
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * \file
00003  * \author Geng-yuan Jeng/UC Riverside
00004  *         Francisco Yumiceva/FNAL
00005  * $Date: 2011/02/22 17:52:44 $
00006  * $Revision: 1.15 $
00007  *
00008  */
00010 #include "DQM/BeamMonitor/plugins/BeamMonitorBx.h"
00011 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
00012 #include "DataFormats/BeamSpot/interface/BeamSpot.h"
00013 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/View.h"
00014 #include "RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer/interface/BSFitter.h"
00015 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
00016 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Run.h"
00017 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/LuminosityBlock.h"
00018 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00019 #include <numeric>
00020 #include <math.h>
00021 #include <TMath.h>
00022 #include <iostream>
00023 #include <TStyle.h>
00025 using namespace std;
00026 using namespace edm;
00027 using namespace reco;
00029 const char * BeamMonitorBx::formatFitTime( const time_t & t )  {
00030 #define CET (+1)
00031 #define CEST (+2)
00033   static char ts[] = "yyyy-Mm-dd hh:mm:ss";
00034   tm * ptm;
00035   ptm = gmtime ( &t );
00036   sprintf( ts, "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", ptm->tm_year,ptm->tm_mon+1,ptm->tm_mday,(ptm->tm_hour+CEST)%24, ptm->tm_min, ptm->tm_sec);
00039   unsigned int b = strlen(ts);
00040   while (ts[--b] == ' ') {ts[b] = 0;}
00041 #endif
00042   return ts;
00044 }
00046 //
00047 // constructors and destructor
00048 //
00049 BeamMonitorBx::BeamMonitorBx( const ParameterSet& ps ) :
00050   countBx_(0),countEvt_(0),countLumi_(0),resetHistos_(false) {
00052   parameters_     = ps;
00053   monitorName_    = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<string>("monitorName","YourSubsystemName");
00054   bsSrc_          = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("beamSpot");
00055   fitNLumi_       = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<int>("fitEveryNLumi",-1);
00056   resetFitNLumi_  = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<int>("resetEveryNLumi",-1);
00058   dbe_            = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00060   if (monitorName_ != "" ) monitorName_ = monitorName_+"/" ;
00062   theBeamFitter = new BeamFitter(parameters_);
00063   theBeamFitter->resetTrkVector();
00064   theBeamFitter->resetLSRange();
00065   theBeamFitter->resetRefTime();
00066   theBeamFitter->resetPVFitter();
00068   if (fitNLumi_ <= 0) fitNLumi_ = 1;
00069   beginLumiOfBSFit_ = endLumiOfBSFit_ = 0;
00070   refBStime[0] = refBStime[1] = 0;
00071   lastlumi_ = 0;
00072   nextlumi_ = 0;
00073   firstlumi_ = 0;
00074   processed_ = false;
00075   countGoodFit_ = 0;
00076 }
00079 BeamMonitorBx::~BeamMonitorBx() {
00080   delete theBeamFitter;
00081 }
00084 //--------------------------------------------------------
00085 void BeamMonitorBx::beginJob() {
00086   varMap["x0_bx"] = "X_{0}";
00087   varMap["y0_bx"] = "Y_{0}";
00088   varMap["z0_bx"] = "Z_{0}";
00089   varMap["sigmaX_bx"] = "#sigma_{X}";
00090   varMap["sigmaY_bx"] = "#sigma_{Y}";
00091   varMap["sigmaZ_bx"] = "#sigma_{Z}";
00093   varMap1["x"] = "X_{0} [cm]";
00094   varMap1["y"] = "Y_{0} [cm]";
00095   varMap1["z"] = "Z_{0} [cm]";
00096   varMap1["sigmaX"] = "#sigma_{X} [cm]";
00097   varMap1["sigmaY"] = "#sigma_{Y} [cm]";
00098   varMap1["sigmaZ"] = "#sigma_{Z} [cm]";
00100   // create and cd into new folder
00101   dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"FitBx");
00102   // Results of good fit:
00103   BookTables(1,varMap,"");
