
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef MaterialBudgetData_h
00002 #define MaterialBudgetData_h 1
00004 #include "Validation/Geometry/interface/MaterialBudgetCategorizer.h"
00005 #include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
00007 // rr
00008 #include <CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h>
00009 // rr
00011 class MaterialBudgetData;
00012 class G4Step;
00013 class G4Track;
00016 typedef std::map< std::string, float > msf;
00018 class MaterialBudgetData {
00019 public:
00021   MaterialBudgetData();
00022   ~MaterialBudgetData();
00024   void dataStartTrack( const G4Track* aTrack );
00025   void dataEndTrack( const G4Track* aTrack );
00026   void dataPerStep( const G4Step* aStep );
00028   void SetAllStepsToTree();
00029  public:
00030   float getTotalMB() const {
00031     return theTotalMB; }
00032   // rr
00033   float getSupportFractionMB() const {
00034     return theSupportFractionMB; }
00035   float getSensitiveFractionMB() const {
00036     return theSensitiveFractionMB; }
00037   float getCablesFractionMB() const {
00038     return theCablesFractionMB; }
00039   float getCoolingFractionMB() const {
00040     return theCoolingFractionMB; }
00041   float getElectronicsFractionMB() const {
00042     return theElectronicsFractionMB; }
00043   float getOtherFractionMB() const {
00044     return theOtherFractionMB; }
00045   float getAirFractionMB() const {
00046     return theAirFractionMB; }
00047   float getSupportMB() const {
00048     return theSupportMB; }
00049   float getSensitiveMB() const {
00050     return theSensitiveMB; }
00051   float getCablesMB() const {
00052     return theCablesMB; }
00053   float getCoolingMB() const {
00054     return theCoolingMB; }
00055   float getElectronicsMB() const {
00056     return theElectronicsMB; }
00057   float getOtherMB() const {
00058     return theOtherMB; }
00059   float getAirMB() const {
00060     return theAirMB; }
00061   float getSupportFractionIL() const {
00062     return theSupportFractionIL; }
00063   float getSensitiveFractionIL() const {
00064     return theSensitiveFractionIL; }
00065   float getCablesFractionIL() const {
00066     return theCablesFractionIL; }
00067   float getCoolingFractionIL() const {
00068     return theCoolingFractionIL; }
00069   float getElectronicsFractionIL() const {
00070     return theElectronicsFractionIL; }
00071   float getOtherFractionIL() const {
00072     return theOtherFractionIL; }
00073   float getAirFractionIL() const {
00074     return theAirFractionIL; }
00075   float getTotalIL() const {
00076     return theTotalIL; }
00077   float getSupportIL() const {
00078     return theSupportIL; }
00079   float getSensitiveIL() const {
00080     return theSensitiveIL; }
00081   float getCablesIL() const {
00082     return theCablesIL; }
00083   float getCoolingIL() const {
00084     return theCoolingIL; }
00085   float getElectronicsIL() const {
00086     return theElectronicsIL; }
00087   float getOtherIL() const {
00088     return theOtherIL; }
00089   float getAirIL() const {
00090     return theAirIL; }
00091   // rr
00092   float getEta() const {
00093     return theEta; }
00094   float getPhi() const {
00095     return thePhi; }
00096   // rr
00097   int getID() const {
00098     return theID; }
00099   float getPt() const {
00100     return thePt; }
00101   float getEnergy() const {
00102     return theEnergy; }
00103   float getMass() const {
00104     return theMass; }
00105   // rr
00107   int getNumberOfSteps() const {
00108     return theStepN; }
00110   float getTrkLen() const {
00111     return theTrkLen; }
00112   std::string getPVname() const {
00113     return thePVname; }
00114   int getPVcopyNo() const {
00115     return thePVcopyNo; }
00116   float getRadLen() const {
00117     return theRadLen; }
00118   float getIntLen() const {
00119     return theIntLen; }
00121   float getStepDmb( int is ) {
00122     return theDmb[is];
00123   }
00124   float getSupportDmb( int is ) const {
00125     return theSupportDmb[is]; }
00126   float getSensitiveDmb( int is ) const {
00127     return theSensitiveDmb[is]; }
