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3 # Here so that python translator can see the names
4 # Now beta function vertex smearing
5 #from FastSimulation.Event.Early10TeVCollisionVertexGenerator_cfi import *
6 #from FastSimulation.Event.Realistic7TeV2011CollisionVertexGenerator_cfi import *
8 if(fastsimPrimaryVertex=='Realistic8TeV'):
10 else:
20 MaterialEffectsForMuonsBlock.MaterialEffectsForMuons.use_hardcoded_geometry = True
21 MaterialEffectsBlock.MaterialEffects.use_hardcoded_geometry = True
24 famosSimHits = cms.EDProducer("FamosProducer",
25  # FastCalorimetry
26  FamosCalorimetryBlock,
27  # Conditions to save Tracker SimHits
28  TrackerSimHitsBlock,
29  # Material effects to be simulated in the tracker material and associated cuts
30  MaterialEffectsBlock,
31  # Material effects for muons in ECAL
32  MaterialEffectsForMuonsInECALBlock,
33  # Material effects for muons in HCAL
34  MaterialEffectsForMuonsInHCALBlock,
35  # (De)activate decays of unstable particles (K0S, etc...)
36  ActivateDecaysBlock,
37  # Kinematic cuts for the particle filter in the SimEvent
38  ParticleFilterBlock,
39  # The HepMCProduct source
40  SourceLabel = cms.InputTag("generator"),
41  # The genParticle source (in case there is no HepMCProduct)
42  GenParticleLabel = cms.InputTag("genParticles"),
43  # If false, no SimTrack collection for Muons is stored
44  SimulateMuons = cms.bool(True),
45  # The beam spot source
46  BeamSpotLabel = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"),
47  # Run Number
48  RunNumber = cms.untracked.int32(1001),
49  Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
50  # If false, no misalignment can be applied in the tracker
51  ApplyAlignment = cms.bool(False),
52  # If false, no SimHits are simulated in the tracker
53  # (but the tracker material is still here)
54  SimulateTracking = cms.bool(True),
55  # If false, no PCaloHits are produced
56  SimulateCalorimetry = cms.bool(True),
57  # If the following is false, no B field map is used,
58  # and B is set to 4 T altogether
59  UseMagneticField = cms.bool(True),
60  # The primary vertex smearing
61  VertexGenerator = cms.PSet(
62  myVertexGenerator
63  )
64 )
if(dp >Float(M_PI)) dp-