00104   //if (resetFitNLumi_ > 0) BookTables(1,varMap,"all");
00106   // create and cd into new folders
00107   for (std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator varName = varMap1.begin();
00108        varName != varMap1.end(); ++varName) {
00109     string subDir_ = "FitBx";
00110     subDir_ += "/";
00111     subDir_ += "All_";
00112     subDir_ += varName->first;
00113     dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+subDir_);
00114   }
00115   dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"FitBx/All_nPVs");
00116 }
00118 //--------------------------------------------------------
00119 void BeamMonitorBx::beginRun(const edm::Run& r, const EventSetup& context) {
00121   ftimestamp = r.beginTime().value();
00122   tmpTime = ftimestamp >> 32;
00123   startTime = refTime =  tmpTime;
00125 }
00127 //--------------------------------------------------------
00128 void BeamMonitorBx::beginLuminosityBlock(const LuminosityBlock& lumiSeg,
00129                                          const EventSetup& context) {
00130   int nthlumi = lumiSeg.luminosityBlock();
00131   const edm::TimeValue_t fbegintimestamp = lumiSeg.beginTime().value();
00132   const std::time_t ftmptime = fbegintimestamp >> 32;
00134   if (countLumi_ == 0) {
00135     beginLumiOfBSFit_ = nthlumi;
00136     refBStime[0] = ftmptime;
00137   }
00138   if (beginLumiOfBSFit_ == 0) beginLumiOfBSFit_ = nextlumi_;
00140   if (nthlumi < nextlumi_) return;
00142   if (nthlumi > nextlumi_) {
00143     if (countLumi_ != 0 && processed_) {
00144       FitAndFill(lumiSeg,lastlumi_,nextlumi_,nthlumi);
00145     }
00146     nextlumi_ = nthlumi;
00147     edm::LogInfo("LS|BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "Next Lumi to Fit: " << nextlumi_ << endl;
00148     if (refBStime[0] == 0) refBStime[0] = ftmptime;
00149   }
00150   countLumi_++;
00151   if (processed_) processed_ = false;
00152   edm::LogInfo("LS|BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "Begin of Lumi: " << nthlumi << endl;
00153 }
00155 // ----------------------------------------------------------
00156 void BeamMonitorBx::analyze(const Event& iEvent,
00157                             const EventSetup& iSetup ) {
00158   bool readEvent_ = true;
00159   const int nthlumi = iEvent.luminosityBlock();
00160   if (nthlumi < nextlumi_) {
00161     readEvent_ = false;
00162     edm::LogWarning("BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "Spilt event from previous lumi section!" << endl;
00163   }
00164   if (nthlumi > nextlumi_) {
00165     readEvent_ = false;
00166     edm::LogWarning("BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "Spilt event from next lumi section!!!" << endl;
00167   }
00169   if (readEvent_) {
00170     countEvt_++;
00171     theBeamFitter->readEvent(iEvent);
00172     processed_ = true;
00173   }
00175 }
00178 //--------------------------------------------------------
00179 void BeamMonitorBx::endLuminosityBlock(const LuminosityBlock& lumiSeg,
00180                                        const EventSetup& iSetup) {
00181   int nthlumi =;
00182   edm::LogInfo("LS|BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "Lumi of the last event before endLuminosityBlock: " << nthlumi << endl;
00184   if (nthlumi < nextlumi_) return;
00185   const edm::TimeValue_t fendtimestamp = lumiSeg.endTime().value();
00186   const std::time_t fendtime = fendtimestamp >> 32;
00187   tmpTime = refBStime[1] = fendtime;
00188 }
00191 //--------------------------------------------------------
00192 void BeamMonitorBx::BookTables(int nBx, map<string,string> & vMap, string suffix_) {
00193   // to rebin histograms when number of bx increases
