
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 //                    Header file for this                                    //
00004 #include "HLTriggerOffline/Egamma/interface/EmDQM.h"
00007 //                    Collaborating Class Header                              //
00009 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
00010 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00011 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
00012 #include "DataFormats/HLTReco/interface/TriggerEventWithRefs.h"
00013 #include "DataFormats/RecoCandidate/interface/RecoEcalCandidate.h"
00014 #include "DataFormats/EgammaCandidates/interface/Electron.h"
00015 //#include "DataFormats/EgammaCandidates/interface/Photon.h"
00016 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1EmParticle.h"
00017 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1EmParticleFwd.h"
00018 //#include "SimDataFormats/HepMCProduct/interface/HepMCProduct.h"
00019 #include "SimDataFormats/GeneratorProducts/interface/HepMCProduct.h"
00020 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00021 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/AssociationMap.h"
00023 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
00024 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/RefToBase.h"
00025 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
00026 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
00027 #include "DataFormats/HLTReco/interface/TriggerTypeDefs.h"
00028 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
00031 //                           Root include files                               //
00033 #include "TFile.h"
00034 #include "TDirectory.h"
00035 #include "TH1F.h"
00036 #include <iostream>
00037 #include <string>
00038 #include <Math/VectorUtil.h>
00039 using namespace ROOT::Math::VectorUtil ;
00043 //                             Constructor                                    //
00045 EmDQM::EmDQM(const edm::ParameterSet& pset)  
00046 {
00048   dbe = edm::Service < DQMStore > ().operator->();
00049   dbe->setVerbose(0);
00052   //          Read from configuration file                  //
00054   dirname_="HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/"+pset.getParameter<std::string>("@module_label");
00055   dbe->setCurrentFolder(dirname_);
00057   triggerobjwithrefs = pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("triggerobject");
00058   pathIndex = pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("pathIndex", 0);
00059   // parameters for generator study
00060   reqNum    = pset.getParameter<unsigned int>("reqNum");
00061   pdgGen    = pset.getParameter<int>("pdgGen");
00062   genEtaAcc = pset.getParameter<double>("genEtaAcc");
00063   genEtAcc  = pset.getParameter<double>("genEtAcc");
00064   // plotting parameters (untracked because they don't affect the physics)
00065   plotEtMin  = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("genEtMin",0.);
00066   plotPtMin  = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PtMin",0.);
00067   plotPtMax  = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PtMax",1000.);
00068   plotEtaMax = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EtaMax", 2.7);
00069   plotPhiMax = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PhiMax", 3.15);
00070   plotBins   = pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("Nbins",40);
00071   plotMinEtForEtaEffPlot = pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("minEtForEtaEffPlot", 15);
00072   useHumanReadableHistTitles = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("useHumanReadableHistTitles", false);
00073   mcMatchedOnly = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("mcMatchedOnly", true);
00074   noPhiPlots = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("noPhiPlots", true);
00075   noIsolationPlots = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("noIsolationPlots", true);
00076   verbosity = pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("verbosity",0);
00078   //preselction cuts 
00079   gencutCollection_= pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("cutcollection");
00080   gencut_          = pset.getParameter<int>("cutnum");
00083   //         Read in the Vector of Parameter Sets.          //
00084   //           Information for each filter-step             //
00086   std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> filters = 
00087        pset.getParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> >("filters");
00089   int i = 0;
00090   for(std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>::iterator filterconf = filters.begin() ; filterconf != filters.end() ; filterconf++)
00091   {
00093     theHLTCollectionLabels.push_back(filterconf->getParameter<edm::InputTag>("HLTCollectionLabels"));
00094     theHLTOutputTypes.push_back(filterconf->getParameter<int>("theHLTOutputTypes"));
00095     // Grab the human-readable name, if it is not specified, use the Collection Label
00096     theHLTCollectionHumanNames.push_back(filterconf->getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("HLTCollectionHumanName",theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()));
00098     std::vector<double> bounds = filterconf->getParameter<std::vector<double> >("PlotBounds");
00099     // If the size of plot "bounds" vector != 2, abort
00100     assert(bounds.size() == 2);
00101     plotBounds.push_back(std::pair<double,double>(bounds[0],bounds[1]));
00102     isoNames.push_back(filterconf->getParameter<std::vector<edm::InputTag> >("IsoCollections"));
00103     // If the size of the isoNames vector is not greater than zero, abort
00104     assert(isoNames.back().size()>0);
00105     if (isoNames.back().at(0).label()=="none") {
00106       plotiso.push_back(false);
00107     } else {
00108       if (!noIsolationPlots) plotiso.push_back(true);
00109       else plotiso.push_back(false);
00110     }
00111     nCandCuts.push_back(filterconf->getParameter<int>("ncandcut"));
00112     i++;
00113   } // END of loop over parameter sets
00115   // Record number of HLTCollectionLabels
00116   numOfHLTCollectionLabels = theHLTCollectionLabels.size();
00118 }
00122 //       method called once each job just before starting event loop          //
00124 void 
00125 EmDQM::beginJob()
00126 {
00128 }
00130 void 
00131 EmDQM::beginRun(edm::Run const &iRun, edm::EventSetup const &iSetup)
00132 {
00133    bool changed(true);
00134    if (hltConf_.init(iRun, iSetup, triggerobjwithrefs.process(), changed)) {
00136       // if init returns TRUE, initialisation has succeeded!
