01575   } else {  
01576     //occupancyprinting cout<<"finding subdirs now"<<std::endl;
01577     vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
01578     for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin(); it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
01579       bei->cd(*it);
01580       //occupancyprinting cout<<"now I am in "<<bei->pwd()<<std::endl;
01581       if(*it != "Pixel" && ((isbarrel && (*it).find("Barrel")==string::npos) || (!isbarrel && (*it).find("Endcap")==string::npos))) continue;
01582       //occupancyprinting cout<<"calling myself again "<<std::endl;
01583       fillOccupancy(bei, isbarrel);
01584       bei->goUp();
01585     }
01586   }
01588   //occupancyprinting cout<<"leaving SiPixelActionExecutor::fillOccupancy..."<<std::endl;
01590 }
01591 //=============================================================================================================
01593 //
01594 // -- Tracker Map
01595 //
01597 void SiPixelActionExecutor::bookTrackerMaps(DQMStore* bei, std::string name)
01598 {
01599         bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/Barrel");
01600         std::string partB[] = { "Layer_1", "Layer_2", "Layer_3"};
01601         bei->book2D("TRKMAP_" + name + "_" + partB[0], "TRKMAP_" + name + "_" + partB[0], 20, 1., 21., 8, 1., 9.);
01602         bei->book2D("TRKMAP_" + name + "_" + partB[1], "TRKMAP_" + name + "_" + partB[1], 32, 1., 33., 8, 1., 9.);
01603         bei->book2D("TRKMAP_" + name + "_" + partB[2], "TRKMAP_" + name + "_" + partB[2], 44, 1., 45., 8, 1., 9.);
01605         bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/Endcap");
01606         std::string partE[] = { "Disc_1_M", "Disc_2_M", "Disc_1_P", "Disc_2_P" };
01607         for(Int_t p = 0 ; p < NCyl ; p++)
01608                 bei->book2D("TRKMAP_" + name + "_" + partE[p], "TRKMAP_" + name + "_" + partE[p], 24, 1., 25., 7, 1., 8.);
01609 }
01612 void SiPixelActionExecutor::createMaps(DQMStore* bei, std::string type, std::string name, funcType ff)
01613 {
01614 //      cout << "Starting with SiPixelActionExecutor::createMaps" << endl;
01616         Double_t mapB[NLev1][NLev2][NLev3][NLev4];
01617         bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/Barrel/");
01618         createMap(mapB, type, bei, ff, true);
01619         Double_t minB = mapMin(mapB, true);
01620         Double_t maxB = mapMax(mapB, true);
01623         Double_t mapE[NLev1][NLev2][NLev3][NLev4];
01624         bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/Endcap/");
01625         createMap(mapE, type, bei, ff, false);
01626         Double_t minE = mapMin(mapE, false);
01627         Double_t maxE = mapMax(mapE, false);
01629         Double_t min = minE<=minB?minE:minB;
01630         Double_t max = maxE>=maxB?maxE:maxB;
01631         if(!min)
01632                 min = -0.01;
01634         //      prephistosB(histB, mapB, type, min, max);
01635         //      prephistosE(histE, mapE, type, min, max);
01638         MonitorElement* meB[NLayer];
01639         //      TH2F* histB[NLayer];
01640         MonitorElement* meE[NCyl];
01641         //      TH2F* histE[NCyl];
01642         bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/Barrel");
01643         prephistosB(meB, bei, mapB, name, min, max);
01644         bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/Endcap");
01645         prephistosE(meE, bei, mapE, name, min, max);
01647 //      cout << "Done with SiPixelActionExecutor::createMaps" << endl;
01648 }
01650 //=============================================================================================================
01652 int SiPixelActionExecutor::createMap(Double_t map[][NLev2][NLev3][NLev4], std::string type, DQMStore* bei, funcType ff, bool isBarrel)
01653 {
01654         // cout << "Starting with SiPixelActionExecutor::createMap" << endl;
01655         //int createMap(Double_t map[][NLev2][NLev3][NLev4], TString type, TDirectoryFile* dirMain, funcType ff){
01656         vector<string> dirLev1 = bei->getSubdirs();
01657         Int_t i = 0;
01658         for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = dirLev1.begin(); it != dirLev1.end(); it++) // goes over HalfCylinders in Endcap and over Shells in Barrel
01659         {
01660                 //cout << "Current Directory: " << *it << endl;
01661                 bei->cd(*it);
01662                 vector<string> dirLev2 = bei->getSubdirs();
01663                 Int_t j = 0;
01664                 for (vector<string>::const_iterator it2 = dirLev2.begin(); it2 != dirLev2.end(); it2++) // goes over Disks in Endcap and over Layers in Barrel
01665                 {
01666                         //cout << "Current Directory: " << *it2 << endl;
01667                         bei->cd(*it2);
01668                         Int_t k = 0;
01669                         vector<string> dirLev3 = bei->getSubdirs();
01670                         for (vector<string>::const_iterator it3 = dirLev3.begin(); it3 != dirLev3.end(); it3++) // goes over Blades in Endcap and over Ladders in Barrel
01671                         {
01672                                 //cout << "Current Directory: " << *it3 << endl;
01673                                 bei->cd(*it3);
01674                                 if(Tier0Flag_)
01675                                         for (Int_t l = 0; l < NLev4; l++)
01676                                                 getData(map, type, bei, ff, i, j, k, l);
01677                                 else
01678                                 {
01679                                         Int_t l = 0;
01680                                         vector<string> dirLev4 = bei->getSubdirs();
01681                                         for (vector<string>::const_iterator it4 = dirLev4.begin(); it4 != dirLev4.end(); it4++)
01682                                         {
01683                                                 // cout << "Current Directory: " << *it4 << endl;
01684                                                 bei->cd(*it4);
01685                                                 if (isBarrel)
01686                                                         getData(map, type, bei, ff, i, j, k, l++);
01687                                                 else
01688                                                 {
01689                                                         vector<string> dirLev5 = bei->getSubdirs();
01690                                                         for (vector<string>::const_iterator it5 = dirLev5.begin(); it5 != dirLev5.end(); it5++)
01691                                                         {
01692                                                                 // cout << "Current Directory: " << *it5 << endl;
