
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 /*
00003  *  See header file for a description of this class.
00004  *
00005  *  $Date: 2010/09/17 10:58:56 $
00006  *  $Revision: 1.16 $
00007  *  \author G. Cerminara - INFN Torino
00008  */
00010 #include "DTRecHitQuality.h"
00011 #include "Validation/DTRecHits/interface/DTHitQualityUtils.h"
00013 #include "Geometry/DTGeometry/interface/DTLayer.h"
00014 #include "Geometry/DTGeometry/interface/DTGeometry.h"
00015 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/MuonGeometryRecord.h"
00017 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
00018 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
00019 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
00020 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
00021 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
00023 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
00024 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/MonitorElement.h"
00025 #include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/ModuleDef.h"
00026 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
00029 #include <iostream>
00030 #include <map>
00032 using namespace std;
00033 using namespace edm;
00038 // Constructor
00039 DTRecHitQuality::DTRecHitQuality(const ParameterSet& pset){
00040   // Get the debug parameter for verbose output
00041   debug = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug");
00042   // the name of the simhit collection
00043   simHitLabel = pset.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("simHitLabel");
00044   // the name of the 1D rec hit collection
00045   recHitLabel = pset.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("recHitLabel");
00046   // the name of the 2D rec hit collection
00047   segment2DLabel = pset.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("segment2DLabel");
00048   // the name of the 4D rec hit collection
00049   segment4DLabel = pset.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("segment4DLabel");
00051   // Switches for analysis at various steps
00052   doStep1 = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("doStep1", false);
00053   doStep2 = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("doStep2", false);
00054   doStep3 = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("doStep3", false);
00055   doall = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("doall", false);
00056   local = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("local", true);
00057   // if(doall) doStep1
00058   // Create the root file
00059   //theFile = new TFile(rootFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
00060   //theFile->cd();
00063   // ----------------------                 
00064   // get hold of back-end interface 
00065   dbe_ = 0;
00066   dbe_ = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00067   /*if ( dbe_ ) {
00068     if (debug) {
00069       dbe_->setVerbose(1);
00070     } else {
00071       dbe_->setVerbose(0);
00072     }
00073     }*/
00074   dbe_->setVerbose(0);
00075   /*if ( dbe_ ) {
00076     if ( debug ) dbe_->showDirStructure();
00077     }*/
00078   if(doall && doStep1){
00079     hRes_S1RPhi= new HRes1DHit("S1RPhi",dbe_,true,local);    // RecHits, 1. step, RPhi
00080     hRes_S1RPhi_W0= new HRes1DHit("S1RPhi_W0",dbe_,true,local);   // RecHits, 1. step, RZ, wheel 0
00081     hRes_S1RPhi_W1= new HRes1DHit("S1RPhi_W1",dbe_,true,local);   // RecHits, 1. step, RZ, wheel +-1
00082     hRes_S1RPhi_W2= new HRes1DHit("S1RPhi_W2",dbe_,true,local);   // RecHits, 1. step, RZ, wheel +-2
00083     hRes_S1RZ= new HRes1DHit("S1RZ",dbe_,true,local);         // RecHits, 1. step, RZ
00084     hRes_S1RZ_W0= new HRes1DHit("S1RZ_W0",dbe_,true,local);   // RecHits, 1. step, RZ, wheel 0