00138       //edm::Service<TFileService> fs;
00139       dbe->setCurrentFolder(dirname_);
00142       //  Set up Histogram of Effiency vs Step.                 //
00143       //   theHLTCollectionLabels is a vector of InputTags      //
00144       //    from the configuration file.                        //
00147       std::string histName="total_eff";
00148       std::string histTitle = "total events passing";
00149       if (!mcMatchedOnly) {
00150          // This plot will have bins equal to 2+(number of
00151          //        HLTCollectionLabels in the config file)
00152          total = dbe->book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),numOfHLTCollectionLabels+2,0,numOfHLTCollectionLabels+2);
00153          total->setBinLabel(numOfHLTCollectionLabels+1,"Total");
00154          total->setBinLabel(numOfHLTCollectionLabels+2,"Gen");
00155          for (unsigned int u=0; u<numOfHLTCollectionLabels; u++){total->setBinLabel(u+1,theHLTCollectionLabels[u].label().c_str());}
00156       }
00158       histName="total_eff_MC_matched";
00159       histTitle="total events passing (mc matched)";
00160       totalmatch = dbe->book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),numOfHLTCollectionLabels+2,0,numOfHLTCollectionLabels+2);
00161       totalmatch->setBinLabel(numOfHLTCollectionLabels+1,"Total");
00162       totalmatch->setBinLabel(numOfHLTCollectionLabels+2,"Gen");
00163       for (unsigned int u=0; u<numOfHLTCollectionLabels; u++){totalmatch->setBinLabel(u+1,theHLTCollectionLabels[u].label().c_str());}
00165       MonitorElement* tmphisto;
00166       MonitorElement* tmpiso;
00169       // Set up generator-level histograms                      //
00171       std::string pdgIdString;
00172       switch(pdgGen) {
00173       case 11:
00174         pdgIdString="Electron";break;
00175       case 22:
00176         pdgIdString="Photon";break;
00177       default:
00178         pdgIdString="Particle";
00179       }
00181       histName = "gen_et";
00182       histTitle= "E_{T} of " + pdgIdString + "s" ;
00183       etgen =  dbe->book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,plotPtMin,plotPtMax);
00184       histName = "gen_eta";
00185       histTitle= "#eta of "+ pdgIdString +"s " ;
00186       etagen = dbe->book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotEtaMax,plotEtaMax);
00187       histName = "gen_phi";
00188       histTitle= "#phi of "+ pdgIdString +"s " ;
00189       if (!noPhiPlots) phigen = dbe->book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotPhiMax,plotPhiMax);
00194       //  Set up histograms of HLT objects                      //
00197       // Determine what strings to use for histogram titles
00198       std::vector<std::string> HltHistTitle;
00199       if ( theHLTCollectionHumanNames.size() == numOfHLTCollectionLabels && useHumanReadableHistTitles ) {
00200         HltHistTitle = theHLTCollectionHumanNames;
00201       } else {
00202         for (unsigned int i =0; i < numOfHLTCollectionLabels; i++) {
00203           HltHistTitle.push_back(theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label());
00204         }
00205       }
00207       for(unsigned int i = 0; i< numOfHLTCollectionLabels ; i++){
00208         if (!mcMatchedOnly) {
00209            // Et distribution of HLT objects passing filter i
00210            histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"et_all";
00211            histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" Et (ALL)";
00212            tmphisto =  dbe->book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,plotPtMin,plotPtMax);
00213            ethist.push_back(tmphisto);
00215            // Eta distribution of HLT objects passing filter i
00216            histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"eta_all";
00217            histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" #eta (ALL)";
00218            tmphisto =  dbe->book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotEtaMax,plotEtaMax);
00219            etahist.push_back(tmphisto);          
00221            if (!noPhiPlots) {
00222              // Phi distribution of HLT objects passing filter i
00223              histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"phi_all";
00224              histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" #phi (ALL)";
00225              tmphisto =  dbe->book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotPhiMax,plotPhiMax);
00226              phihist.push_back(tmphisto);
00227            }
00230            // Et distribution of HLT object that is closest delta-R match to sorted gen particle(s)
00231            histName  = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"et";
00232            histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" Et";
00233            tmphisto  = dbe->book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,plotPtMin,plotPtMax);
00234            histEtOfHltObjMatchToGen.push_back(tmphisto);
00236            // eta distribution of HLT object that is closest delta-R match to sorted gen particle(s)
00237            histName  = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"eta";
00238            histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" eta";
00239            tmphisto  = dbe->book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotEtaMax,plotEtaMax);
00240            histEtaOfHltObjMatchToGen.push_back(tmphisto);
00242            if (!noPhiPlots) {
00243              // phi distribution of HLT object that is closest delta-R match to sorted gen particle(s)
00244              histName  = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"phi";
00245              histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" phi";
00246              tmphisto  = dbe->book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotPhiMax,plotPhiMax);
00247              histPhiOfHltObjMatchToGen.push_back(tmphisto);
00248            }
00249        }
00251         // Et distribution of gen object matching HLT object passing filter i
00252         histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"et_MC_matched";
00253         histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" Et (MC matched)";
00254         tmphisto =  dbe->book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,plotPtMin,plotPtMax);
00255         ethistmatch.push_back(tmphisto);
00257         // Eta distribution of gen object matching HLT object passing filter i
