
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  *  File: DataFormats/Scalers/interface/ScalersRaw.h   (W.Badgett)
00003  *
00004  *  Description of the raw data from the Scalers FED
00005  *
00006  */
00008 #ifndef SCALERSRAW_H
00009 #define SCALERSRAW_H
00011 #include <ostream>
00012 #include <vector>
00021 #pragma pack(push)
00022 #pragma pack(4)
00027 class ScalersRaw
00028 {
00029  public:
00030   enum
00031   {
00032     N_L1_TRIGGERS_v1      = 128,
00033     N_L1_TEST_TRIGGERS_v1 = 64,
00034     N_LUMI_OCC_v1         = 2,
00035     N_BX_v2               = 4,
00036     N_BX_v6               = 8,
00037     N_SPARE_v5            = 3,
00038     I_SPARE_PILEUP_v7     = 0,
00039     I_SPARE_PILEUPRMS_v7  = 1,
00040     I_SPARE_BUNCHLUMI_v8  = 2,
00041     I_SPARE_SPARE_v8      = 3,
00042     SCALERS_FED_ID        = 735
00043   };
00044 };
00046 struct TriggerScalersRaw_v1
00047 {
00048   unsigned int       collectionTimeSpecial_sec;
00049   unsigned int       collectionTimeSpecial_nsec;
00050   unsigned int       ORBIT_NUMBER;          /* ORBITNR          */
00051   unsigned int       LUMINOSITY_SEGMENT;
00052   unsigned short     BC_ERRORS;            
00054   unsigned int       collectionTimeSummary_sec;
00055   unsigned int       collectionTimeSummary_nsec;
00056   unsigned int       TRIGGER_NR;            /* TRIGNR_          */
00057   unsigned int       EVENT_NR;              /* EVNR             */
00058   unsigned int       FINOR_DISTRIBUTED;     /* PHYS_L1A      ?? */
00059   unsigned int       CAL_TRIGGER;           /* CAL_L1A_         */
00060   unsigned int       RANDOM_TRIGGER;        /* RNDM_L1A_        */
00061   unsigned int       TEST_TRIGGER;          /* TECHTRIG_        */
00062   unsigned int       FINOR_GENERATED;       /* FINOR_        ?? */
00063   unsigned int       FINOR_IN_INVALID_BC;   /* LOST_BC_      ?? */
00064   unsigned long long DEADTIME;              /* DEADT_           */
00065   unsigned long long LOST_FINOR;            /* LOST_TRIG_    ?? */
00066   unsigned long long DEADTIMEA;             /* DEADT_A          */
00067   unsigned long long LOST_FINORA;           /* LOST_TRIG_A   ?? */
00068   unsigned long long PRIV_DEADTIMEA;        /* DEADT_PRIV_A     */
00069   unsigned long long PTCSTATUS_DEADTIMEA;   /* DEADT_PSTATUS_A  */
00070   unsigned long long THROTTLE_DEADTIMEA;    /* DEADT_THROTTLE_A */
00071   unsigned long long CALIBRATION_DEADTIMEA; /* DEADT_CALIBR_A   */
00072   unsigned long long TIMESLOT_DEADTIMEA;    /*                  */
00073   unsigned int       NR_OF_RESETS;          /* NR_RESETS_       */
00075   unsigned int       collectionTimeDetails_sec;
00076   unsigned int       collectionTimeDetails_nsec;
00077   unsigned int       ALGO_RATE[ScalersRaw::N_L1_TRIGGERS_v1];
00078   unsigned int       TEST_RATE[ScalersRaw::N_L1_TEST_TRIGGERS_v1];
00079 };
00081 struct TriggerScalersRaw_v3
00082 {
00083   unsigned int collectionTime_sec;
00084   unsigned int collectionTime_nsec;
00085   unsigned int lumiSegmentNr;
00086   unsigned int lumiSegmentOrbits;
00087   unsigned int orbitNr;
00088   unsigned int gtResets;
00089   unsigned int bunchCrossingErrors;
00090   unsigned long long gtTriggers;
00091   unsigned long long gtEvents;
00092   float gtTriggersRate;
00093   float gtEventsRate;
00094   int prescaleIndexAlgo;
00095   int prescaleIndexTech;
00097   unsigned int collectionTimeLumiSeg_sec;
00098   unsigned int collectionTimeLumiSeg_nsec;
00099   unsigned int lumiSegmentNrLumiSeg;
00100   unsigned long long triggersPhysicsGeneratedFDL;
00101   unsigned long long triggersPhysicsLost;
00102   unsigned long long triggersPhysicsLostBeamActive;
00103   unsigned long long triggersPhysicsLostBeamInactive;
00104   unsigned long long l1AsPhysics;
00105   unsigned long long l1AsRandom;
00106   unsigned long long l1AsTest;
00107   unsigned long long l1AsCalibration;
00108   unsigned long long deadtime;
00109   unsigned long long deadtimeBeamActive;
00110   unsigned long long deadtimeBeamActiveTriggerRules;
00111   unsigned long long deadtimeBeamActiveCalibration;
00112   unsigned long long deadtimeBeamActivePrivateOrbit;
00113   unsigned long long deadtimeBeamActivePartitionController;
00114   unsigned long long deadtimeBeamActiveTimeSlot;
00116   unsigned int gtAlgoCounts[ScalersRaw::N_L1_TRIGGERS_v1];
00117   unsigned int gtTechCounts[ScalersRaw::N_L1_TEST_TRIGGERS_v1];
00118 };
00120 struct LumiScalersRaw_v1
00121 {
00122   unsigned int collectionTime_sec;
00123   unsigned int collectionTime_nsec;
00124   float DeadtimeNormalization;
00125   float Normalization;