00085     hRes_S1RZ_W1= new HRes1DHit("S1RZ_W1",dbe_,true,local);   // RecHits, 1. step, RZ, wheel +-1
00086     hRes_S1RZ_W2= new HRes1DHit("S1RZ_W2",dbe_,true,local);   // RecHits, 1. step, RZ, wheel +-2
00087     hEff_S1RPhi= new HEff1DHit("S1RPhi",dbe_);     // RecHits, 1. step, RPhi
00088     hEff_S1RZ= new HEff1DHit("S1RZ",dbe_);         // RecHits, 1. step, RZ
00089     hEff_S1RZ_W0= new HEff1DHit("S1RZ_W0",dbe_);   // RecHits, 1. step, RZ, wheel 0
00090     hEff_S1RZ_W1= new HEff1DHit("S1RZ_W1",dbe_);   // RecHits, 1. step, RZ, wheel +-1
00091     hEff_S1RZ_W2= new HEff1DHit("S1RZ_W2",dbe_);   // RecHits, 1. step, RZ, wheel +-2
00092   }
00093   if(doall && doStep2){
00094     hRes_S2RPhi= new HRes1DHit("S2RPhi",dbe_,true,local);     // RecHits, 2. step, RPhi
00095     hRes_S2RPhi_W0= new HRes1DHit("S2RPhi_W0",dbe_,true,local);   // RecHits, 2. step, RPhi, wheel 0
00096     hRes_S2RPhi_W1= new HRes1DHit("S2RPhi_W1",dbe_,true,local);   // RecHits, 2. step, RPhi, wheel +-1
00097     hRes_S2RPhi_W2= new HRes1DHit("S2RPhi_W2",dbe_,true,local);   // RecHits, 2. step, RPhi, wheel +-2
00098     hRes_S2RZ= new HRes1DHit("S2RZ",dbe_,true,local);       // RecHits, 2. step, RZ
00099     hRes_S2RZ_W0= new HRes1DHit("S2RZ_W0",dbe_,true,local);   // RecHits, 2. step, RZ, wheel 0
00100     hRes_S2RZ_W1= new HRes1DHit("S2RZ_W1",dbe_,true,local);   // RecHits, 2. step, RZ, wheel +-1
00101     hRes_S2RZ_W2= new HRes1DHit("S2RZ_W2",dbe_,true,local);   // RecHits, 2. step, RZ, wheel +-2
00102     hEff_S2RPhi= new HEff1DHit("S2RPhi",dbe_);     // RecHits, 2. step, RPhi
00103     hEff_S2RZ_W0= new HEff1DHit("S2RZ_W0",dbe_);   // RecHits, 2. step, RZ, wheel 0
00104     hEff_S2RZ_W1= new HEff1DHit("S2RZ_W1",dbe_);   // RecHits, 2. step, RZ, wheel +-1
00105     hEff_S2RZ_W2= new HEff1DHit("S2RZ_W2",dbe_);   // RecHits, 2. step, RZ, wheel +-2
00106     hEff_S2RZ= new HEff1DHit("S2RZ",dbe_);          // RecHits, 2. step, RZ
00107   }
00108   if(doStep3){
00109     hRes_S3RPhi= new HRes1DHit("S3RPhi",dbe_,doall,local);     // RecHits, 3. step, RPhi
00110     hRes_S3RPhi_W0= new HRes1DHit("S3RPhi_W0",dbe_,doall,local);   // RecHits, 3. step, RPhi, wheel 0
00111     hRes_S3RPhi_W1= new HRes1DHit("S3RPhi_W1",dbe_,doall,local);   // RecHits, 3. step, RPhi, wheel +-1
00112     hRes_S3RPhi_W2= new HRes1DHit("S3RPhi_W2",dbe_,doall,local);   // RecHits, 3. step, RPhi, wheel +-2
00113     hRes_S3RZ= new HRes1DHit("S3RZ",dbe_,doall,local);      // RecHits, 3. step, RZ
00114     hRes_S3RZ_W0= new HRes1DHit("S3RZ_W0",dbe_,doall,local);   // RecHits, 3. step, RZ, wheel 0
00115     hRes_S3RZ_W1= new HRes1DHit("S3RZ_W1",dbe_,doall,local);   // RecHits, 3. step, RZ, wheel +-1
00116     hRes_S3RZ_W2= new HRes1DHit("S3RZ_W2",dbe_,doall,local);   // RecHits, 3. step, RZ, wheel +-2
00117     if(doall){
00118       hEff_S3RPhi= new HEff1DHit("S3RPhi",dbe_);     // RecHits, 3. step, RPhi
00119       hEff_S3RZ= new HEff1DHit("S3RZ",dbe_);        // RecHits, 3. step, RZ
00120       hEff_S3RZ_W0= new HEff1DHit("S3RZ_W0",dbe_);   // RecHits, 3. step, RZ, wheel 0
00121       hEff_S3RZ_W1= new HEff1DHit("S3RZ_W1",dbe_);   // RecHits, 3. step, RZ, wheel +-1
00122       hEff_S3RZ_W2= new HEff1DHit("S3RZ_W2",dbe_);   // RecHits, 3. step, RZ, wheel +-2
00123     }
00124   }
00125 }
00128 // Destructor
00129 DTRecHitQuality::~DTRecHitQuality(){
00130 }
00133 void DTRecHitQuality::endLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const& lumiSeg,
00134     edm::EventSetup const& c){
00136 }
00138 void DTRecHitQuality::endJob() {
00139   // Write the histos to file
00140   if(doall){
00141     if(doStep1){
00142       hEff_S1RPhi->ComputeEfficiency();
00143       hEff_S1RZ->ComputeEfficiency();
00144       hEff_S1RZ_W0->ComputeEfficiency();
00145       hEff_S1RZ_W1->ComputeEfficiency();
00146       hEff_S1RZ_W2->ComputeEfficiency();