00258         histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"eta_MC_matched";
00259         histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" #eta (MC matched)";
00260         tmphisto =  dbe->book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotEtaMax,plotEtaMax);
00261         etahistmatch.push_back(tmphisto);
00263         if (!noPhiPlots) {
00264           // Phi distribution of gen object matching HLT object passing filter i
00265           histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"phi_MC_matched";
00266           histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" #phi (MC matched)";
00267           tmphisto =  dbe->book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotPhiMax,plotPhiMax);
00268           phihistmatch.push_back(tmphisto);
00269         }
00272         if (!plotiso[i]) {
00273           tmpiso = NULL;
00274           if (!mcMatchedOnly) {
00275              etahistiso.push_back(tmpiso);
00276              phihistiso.push_back(tmpiso);
00277              ethistiso.push_back(tmpiso);
00278              histEtaIsoOfHltObjMatchToGen.push_back(tmpiso);
00279              histPhiIsoOfHltObjMatchToGen.push_back(tmpiso);
00280              histEtIsoOfHltObjMatchToGen.push_back(tmpiso);
00281           }
00282           etahistisomatch.push_back(tmpiso);
00283           phihistisomatch.push_back(tmpiso);
00284           ethistisomatch.push_back(tmpiso);
00285         } else {
00286           if (!mcMatchedOnly) {
00287              // 2D plot: Isolation values vs eta for all objects
00288              histName  = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"eta_isolation_all";
00289              histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs #eta (all)";
00290              tmpiso    = dbe->book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotEtaMax,plotEtaMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
00291              etahistiso.push_back(tmpiso);
00293              // 2D plot: Isolation values vs phi for all objects
00294              histName  = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"phi_isolation_all";
00295              histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs #phi (all)";
00296              tmpiso    = dbe->book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotPhiMax,plotPhiMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
00297              phihistiso.push_back(tmpiso);
00299              // 2D plot: Isolation values vs et for all objects
00300              histName  = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"et_isolation_all";
00301              histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs Et (all)";
00302              tmpiso    = dbe->book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,plotPtMin,plotPtMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
00303              ethistiso.push_back(tmpiso);
00305              // 2D plot: Isolation values vs eta for HLT object that 
00306              // is closest delta-R match to sorted gen particle(s)
00307              histName  = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"eta_isolation";
00308              histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs #eta";
00309              tmpiso    = dbe->book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotEtaMax,plotEtaMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
00310              histEtaIsoOfHltObjMatchToGen.push_back(tmpiso);
00312              // 2D plot: Isolation values vs phi for HLT object that
00313              // is closest delta-R match to sorted gen particle(s)
00314              histName  = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"phi_isolation";
00315              histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs #phi";
00316              tmpiso    = dbe->book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotPhiMax,plotPhiMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
00317              histPhiIsoOfHltObjMatchToGen.push_back(tmpiso);
00319              // 2D plot: Isolation values vs et for HLT object that 
00320              // is closest delta-R match to sorted gen particle(s)
00321              histName  = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"et_isolation";
00322              histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs Et";
00323              tmpiso    = dbe->book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,plotPtMin,plotPtMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
00324              histEtIsoOfHltObjMatchToGen.push_back(tmpiso);
00325           }
00327           // 2D plot: Isolation values vs eta for matched objects
00328           histName  = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"eta_isolation_MC_matched";
00329           histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs #eta (mc matched)";
00330           tmpiso    = dbe->book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotEtaMax,plotEtaMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
00331           etahistisomatch.push_back(tmpiso);
00333           // 2D plot: Isolation values vs phi for matched objects
00334           histName  = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"phi_isolation_MC_matched";
00335           histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs #phi (mc matched)";
00336           tmpiso    = dbe->book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotPhiMax,plotPhiMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
00337           phihistisomatch.push_back(tmpiso);
00340           // 2D plot: Isolation values vs et for matched objects
00341           histName  = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"et_isolation_MC_matched";
00342           histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs Et (mc matched)";
00343           tmpiso    = dbe->book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,plotPtMin,plotPtMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
00344           ethistisomatch.push_back(tmpiso);
00346         } // END of HLT histograms
00348       }
00350       if (changed) {
00351          // The HLT config has actually changed wrt the previous Run, hence rebook your
00352          // histograms or do anything else dependent on the revised HLT config
00353       }
00354    } else {
00355       // if init returns FALSE, initialisation has NOT succeeded, which indicates a problem
00356       // with the file and/or code and needs to be investigated!