01693                                                                 bei->cd(*it5);
01694                                                                 getData(map, type, bei, ff, i, j, k, l++);
01695                                                         }
01696                                                 }
01697                                         }
01698                                 }
01699                                 k++;
01700                         }
01701                         j++;
01702                 }
01703                 i++;
01704         }
01706         // cout << "Done with SiPixelActionExecutor::createMap" << endl;
01707         return 0;
01708 }
01710 //=============================================================================================================
01712 void SiPixelActionExecutor::getData(Double_t map[][NLev2][NLev3][NLev4], std::string type, DQMStore* bei, funcType ff, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l) {
01714 //      cout << "Starting with SiPixelActionExecutor::getData" << endl;
01715         vector<string> contents = bei->getMEs();
01716         for (vector<string>::const_iterator im = contents.begin(); im != contents.end(); im++)
01717         {
01718                 if((*im).find(type + "_") == string::npos){
01719                         // cout << "Skip";
01720                         continue; // Searching for specific type
01721                 }
01722                 //cout << "Name: "  << *im << endl;
01723                 std::string fullpathname = bei->pwd() + "/" + (*im);    
01724                 MonitorElement*  me = bei->get(fullpathname);
01726                 if (me) {
01727                 TH1F* histo = me->getTH1F();
01729                 Int_t nbins = histo->GetNbinsX();
01730                 // cout << "# of bins: " << nbins << endl;
01731                 switch (ff){
01732                         case EachBinContent:
01733                                 map[i][j][k][l] = histo->GetBinContent(l + 1);
01734                                 break;
01736                         case Entries:
01737                                 map[i][j][k][l] = histo->GetEntries();
01738                                 break;
01740                         case Mean:
01741                                 map[i][j][k][l] = histo->GetMean();
01742                                 break;
01744                         case Sum:
01745                         {
01746                                 Double_t sum = 0;
01747                                 for(Int_t m = 0; m < nbins; m++)
01748                                         sum += histo->GetBinContent(m + 1);
01749                                 map[i][j][k][l] = sum;
01750                         }
01751                                 break;
01753                         case WeightedSum:
01754                         {
01755                                 Double_t sum = 0;
01756                                 for(Int_t m = 0; m < nbins; m++)
01757                                         sum += histo->GetBinContent(m + 1) * histo->GetBinLowEdge(m + 1);
01758                                 map[i][j][k][l] = sum;
01759                         }
01760                                 break;
01762                         default:
01763                                         map[i][j][k][l] = 0;
01764                 }
01765         }}
01766 //      cout << "Done with SiPixelActionExecutor::getData" << endl;
01767 }
01769 //=============================================================================================================
01771 void SiPixelActionExecutor::prephistosB(MonitorElement* me[NLayer], DQMStore *bei, const Double_t map[][NLev2][NLev3][NLev4],std::string name, Double_t min, Double_t max){
01772         // cout << "Starting with SiPixelActionExecutor::prephistosB" << endl;
01773         std::string part[] = { "Layer_1", "Layer_2", "Layer_3"};
01774         std::string path = bei->pwd();
01775         for (Int_t i = 0; i < NLayer; i++)
01776         {
01777                 std::string fullpath = path + "/" + "TRKMAP_" + name + "_" + part[i];
01778                 MonitorElement* temp = bei->get(fullpath);
01779                 if(temp)
01780                         me[i] = temp;
01781                 else
01782                         cout << "Problem: " << fullpath << endl;
01783         }
01785         for(Int_t p = 0 ; p < NLayer ; p++){
01786                 for(Int_t b = 0 ; b < (10 + 6 * p); b++)
01787                         for(Int_t i = 0 ; i < NModuleB ; i++){
01788                                 me[p]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(b + 1, i + 1, map[0][p][b][i]);
01789                                 me[p]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(b + 1, i + 1 + NModuleB, map[1][p][b][i]);
01790                                 me[p]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(b + 1 + 10 + 6 * p, i + 1, map[2][p][b][i]);
01791                                 me[p]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(b + 1 + 10 + 6 * p, i + 1 + NModuleB, map[3][p][b][i]);
01792                         }
01793                 me[p]->getTH2F()->SetMinimum(min);
01794                 me[p]->getTH2F()->SetMaximum(max);
01795         }
01796         // cout << "Done with SiPixelActionExecutor::prephistosB" << endl;
01797 }
01799 //=============================================================================================================
01801 void SiPixelActionExecutor::prephistosE(MonitorElement* me[NCyl], DQMStore *bei, const Double_t map[][NLev2][NLev3][NLev4], std::string name, Double_t min, Double_t max){
01802         // cout << "Starting with SiPixelActionExecutor::prephistosE" << endl;
01803         std::string part[] = { "Disc_1_M", "Disc_2_M", "Disc_1_P", "Disc_2_P" };
01804         std::string path = bei->pwd();
01805         for (Int_t i = 0; i < NCyl; i++)
01806         {
01807                 std::string fullpath = path + "/" + "TRKMAP_" + name + "_" + part[i];
01808                 MonitorElement* temp = bei->get(fullpath);
01809                 if(temp)
01810                 {
01811                         me[i] = temp;
01812                         me[i]->getTH2F()->SetMinimum(min);
01813                         me[i]->getTH2F()->SetMaximum(max);
01814                 }
01815                 else
01816                         cout << "Problem: " << fullpath << endl;
01817         }
01819         for(Int_t c = 0 ; c < NCyl ; c += 2)
01820                 for(Int_t d = 0 ; d < NDisk ; d++)
01821                         for(Int_t b = 0 ; b < NBlade ; b++){
01822                                 me[c + d]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(b + 1, 1, map[c][d][b][0]);