00147     }
00148     if(doStep2){
00149       hEff_S2RPhi->ComputeEfficiency();
00150       hEff_S2RZ->ComputeEfficiency();
00151       hEff_S2RZ_W0->ComputeEfficiency();
00152       hEff_S2RZ_W1->ComputeEfficiency();
00153       hEff_S2RZ_W2->ComputeEfficiency();
00154     }
00155     if(doStep3){
00156       hEff_S3RPhi->ComputeEfficiency();
00157       hEff_S3RZ->ComputeEfficiency();
00158       hEff_S3RZ_W0->ComputeEfficiency();
00159       hEff_S3RZ_W1->ComputeEfficiency();
00160       hEff_S3RZ_W2->ComputeEfficiency();
00161     }
00162   }
00163   //if ( rootFileName.size() != 0 && dbe_ ) dbe_->save(rootFileName); 
00165   // Write histos to file
00166   /*hRes_S1RPhi->Write();
00167   hRes_S2RPhi->Write();
00168   hRes_S3RPhi->Write();
00170   hRes_S1RZ->Write();
00171   hRes_S2RZ->Write();
00172   hRes_S3RZ->Write();
00174   hRes_S1RZ_W0->Write();
00175   hRes_S2RZ_W0->Write();
00176   hRes_S3RZ_W0->Write();
00178   hRes_S1RZ_W1->Write();
00179   hRes_S2RZ_W1->Write();
00180   hRes_S3RZ_W1->Write();
00182   hRes_S1RZ_W2->Write();
00183   hRes_S2RZ_W2->Write();
00184   hRes_S3RZ_W2->Write();
00187   hEff_S1RPhi->Write();
00188   hEff_S2RPhi->Write();
00189   hEff_S3RPhi->Write();
00191   hEff_S1RZ->Write();
00192   hEff_S2RZ->Write();
00193   hEff_S3RZ->Write();
00195   hEff_S1RZ_W0->Write();
00196   hEff_S2RZ_W0->Write();
00197   hEff_S3RZ_W0->Write();
00199   hEff_S1RZ_W1->Write();
00200   hEff_S2RZ_W1->Write();
00201   hEff_S3RZ_W1->Write();
00203   hEff_S1RZ_W2->Write();
00204   hEff_S2RZ_W2->Write();
00205   hEff_S3RZ_W2->Write();*/
00207   //theFile->Close();
00208 }
00210 // The real analysis
00211   void DTRecHitQuality::analyze(const Event & event, const EventSetup& eventSetup){
00212     if(debug)
00213       cout << "--- [DTRecHitQuality] Analysing Event: #Run: " <<
00214         << " #Event: " << << endl;
00215     //theFile->cd();
00216     // Get the DT Geometry
00217     ESHandle<DTGeometry> dtGeom;
00218     eventSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(dtGeom);
00220     // Get the SimHit collection from the event
00221     Handle<PSimHitContainer> simHits;
00222     event.getByLabel(simHitLabel, simHits);
00224     // Map simhits per wire
00225     map<DTWireId, PSimHitContainer > simHitsPerWire =
00226       DTHitQualityUtils::mapSimHitsPerWire(*(simHits.product()));
00230      //=======================================================================================
00231     // RecHit analysis at Step 1
00232     if(doStep1 && doall) {
00233       if(debug)
00234         cout << "  -- DTRecHit S1: begin analysis:" << endl;
00235       // Get the rechit collection from the event
00236       Handle<DTRecHitCollection> dtRecHits;
00237       event.getByLabel(recHitLabel, dtRecHits);
00239       if(!dtRecHits.isValid()) {
00240         if(debug) cout << "[DTRecHitQuality]**Warning: no 1DRechits with label: " << recHitLabel << " in this event, skipping!" << endl;
00241         return;
00242       }
00244      // Map rechits per wire
00245       map<DTWireId,vector<DTRecHit1DPair> > recHitsPerWire = 
00246         map1DRecHitsPerWire(dtRecHits.product());
00248       compute(dtGeom.product(), simHitsPerWire, recHitsPerWire, 1);
00249     }
00252     //=======================================================================================
00253     // RecHit analysis at Step 2
00254     if(doStep2 && doall) {
00255       if(debug)
00256         cout << "  -- DTRecHit S2: begin analysis:" << endl;
00258       // Get the 2D rechits from the event
00259       Handle<DTRecSegment2DCollection> segment2Ds;
00260       event.getByLabel(segment2DLabel, segment2Ds);
00262       if(!segment2Ds.isValid()) {
00263        if(debug) cout << "[DTRecHitQuality]**Warning: no 2DSegments with label: " << segment2DLabel