00194   dbe_->cd(monitorName_+"FitBx");
00196   for (std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator varName = vMap.begin();
00197        varName != vMap.end(); ++varName) {
00198     string tmpName = varName->first;
00199     if (!suffix_.empty()) {
00200       tmpName += "_";
00201       tmpName += suffix_;
00202     }
00203     if (dbe_->get(monitorName_+"FitBx/"+tmpName)) {
00204       edm::LogInfo("BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "Rebinning " << tmpName << endl;
00205       dbe_->removeElement(tmpName);
00206     }
00208     hs[tmpName]=dbe_->book2D(tmpName,varName->second,3,0,3,nBx,0,nBx);
00209     hs[tmpName]->setBinLabel(1,"bx",1);
00210     hs[tmpName]->setBinLabel(2,varName->second,1);
00211     hs[tmpName]->setBinLabel(3,"#Delta "+varName->second,1);
00212     for (int i=0;i<nBx;i++) {
00213       hs[tmpName]->setBinLabel(i+1," ",2);
00214     }
00215     hs[tmpName]->getTH1()->SetOption("text");
00216     hs[tmpName]->Reset();
00217   }
00218 }
00220 //--------------------------------------------------------
00221 void BeamMonitorBx::BookTrendHistos(bool plotPV,int nBx,map<string,string> & vMap,
00222                                     string subDir_, TString prefix_, TString suffix_) {
00223   int nType_ = 2;
00224   if (plotPV) nType_ = 4;
00225   std::ostringstream ss;
00226   std::ostringstream ss1;
00227   ss << setfill ('0') << setw (5) << nBx;
00228   ss1 << nBx;
00230   for (int i = 0; i < nType_; i++) {
00231     for (std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator varName = vMap.begin();
00232          varName != vMap.end(); ++varName) {
00233       string tmpDir_ = subDir_ + "/All_" + varName->first;
00234       dbe_->cd(monitorName_+tmpDir_);
00235       TString histTitle(varName->first);
00236       string tmpName;
00237       if (prefix_ != "") tmpName = prefix_ + "_" + varName->first;
00238       if (suffix_ != "") tmpName = tmpName + "_" + suffix_;
00239       tmpName = tmpName + "_" + ss.str();
00241       TString histName(tmpName);
00242       string ytitle(varName->second);
00243       string xtitle("");
00244       string options("E1");
00245       bool createHisto = true;
00246       switch(i) {
00247       case 1: // BS vs time
00248         histName.Insert(histName.Index("_bx_",4),"_time");
00249         xtitle = "Time [UTC]  [Bx# " + ss1.str() + "]";
00250         if (ytitle.find("sigma") == string::npos)
00251           histTitle += " coordinate of beam spot vs time (Fit)";
00252         else
00253           histTitle = histTitle.Insert(5," ") + " of beam spot vs time (Fit)";
00254         break;
00255       case 2: // PV +/- sigmaPV vs lumi
00256         if (ytitle.find("sigma") == string::npos) {
00257           histName.Insert(0,"PV");
00258           histName.Insert(histName.Index("_bx_",4),"_lumi");
00259           histTitle.Insert(0,"Avg. ");
00260           histTitle += " position of primary vtx vs lumi";
00261           xtitle = "Lumisection  [Bx# " + ss1.str() + "]";
00262           ytitle.insert(0,"PV");
00263           ytitle += " #pm #sigma_{PV";
00264           ytitle += varName->first;
00265           ytitle += "} (cm)";
00266         }
00267         else createHisto = false;
00268         break;
00269       case 3: // PV +/- sigmaPV vs time
00270         if (ytitle.find("sigma") == string::npos) {
00271           histName.Insert(0,"PV");
00272           histName.Insert(histName.Index("_bx_",4),"_time");
00273           histTitle.Insert(0,"Avg. ");
00274           histTitle += " position of primary vtx vs time";
00275           xtitle = "Time [UTC]  [Bx# " + ss1.str() + "]";
00276           ytitle.insert(0,"PV");