01823                                 me[c + d]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(b + 1, 2, map[c][d][b][4]);
01824                                 me[c + d]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(b + 1, 3, map[c][d][b][1]);
01825                                 me[c + d]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(b + 1, 4, map[c][d][b][5]);
01826                                 me[c + d]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(b + 1, 5, map[c][d][b][2]);
01827                                 me[c + d]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(b + 1, 6, map[c][d][b][6]);
01828                                 me[c + d]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(b + 1, 7, map[c][d][b][3]);
01830                                 me[c + d]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(2 * NBlade - b, 1, map[c + 1][d][b][0]);
01831                                 me[c + d]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(2 * NBlade - b, 2, map[c + 1][d][b][4]);
01832                                 me[c + d]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(2 * NBlade - b, 3, map[c + 1][d][b][1]);
01833                                 me[c + d]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(2 * NBlade - b, 4, map[c + 1][d][b][5]);
01834                                 me[c + d]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(2 * NBlade - b, 5, map[c + 1][d][b][2]);
01835                                 me[c + d]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(2 * NBlade - b, 6, map[c + 1][d][b][6]);
01836                                 me[c + d]->getTH2F()->SetBinContent(2 * NBlade - b, 7, map[c + 1][d][b][3]);
01837                         }
01838         // cout << "Done with SiPixelActionExecutor::prephistosE" << endl;
01839 }
01842 //=============================================================================================================
01843 Double_t SiPixelActionExecutor::mapMin(const Double_t map[][NLev2][NLev3][NLev4], bool isBarrel){
01845         Double_t min = map[0][0][0][0];
01847         for(Int_t p = 0 ; p < NLev1 ; p++)
01848                 for(Int_t d = 0 ; d < (isBarrel?3:2) ; d++)
01849                         for(Int_t b = 0 ; b < (isBarrel?(d*6+10):12) ; b++)
01850                                 for(Int_t i = 0 ; i < (isBarrel?4:7); i++){
01851                                         if(map[p][d][b][i] < min)
01852                                                 min = map[p][d][b][i];
01853                                 }
01854         // cout << "Done with SiPixelActionExecutor::mapMin" << endl;
01855         return min;
01856 }
01858 //=============================================================================================================
01860 Double_t SiPixelActionExecutor::mapMax(const Double_t map[][NLev2][NLev3][NLev4], bool isBarrel){
01862         Double_t max = map[0][0][0][0];
01864         for(Int_t p = 0 ; p < NLev1 ; p++)
01865                 for(Int_t d = 0 ; d < (isBarrel?3:2); d++)
01866                         for(Int_t b = 0 ; b < (isBarrel?(d*6+10):12); b++)
01867                                 for(Int_t i = 0 ; i < (isBarrel?4:7); i++)
01868                                         if(map[p][d][b][i] > max)
01869                                                 max = map[p][d][b][i];
01870         // cout << "Done with SiPixelActionExecutor::mapMax" << endl;
01871         return max;
01872 }
01875 //=============================================================================================================
01877 //
01878 // -- Setup Quality Tests 
01879 //
01880 void SiPixelActionExecutor::setupQTests(DQMStore * bei) {
01881   //printing cout<<"Entering SiPixelActionExecutor::setupQTests: "<<endl;
01883   bei->cd();
01884   bei->cd("Pixel");
01886   string localPath;
01887   if(offlineXMLfile_) localPath = string("DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/test/sipixel_tier0_qualitytest.xml");
01888   else localPath = string("DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/test/sipixel_qualitytest_config.xml");
01889   if(!qtHandler_){
01890     qtHandler_ = new QTestHandle();
01891   }
01892   if(!qtHandler_->configureTests(edm::FileInPath(localPath).fullPath(),bei)){
01893     qtHandler_->attachTests(bei,false);
01894     bei->cd();
01895   }else{
01896     cout << " Problem setting up quality tests "<<endl;
01897   }
01899   //printing cout<<" leaving SiPixelActionExecutor::setupQTests. "<<endl;
01900 }
01901 //=============================================================================================================
01902 //
01903 // -- Check Status of Quality Tests
01904 //
01905 void SiPixelActionExecutor::checkQTestResults(DQMStore * bei) {
01906   //printing cout<<"Entering SiPixelActionExecutor::checkQTestResults..."<<endl;
01908   int messageCounter=0;
01909   string currDir = bei->pwd();
01910   vector<string> contentVec;
01911   bei->getContents(contentVec);
01912   configParser_->getCalibType(calib_type_);
01913   //  cout << calib_type_ << endl;
01914   configParser_->getMessageLimitForQTests(message_limit_);
01915   for (vector<string>::iterator it = contentVec.begin();
01916        it != contentVec.end(); it++) {
01917     vector<string> contents;
01918     int nval = SiPixelUtility::getMEList((*it), contents);
01919     if (nval == 0) continue;
01920     for (vector<string>::const_iterator im = contents.begin();
01921          im != contents.end(); im++) {
01923       MonitorElement * me = bei->get((*im));
01924       if (me) {
01925         me->runQTests();
01926         // get all warnings associated with me
01927         vector<QReport*> warnings = me->getQWarnings();
01928         for(vector<QReport *>::const_iterator wi = warnings.begin();
01929             wi != warnings.end(); ++wi) {
01930           messageCounter++;
01931           if(messageCounter<message_limit_) {
01932             //edm::LogWarning("SiPixelQualityTester::checkTestResults") << 
01933             //  " *** Warning for " << me->getName() << 
01934             //  "," << (*wi)->getMessage() << "\n";
01936             edm::LogWarning("SiPixelActionExecutor::checkQTestResults") <<  " *** Warning for " << me->getName() << "," 
01937                                                                         << (*wi)->getMessage() << " " << me->getMean() 
01938                                                                         << " " << me->getRMS() << me->hasWarning() 
01939                                                                         << endl;
01940           }
01941         }
01942         warnings=vector<QReport*>();
01943         // get all errors associated with me
01944         vector<QReport *> errors = me->getQErrors();
01945         for(vector<QReport *>::const_iterator ei = errors.begin();
