Go to the documentation of this file.00001
00002 #include "FWCore/Framework/src/WorkerMaker.h"
00003 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
00004 #include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ModuleDescription.h"
00005 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00006 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/ConvertException.h"
00007 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
00008 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDMException.h"
00010 #include <sstream>
00011 #include <exception>
00013 namespace edm {
00015 Maker::~Maker() {
00016 }
00018 ModuleDescription
00019 Maker::createModuleDescription(WorkerParams const &p) const {
00020 ParameterSet const& conf = *p.pset_;
00021 ModuleDescription md(conf.id(),
00022 conf.getParameter<std::string>("@module_type"),
00023 conf.getParameter<std::string>("@module_label"),
00024 p.processConfiguration_.get());
00025 return md;
00026 }
00028 void
00029 Maker::throwValidationException(WorkerParams const& p,
00030 cms::Exception & iException) const {
00031 ParameterSet const& conf = *p.pset_;
00032 std::string moduleName = conf.getParameter<std::string>("@module_type");
00033 std::string moduleLabel = conf.getParameter<std::string>("@module_label");
00035 std::ostringstream ost;
00036 ost << "Validating configuration of module: class=" << moduleName
00037 << " label='" << moduleLabel << "'";
00038 iException.addContext(ost.str());
00039 throw;
00040 }
00042 void
00043 Maker::throwConfigurationException(ModuleDescription const& md,
00044 signalslot::Signal<void(ModuleDescription const&)>& post,
00045 cms::Exception & iException) const {
00046 std::ostringstream ost;
00047 ost << "Constructing module: class=" << md.moduleName() << " label='" << md.moduleLabel() << "'";
00048 iException.addContext(ost.str());
00049 post(md);
00050 throw;
00051 }
00053 void
00054 Maker::validateEDMType(std::string const& edmType, WorkerParams const& p) const {
00055 std::string expected = p.pset_->getParameter<std::string>("@module_edm_type");
00056 if (edmType != expected) {
00057 throw Exception(errors::Configuration)
00058 << "The base type in the python configuration is " << expected << ", but the base type\n"
00059 << "for the module's C++ class is " << edmType << ". "
00060 << "Please fix the configuration.\n"
00061 << "It must use the same base type as the C++ class.\n";
00062 }
00063 }
00065 std::unique_ptr<Worker>
00066 Maker::makeWorker(WorkerParams const& p,
00067 signalslot::Signal<void(ModuleDescription const&)>& pre,
00068 signalslot::Signal<void(ModuleDescription const&)>& post) const {
00069 ConfigurationDescriptions descriptions(baseType());
00070 fillDescriptions(descriptions);
00071 try {
00072 try {
00073 descriptions.validate(*p.pset_, p.pset_->getParameter<std::string>("@module_label"));
00074 validateEDMType(baseType(), p);
00075 }
00076 catch (cms::Exception& e) { throw; }
00077 catch(std::bad_alloc& bda) { convertException::badAllocToEDM(); }
00078 catch (std::exception& e) { convertException::stdToEDM(e); }
00079 catch(std::string& s) { convertException::stringToEDM(s); }
00080 catch(char const* c) { convertException::charPtrToEDM(c); }
00081 catch (...) { convertException::unknownToEDM(); }
00082 }
00083 catch (cms::Exception & iException) {
00084 throwValidationException(p, iException);
00085 }
00086 p.pset_->registerIt();
00088 ModuleDescription md = createModuleDescription(p);
00090 std::unique_ptr<Worker> worker;
00091 try {
00092 try {
00093 pre(md);
00094 worker = makeWorker(p,md);
00095 post(md);
00096 }
00097 catch (cms::Exception& e) { throw; }
00098 catch(std::bad_alloc& bda) { convertException::badAllocToEDM(); }
00099 catch (std::exception& e) { convertException::stdToEDM(e); }
00100 catch(std::string& s) { convertException::stringToEDM(s); }
00101 catch(char const* c) { convertException::charPtrToEDM(c); }
00102 catch (...) { convertException::unknownToEDM(); }
00103 }
00104 catch(cms::Exception & iException){
00105 throwConfigurationException(md, post, iException);
00106 }
00107 return worker;
00108 }
00110 void
00111 Maker::swapModule(Worker* w, ParameterSet const& p) {
00112 implSwapModule(w,p);
00113 }
00115 }