00277           ytitle += " #pm #sigma_{PV";
00278           ytitle += varName->first;
00279           ytitle += "} (cm)";
00280         }
00281         else createHisto = false;
00282         break;
00283       default: // BS vs lumi
00284         histName.Insert(histName.Index("_bx_",4),"_lumi");
00285         xtitle = "Lumisection  [Bx# " + ss1.str() + "]";
00286         if (ytitle.find("sigma") == string::npos)
00287           histTitle += " coordinate of beam spot vs lumi (Fit)";
00288         else
00289           histTitle = histTitle.Insert(5," ") + " of beam spot vs lumi (Fit)";
00290         break;
00291       }
00292       // check if already exist
00293       if (dbe_->get(monitorName_+tmpDir_+"/"+string(histName))) continue;
00295       if (createHisto) {
00296         edm::LogInfo("BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "histName = " << histName << "; histTitle = " << histTitle << std::endl;
00297         hst[histName] = dbe_->book1D(histName,histTitle,40,0.5,40.5);
00298         hst[histName]->getTH1()->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin);
00299         hst[histName]->setAxisTitle(xtitle,1);
00300         hst[histName]->setAxisTitle(ytitle,2);
00301         hst[histName]->getTH1()->SetOption("E1");
00302         if (histName.Contains("time")) {
00303           hst[histName]->getTH1()->SetBins(3600,0.5,3600+0.5);
00304           hst[histName]->setAxisTimeDisplay(1);
00305           hst[histName]->setAxisTimeFormat("%H:%M:%S",1);
00306           const char* eventTime = formatFitTime(startTime);
00307           TDatime da(eventTime);
00308           if (debug_) {
00309             edm::LogInfo("BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "TimeOffset = ";
00310             da.Print();
00311           }
00312           hst[histName]->getTH1()->GetXaxis()->SetTimeOffset(da.Convert(kTRUE));
00313         }
00314       }
00315     }//End of variable loop
00316   }// End of type loop (lumi, time)
00318   // num of PVs(#Bx) per LS
00319   dbe_->cd(monitorName_+subDir_ + "/All_nPVs");
00320   TString histName = "Trending_nPVs_lumi_bx_" + ss.str();
00321   string xtitle = "Lumisection  [Bx# " + ss1.str() + "]";
00323   hst[histName] = dbe_->book1D(histName,"Number of Good Reconstructed Vertices",40,0.5,40.5);
00324   hst[histName]->setAxisTitle(xtitle,1);
00325   hst[histName]->getTH1()->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin);
00326   hst[histName]->getTH1()->SetOption("E1");
00328 }
00330 //--------------------------------------------------------
00331 void BeamMonitorBx::FitAndFill(const LuminosityBlock& lumiSeg,
00332                                int &lastlumi,int &nextlumi,int &nthlumi){
00333   if (nthlumi <= nextlumi) return;
00335   int currentlumi = nextlumi;
00336   edm::LogInfo("LS|BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "Lumi of the current fit: " << currentlumi << endl;
00337   lastlumi = currentlumi;
00338   endLumiOfBSFit_ = currentlumi;
00340   edm::LogInfo("BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "Time lapsed = " << tmpTime - refTime << std:: endl;
00342   if (resetHistos_) {
00343     edm::LogInfo("BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "Resetting Histograms" << endl;
00344     theBeamFitter->resetCutFlow();
00345     resetHistos_ = false;
00346   }
00348   if (fitNLumi_ > 0)
00349     if (currentlumi%fitNLumi_!=0) return;
00351   std::pair<int,int> fitLS = theBeamFitter->getFitLSRange();
00352   edm::LogInfo("LS|BX|BeamMonitorBx") << " [Fitter] Do BeamSpot Fit for LS = " << fitLS.first
00353                                       << " to " << fitLS.second << endl;