01946             ei != errors.end(); ++ei) {
01948           float empty_mean = me->getMean();
01949           float empty_rms = me->getRMS();
01950           if((empty_mean != 0 && empty_rms != 0) || (calib_type_ == 0)){
01951             messageCounter++;
01952             if(messageCounter<=message_limit_) {
01953               //edm::LogError("SiPixelQualityTester::checkTestResults") << 
01954               //  " *** Error for " << me->getName() << 
01955               //  "," << (*ei)->getMessage() << "\n";
01957               edm::LogWarning("SiPixelActionExecutor::checkQTestResults")  <<   " *** Error for " << me->getName() << ","
01958                                                                            << (*ei)->getMessage() << " " << me->getMean() 
01959                                                                            << " " << me->getRMS() 
01960                                                                            << endl;
01961             }
01962           }
01963         }
01964         errors=vector<QReport*>();
01965       }
01966       me=0;
01967     }
01968     nval=int(); contents=vector<string>();
01969   }
01970   LogDebug("SiPixelActionExecutor::checkQTestResults") <<"messageCounter: "<<messageCounter<<" , message_limit: "<<message_limit_<<endl;
01971   //  if (messageCounter>=message_limit_)
01972   //    edm::LogWarning("SiPixelActionExecutor::checkQTestResults") << "WARNING: too many QTest failures! Giving up after "<<message_limit_<<" messages."<<endl;
01973   contentVec=vector<string>(); currDir=string(); messageCounter=int();
01974   //printing cout<<"...leaving SiPixelActionExecutor::checkQTestResults!"<<endl;
01975 }
01977 //=============================================================================================================
01978 void SiPixelActionExecutor::createLayout(DQMStore * bei){
01979   if (configWriter_ == 0) {
01980     configWriter_ = new SiPixelConfigWriter();
01981     if (!configWriter_->init()) return;
01982   }
01983   string currDir = bei->pwd();   
01984   if (currDir.find("Layer") != string::npos) {
01985     string name = "Default";
01986     configWriter_->createLayout(name);
01987     configWriter_->createRow();
01988     fillLayout(bei);
01989   } else {
01990     vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
01991     for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin();
01992          it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
01993       bei->cd(*it);
01994       createLayout(bei);
01995       bei->goUp();
01996     }
01997   }  
01998 }
02000 //=============================================================================================================
02001 void SiPixelActionExecutor::fillLayout(DQMStore * bei){
02003   static int icount = 0;
02004   string currDir = bei->pwd();
02005   if (currDir.find("Ladder_") != string::npos) {
02007     vector<string> contents = bei->getMEs(); 
02009     for (vector<string>::const_iterator im = contents.begin();
02010          im != contents.end(); im++) {
02011       if ((*im).find("Clusters") != string::npos) {
02012         icount++;
02013         if (icount != 0 && icount%6 == 0) {
02014           configWriter_->createRow();
02015         }
02016         ostringstream full_path;
02017         full_path << "test/" << currDir << "/" << *im ;
02018         string element = "monitorable";
02019         string element_name = full_path.str();     
02020         configWriter_->createColumn(element, element_name);
02021       }
02022     }
02023   } else {
02024     vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
02025     for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin();
02026          it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
02027       bei->cd(*it);
02028       fillLayout(bei);
02029       bei->goUp();
02030     }
02031   }
02032 }
02034 //=============================================================================================================
02035 //
02036 // -- Get TkMap ME names
02037 //
02038 int SiPixelActionExecutor::getTkMapMENames(std::vector<std::string>& names) {
02039   if (tkMapMENames.size() == 0) return 0;
02040   for (vector<string>::iterator it = tkMapMENames.begin();
02041        it != tkMapMENames.end(); it++) {
02042     names.push_back(*it) ;
02043   }
02044   return names.size();
02045 }
02047 //=============================================================================================================
02049 void SiPixelActionExecutor::dumpModIds(DQMStore * bei, edm::EventSetup const& eSetup){
02050   //printing cout<<"Going to dump module IDs now!"<<endl;
02051   bei->cd();
02052   dumpBarrelModIds(bei,eSetup);
02053   bei->cd();
02054   dumpEndcapModIds(bei,eSetup);
02055   bei->cd();
02056   //printing cout<<"Done dumping module IDs!"<<endl;
02057 }
02060 //=============================================================================================================
02061 void SiPixelActionExecutor::dumpBarrelModIds(DQMStore * bei, edm::EventSetup const& eSetup){
02062   string currDir = bei->pwd();
02063   string dir_name = "Ladder_";
02064   eSetup.get<SiPixelFedCablingMapRcd>().get(theCablingMap);
02065   int fedId=-1; int linkId=-1;
02066   if (currDir.find(dir_name) != string::npos)  {
02067     vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
02068     for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin();
02069          it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
02070       if ( (*it).find("Module_") == string::npos) continue;
02071       bei->cd(*it);
02072       ndet_++;
02073       // long version:
02074       //cout<<"Ndet: "<<ndet_<<"  ,  Module: "<<bei->pwd();  
02075       // short version:
02076       cout<<bei->pwd();  
02077       vector<string> contents = bei->getMEs(); 
02078       bool first_me = false;
02079       int detId = -999;
02080       for (vector<string>::const_iterator im = contents.begin();
02081            im != contents.end(); im++) {
02082         if(first_me) break;
02083         string mEName = (*im);
02084         string detIdString = mEName.substr((mEName.find_last_of("_"))+1,9);
02085         std::istringstream isst;
02086         isst.str(detIdString);
02087         if(mEName.find("_3")!=string::npos) isst>>detId;
02088       }
02089       bei->goUp();
02090       // long version:
02091       //cout<<"  , detector ID: "<<detId;
02092       // short version:
02093       cout<<" "<<detId;
02094       for(int fedid=0; fedid<=40; ++fedid){
02095         SiPixelFrameConverter converter(theCablingMap.product(),fedid);
02096         uint32_t newDetId = detId;
02097         if(converter.hasDetUnit(newDetId)){
02098           fedId=fedid;
02099           break;   
02100         }
02101       }