00264                       << " in this event, skipping!" << endl;
00266       }
00267       else{
00268         // Map rechits per wire
00269         map<DTWireId,vector<DTRecHit1D> > recHitsPerWire = 
00270           map1DRecHitsPerWire(segment2Ds.product());
00272         compute(dtGeom.product(), simHitsPerWire, recHitsPerWire, 2);
00273       }
00274     }
00276     //=======================================================================================
00277     // RecHit analysis at Step 3
00278     if(doStep3) {
00279       if(debug)
00280         cout << "  -- DTRecHit S3: begin analysis:" << endl;
00282       // Get the 4D rechits from the event
00283       Handle<DTRecSegment4DCollection> segment4Ds;
00284       event.getByLabel(segment4DLabel, segment4Ds);
00286       if(!segment4Ds.isValid()) {
00287         if(debug) cout << "[DTRecHitQuality]**Warning: no 4D Segments with label: " << segment4DLabel
00288                        << " in this event, skipping!" << endl;
00289         return;
00290       }
00292       // Map rechits per wire
00293       map<DTWireId,vector<DTRecHit1D> > recHitsPerWire = 
00294         map1DRecHitsPerWire(segment4Ds.product());
00296       compute(dtGeom.product(), simHitsPerWire, recHitsPerWire, 3);
00297     }
00299   }
00303 // Return a map between DTRecHit1DPair and wireId
00304 map<DTWireId, vector<DTRecHit1DPair> >
00305 DTRecHitQuality::map1DRecHitsPerWire(const DTRecHitCollection* dt1DRecHitPairs) {
00306   map<DTWireId, vector<DTRecHit1DPair> > ret;
00308   for(DTRecHitCollection::const_iterator rechit = dt1DRecHitPairs->begin();
00309       rechit != dt1DRecHitPairs->end(); rechit++) {
00310     ret[(*rechit).wireId()].push_back(*rechit);
00311   }
00313   return ret;
00314 }
00317 // Return a map between DTRecHit1D at S2 and wireId
00318 map<DTWireId, vector<DTRecHit1D> >
00319 DTRecHitQuality::map1DRecHitsPerWire(const DTRecSegment2DCollection* segment2Ds) {
00320   map<DTWireId, vector<DTRecHit1D> > ret;
00322   // Loop over all 2D segments
00323   for(DTRecSegment2DCollection::const_iterator segment = segment2Ds->begin();
00324       segment != segment2Ds->end();
00325       segment++) {
00326     vector<DTRecHit1D> component1DHits= (*segment).specificRecHits();
00327     // Loop over all component 1D hits
00328     for(vector<DTRecHit1D>::const_iterator hit = component1DHits.begin();
00329         hit != component1DHits.end();
00330         hit++) {
00331       ret[(*hit).wireId()].push_back(*hit);
00332     }
00333   }
00334   return ret;
00335 }
00339 // Return a map between DTRecHit1D at S3 and wireId
00340 map<DTWireId, std::vector<DTRecHit1D> >
00341 DTRecHitQuality::map1DRecHitsPerWire(const DTRecSegment4DCollection* segment4Ds) {
00342   map<DTWireId, vector<DTRecHit1D> > ret;
00343   // Loop over all 4D segments
00344   for(DTRecSegment4DCollection::const_iterator segment = segment4Ds->begin();
00345       segment != segment4Ds->end();
00346       segment++) {
00347     // Get component 2D segments
00348     vector<const TrackingRecHit*> segment2Ds = (*segment).recHits();
00349     // Loop over 2D segments:
00350     for(vector<const TrackingRecHit*>::const_iterator segment2D = segment2Ds.begin();
00351         segment2D != segment2Ds.end();
00352         segment2D++) {
00353       // Get 1D component rechits
00354       vector<const TrackingRecHit*> hits = (*segment2D)->recHits();
00355       // Loop over them
00356       for(vector<const TrackingRecHit*>::const_iterator hit = hits.begin();
00357           hit != hits.end(); hit++) {
00358         const DTRecHit1D* hit1D = dynamic_cast<const DTRecHit1D*>(*hit);
00359         ret[hit1D->wireId()].push_back(*hit1D);
00360       }
00361     }
00362   }
00364   return ret;
00365 }
00367 // Compute SimHit distance from wire (cm)
00368 float DTRecHitQuality::simHitDistFromWire(const DTLayer* layer,