00357       if (verbosity >= OUTPUT_ERRORS)
00358          edm::LogError("EmDQM") << " HLT config extraction failure with process name '" << triggerobjwithrefs.process() << "'.";
00359       // In this case, all access methods will return empty values!
00360    }
00361 }
00364 //                                Destructor                                  //
00366 EmDQM::~EmDQM(){
00367 }
00370 bool EmDQM::checkGeneratedParticlesRequirement(const edm::Event & event)
00371 {
00373    // Decide if this was an event of interest.               //
00374    //  Did the highest energy particles happen               //
00375    //  to have |eta| < 2.5 ?  Then continue.                 //
00377    edm::Handle< edm::View<reco::Candidate> > genParticles;
00378    event.getByLabel("genParticles", genParticles);
00379    if(!genParticles.isValid()) {
00380      if (verbosity >= OUTPUT_WARNINGS)
00381         edm::LogWarning("EmDQM") << "genParticles invalid.";
00382      return false;
00383    }
00385    std::vector<reco::LeafCandidate> allSortedGenParticles;
00387    for(edm::View<reco::Candidate>::const_iterator currentGenParticle = genParticles->begin(); currentGenParticle != genParticles->end(); currentGenParticle++){
00389      // TODO: do we need to check the states here again ?
00390      // in principle, there should collections produced with the python configuration
00391      // (other than 'genParticles') which fulfill these criteria
00392      if (  !( abs((*currentGenParticle).pdgId())==pdgGen  && (*currentGenParticle).status()==1 && (*currentGenParticle).et() > 2.0)  )  continue;
00394      reco::LeafCandidate tmpcand( *(currentGenParticle) );
00396      if ( < plotEtMin) continue;
00398      allSortedGenParticles.push_back(tmpcand);
00399    }
00401    std::sort(allSortedGenParticles.begin(), allSortedGenParticles.end(),pTGenComparator_);
00403    // return false if not enough particles found
00404    if (allSortedGenParticles.size() < gencut_)
00405      return false;
00407    // additional check (this might be legacy code and we need to check
00408    // whether this should not be removed ?)
00410    // We now have a sorted collection of all generated particles
00411    // with pdgId = pdgGen.
00412    // Loop over them to see if the top gen particles have eta within acceptance
00413   // bool keepEvent = true;
00414    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < gencut_ ; i++ ) {
00415      bool inECALgap = fabs(allSortedGenParticles[i].eta()) > 1.4442 && fabs(allSortedGenParticles[i].eta()) < 1.556;
00416      if ( (fabs(allSortedGenParticles[i].eta()) > genEtaAcc) || inECALgap ) {
00417        //edm::LogWarning("EmDQM") << "Throwing event away. Gen particle with pdgId="<< allSortedGenParticles[i].pdgId() <<"; et="<< allSortedGenParticles[i].et() <<"; and eta="<< allSortedGenParticles[i].eta() <<" beyond acceptance.";
00418        return false;
00419      }
00420    }
00422    // all tests passed
00423    return true;
00424 }
00427 bool EmDQM::checkRecoParticlesRequirement(const edm::Event & event)
00428 {
00429   // note that this code is very similar to the one in checkGeneratedParticlesRequirement(..)
00430   // and hopefully can be merged with it at some point in the future
00432   edm::Handle< edm::View<reco::Candidate> > referenceParticles;
00433   event.getByLabel(gencutCollection_,referenceParticles);
00434   if(!referenceParticles.isValid()) {
00435      if (verbosity >= OUTPUT_WARNINGS)
00436         edm::LogWarning("EmDQM") << "referenceParticles invalid.";
00437      return false;
00438   }
00440   std::vector<const reco::Candidate *> allSortedReferenceParticles;
00442   for(edm::View<reco::Candidate>::const_iterator currentReferenceParticle = referenceParticles->begin();
00443       currentReferenceParticle != referenceParticles->end();
00444       currentReferenceParticle++)
00445   {
00446      if ( currentReferenceParticle->et() <= 2.0)
00447        continue;
00449      // Note that for determining the overall efficiency,
00450      // we should only allow
00451      //
00452      // HOWEVER: for turn-on curves, we need to let
00453      //          more electrons pass
00454      if (currentReferenceParticle->et() < plotEtMin)
00455        continue;
00457      // TODO: instead of filling a new vector we could simply count here...