00354   edm::LogInfo("LS|BX|BeamMonitorBx") << " [BX] Do BeamSpot Fit for LS = " << beginLumiOfBSFit_
00355                                       << " to " << endLumiOfBSFit_ << endl;
00357   edm::LogInfo("BX|BeamMonitorBx") << " [BxDebugTime] refBStime[0] = " << refBStime[0]
00358                                    << "; address =  " << &refBStime[0] << std::endl;
00359   edm::LogInfo("BX|BeamMonitorBx") << " [BxDebugTime] refBStime[1] = " << refBStime[1]
00360                                    << "; address =  " << &refBStime[1] << std::endl;
00362   if (theBeamFitter->runPVandTrkFitter()) {
00363     countGoodFit_++;
00364     edm::LogInfo("BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "Number of good fit = " << countGoodFit_ << endl;
00365     BeamSpotMapBx bsmap = theBeamFitter->getBeamSpotMap();
00366     std::map<int,int> npvsmap = theBeamFitter->getNPVsperBX();
00367     edm::LogInfo("BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "Number of bx = " << bsmap.size() << endl;
00368     if (bsmap.size() == 0) return;
00369     if (countBx_ < bsmap.size()) {
00370       countBx_ = bsmap.size();
00371       BookTables(countBx_,varMap,"");
00372       BookTables(countBx_,varMap,"all");
00373       for (BeamSpotMapBx::const_iterator abspot = bsmap.begin();
00374            abspot!= bsmap.end(); ++abspot) {
00375         int bx = abspot->first;
00376         BookTrendHistos(false,bx,varMap1,"FitBx","Trending","bx");
00377       }
00378     }
00380     std::pair<int,int> LSRange = theBeamFitter->getFitLSRange();
00381     char tmpTitle[50];
00382     sprintf(tmpTitle,"%s %i %s %i %s"," [cm] (LS: ",LSRange.first," to ",LSRange.second,")");
00383     for (std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator varName = varMap.begin();
00384          varName != varMap.end(); ++varName) {
00385       hs[varName->first]->setTitle(varName->second + " " + tmpTitle);
00386       hs[varName->first]->Reset();
00387     }
00389     if (countGoodFit_ == 1)
00390       firstlumi_ = LSRange.first;
00392     if (resetFitNLumi_ > 0 ) {
00393       char tmpTitle1[50];
00394       if ( countGoodFit_ > 1)
00395         sprintf(tmpTitle1,"%s %i %s %i %s"," [cm] (LS: ",firstlumi_," to ",LSRange.second,") [weighted average]");
00396       else
00397         sprintf(tmpTitle1,"%s","Need at least two fits to calculate weighted average");
00398       for (std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator varName = varMap.begin();
00399            varName != varMap.end(); ++varName) {
00400         TString tmpName = varName->first + "_all";
00401         hs[tmpName]->setTitle(varName->second + " " + tmpTitle1);
00402         hs[tmpName]->Reset();
00403       }
00404     }
00406     int nthBin = countBx_;
00407     for (BeamSpotMapBx::const_iterator abspot = bsmap.begin();
00408          abspot!= bsmap.end(); ++abspot,nthBin--) {
00409       reco::BeamSpot bs = abspot->second;
00410       int bx = abspot->first;
00411       int nPVs = npvsmap.find(bx)->second;
00412       edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitorBx") << "Number of PVs of bx#[" << bx << "] = " << nPVs << endl;
00413       // Tables
00414       FillTables(bx,nthBin,varMap,bs,"");
00415       // Histograms
00416       FillTrendHistos(bx,nPVs,varMap1,bs,"Trending");
00417     }
00418     // Calculate weighted beam spots
00419     weight(fbspotMap,bsmap);
00420     // Fill the results
00421     nthBin = countBx_;
00422     if (resetFitNLumi_ > 0 && countGoodFit_ > 1) {
00423       for (BeamSpotMapBx::const_iterator abspot = fbspotMap.begin();
00424            abspot!= fbspotMap.end(); ++abspot,nthBin--) {
00425         reco::BeamSpot bs = abspot->second;
