00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 #------------------------------------------------------------ 00004 # This cfi is a special version for use only when comparing 00005 # with old orca simulations in which the real csc wire 00006 # geometry was not modelled. this is flagged by the setting 00007 # useRealWireGeometry=false 00008 # 00009 # This was the case for 'most' simulation performed with orca. 00010 # 00011 # You'll also need an appropriate cscSpecs.xml file: 00012 # Geometry/CSCGeometryBuilder/data/cscSpecsOldOrca.xml 00013 # in place of the default version. 00014 #------------------------------------------------------------ 00015 # 00016 # This cfi should be included to build the CSC geometry model. 00017 # 00018 CSCGeometryESModule = cms.ESProducer("CSCGeometryESModule", 00019 useOnlyWiresInME1a = cms.bool(False), 00020 useRealWireGeometry = cms.bool(False), 00021 useRadialStrips = cms.bool(True), 00022 useGangedStripsInME1a = cms.bool(True), 00023 applyAlignment = cms.untracked.bool(False) 00024 ) 00025 00026