00458      allSortedReferenceParticles.push_back(&(*currentReferenceParticle));
00459   }
00461    // std::sort(allSortedReferenceParticles.begin(), allSortedReferenceParticles.end(),pTComparator_);
00463    // return false if not enough particles found
00464    return allSortedReferenceParticles.size() >= gencut_;
00465 }
00469 //                     method called to for each event                        //
00471 void 
00472 EmDQM::analyze(const edm::Event & event , const edm::EventSetup& setup)
00473 {
00475   //           Check if there's enough gen particles        //
00476   //             of interest                                //
00478   edm::Handle< edm::View<reco::Candidate> > cutCounter;
00479   event.getByLabel(gencutCollection_,cutCounter);
00480   if (cutCounter->size() < (unsigned int)gencut_) {
00481     //edm::LogWarning("EmDQM") << "Less than "<< gencut_ <<" gen particles with pdgId=" << pdgGen;
00482     return;
00483   }
00486   // fill L1 and HLT info
00487   // get objects possed by each filter
00488   edm::Handle<trigger::TriggerEventWithRefs> triggerObj;
00489   event.getByLabel(triggerobjwithrefs,triggerObj);
00490   if(!triggerObj.isValid()) {
00491     if (verbosity >= OUTPUT_WARNINGS)
00492        edm::LogWarning("EmDQM") << "parameter triggerobject (" << triggerobjwithrefs << ") does not corresond to a valid TriggerEventWithRefs product. Please check especially the process name (e.g. when running over reprocessed datasets)";
00493     return;
00494   }
00496   // Were enough high energy gen particles found?
00497   if (event.isRealData())
00498     {
00499       // running validation on data.
00500       // TODO: we should check that the entire
00501       //       run is on the same type (all data or
00502       //       all MC). Otherwise one gets
00503       //       uninterpretable results...
00504       if (!checkRecoParticlesRequirement(event))
00505         return;
00506     }
00507   else
00508     {
00509       // MC
00510       if (!checkGeneratedParticlesRequirement(event))
00511         // if no, throw event away
00512         return;
00513     }
00516   // It was an event worth keeping. Continue.
00519   //  Fill the bin labeled "Total"                          //
00520   //   This will be the number of events looked at.         //
00522   if (!mcMatchedOnly) total->Fill(numOfHLTCollectionLabels+0.5);
00523   totalmatch->Fill(numOfHLTCollectionLabels+0.5);
00527   //               Fill generator info                      //
00529   // the gencut_ highest Et generator objects of the preselected type are our matches
00531   std::vector<reco::Particle> sortedGen;
00532   for(edm::View<reco::Candidate>::const_iterator genpart = cutCounter->begin(); genpart != cutCounter->end();genpart++){
00533     reco::Particle tmpcand(  genpart->charge(), genpart->p4(), genpart->vertex(),genpart->pdgId(),genpart->status() );
00534     if ( >= plotEtMin) {
00535       sortedGen.push_back(tmpcand);
00536     }
00537   }
00538   std::sort(sortedGen.begin(),sortedGen.end(),pTComparator_ );
00540   // Now the collection of gen particles is sorted by pt.
00541   // So, remove all particles from the collection so that we 
00542   // only have the top "1 thru gencut_" particles in it
00543   if (sortedGen.size() < gencut_){
00544     return;
00545   }
00546   sortedGen.erase(sortedGen.begin()+gencut_,sortedGen.end());
00548   for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < gencut_ ; i++ ) {
00549     etgen ->Fill( sortedGen[i].et()  ); //validity has been implicitily checked by the cut on gencut_ above
00550     if (sortedGen[i].et() > plotMinEtForEtaEffPlot) {
00551       etagen->Fill( sortedGen[i].eta() );
00552       if (!noPhiPlots) phigen->Fill( sortedGen[i].phi() );
00553     }
00554   } // END of loop over Generated particles
00555   if (gencut_ >= reqNum && !mcMatchedOnly) total->Fill(numOfHLTCollectionLabels+1.5); // this isn't really needed anymore keep for backward comp.
00556   if (gencut_ >= reqNum) totalmatch->Fill(numOfHLTCollectionLabels+1.5); // this isn't really needed anymore keep for backward comp.