00369                                           DTWireId wireId,
00370                                           const PSimHit& hit) {
00371   float xwire = layer->specificTopology().wirePosition(wireId.wire());
00372   LocalPoint entryP = hit.entryPoint();
00373   LocalPoint exitP = hit.exitPoint();
00374   float xEntry = entryP.x()-xwire;
00375   float xExit  = exitP.x()-xwire;
00377   return fabs(xEntry - (entryP.z()*(xExit-xEntry))/(exitP.z()-entryP.z()));//FIXME: check...
00378 }
00380 // Compute SimHit impact angle (in direction perp to wire)
00381 float DTRecHitQuality::simHitImpactAngle(const DTLayer* layer,
00382                                          DTWireId wireId,
00383                                          const PSimHit& hit) {
00384   LocalPoint entryP = hit.entryPoint();
00385   LocalPoint exitP = hit.exitPoint();
00386   float theta=(exitP.x()-entryP.x())/(exitP.z()-entryP.z());
00387   return atan(theta);
00388 }
00390 // Compute SimHit distance from FrontEnd
00391 float DTRecHitQuality::simHitDistFromFE(const DTLayer* layer,
00392                                         DTWireId wireId,
00393                                         const PSimHit& hit) {
00394   LocalPoint entryP = hit.entryPoint();
00395   LocalPoint exitP = hit.exitPoint();
00396   float wireLenght=layer->specificTopology().cellLenght();
00397   return (entryP.y()+exitP.y())/2.+wireLenght;
00398 }
00401 // Find the RecHit closest to the muon SimHit
00402 template  <typename type>
00403 const type* 
00404 DTRecHitQuality::findBestRecHit(const DTLayer* layer,
00405                                 DTWireId wireId,
00406                                 const vector<type>& recHits,
00407                                 const float simHitDist) {
00408   float res = 99999;
00409   const type* theBestRecHit = 0;
00410   // Loop over RecHits within the cell
00411   for(typename vector<type>::const_iterator recHit = recHits.begin();
00412       recHit != recHits.end();
00413       recHit++) {
00414     float distTmp = recHitDistFromWire(*recHit, layer);
00415     if(fabs(distTmp-simHitDist) < res) {
00416       res = fabs(distTmp-simHitDist);
00417       theBestRecHit = &(*recHit);
00418     }
00419   } // End of loop over RecHits within the cell
00421   return theBestRecHit;
00422 }
00425 // Compute the distance from wire (cm) of a hits in a DTRecHit1DPair
00426 float 
00427 DTRecHitQuality::recHitDistFromWire(const DTRecHit1DPair& hitPair, const DTLayer* layer) {
00428   // Compute the rechit distance from wire
00429   return fabs(hitPair.localPosition(DTEnums::Left).x() -
00430               hitPair.localPosition(DTEnums::Right).x())/2.;
00431 }
00435 // Compute the distance from wire (cm) of a hits in a DTRecHit1D
00436 float 
00437 DTRecHitQuality::recHitDistFromWire(const DTRecHit1D& recHit, const DTLayer* layer) {
00438   return fabs(recHit.localPosition().x() - layer->specificTopology().wirePosition(recHit.wireId().wire()));
00439 }
00442 template  <typename type>
00443 void DTRecHitQuality::compute(const DTGeometry *dtGeom,
00444                               std::map<DTWireId, std::vector<PSimHit> > simHitsPerWire,
00445                               std::map<DTWireId, std::vector<type> > recHitsPerWire,
00446                               int step) {
00447   // Loop over cells with a muon SimHit
00448   for(map<DTWireId, vector<PSimHit> >::const_iterator wireAndSHits = simHitsPerWire.begin();
00449       wireAndSHits != simHitsPerWire.end();
00450       wireAndSHits++) {
00451     DTWireId wireId = (*wireAndSHits).first;
00452     vector<PSimHit> simHitsInCell = (*wireAndSHits).second;
00454     // Get the layer
00455     const DTLayer* layer = dtGeom->layer(wireId);
00457     // Look for a mu hit in the cell