00426         int bx = abspot->first;
00427         FillTables(bx,nthBin,varMap,bs,"all");
00428       }
00429     }
00430   }
00431   //   else
00432   //     edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitorBx") << "Bad Fit!!!" << endl;
00434   if (resetFitNLumi_ > 0 && currentlumi%resetFitNLumi_ == 0) {
00435     edm::LogInfo("LS|BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "Reset track collection for beam fit!!!" <<endl;
00436     resetHistos_ = true;
00437     theBeamFitter->resetTrkVector();
00438     theBeamFitter->resetLSRange();
00439     theBeamFitter->resetRefTime();
00440     theBeamFitter->resetPVFitter();
00441     beginLumiOfBSFit_ = 0;
00442     refBStime[0] = 0;
00443   }
00444 }
00446 //--------------------------------------------------------
00447 void BeamMonitorBx::FillTables(int nthbx,int nthbin_,
00448                                map<string,string>&vMap,
00449                                reco::BeamSpot&bs_, string suffix_){
00450   map<string,pair<double,double> > val_;
00451   val_["x0_bx"] = pair<double,double>(bs_.x0(),bs_.x0Error());
00452   val_["y0_bx"] = pair<double,double>(bs_.y0(),bs_.y0Error());
00453   val_["z0_bx"] = pair<double,double>(bs_.z0(),bs_.z0Error());
00454   val_["sigmaX_bx"] = pair<double,double>(bs_.BeamWidthX(),bs_.BeamWidthXError());
00455   val_["sigmaY_bx"] = pair<double,double>(bs_.BeamWidthY(),bs_.BeamWidthYError());
00456   val_["sigmaZ_bx"] = pair<double,double>(bs_.sigmaZ(),bs_.sigmaZ0Error());
00458   for (std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator varName = vMap.begin();
00459        varName != vMap.end(); ++varName) {
00460     TString tmpName = varName->first;
00461     if (suffix_ != "") tmpName += TString("_"+suffix_);
00462     hs[tmpName]->setBinContent(1,nthbin_,nthbx);
00463     hs[tmpName]->setBinContent(2,nthbin_,val_[varName->first].first);
00464     hs[tmpName]->setBinContent(3,nthbin_,val_[varName->first].second);
00465   }
00466 }
00468 //--------------------------------------------------------
00469 void BeamMonitorBx::FillTrendHistos(int nthBx, int nPVs_, map<string,string> & vMap,
00470                                     reco::BeamSpot & bs_, TString prefix_) {
00471   map<TString,pair<double,double> > val_;
00472   val_[TString(prefix_+"_x")] = pair<double,double>(bs_.x0(),bs_.x0Error());
00473   val_[TString(prefix_+"_y")] = pair<double,double>(bs_.y0(),bs_.y0Error());
00474   val_[TString(prefix_+"_z")] = pair<double,double>(bs_.z0(),bs_.z0Error());
00475   val_[TString(prefix_+"_sigmaX")] = pair<double,double>(bs_.BeamWidthX(),bs_.BeamWidthXError());
00476   val_[TString(prefix_+"_sigmaY")] = pair<double,double>(bs_.BeamWidthY(),bs_.BeamWidthYError());
00477   val_[TString(prefix_+"_sigmaZ")] = pair<double,double>(bs_.sigmaZ(),bs_.sigmaZ0Error());
00479   std::ostringstream ss;
00480   ss << setfill ('0') << setw (5) << nthBx;
00481   int ntbin_ = tmpTime - startTime;
00482   for (map<TString,MonitorElement*>::iterator itHst = hst.begin();
00483        itHst != hst.end(); ++itHst) {
00484     if (!(itHst->first.Contains(ss.str()))) continue;
00485     if (itHst->first.Contains("nPVs")) continue;
00486     edm::LogInfo("BX|BeamMonitorBx") << "Filling histogram: " << itHst->first << endl;
00487     if (itHst->first.Contains("time")) {
00488       int idx = itHst->first.Index("_time",5);
00489       itHst->second->setBinContent(ntbin_,val_[itHst->first(0,idx)].first);
00490       itHst->second->setBinError(ntbin_,val_[itHst->first(0,idx)].second);
00491     }
00492     if (itHst->first.Contains("lumi")) {
00493       int idx = itHst->first.Index("_lumi",5);