00558   bool accepted = true;  // flags that the event has been accepted by all filters before
00559   edm::Handle<edm::TriggerResults> hltResults;
00560   event.getByLabel(edm::InputTag("TriggerResults","", triggerobjwithrefs.process()), hltResults);
00562   //            Loop over filter modules                    //
00564   for(unsigned int n=0; n < numOfHLTCollectionLabels ; n++) {
00565     // check that there are not less sortedGen particles than nCandCut requires for this filter
00566     if (sortedGen.size() < {
00567        if (verbosity >= OUTPUT_ERRORS)
00568           edm::LogError("EmDQM") << "There are less generated particles than the module '" << theHLTCollectionLabels[n].label() << "' requires.";
00569        continue;
00570     }
00571     std::vector<reco::Particle> sortedGenForFilter(sortedGen);
00572     sortedGenForFilter.erase(sortedGenForFilter.begin() +, sortedGenForFilter.end());
00574     // Fill only if this filter was run.
00575     if (pathIndex != 0 && hltConf_.moduleIndex(pathIndex, theHLTCollectionLabels[n].label()) > hltResults->index(pathIndex)) break;
00576     // These numbers are from the Parameter Set, such as:
00577     //   theHLTOutputTypes = cms.uint32(100)
00578     switch(theHLTOutputTypes[n]) 
00579     {
00580       case trigger::TriggerL1NoIsoEG: // Non-isolated Level 1
00581         fillHistos<l1extra::L1EmParticleCollection>(triggerObj,event,n,sortedGenForFilter,accepted);break;
00582       case trigger::TriggerL1IsoEG: // Isolated Level 1
00583         fillHistos<l1extra::L1EmParticleCollection>(triggerObj,event,n,sortedGenForFilter,accepted);break;
00584       case trigger::TriggerPhoton: // Photon 
00585         fillHistos<reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection>(triggerObj,event,n,sortedGenForFilter,accepted);break;
00586       case trigger::TriggerElectron: // Electron 
00587         fillHistos<reco::ElectronCollection>(triggerObj,event,n,sortedGenForFilter,accepted);break;
00588       case trigger::TriggerCluster: // TriggerCluster
00589         fillHistos<reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection>(triggerObj,event,n,sortedGenForFilter,accepted);break;
00590       default: 
00591         throw(cms::Exception("Release Validation Error") << "HLT output type not implemented: theHLTOutputTypes[n]" );
00592     }
00593   } // END of loop over filter modules
00594 }
00598 // fillHistos                                                                 //
00599 //   Called by analyze method.                                                //
00601 template <class T> void EmDQM::fillHistos(edm::Handle<trigger::TriggerEventWithRefs>& triggerObj,const edm::Event& iEvent ,unsigned int n,std::vector<reco::Particle>& sortedGen, bool &accepted)
00602 {
00603   std::vector<edm::Ref<T> > recoecalcands;
00604   if ( ( triggerObj->filterIndex(theHLTCollectionLabels[n])>=triggerObj->size() )){ // only process if available
00605     hltCollectionLabelsMissed.insert(theHLTCollectionLabels[n].encode());
00606     accepted = false;
00607     return;
00608   }
00610   hltCollectionLabelsFound.insert(theHLTCollectionLabels[n].encode());
00613   //      Retrieve saved filter objects                     //
00615   triggerObj->getObjects(triggerObj->filterIndex(theHLTCollectionLabels[n]),theHLTOutputTypes[n],recoecalcands);
00616   //Danger: special case, L1 non-isolated
00617   // needs to be merged with L1 iso
00618   if (theHLTOutputTypes[n] == trigger::TriggerL1NoIsoEG){
00619     std::vector<edm::Ref<T> > isocands;
00620     triggerObj->getObjects(triggerObj->filterIndex(theHLTCollectionLabels[n]),trigger::TriggerL1IsoEG,isocands);
00621     if (isocands.size()>0) 
00622       {
00623         for (unsigned int i=0; i < isocands.size(); i++)
00624           recoecalcands.push_back(isocands[i]);
00625       }
00626   } // END of if theHLTOutputTypes == 82
00629   if (recoecalcands.size() < 1){ // stop if no object passed the previous filter
00630     accepted = false;
00631     return;
00632   }
00634   //if (recoecalcands.size() >= reqNum ) 
00635   if (recoecalcands.size() >= && !mcMatchedOnly) 
00636     total->Fill(n+0.5);
00639   // check for validity                            //
00640   // prevents crash in CMSSW_3_1_0_pre6            //
00642   for (unsigned int j=0; j<recoecalcands.size(); j++){
00643     if(!({
00644       if (verbosity >= OUTPUT_ERRORS)
00645          edm::LogError("EmDQMInvalidRefs") << "Event content inconsistent: TriggerEventWithRefs contains invalid Refs. Invalid refs for: " << theHLTCollectionLabels[n].label() << ". The collection that this module uses may has been dropped in the event.";