00458     const PSimHit* muSimHit = DTHitQualityUtils::findMuSimHit(simHitsInCell);
00459     if (muSimHit==0) {
00460       if (debug) 
00461         cout << "   No mu SimHit in channel: " << wireId << ", skipping! " << endl;
00462       continue; // Skip this cell
00463     }
00465     // Find the distance of the simhit from the wire
00466     float simHitWireDist = simHitDistFromWire(layer, wireId, *muSimHit);
00467     // Skip simhits out of the cell
00468     if(simHitWireDist>2.1) {
00469       if(debug) 
00470         cout << "  [DTRecHitQuality]###Warning: The mu SimHit in out of the cell, skipping!" << endl;
00471       continue; // Skip this cell
00472     }
00473     GlobalPoint simHitGlobalPos = layer->toGlobal(muSimHit->localPosition());
00475     // find SH impact angle
00476     float simHitTheta = simHitImpactAngle(layer, wireId, *muSimHit);
00478     // find SH distance from FE
00479     float simHitFEDist = simHitDistFromFE(layer, wireId, *muSimHit);
00481     bool recHitReconstructed = false;
00483     // Look for RecHits in the same cell
00484     if(recHitsPerWire.find(wireId) == recHitsPerWire.end()) {
00485       // No RecHit found in this cell
00486       if(debug)
00487         cout << "   No RecHit found at Step: " << step << " in cell: " << wireId << endl;
00488     } else {
00489       recHitReconstructed = true;
00490       // vector<type> recHits = (*wireAndRecHits).second;
00491       vector<type> recHits = recHitsPerWire[wireId];
00492       if(debug)
00493         cout << "   " << recHits.size() << " RecHits, Step " << step << " in channel: " << wireId << endl;
00495       // Find the best RecHit
00496       const type* theBestRecHit = findBestRecHit(layer, wireId, recHits, simHitWireDist);
00499       float recHitWireDist =  recHitDistFromWire(*theBestRecHit, layer);
00500       if(debug)
00501         cout << "    SimHit distance from wire: " << simHitWireDist << endl
00502           << "    SimHit distance from FE: " << simHitFEDist << endl
00503           << "    SimHit distance angle " << simHitTheta << endl
00504           << "    RecHit distance from wire: " << recHitWireDist << endl;
00505       float recHitErr = recHitPositionError(*theBestRecHit);
00506       HRes1DHit *hRes = 0;
00507       HRes1DHit *hResTot = 0;
00509       // Fill residuals and pulls
00510       // Select the histo to be filled
00511       if(step == 1) {
00512         // Step 1
00513         if(wireId.superLayer() != 2) {
00514           hResTot = hRes_S1RPhi;
00515           if(wireId.wheel() == 0)
00516             hRes = hRes_S1RPhi_W0;
00517           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 1)
00518             hRes = hRes_S1RPhi_W1;
00519           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 2)
00520             hRes = hRes_S1RPhi_W2;
00521         } else {
00522           hResTot = hRes_S1RZ;
00523           if(wireId.wheel() == 0)
00524             hRes = hRes_S1RZ_W0;
00525           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 1)
00526             hRes = hRes_S1RZ_W1;
00527           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 2)
00528             hRes = hRes_S1RZ_W2;
00529         }
00531       } else if(step == 2) {
00532         // Step 2
00533         if(wireId.superlayer() != 2) {
00534           hRes = hRes_S2RPhi;
00535           if(wireId.wheel() == 0)
00536             hRes = hRes_S2RPhi_W0;
00537           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 1)
00538             hRes = hRes_S2RPhi_W1;
00539           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 2)
00540             hRes = hRes_S2RPhi_W2;
00541         } else {
00542           hResTot = hRes_S2RZ;
00543           if(wireId.wheel() == 0)
00544             hRes = hRes_S2RZ_W0;
00545           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 1)