02102       if(fedId==-1) continue; 
02103       sipixelobjects::ElectronicIndex cabling; 
02104       SiPixelFrameConverter formatter(theCablingMap.product(),fedId);
02105       assert(detId >= 0);
02106       sipixelobjects::DetectorIndex detector = {static_cast<unsigned int>(detId), 1, 1};           
02107       formatter.toCabling(cabling,detector);
02108       linkId =;
02109       // long version:
02110       //cout<<"  , FED ID: "<<fedId<<"  , Link ID: "<<linkId<<endl;
02111       // short version:
02112       cout<<" "<<fedId<<" "<<linkId<<endl;
02113     }
02114   } else {  
02115     vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
02116     for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin();
02117          it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
02118       if((*it).find("Endcap")!=string::npos) continue;
02119       bei->cd(*it);
02120       dumpBarrelModIds(bei,eSetup);
02121       bei->goUp();
02122     }
02123   }
02124 }
02126 //=============================================================================================================
02127 void SiPixelActionExecutor::dumpEndcapModIds(DQMStore * bei, edm::EventSetup const& eSetup){
02128   string currDir = bei->pwd();
02129   string dir_name = "Panel_";
02130   eSetup.get<SiPixelFedCablingMapRcd>().get(theCablingMap);
02131   int fedId=-1; int linkId=-1;
02132   if (currDir.find(dir_name) != string::npos)  {
02133     vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
02134     for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin();
02135          it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
02136       if ( (*it).find("Module_") == string::npos) continue;
02137       bei->cd(*it);
02138       ndet_++;
02139       // long version:
02140       //cout<<"Ndet: "<<ndet_<<"  ,  Module: "<<bei->pwd();  
02141       // short version:
02142       cout<<bei->pwd();  
02143       vector<string> contents = bei->getMEs(); 
02144       bool first_me = false;
02145       int detId = -999;
02146       for (vector<string>::const_iterator im = contents.begin();
02147            im != contents.end(); im++) {
02148         if(first_me) break;
02149         string mEName = (*im);
02150         string detIdString = mEName.substr((mEName.find_last_of("_"))+1,9);
02151         std::istringstream isst;
02152         isst.str(detIdString);
02153         if(mEName.find("_3")!=string::npos) isst>>detId;
02154       }
02155       bei->goUp();
02156       // long version:
02157       //cout<<"  , detector ID: "<<detId;
02158       // short version:
02159       cout<<" "<<detId;
02160       for(int fedid=0; fedid<=40; ++fedid){
02161         SiPixelFrameConverter converter(theCablingMap.product(),fedid);
02162         uint32_t newDetId = detId;
02163         if(converter.hasDetUnit(newDetId)){
02164           fedId=fedid;
02165           break;   
02166         }
02167       }
02168       if(fedId==-1) continue; 
02169       sipixelobjects::ElectronicIndex cabling; 
02170       SiPixelFrameConverter formatter(theCablingMap.product(),fedId);
02171       assert(detId >= 0);
02172       sipixelobjects::DetectorIndex detector = {static_cast<unsigned int>(detId), 1, 1};           
02173       formatter.toCabling(cabling,detector);
02174       linkId =;
02175       // long version:
02176       //cout<<"  , FED ID: "<<fedId<<"  , Link ID: "<<linkId<<endl;
02177       // short version:
02178       cout<<" "<<fedId<<" "<<linkId<<endl;
02179     }
02180   } else {  
02181     vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
02182     for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin();
02183          it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
02184       if((bei->pwd()).find("Barrel")!=string::npos) bei->goUp();
02185       bei->cd((*it));
02186       if((*it).find("Barrel")!=string::npos) continue;
02187       dumpEndcapModIds(bei,eSetup);
02188       bei->goUp();
02189     }
02190   }
02192 }
02194 //=============================================================================================================
02196 void SiPixelActionExecutor::dumpRefValues(DQMStore * bei, edm::EventSetup const& eSetup){
02197   //printing cout<<"Going to dump module IDs now!"<<endl;
02198   bei->cd();
02199   dumpBarrelRefValues(bei,eSetup);
02200   bei->cd();
02201   dumpEndcapRefValues(bei,eSetup);
02202   bei->cd();
02203   //printing cout<<"Done dumping module IDs!"<<endl;
02204 }
02207 //=============================================================================================================
02208 void SiPixelActionExecutor::dumpBarrelRefValues(DQMStore * bei, edm::EventSetup const& eSetup){
02209   MonitorElement* me;
02210   me = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/SUMDIG_adc_Barrel");
02211   if(me){
02212     std::cout<<"SUMDIG_adc_Barrel: "<<std::endl;
02213     for(int i=1; i!=769; i++) std::cout<<i<<" "<<me->getBinContent(i)<<std::endl;
02214   }
02215   me = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/SUMDIG_ndigis_Barrel");
02216   if(me){
02217     std::cout<<"SUMDIG_ndigis_Barrel: "<<std::endl;
02218     for(int i=1; i!=769; i++) std::cout<<i<<" "<<me->getBinContent(i)<<std::endl;
02219   }
02220   me = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/SUMCLU_charge_Barrel");
02221   if(me){
02222     std::cout<<"SUMCLU_charge_Barrel: "<<std::endl;
02223     for(int i=1; i!=769; i++) std::cout<<i<<" "<<me->getBinContent(i)<<std::endl;
02224   }
02225   me = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/SUMCLU_nclusters_Barrel");
02226   if(me){
02227     std::cout<<"SUMCLU_nclusters_Barrel: "<<std::endl;
02228     for(int i=1; i!=769; i++) std::cout<<i<<" "<<me->getBinContent(i)<<std::endl;
02229   }
02230   me = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/SUMCLU_size_Barrel");
02231   if(me){
02232     std::cout<<"SUMCLU_size_Barrel: "<<std::endl;
02233     for(int i=1; i!=769; i++) std::cout<<i<<" "<<me->getBinContent(i)<<std::endl;
02234   }
02235 }
02237 //=============================================================================================================
02238 void SiPixelActionExecutor::dumpEndcapRefValues(DQMStore * bei, edm::EventSetup const& eSetup){
02239   MonitorElement* me;
02240   me = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/SUMDIG_adc_Endcap");
02241   if(me){
02242     std::cout<<"SUMDIG_adc_Endcap: "<<std::endl;
02243     for(int i=1; i!=673; i++) std::cout<<i<<" "<<me->getBinContent(i)<<std::endl;
02244   }
02245   me = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/SUMDIG_ndigis_Endcap");
02246   if(me){
02247     std::cout<<"SUMDIG_ndigis_Endcap: "<<std::endl;
02248     for(int i=1; i!=673; i++) std::cout<<i<<" "<<me->getBinContent(i)<<std::endl;
02249   }
02250   me = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/SUMCLU_charge_Endcap");