00646       return;
00647     }
00648   }
00650   if (!mcMatchedOnly) {
00652     // Loop over the Generated Particles, and find the        //
00653     // closest HLT object match.                              //
00655     //for (unsigned int i=0; i < gencut_; i++) {
00656     for (unsigned int i=0; i <; i++) {
00657       math::XYZVector currentGenParticleMomentum = sortedGen[i].momentum();
00659       float closestDeltaR = 0.5;
00660       int closestEcalCandIndex = -1;
00661       for (unsigned int j=0; j<recoecalcands.size(); j++) {
00662         float deltaR = DeltaR(recoecalcands[j]->momentum(),currentGenParticleMomentum);
00664         if (deltaR < closestDeltaR) {
00665           closestDeltaR = deltaR;
00666           closestEcalCandIndex = j;
00667         }
00668       }
00670       // If an HLT object was found within some delta-R
00671       // of this gen particle, store it in a histogram
00672       if ( closestEcalCandIndex >= 0 ) {
00673         histEtOfHltObjMatchToGen[n] ->Fill( recoecalcands[closestEcalCandIndex]->et()  );
00674         histEtaOfHltObjMatchToGen[n]->Fill( recoecalcands[closestEcalCandIndex]->eta() );
00675         if (!noPhiPlots) histPhiOfHltObjMatchToGen[n]->Fill( recoecalcands[closestEcalCandIndex]->phi() );
00677         // Also store isolation info
00678         if (n+1 < numOfHLTCollectionLabels){ // can't plot beyond last
00679           if (plotiso[n+1] ){  // only plot if requested in config
00680             for (unsigned int j =  0 ; j < isoNames[n+1].size() ;j++  ){
00681               edm::Handle<edm::AssociationMap<edm::OneToValue< T , float > > > depMap; 
00682               iEvent.getByLabel(isoNames[n+1].at(j),depMap);
00683               if (depMap.isValid()){ //Map may not exist if only one candidate passes a double filter
00684                 typename edm::AssociationMap<edm::OneToValue< T , float > >::const_iterator mapi = depMap->find(recoecalcands[closestEcalCandIndex]);
00685                 if (mapi!=depMap->end()) {  // found candidate in isolation map! 
00686                   histEtaIsoOfHltObjMatchToGen[n+1]->Fill( recoecalcands[closestEcalCandIndex]->eta(),mapi->val);
00687                   histPhiIsoOfHltObjMatchToGen[n+1]->Fill( recoecalcands[closestEcalCandIndex]->phi(),mapi->val);
00688                   histEtIsoOfHltObjMatchToGen[n+1] ->Fill( recoecalcands[closestEcalCandIndex]->et(), mapi->val);
00689                 }
00690               }
00691             }
00692           }
00693         }
00694       } // END of if closestEcalCandIndex >= 0
00695     }
00698     //  Loop over all HLT objects in this filter step, and    //
00699     //  fill histograms.                                      //
00701     //  bool foundAllMatches = false;
00702     //  unsigned int numOfHLTobjectsMatched = 0;
00703     for (unsigned int i=0; i<recoecalcands.size(); i++) {
00705       //float closestGenParticleDr = 99.0;
00706       //for(unsigned int j =0; j < gencut_; j++) {
00707       //  math::XYZVector currentGenParticle = sortedGen[j].momentum();
00709       //  double currentDeltaR = DeltaR(recoecalcands[i]->momentum(),currentGenParticle);
00710       //  if ( currentDeltaR < closestGenParticleDr ) {
00711       //    closestGenParticleDr = currentDeltaR;
00712       //  }
00713       //}
00715       //if ( !(fabs(closestGenParticleDr < 0.3)) ) continue;
00717       //numOfHLTobjectsMatched++;
00718       //if (numOfHLTobjectsMatched >= gencut_) foundAllMatches=true;
00720       // Fill HLT object histograms
00721       ethist[n] ->Fill(recoecalcands[i]->et() );
00722       etahist[n]->Fill(recoecalcands[i]->eta() );
00723       if (!noPhiPlots) phihist[n]->Fill(recoecalcands[i]->phi() );
00726       //  Plot isolation variables (show the not-yet-cut        //
00727       //  isolation, i.e. associated to next filter)            //
00729       if ( n+1 < numOfHLTCollectionLabels ) { // can't plot beyond last
00730         if (plotiso[n+1]) {
00731           for (unsigned int j =  0 ; j < isoNames[n+1].size() ;j++  ){
00732             edm::Handle<edm::AssociationMap<edm::OneToValue< T , float > > > depMap; 
00733             iEvent.getByLabel(isoNames[n+1].at(j),depMap);
00734             if (depMap.isValid()){ //Map may not exist if only one candidate passes a double filter
00735               typename edm::AssociationMap<edm::OneToValue< T , float > >::const_iterator mapi = depMap->find(recoecalcands[i]);
00736               if (mapi!=depMap->end()){  // found candidate in isolation map! 