00494       itHst->second->setBinContent(endLumiOfBSFit_,val_[itHst->first(0,idx)].first);
00495       itHst->second->setBinError(endLumiOfBSFit_,val_[itHst->first(0,idx)].second);
00496     }
00497   }
00498   TString histName = "Trending_nPVs_lumi_bx_" + ss.str();
00499   if (hst[histName])
00500     hst[histName]->setBinContent(endLumiOfBSFit_,nPVs_);
00501 }
00503 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00504 void BeamMonitorBx::weight(BeamSpotMapBx& weightedMap_, const BeamSpotMapBx& newMap_){
00505   for (BeamSpotMapBx::const_iterator it = newMap_.begin();
00506        it != newMap_.end(); ++it) {
00507     if (weightedMap_.find(it->first) == weightedMap_.end() || (it->second.type() != 2)) {
00508       weightedMap_[it->first] = it->second;
00509       continue;
00510     }
00512     BeamSpot obs = weightedMap_[it->first];
00513     double val_[8] = { obs.x0(),obs.y0(),obs.z0(),obs.sigmaZ(),
00514                        obs.dxdz(),obs.dydz(),obs.BeamWidthX(),obs.BeamWidthY()};
00515     double valErr_[8] = { obs.x0Error(),obs.y0Error(),obs.z0Error(),
00516                           obs.sigmaZ0Error(),obs.dxdzError(),obs.dydzError(),
00517                           obs.BeamWidthXError(),obs.BeamWidthYError()};
00519     reco::BeamSpot::BeamType type = reco::BeamSpot::Unknown;
00520     weight(val_[0], valErr_[0], it->second.x0()        , it->second.x0Error());
00521     weight(val_[1], valErr_[1], it->second.y0()        , it->second.y0Error());
00522     weight(val_[2], valErr_[2], it->second.z0()        , it->second.z0Error());
00523     weight(val_[3], valErr_[3], it->second.sigmaZ()    , it->second.sigmaZ0Error());
00524     weight(val_[4], valErr_[4], it->second.dxdz()      , it->second.dxdzError());
00525     weight(val_[5], valErr_[5], it->second.dydz()      , it->second.dydzError());
00526     weight(val_[6], valErr_[6], it->second.BeamWidthX(), it->second.BeamWidthXError());
00527     weight(val_[7], valErr_[7], it->second.BeamWidthY(), it->second.BeamWidthYError());
00528     if(it->second.type() == reco::BeamSpot::Tracker){
00529       type = reco::BeamSpot::Tracker;
00530     }
00532     reco::BeamSpot::Point bsPosition(val_[0],val_[1],val_[2]);
00533     reco::BeamSpot::CovarianceMatrix error;
00534     for (int i=0;i<7;++i) {
00535       error(i,i) = valErr_[i]*valErr_[i];
00536     }
00537     reco::BeamSpot weightedBeamSpot(bsPosition,val_[3],val_[4],val_[5],val_[6],error,type);
00538     weightedBeamSpot.setBeamWidthY(val_[7]);
00539     LogInfo("BX|BeamMonitorBx")
00540       << weightedBeamSpot
00541       << endl;
00542     weightedMap_.erase(it->first);
00543     weightedMap_[it->first] = weightedBeamSpot;
00544   }
00545 }
00547 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00548 void BeamMonitorBx::weight(double& mean,double& meanError,const double& val,const double& valError){
00549     double tmpError = 0;
00550     if (meanError < 1e-8){
00551         tmpError = 1/(valError*valError);
00552         mean = val*tmpError;
00553     }
00554     else{
00555         tmpError = 1/(meanError*meanError) + 1/(valError*valError);
00556         mean = mean/(meanError*meanError) + val/(valError*valError);
00557     }
00558     mean = mean/tmpError;
00559     meanError = std::sqrt(1/tmpError);
00560 }
00562 //--------------------------------------------------------
00563 void BeamMonitorBx::endRun(const Run& r, const EventSetup& context){
00565 }
00567 //--------------------------------------------------------
00568 void BeamMonitorBx::endJob(const LuminosityBlock& lumiSeg,
00569                            const EventSetup& iSetup){
00570 }
00572 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(BeamMonitorBx);