00128   float getCablesDmb( int is ) const {
00129     return theCablesDmb[is]; }
00130   float getCoolingDmb( int is ) const {
00131     return theCoolingDmb[is]; }
00132   float getElectronicsDmb( int is ) const {
00133     return theElectronicsDmb[is]; }
00134   float getOtherDmb( int is ) const {
00135     return theOtherDmb[is]; }
00136   float getAirDmb( int is ) const {
00137     return theAirDmb[is]; }
00139   float getStepDil( int is ) {
00140     return theDil[is];
00141   }
00142   float getSupportDil( int is ) const {
00143     return theSupportDil[is]; }
00144   float getSensitiveDil( int is ) const {
00145     return theSensitiveDil[is]; }
00146   float getCablesDil( int is ) const {
00147     return theCablesDil[is]; }
00148   float getCoolingDil( int is ) const {
00149     return theCoolingDil[is]; }
00150   float getElectronicsDil( int is ) const {
00151     return theElectronicsDil[is]; }
00152   float getOtherDil( int is ) const {
00153     return theOtherDil[is]; }
00154   float getAirDil( int is ) const {
00155     return theAirDil[is]; }
00157   double getStepInitialX( int is ) {
00158     return theInitialX[is];
00159   }
00160   double getStepInitialY( int is ) {
00161     return theInitialY[is];
00162   }
00163   double getStepInitialZ( int is ) {
00164     return theInitialZ[is];
00165   }
00166   double getStepFinalX( int is ) {
00167     return theFinalX[is];
00168   }
00169   double getStepFinalY( int is ) {
00170     return theFinalY[is];
00171   }
00172   double getStepFinalZ( int is ) {
00173     return theFinalZ[is];
00174   }
00175   int getStepID( int is) {
00176     return theStepID[is];
00177   }
00178   float getStepInitialPt( int is) {
00179     return theStepInitialPt[is];
00180   }
00181   float getStepInitialEta( int is) {
00182     return theStepInitialEta[is];
00183   }
00184   float getStepInitialPhi( int is) {
00185     return theStepInitialPhi[is];
00186   }
00187   float getStepInitialEnergy( int is) {
00188     return theStepInitialEnergy[is];
00189   }
00190   float getStepInitialPx( int is) {
00191     return theStepInitialPx[is];
00192   }
00193   float getStepInitialPy( int is) {
00194     return theStepInitialPy[is];
00195   }
00196   float getStepInitialPz( int is) {
00197     return theStepInitialPz[is];
00198   }
00199   float getStepInitialBeta( int is) {
00200     return theStepInitialBeta[is];
00201   }
00202   float getStepInitialGamma( int is) {
00203     return theStepInitialGamma[is];
00204   }
00205   float getStepInitialMass( int is) {
00206     return theStepInitialMass[is];
00207   }
00208   float getStepFinalPt( int is) {
00209     return theStepFinalPt[is];
00210   }
00211   float getStepFinalEta( int is) {
00212     return theStepFinalEta[is];
00213   }
00214   float getStepFinalPhi( int is) {
00215     return theStepFinalPhi[is];
00216   }
00217   float getStepFinalEnergy( int is) {
00218     return theStepFinalEnergy[is];
00219   }
00220   float getStepFinalPx( int is) {
00221     return theStepFinalPx[is];
00222   }
00223   float getStepFinalPy( int is) {
00224     return theStepFinalPy[is];
00225   }
00226   float getStepFinalPz( int is) {
00227     return theStepFinalPz[is];
00228   }
00229   float getStepFinalBeta( int is) {
00230     return theStepFinalBeta[is];
00231   }
00232   float getStepFinalGamma( int is) {
00233     return theStepFinalGamma[is];
00234   }
00235   float getStepFinalMass( int is) {
00236     return theStepFinalMass[is];
00237   }
00238   int getStepPreProcess( int is) {
00239     return theStepPreProcess[is];
00240   }
00241   int getStepPostProcess( int is) {
00242     return theStepPostProcess[is];
00243   }
00244   // rr
00245   int getStepVolumeID( int is ) {
00246     return theVolumeID[is];
00247   }
00248   std::string getStepVolumeName( int is ) {
00249     return theVolumeName[is];
00250   }
00251   int getStepVolumeCopy( int is ) {
00252     return theVolumeCopy[is];
00253   }
00254   float getStepVolumeX( int is ) {
00255     return theVolumeX[is];
00256   }
00257   float getStepVolumeY( int is ) {
00258     return theVolumeY[is];
00259   }
00260   float getStepVolumeZ( int is ) {