00737                 etahistiso[n+1]->Fill(recoecalcands[i]->eta(),mapi->val);
00738                 phihistiso[n+1]->Fill(recoecalcands[i]->phi(),mapi->val);
00739                 ethistiso[n+1]->Fill(recoecalcands[i]->et(),mapi->val);
00740               }
00741             }
00742           }
00743         }
00744       } // END of if n+1 < then the number of hlt collections
00745     }
00746   }
00750   //        Fill mc matched objects into histograms         //
00752   unsigned int mtachedMcParts = 0;
00753   float mindist=0.3;
00754   if(n==0) mindist=0.5; //low L1-resolution => allow wider matching 
00755   for(unsigned int i =0; i <; ++i){
00756     //match generator candidate
00757     bool matchThis= false;
00758     math::XYZVector candDir=sortedGen[i].momentum();
00759     unsigned int closest = 0;
00760     double closestDr = 1000.;
00761     for(unsigned int trigOb = 0 ; trigOb < recoecalcands.size(); ++trigOb){
00762       double dr = DeltaR(recoecalcands[trigOb]->momentum(),candDir);
00763       if (dr < closestDr) {
00764         closestDr = dr;
00765         closest = trigOb;
00766       }
00767       if (closestDr > mindist) { // it's not really a "match" if it's that far away
00768         closest = -1;
00769       } else {
00770         mtachedMcParts++;
00771         matchThis = true;
00772       }
00773     }
00774     if ( !matchThis ) {
00775       accepted = false;
00776       continue; // only plot matched candidates
00777     }
00778     // fill coordinates of mc particle matching trigger object
00779     ethistmatch[n] ->Fill( sortedGen[i].et()  );
00780     if (sortedGen[i].et() > plotMinEtForEtaEffPlot) {
00781       etahistmatch[n]->Fill( sortedGen[i].eta() );
00782       if (!noPhiPlots) phihistmatch[n]->Fill( sortedGen[i].phi() );
00783     }
00785     //  Plot isolation variables (show the not-yet-cut        //
00786     //  isolation, i.e. associated to next filter)            //
00788     if (n+1 < numOfHLTCollectionLabels){ // can't plot beyond last
00789       if (plotiso[n+1] ){  // only plot if requested in config
00790         for (unsigned int j =  0 ; j < isoNames[n+1].size() ;j++  ){
00791           edm::Handle<edm::AssociationMap<edm::OneToValue< T , float > > > depMap; 
00792           iEvent.getByLabel(isoNames[n+1].at(j),depMap);
00793           if (depMap.isValid()){ //Map may not exist if only one candidate passes a double filter
00794             typename edm::AssociationMap<edm::OneToValue< T , float > >::const_iterator mapi = depMap->find(recoecalcands[closest]);
00795             if (mapi!=depMap->end()){  // found candidate in isolation map!
00796               // Only make efficiency plot using photons with some min Et
00797               etahistisomatch[n+1]->Fill(sortedGen[i].eta(),mapi->val);
00798               phihistisomatch[n+1]->Fill(sortedGen[i].phi(),mapi->val);
00799               ethistisomatch[n+1]->Fill(sortedGen[i].et(),mapi->val);
00800             }
00801           }
00802         }
00803       }
00804     } // END of if n+1 < then the number of hlt collections
00805   }
00806   // fill total mc matched efficiency
00808   if (mtachedMcParts >= && accepted == true)
00809     totalmatch->Fill(n+0.5);
00810 }
00812 void 
00813 EmDQM::endRun(edm::Run const &iRun, edm::EventSetup const &iSetup)
00814 {
00815   // print information about hltCollectionLabels which were not found
00816   // (but only those which were never found)
00818   // check which ones were never found
00819   std::vector<std::string> labelsNeverFound;
00822   // for (std::set<edm::InputTag>::const_iterator it = hltCollectionLabelsMissed.begin(); it != hltCollectionLabelsMissed.end(); ++it)
00823   BOOST_FOREACH(const edm::InputTag &tag, hltCollectionLabelsMissed)
00824   {
00825     if (hltCollectionLabelsFound.count(tag.encode()) == 0)
00826       // never found
00827       labelsNeverFound.push_back(tag.encode());
00829   } // loop over all tags which were missed at least once
00831   if (labelsNeverFound.empty())
00832     return;
00834   std::sort(labelsNeverFound.begin(), labelsNeverFound.end());
00836   // there was at least one label which was never found
00837   // (note that this could also be because the corresponding
00838   // trigger path slowly fades out to zero efficiency)
00839   if (verbosity >= OUTPUT_WARNINGS)
00840      edm::LogWarning("EmDQM") << "There were some HLTCollectionLabels which were never found:";
00842   BOOST_FOREACH(const edm::InputTag &tag, labelsNeverFound)
00843   {
00844     if (verbosity >= OUTPUT_ALL)
00845        edm::LogPrint("EmDQM") << "  " << tag;
00846   }
00847 }
00850 //      method called once each job just after ending the event loop          //
00852 void EmDQM::endJob()
00853 {
00855 }
00857 //----------------------------------------------------------------------