
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "DQMServices/Core/src/QStatisticalTests.h"
00002 #include <TMath.h>
00004 using namespace TMath;
00006 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00007 void BinLogLikelihoodRatio(long Nentries, long Nfailures, double epsilon_max, 
00008                                        double* S_fail_obs, double* S_pass_obs )
00009 {
00010 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
00011  |      Description:  Log-likelihood Ratio for Binomial PDF                 |
00012  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
00013  |                 Input to this function                                   |
00014  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
00015  |int Nentries          : The number of attempts                            |
00016  |int Nfailures         : The number of failures                            |
00017  |double epsilon_max,   : maximum allowed failure rate fraction             |
00018  |double* S_fail_obs    : uninitialised Significance of failure             |
00019  |double* S_pass_obs    : uninitialised Significance of Success             | 
00020  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
00021  |                 Return values for this function                          |
00022  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
00023  |double* S_fail_obs    : the observed Significance of failure              |
00024  |double* S_pass_obs    : the observed Significance of Success              | 
00025  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
00026  | Author: Richard Cavanaugh, University of Florida                         |
00027  | email:                                        |
00028  | Creation Date: 11.July.2005                                              |
00029  | Last Modified: 17.Jan.2006                                                 |
00030  | Comments:                                                                |
00031  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00032   long N = Nentries, n = Nfailures;
00033   if( n == 0 ) n = 1;   //protect against no failures: approx. 0 by 1
00034   if( n == N ) n -= 1;  //protect against all failures: approx. n by (n - 1)
00035   double epsilon_meas = (double) n / (double) N;
00037   double LogQ = 
00038     ((double)      n ) * ( Log(epsilon_meas)       - Log(epsilon_max)       ) +
00039     ((double) (N - n)) * ( Log(1.0 - epsilon_meas) - Log(1.0 - epsilon_max) );
00041   //x-check:  var of binomial = epsilon_max * (1 - epsilon_max) / N 
00042   if( Nentries <= 1 )   //guard against insufficient entries
00043     {
00044       *S_fail_obs = 0.0;
00045       *S_pass_obs = 0.0;
00046     }
00047   else if( Nfailures == 0 && ( epsilon_max <= 1.0 / (double) Nentries ) )
00048     {
00049       *S_fail_obs = 0.0;
00050       *S_pass_obs = 0.0;
00051     }
00052   else if( Nfailures == 0 )
00053     {
00054       *S_fail_obs = 0.0;
00055       *S_pass_obs = sqrt( 2.0 * LogQ );
00056     }
00057   else if( Nfailures == Nentries )
00058     {
00059       *S_fail_obs = sqrt( 2.0 * LogQ );
00060       *S_pass_obs = 0.0;
00061     }
00062   else if( epsilon_meas >= epsilon_max )
00063     {
00064       *S_fail_obs = sqrt( 2.0 * LogQ );
00065       *S_pass_obs = 0.0;
00066     }
00067   else 
00068     {
00069       *S_fail_obs = 0.0;
00070       *S_pass_obs = sqrt( 2.0 * LogQ );
00071     }
00072 }
00073 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00075 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00076 void PoissionLogLikelihoodRatio(double data, double hypothesis,
00077                                             double epsilon_max, double epsilon_min, 
00078                                             double* S_fail_obs, double* S_pass_obs )
00079 { 
00080 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
00081  |      Description:  Log-likelihood Ratio for Poission PDF                 |
00082  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
00083  |                 Input to this function                                   |
00084  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
00085  |double data,          : The observed number of entries                    |
00086  |double sigma,         : The uncertainty on, data, the observed entries    |
00087  |double hypothesis,    : The assumed hypothese, tested against data        | 
00088  |double epsilon_max,   : Maximum tolerance above fraction of fitted line   |
00089  |double epsilon_min,   : Minimum tolerance below fraction of fitted line   |
00090  |double* S_fail_obs    : uninitialised Significance of failure             |
00091  |double* S_pass_obs    : uninitialised Significance of Success             | 
00092  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
00093  |                 Return values for this function                          |
00094  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
00095  |double* S_fail_obs    : the observed Significance of failure              |
00096  |double* S_pass_obs    : the observed Significance of Success              | 
00097  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
00098  | Author: Richard Cavanaugh, University of Florida                         |
00099  | email:                                        |
00100  | Creation Date: 14.Jan.2006                                              |
00101  | Last Modified: 16.Jan.2006                                               |
00102  | Comments:                                                                |
00103  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00104   double tolerance_min = hypothesis*(1.0-epsilon_min); 
00105   double tolerance_max = hypothesis*(1.0+epsilon_max);
00106   *S_pass_obs = 0.0;
00107   *S_fail_obs = 0.0;
00108   if( data > tolerance_max )
00109     {
00110       double Nsig = data - tolerance_max;
00111       double Nbak = tolerance_max;
00112       double LogQ = (double) (Nsig + Nbak) * 
00113         Log( 1.0 + (double) Nsig / (double) Nbak ) - (double) Nsig;
00114       *S_fail_obs = sqrt( 2.0 * LogQ );
00115     }
00116   else if( tolerance_min < data && data < tolerance_max ) 
00117     {
00118       if( data - hypothesis > 0.0 ) 
00119         {
00120           double Nsig = tolerance_max - data;
00121           double Nbak = tolerance_max;
00122           double LogQ = (double) (Nsig + Nbak) * 
00123             Log( 1.0 + (double) Nsig / (double) Nbak ) - (double) Nsig;
00124           *S_pass_obs = sqrt( 2.0 * LogQ );
00125         }
00126       else 
00127         {
00128           double Nsig =  data - tolerance_min;
00129           double Nbak = tolerance_min;
00130           double LogQ = (double) (Nsig + Nbak) * 
00131             Log( 1.0 + (double) Nsig / (double) Nbak ) - (double) Nsig;
00132           *S_pass_obs = sqrt( 2.0 * LogQ );
00133         }
00134     }
00135   else // data < tolerance_min 
00136     {
00137       double Nsig = tolerance_min - data;
00138       double Nbak = tolerance_min;
00139       double LogQ = (double) (Nsig + Nbak) * 
00140         Log( 1.0 + (double) Nsig / (double) Nbak ) - (double) Nsig;
00141       *S_fail_obs = sqrt( 2.0 * LogQ );
00142     }
00143 }
00144 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------