00127   float LumiFill;
00128   float LumiRun;
00129   float LiveLumiFill;
00130   float LiveLumiRun;
00131   float InstantLumi;
00132   float InstantLumiErr;
00133   unsigned char InstantLumiQlty;
00135   float LumiETFill;
00136   float LumiETRun;
00137   float LiveLumiETFill;
00138   float LiveLumiETRun;
00139   float InstantETLumi;
00140   float InstantETLumiErr;
00141   unsigned char InstantETLumiQlty;
00143   float LumiOccFill[ScalersRaw::N_LUMI_OCC_v1];
00144   float LumiOccRun[ScalersRaw::N_LUMI_OCC_v1];
00145   float LiveLumiOccFill[ScalersRaw::N_LUMI_OCC_v1];
00146   float LiveLumiOccRun[ScalersRaw::N_LUMI_OCC_v1];
00147   float InstantOccLumi[ScalersRaw::N_LUMI_OCC_v1];
00148   float InstantOccLumiErr[ScalersRaw::N_LUMI_OCC_v1];
00149   unsigned char InstantOccLumiQlty[ScalersRaw::N_LUMI_OCC_v1];
00150   float lumiNoise[ScalersRaw::N_LUMI_OCC_v1];
00152   unsigned int sectionNumber;
00153   unsigned int startOrbit;
00154   unsigned int numOrbits;
00155 };
00157 struct BeamSpotOnlineRaw_v4
00158 {
00159   unsigned int collectionTime_sec;
00160   unsigned int collectionTime_nsec;
00161   float x;
00162   float y;
00163   float z;
00164   float dxdz;
00165   float dydz;
00166   float err_x;
00167   float err_y;
00168   float err_z;
00169   float err_dxdz;
00170   float err_dydz;
00171   float width_x;
00172   float width_y;
00173   float sigma_z;
00174   float err_width_x;
00175   float err_width_y;
00176   float err_sigma_z;
00177 };
00179 struct DcsStatusRaw_v4
00180 {
00181   unsigned int collectionTime_sec;
00182   unsigned int collectionTime_nsec;
00183   unsigned int ready;
00184   float magnetCurrent;
00185   float magnetTemperature;
00186 };
00188 struct ScalersEventRecordRaw_v1
00189 {
00190   unsigned long long header;
00191   int version;
00192   struct TriggerScalersRaw_v1 trig;
00193   struct LumiScalersRaw_v1    lumi;
00194   unsigned int filler;
00195   unsigned long long trailer;
00196 };
00198 struct ScalersEventRecordRaw_v2
00199 {
00200   unsigned long long header;
00201   int version;
00202   struct TriggerScalersRaw_v1 trig;
00203   struct LumiScalersRaw_v1    lumi;
00204   unsigned int filler;
00205   unsigned long long bx[ScalersRaw::N_BX_v2];
00206   unsigned long long trailer;
00207 };
00209 struct ScalersEventRecordRaw_v3
00210 {
00211   unsigned long long header;
00212   int version;
00213   struct TriggerScalersRaw_v3 trig;
00214   struct LumiScalersRaw_v1    lumi;
00215   unsigned int filler;
00216   unsigned long long bx[ScalersRaw::N_BX_v2];
00217   unsigned long long trailer;
00218 };
00220 struct ScalersEventRecordRaw_v4
00221 {
00222   unsigned long long header;
00223   int version;
00224   struct TriggerScalersRaw_v3 trig;
00225   struct LumiScalersRaw_v1    lumi;
00226   struct BeamSpotOnlineRaw_v4 beamSpotOnline;
00227   struct DcsStatusRaw_v4      dcsStatus;
00228   unsigned long long bx[ScalersRaw::N_BX_v2];
00229   unsigned long long trailer;
00230 };
00233 struct ScalersEventRecordRaw_v5
00234 {
00235   unsigned long long          header;
00236   int                         version;
00237   struct TriggerScalersRaw_v3 trig;
00238   struct LumiScalersRaw_v1    lumi;
00239   struct BeamSpotOnlineRaw_v4 beamSpotOnline;
00240   struct DcsStatusRaw_v4      dcsStatus;
00241   unsigned int                lastOrbitCounter0;
00242   unsigned int                lastTestEnable;
00243   unsigned int                lastResync;
00244   unsigned int                lastStart;
00245   unsigned int                lastEventCounter0;
00246   unsigned int                lastHardReset;
00247   unsigned long long          spare[ScalersRaw::N_SPARE_v5];
00248   unsigned long long          bx[ScalersRaw::N_BX_v2];
00249   unsigned long long          trailer;
00250 };
00252 struct ScalersEventRecordRaw_v6
00253 {
00254   unsigned long long          header;
00255   int                         version;
00256   struct TriggerScalersRaw_v3 trig;
00257   struct LumiScalersRaw_v1    lumi;
00258   struct BeamSpotOnlineRaw_v4 beamSpotOnline;
00259   struct DcsStatusRaw_v4      dcsStatus;
00260   unsigned int                lastOrbitCounter0;
00261   unsigned int                lastTestEnable;
00262   unsigned int                lastResync;
00263   unsigned int                lastStart;
00264   unsigned int                lastEventCounter0;
00265   unsigned int                lastHardReset;
00266   unsigned long long          spare[ScalersRaw::N_SPARE_v5];
00267   unsigned long long          bx[ScalersRaw::N_BX_v6];
00268   unsigned long long          trailer;
00269 };
00271 #pragma pack(pop)
00273 #endif