02251   if(me){
02252     std::cout<<"SUMCLU_charge_Endcap: "<<std::endl;
02253     for(int i=1; i!=673; i++) std::cout<<i<<" "<<me->getBinContent(i)<<std::endl;
02254   }
02255   me = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/SUMCLU_nclusters_Endcap");
02256   if(me){
02257     std::cout<<"SUMCLU_nclusters_Endcap: "<<std::endl;
02258     for(int i=1; i!=673; i++) std::cout<<i<<" "<<me->getBinContent(i)<<std::endl;
02259   }
02260   me = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/SUMCLU_size_Endcap");
02261   if(me){
02262     std::cout<<"SUMCLU_size_Endcap: "<<std::endl;
02263     for(int i=1; i!=673; i++) std::cout<<i<<" "<<me->getBinContent(i)<<std::endl;
02264   }
02265 }
02267 //=============================================================================================================
02269 void SiPixelActionExecutor::bookEfficiency(DQMStore * bei){
02270   // Barrel
02271   bei->cd();
02272   bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/Barrel");
02273   if(Tier0Flag_){
02274     HitEfficiency_L1 = bei->book2D("HitEfficiency_L1","Hit Efficiency in Barrel_Layer1;z-side;Ladder",2,-1.,1.,20,-10.,10.);
02275     HitEfficiency_L2 = bei->book2D("HitEfficiency_L2","Hit Efficiency in Barrel_Layer2;z-side;Ladder",2,-1.,1.,32,-16.,16.);
02276     HitEfficiency_L3 = bei->book2D("HitEfficiency_L3","Hit Efficiency in Barrel_Layer3;z-side;Ladder",2,-1.,1.,44,-22.,22.);
02277   }else{
02278     HitEfficiency_L1 = bei->book2D("HitEfficiency_L1","Hit Efficiency in Barrel_Layer1;Module;Ladder",8,-4.,4.,20,-10.,10.);
02279     HitEfficiency_L2 = bei->book2D("HitEfficiency_L2","Hit Efficiency in Barrel_Layer2;Module;Ladder",8,-4.,4.,32,-16.,16.);
02280     HitEfficiency_L3 = bei->book2D("HitEfficiency_L3","Hit Efficiency in Barrel_Layer3;Module;Ladder",8,-4.,4.,44,-22.,22.);
02281   }
02282   // Endcap
02283   bei->cd();
02284   bei->setCurrentFolder("Pixel/Endcap");
02285   if(Tier0Flag_){
02286     HitEfficiency_Dp1 = bei->book2D("HitEfficiency_Dp1","Hit Efficiency in Endcap_Disk_p1;Blades;",24,-12.,12.,1,0.,1.);
02287     HitEfficiency_Dp2 = bei->book2D("HitEfficiency_Dp2","Hit Efficiency in Endcap_Disk_p2;Blades;",24,-12.,12.,1,0.,1.);
02288     HitEfficiency_Dm1 = bei->book2D("HitEfficiency_Dm1","Hit Efficiency in Endcap_Disk_m1;Blades;",24,-12.,12.,1,0.,1.);
02289     HitEfficiency_Dm2 = bei->book2D("HitEfficiency_Dm2","Hit Efficiency in Endcap_Disk_m2;Blades;",24,-12.,12.,1,0.,1.);
02290   }else{
02291     HitEfficiency_Dp1 = bei->book2D("HitEfficiency_Dp1","Hit Efficiency in Endcap_Disk_p1;Blades;Modules",24,-12.,12.,7,1.,8.);
02292     HitEfficiency_Dp2 = bei->book2D("HitEfficiency_Dp2","Hit Efficiency in Endcap_Disk_p2;Blades;Modules",24,-12.,12.,7,1.,8.);
02293     HitEfficiency_Dm1 = bei->book2D("HitEfficiency_Dm1","Hit Efficiency in Endcap_Disk_m1;Blades;Modules",24,-12.,12.,7,1.,8.);
02294     HitEfficiency_Dm2 = bei->book2D("HitEfficiency_Dm2","Hit Efficiency in Endcap_Disk_m2;Blades;Modules",24,-12.,12.,7,1.,8.);
02295   }
02296 }
02298 //=============================================================================================================
02300 void SiPixelActionExecutor::createEfficiency(DQMStore * bei){
02301   //std::cout<<"entering SiPixelActionExecutor::createEfficiency..."<<std::endl;
02302   bei->cd();
02303   fillEfficiency(bei, true); // Barrel
02304   bei->cd();
02305   fillEfficiency(bei, false); // Endcap
02306   bei->cd();
02307   //std::cout<<"leaving SiPixelActionExecutor::createEfficiency..."<<std::endl;
02308 }
02310 //=============================================================================================================
02312 void SiPixelActionExecutor::fillEfficiency(DQMStore* bei, bool isbarrel){
02313   //cout<<"entering SiPixelActionExecutor::fillEfficiency..."<<std::endl;
02314   string currDir = bei->pwd();
02315   string dname = currDir.substr(currDir.find_last_of("/")+1);
02316   //cout<<"currDir= "<<currDir<< " , dname= "<<dname<<std::endl;
02318   if(Tier0Flag_){ // Offline    
02319     if(isbarrel && dname.find("Ladder_")!=string::npos){ 
02320       vector<string> meVec = bei->getMEs();
02321       for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = meVec.begin(); it != meVec.end(); it++) {
02322         string full_path = currDir + "/" + (*it);
02323         if(full_path.find("missing_")!=string::npos){ // If we have missing hits ME
02324           MonitorElement * me = bei->get(full_path);
02325           if (!me) continue;
02326           float missingHits = me->getEntries();
02327           //if(currDir.find("Barrel/Shell_mI/Layer_1/Ladder_09F")!=string::npos) cout<<"missingHits= "<<missingHits<<endl;
02328           string new_path = full_path.replace(full_path.find("missing"),7,"valid");
02329           me = bei->get(new_path);
02330           if (!me) continue;
02331           float validHits = me->getEntries();
02332           //if(currDir.find("Barrel/Shell_mI/Layer_1/Ladder_09F")!=string::npos) cout<<"validHits= "<<validHits<<endl;
02333           float hitEfficiency = -1.;
02334           if(validHits + missingHits > 0.) hitEfficiency = validHits / (validHits + missingHits);
02335           //if(currDir.find("Barrel/Shell_mI/Layer_1/Ladder_09F")!=string::npos) cout<<"hitEfficiency= "<<hitEfficiency<<endl;
02336           int binx = 0; int biny = 0;
02337           if(currDir.find("Shell_m")!=string::npos){ binx = 1;}else{ binx = 2;}
02338           if(dname.find("01")!=string::npos){ biny = 1;}else if(dname.find("02")!=string::npos){ biny = 2;}
02339           else if(dname.find("03")!=string::npos){ biny = 3;}else if(dname.find("04")!=string::npos){ biny = 4;}
02340           else if(dname.find("05")!=string::npos){ biny = 5;}else if(dname.find("06")!=string::npos){ biny = 6;}
02341           else if(dname.find("07")!=string::npos){ biny = 7;}else if(dname.find("08")!=string::npos){ biny = 8;}
02342           else if(dname.find("09")!=string::npos){ biny = 9;}else if(dname.find("10")!=string::npos){ biny = 10;}
02343           else if(dname.find("11")!=string::npos){ biny = 11;}else if(dname.find("12")!=string::npos){ biny = 12;}
02344           else if(dname.find("13")!=string::npos){ biny = 13;}else if(dname.find("14")!=string::npos){ biny = 14;}
02345           else if(dname.find("15")!=string::npos){ biny = 15;}else if(dname.find("16")!=string::npos){ biny = 16;}
02346           else if(dname.find("17")!=string::npos){ biny = 17;}else if(dname.find("18")!=string::npos){ biny = 18;}
02347           else if(dname.find("19")!=string::npos){ biny = 19;}else if(dname.find("20")!=string::npos){ biny = 20;}
02348           else if(dname.find("21")!=string::npos){ biny = 21;}else if(dname.find("22")!=string::npos){ biny = 22;}