00546             hRes = hRes_S2RZ_W1;
00547           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 2)
00548             hRes = hRes_S2RZ_W2;
00549         }
00551       } else if(step == 3) {
00552         // Step 3
00553         if(wireId.superlayer() != 2) {
00554           hResTot = hRes_S3RPhi;
00555           if(wireId.wheel() == 0)
00556             hRes = hRes_S3RPhi_W0;
00557           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 1)
00558             hRes = hRes_S3RPhi_W1;
00559           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 2)
00560             hRes = hRes_S3RPhi_W2;
00561         } else {
00562           hResTot = hRes_S3RZ;
00563           if(wireId.wheel() == 0)
00564             hRes = hRes_S3RZ_W0;
00565           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 1)
00566             hRes = hRes_S3RZ_W1;
00567           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 2)
00568             hRes = hRes_S3RZ_W2;
00569         }
00571       }
00572       // Fill
00573       hRes->Fill(simHitWireDist, simHitTheta, simHitFEDist, recHitWireDist, simHitGlobalPos.eta(),
00574                  simHitGlobalPos.phi(),recHitErr,wireId.station());
00575       if(hResTot != 0)
00576         hResTot->Fill(simHitWireDist, simHitTheta, simHitFEDist, recHitWireDist, simHitGlobalPos.eta(),
00577                       simHitGlobalPos.phi(),recHitErr,wireId.station());
00578     }
00580     // Fill Efficiencies
00581     if(doall){
00582       HEff1DHit *hEff = 0;
00583       HEff1DHit *hEffTot = 0;
00584       if(step == 1) {
00585         // Step 1
00586         if(wireId.superlayer() != 2) {
00587           hEff = hEff_S1RPhi;
00588         } else {
00589           hEffTot = hEff_S1RZ;
00590           if(wireId.wheel() == 0)
00591             hEff = hEff_S1RZ_W0;
00592           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 1)
00593             hEff = hEff_S1RZ_W1;
00594           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 2)
00595             hEff = hEff_S1RZ_W2;
00596         }
00598       } else if(step == 2) {
00599         // Step 2
00600         if(wireId.superlayer() != 2) {
00601           hEff = hEff_S2RPhi;
00602         } else {
00603           hEffTot = hEff_S2RZ;
00604           if(wireId.wheel() == 0)
00605             hEff = hEff_S2RZ_W0;
00606           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 1)
00607             hEff = hEff_S2RZ_W1;
00608           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 2)
00609             hEff = hEff_S2RZ_W2;
00610         }
00612       } else if(step == 3) {
00613         // Step 3
00614         if(wireId.superlayer() != 2) {
00615           hEff = hEff_S3RPhi;
00616         } else {
00617           hEffTot = hEff_S3RZ;
00618           if(wireId.wheel() == 0)
00619             hEff = hEff_S3RZ_W0;
00620           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 1)
00621             hEff = hEff_S3RZ_W1;
00622           if(abs(wireId.wheel()) == 2)
00623             hEff = hEff_S3RZ_W2;
00624         }
00626       }
00627       // Fill
00628       hEff->Fill(simHitWireDist, simHitGlobalPos.eta(), simHitGlobalPos.phi(), recHitReconstructed);
00629       if(hEffTot != 0)
00630         hEffTot->Fill(simHitWireDist, simHitGlobalPos.eta(), simHitGlobalPos.phi(), recHitReconstructed);
00631     }
00632   }
00633 }
00635 // Return the error on the measured (cm) coordinate
00636 float DTRecHitQuality::recHitPositionError(const DTRecHit1DPair& recHit) {
00637   return sqrt(recHit.localPositionError(DTEnums::Left).xx());
00638 }
00640 // Return the error on the measured (cm) coordinate
00641 float DTRecHitQuality::recHitPositionError(const DTRecHit1D& recHit) {
00642   return sqrt(recHit.localPositionError().xx());
00643 }