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3 TSGFromCombinedHits = cms.PSet(
4  ComponentName = cms.string('CombinedTSG'),
5  PSetNames = cms.vstring('firstTSG','secondTSG'),
7  firstTSG = cms.PSet(
8  ComponentName = cms.string('TSGFromOrderedHits'),
9  OrderedHitsFactoryPSet = cms.PSet(
10  ComponentName = cms.string('StandardHitTripletGenerator'),
11  SeedingLayers = cms.string('PixelLayerTriplets'),
12  GeneratorPSet = cms.PSet(
13  useBending = cms.bool(True),
14  useFixedPreFiltering = cms.bool(False),
15  phiPreFiltering = cms.double(0.3),
16  extraHitRPhitolerance = cms.double(0.06),
17  useMultScattering = cms.bool(True),
18  ComponentName = cms.string('PixelTripletHLTGenerator'),
19  extraHitRZtolerance = cms.double(0.06),
20  maxElement = cms.uint32( 10000 )
21  )
22  ),
23  TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle')
24  ),
26  secondTSG = cms.PSet(
27  ComponentName = cms.string('TSGFromOrderedHits'),
28  OrderedHitsFactoryPSet = cms.PSet(
29  ComponentName = cms.string('StandardHitPairGenerator'),
30  SeedingLayers = cms.string('PixelLayerPairs'),
31  useOnDemandTracker = cms.untracked.int32( 0 ),
32  maxElement = cms.uint32( 0 )
33  ),
34  TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle')
35  ),
36  thirdTSG = cms.PSet(
37  ComponentName = cms.string('DualByEtaTSG'),
38  PSetNames = cms.vstring('endcapTSG','barrelTSG'),
39  barrelTSG = cms.PSet( ),
40  endcapTSG = cms.PSet(
41  ComponentName = cms.string('TSGFromOrderedHits'),
42  OrderedHitsFactoryPSet = cms.PSet(
43  ComponentName = cms.string('StandardHitPairGenerator'),
44  SeedingLayers = cms.string('MixedLayerPairs'),
45  useOnDemandTracker = cms.untracked.int32( 0 ),
46  maxElement = cms.uint32( 0 )
47  ),
48  TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle')
49  ),
50  etaSeparation = cms.double(2.0)
51  )
52  )