00261     return theVolumeZ[is];
00262   }
00263   CLHEP::HepLorentzVector getStepVolumeXaxis( int is ) {
00264     return CLHEP::HepLorentzVector(theVolumeXaxis1[is],theVolumeXaxis2[is],theVolumeXaxis3[is]);
00265   }
00266   CLHEP::HepLorentzVector getStepVolumeYaxis( int is ) {
00267     return CLHEP::HepLorentzVector(theVolumeYaxis1[is],theVolumeYaxis2[is],theVolumeYaxis3[is]);
00268   }
00269   CLHEP::HepLorentzVector getStepVolumeZaxis( int is ) {
00270     return CLHEP::HepLorentzVector(theVolumeZaxis1[is],theVolumeZaxis2[is],theVolumeZaxis3[is]);
00271   }
00272   int getStepMaterialID( int is ) {
00273     return theMaterialID[is];
00274   }
00275   std::string getStepMaterialName( int is ) {
00276     return theMaterialName[is];
00277   }
00278   float getStepMaterialX0( int is ) {
00279     return theMaterialX0[is];
00280   }
00281   float getStepMaterialLambda0( int is ) {
00282     return theMaterialLambda0[is];
00283   }
00284   float getStepMaterialDensity( int is ) {
00285     return theMaterialDensity[is];
00286   }
00287   // rr
00289   bool allStepsON() {
00290     return allStepsToTree;
00291   }
00293  private:
00294   float theTotalMB, theEta, thePhi;
00295   // rr
00296   float thePt;
00297   int   theID;
00298   float theEnergy;
00299   float theMass;
00300   float theSupportFractionMB, theSensitiveFractionMB, theCablesFractionMB,
00301     theCoolingFractionMB, theElectronicsFractionMB, theOtherFractionMB, theAirFractionMB;
00302   float theSupportFractionIL, theSensitiveFractionIL, theCablesFractionIL,
00303     theCoolingFractionIL, theElectronicsFractionIL, theOtherFractionIL, theAirFractionIL;
00304   float theSupportMB, theSensitiveMB, theCablesMB, theCoolingMB, theElectronicsMB, theOtherMB, theAirMB;
00305   float theTotalIL;
00306   float theSupportIL, theSensitiveIL, theCablesIL, theCoolingIL, theElectronicsIL, theOtherIL, theAirIL;
00307   // rr
00308   int theStepN;
00309   double *theInitialX, *theInitialY, *theInitialZ;
00310   double *theFinalX,   *theFinalY,   *theFinalZ;
00311   float *theDmb;
00312   float *theSupportDmb, *theSensitiveDmb, *theCablesDmb, *theCoolingDmb, *theElectronicsDmb, *theOtherDmb, *theAirDmb;
00313   float *theDil;
00314   float *theSupportDil, *theSensitiveDil, *theCablesDil, *theCoolingDil, *theElectronicsDil, *theOtherDil, *theAirDil;
00315   //  int *theVoluId;
00316   //  int *theMateId;
00317   // rr
00318   int *theVolumeID;
00319   std::string* theVolumeName;
00320   int*   theVolumeCopy;
00321   float* theVolumeX;
00322   float* theVolumeY;
00323   float* theVolumeZ;
00324   float* theVolumeXaxis1;
00325   float* theVolumeXaxis2;
00326   float* theVolumeXaxis3;
00327   float* theVolumeYaxis1;
00328   float* theVolumeYaxis2;
00329   float* theVolumeYaxis3;
00330   float* theVolumeZaxis1;
00331   float* theVolumeZaxis2;
00332   float* theVolumeZaxis3;
00333   int*         theMaterialID;
00334   std::string* theMaterialName;
00335   float*       theMaterialX0;
00336   float*       theMaterialLambda0;
00337   float*       theMaterialDensity;
00338   int*   theStepID;
00339   float* theStepInitialPt;
00340   float* theStepInitialEta;
00341   float* theStepInitialPhi;
00342   float* theStepInitialEnergy;
00343   float* theStepInitialPx;
00344   float* theStepInitialPy;
00345   float* theStepInitialPz;
00346   float* theStepInitialBeta;
00347   float* theStepInitialGamma;
00348   float* theStepInitialMass;
00349   float* theStepFinalPt;
00350   float* theStepFinalEta;
00351   float* theStepFinalPhi;
00352   float* theStepFinalEnergy;
00353   float* theStepFinalPx;
00354   float* theStepFinalPy;
00355   float* theStepFinalPz;
00356   float* theStepFinalBeta;
00357   float* theStepFinalGamma;
00358   float* theStepFinalMass;
00359   int*   theStepPreProcess;
00360   int*   theStepPostProcess;
00361   // rr
00362   float theTrkLen;
00363   std::string thePVname;
00364   int thePVcopyNo;
00366   MaterialBudgetCategorizer* myMaterialBudgetCategorizer;
00368   float theRadLen;
00369   float theIntLen;
00370   int stepN;
00372   bool allStepsToTree;
00374   double densityConvertionFactor;
00375 };
00377 #endif