02349           if(currDir.find("Shell_mO")!=string::npos || currDir.find("Shell_pO")!=string::npos){
02350             if(currDir.find("Layer_1")!=string::npos){ biny = biny + 10;}
02351             else if(currDir.find("Layer_2")!=string::npos){ biny = biny + 16;}
02352             else if(currDir.find("Layer_3")!=string::npos){ biny = biny + 22;}
02353           }
02354           if(currDir.find("Layer_1")!=string::npos){
02355             HitEfficiency_L1 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/HitEfficiency_L1");
02356             if(HitEfficiency_L1) HitEfficiency_L1->setBinContent(binx, biny,(float)hitEfficiency);
02357             //if(currDir.find("Barrel/Shell_mI/Layer_1/Ladder_09F")!=string::npos) cout<<"setting bin ("<<binx<<","<<biny<<") with "<<(float)hitEfficiency<<endl;
02358           }else if(currDir.find("Layer_2")!=string::npos){
02359             HitEfficiency_L2 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/HitEfficiency_L2");
02360             if(HitEfficiency_L2) HitEfficiency_L2->setBinContent(binx, biny,(float)hitEfficiency);
02361           }else if(currDir.find("Layer_3")!=string::npos){
02362             HitEfficiency_L3 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/HitEfficiency_L3");
02363             if(HitEfficiency_L3) HitEfficiency_L3->setBinContent(binx, biny,(float)hitEfficiency);
02364           } 
02365         }
02366       }
02367     }else if(!isbarrel && dname.find("Blade_")!=string::npos){ 
02368       vector<string> meVec = bei->getMEs();
02369       for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = meVec.begin(); it != meVec.end(); it++) {
02370         string full_path = currDir + "/" + (*it);
02371         if(full_path.find("missing_")!=string::npos){ // If we have missing hits ME
02372           MonitorElement * me = bei->get(full_path);
02373           if (!me) continue;
02374           float missingHits = me->getEntries();
02375           string new_path = full_path.replace(full_path.find("missing"),7,"valid");
02376           me = bei->get(new_path);
02377           if (!me) continue;
02378           float validHits = me->getEntries();
02379           float hitEfficiency = -1.;
02380           if(validHits + missingHits > 0.) hitEfficiency = validHits / (validHits + missingHits);
02381           int binx = 0; int biny = 1;
02382           if(currDir.find("01")!=string::npos){ binx = 1;}else if(currDir.find("02")!=string::npos){ binx = 2;}
02383           else if(currDir.find("03")!=string::npos){ binx = 3;}else if(currDir.find("04")!=string::npos){ binx = 4;}
02384           else if(currDir.find("05")!=string::npos){ binx = 5;}else if(currDir.find("06")!=string::npos){ binx = 6;}
02385           else if(currDir.find("07")!=string::npos){ binx = 7;}else if(currDir.find("08")!=string::npos){ binx = 8;}
02386           else if(currDir.find("09")!=string::npos){ binx = 9;}else if(currDir.find("10")!=string::npos){ binx = 10;}
02387           else if(currDir.find("11")!=string::npos){ binx = 11;}else if(currDir.find("12")!=string::npos){ binx = 12;}
02388           if(currDir.find("HalfCylinder_mI")!=string::npos || currDir.find("HalfCylinder_pI")!=string::npos){ binx = binx + 12;}
02389           else{ 
02390             if(binx==1) binx = 12;
02391             else if(binx==2) binx = 11;
02392             else if(binx==3) binx = 10;
02393             else if(binx==4) binx = 9;
02394             else if(binx==5) binx = 8;
02395             else if(binx==6) binx = 7;
02396             else if(binx==7) binx = 6;
02397             else if(binx==8) binx = 5;
02398             else if(binx==9) binx = 4;
02399             else if(binx==10) binx = 3;
02400             else if(binx==11) binx = 2;
02401             else if(binx==12) binx = 1;
02402           }
02403           if(currDir.find("Disk_1")!=string::npos && currDir.find("HalfCylinder_m")!=string::npos){
02404             HitEfficiency_Dm1 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/HitEfficiency_Dm1");
02405             if(HitEfficiency_Dm1) HitEfficiency_Dm1->setBinContent(binx, biny, (float)hitEfficiency);
02406           }else if(currDir.find("Disk_2")!=string::npos && currDir.find("HalfCylinder_m")!=string::npos){
02407             HitEfficiency_Dm2 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/HitEfficiency_Dm2");
02408             if(HitEfficiency_Dm2) HitEfficiency_Dm2->setBinContent(binx, biny, (float)hitEfficiency);
02409           }else if(currDir.find("Disk_1")!=string::npos && currDir.find("HalfCylinder_p")!=string::npos){
02410             HitEfficiency_Dp1 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/HitEfficiency_Dp1");
02411             if(HitEfficiency_Dp1) HitEfficiency_Dp1->setBinContent(binx, biny, (float)hitEfficiency);
02412           }else if(currDir.find("Disk_2")!=string::npos && currDir.find("HalfCylinder_p")!=string::npos){
02413             HitEfficiency_Dp2 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/HitEfficiency_Dp2");
02414             if(HitEfficiency_Dp2) HitEfficiency_Dp2->setBinContent(binx, biny, (float)hitEfficiency);
02415           }
02416           //std::cout<<"EFFI: "<<currDir<<" , x: "<<binx<<" , y: "<<biny<<std::endl;
02417         }
02418       } 
02419     }else{  
02420       //cout<<"finding subdirs now"<<std::endl;
02421       vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
02422       for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin(); it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
02423         bei->cd(*it);
02424         //cout<<"now I am in "<<bei->pwd()<<std::endl;
02425         if(*it != "Pixel" && ((isbarrel && (*it).find("Barrel")==string::npos) || (!isbarrel && (*it).find("Endcap")==string::npos))) continue;
02426         //cout<<"calling myself again "<<std::endl;
02427         fillEfficiency(bei, isbarrel);
02428         bei->goUp();
02429       }
02430     }
02431   }else{ // Online
02432     if(dname.find("Module_")!=string::npos){ 
02433       vector<string> meVec = bei->getMEs();
02434       for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = meVec.begin(); it != meVec.end(); it++) {
02435         string full_path = currDir + "/" + (*it);
02436         if(full_path.find("missing_")!=string::npos){ // If we have missing hits ME
02437           MonitorElement * me = bei->get(full_path);
02438           if (!me) continue;
02439           float missingHits = me->getEntries();
02440           string new_path = full_path.replace(full_path.find("missing"),7,"valid");
02441           me = bei->get(new_path);
02442           if (!me) continue;
02443           float validHits = me->getEntries();
02444           float hitEfficiency = -1.;
02445           if(validHits + missingHits > 0.) hitEfficiency = validHits / (validHits + missingHits);
02446           int binx = 0; int biny = 0;
02447           if(isbarrel){
02448             if(currDir.find("Shell_m")!=string::npos){
02449               if(currDir.find("Module_4")!=string::npos){ binx = 1;}else if(currDir.find("Module_3")!=string::npos){ binx = 2;}
02450               if(currDir.find("Module_2")!=string::npos){ binx = 3;}else if(currDir.find("Module_1")!=string::npos){ binx = 4;}
02451             }else if(currDir.find("Shell_p")!=string::npos){
02452               if(currDir.find("Module_1")!=string::npos){ binx = 5;}else if(currDir.find("Module_2")!=string::npos){ binx = 6;}
02453               if(currDir.find("Module_3")!=string::npos){ binx = 7;}else if(currDir.find("Module_4")!=string::npos){ binx = 8;}
02454             }
02455             if(currDir.find("01")!=string::npos){ biny = 1;}else if(currDir.find("02")!=string::npos){ biny = 2;}
02456             else if(currDir.find("03")!=string::npos){ biny = 3;}else if(currDir.find("04")!=string::npos){ biny = 4;}
02457             else if(currDir.find("05")!=string::npos){ biny = 5;}else if(currDir.find("06")!=string::npos){ biny = 6;}
02458             else if(currDir.find("07")!=string::npos){ biny = 7;}else if(currDir.find("08")!=string::npos){ biny = 8;}
02459             else if(currDir.find("09")!=string::npos){ biny = 9;}else if(currDir.find("10")!=string::npos){ biny = 10;}
02460             else if(currDir.find("11")!=string::npos){ biny = 11;}else if(currDir.find("12")!=string::npos){ biny = 12;}
02461             else if(currDir.find("13")!=string::npos){ biny = 13;}else if(currDir.find("14")!=string::npos){ biny = 14;}
02462             else if(currDir.find("15")!=string::npos){ biny = 15;}else if(currDir.find("16")!=string::npos){ biny = 16;}
02463             else if(currDir.find("17")!=string::npos){ biny = 17;}else if(currDir.find("18")!=string::npos){ biny = 18;}
02464             else if(currDir.find("19")!=string::npos){ biny = 19;}else if(currDir.find("20")!=string::npos){ biny = 20;}
02465             else if(currDir.find("21")!=string::npos){ biny = 21;}else if(currDir.find("22")!=string::npos){ biny = 22;}
02466             if(currDir.find("Shell_mO")!=string::npos || currDir.find("Shell_pO")!=string::npos){
02467               if(currDir.find("Layer_1")!=string::npos){ biny = biny + 10;}
02468               else if(currDir.find("Layer_2")!=string::npos){ biny = biny + 16;}
02469               else if(currDir.find("Layer_3")!=string::npos){ biny = biny + 22;}
02470             }
02471           }else{
02472             if(currDir.find("01")!=string::npos){ binx = 1;}else if(currDir.find("02")!=string::npos){ binx = 2;}
02473             else if(currDir.find("03")!=string::npos){ binx = 3;}else if(currDir.find("04")!=string::npos){ binx = 4;}
02474             else if(currDir.find("05")!=string::npos){ binx = 5;}else if(currDir.find("06")!=string::npos){ binx = 6;}
02475             else if(currDir.find("07")!=string::npos){ binx = 7;}else if(currDir.find("08")!=string::npos){ binx = 8;}
02476             else if(currDir.find("09")!=string::npos){ binx = 9;}else if(currDir.find("10")!=string::npos){ binx = 10;}
02477             else if(currDir.find("11")!=string::npos){ binx = 11;}else if(currDir.find("12")!=string::npos){ binx = 12;}
02478             if(currDir.find("HalfCylinder_mO")!=string::npos || currDir.find("HalfCylinder_pO")!=string::npos){ binx = binx + 12;}
02479             if(currDir.find("Panel_1/Module_1")!=string::npos){ biny = 1;}else if(currDir.find("Panel_2/Module_1")!=string::npos){ biny = 2;}
02480             else if(currDir.find("Panel_1/Module_2")!=string::npos){ biny = 3;}else if(currDir.find("Panel_2/Module_2")!=string::npos){ biny = 4;}
02481             else if(currDir.find("Panel_1/Module_3")!=string::npos){ biny = 5;}else if(currDir.find("Panel_2/Module_3")!=string::npos){ biny = 6;}
02482             else if(currDir.find("Panel_1/Module_4")!=string::npos){ biny = 7;}
02483           }
02485           if(currDir.find("Layer_1")!=string::npos){
02486             HitEfficiency_L1 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/HitEfficiency_L1");
02487             if(HitEfficiency_L1) HitEfficiency_L1->setBinContent(binx, biny,(float)hitEfficiency);
02488           }else if(currDir.find("Layer_2")!=string::npos){
02489             HitEfficiency_L2 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/HitEfficiency_L2");
02490             if(HitEfficiency_L2) HitEfficiency_L2->setBinContent(binx, biny,(float)hitEfficiency);
02491           }else if(currDir.find("Layer_3")!=string::npos){
02492             HitEfficiency_L3 = bei->get("Pixel/Barrel/HitEfficiency_L3");
02493             if(HitEfficiency_L3) HitEfficiency_L3->setBinContent(binx, biny,(float)hitEfficiency);
02494           }else if(currDir.find("Disk_1")!=string::npos && currDir.find("HalfCylinder_m")!=string::npos){
02495             HitEfficiency_Dm1 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/HitEfficiency_Dm1");
02496             if(HitEfficiency_Dm1) HitEfficiency_Dm1->setBinContent(binx, biny,(float)hitEfficiency);
02497           }else if(currDir.find("Disk_2")!=string::npos && currDir.find("HalfCylinder_m")!=string::npos){
02498             HitEfficiency_Dm2 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/HitEfficiency_Dm2");
02499             if(HitEfficiency_Dm2) HitEfficiency_Dm2->setBinContent(binx, biny,(float)hitEfficiency);
02500           }else if(currDir.find("Disk_1")!=string::npos && currDir.find("HalfCylinder_p")!=string::npos){
02501             HitEfficiency_Dp1 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/HitEfficiency_Dp1");
02502             if(HitEfficiency_Dp1) HitEfficiency_Dp1->setBinContent(binx, biny,(float)hitEfficiency);
02503           }else if(currDir.find("Disk_2")!=string::npos && currDir.find("HalfCylinder_p")!=string::npos){
02504             HitEfficiency_Dp2 = bei->get("Pixel/Endcap/HitEfficiency_Dp2");
02505             if(HitEfficiency_Dp2) HitEfficiency_Dp2->setBinContent(binx, biny,(float)hitEfficiency);
02506           }
02507         }
02508       }
02509     }else{  
02510       //cout<<"finding subdirs now"<<std::endl;
02511       vector<string> subdirs = bei->getSubdirs();
02512       for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subdirs.begin(); it != subdirs.end(); it++) {
02513         bei->cd(*it);
02514         //cout<<"now I am in "<<bei->pwd()<<std::endl;
02515         if(*it != "Pixel" && ((isbarrel && (*it).find("Barrel")==string::npos) || (!isbarrel && (*it).find("Endcap")==string::npos))) continue;
02516         //cout<<"calling myself again "<<std::endl;
02517         fillEfficiency(bei, isbarrel);
02518         bei->goUp();
02519       }
02520     }
02521   } // end online/offline
02523   //cout<<"leaving SiPixelActionExecutor::fillEfficiency..."<<std::endl;
02525 }