
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "OnlineDB/CSCCondDB/interface/CSCOnlineDB.h"
00006   condbon::condbon () throw (oracle::occi::SQLException)
00007   {
00008     std::string db_user;
00009     std::string db_pass;
00010     env = oracle::occi::Environment::createEnvironment (oracle::occi::Environment::OBJECT);
00011     char* c_user = ::getenv("CONDBON_AUTH_USER");
00012     char* c_pass = ::getenv("CONDBON_AUTH_PASSWORD");
00013     db_user=std::string(c_user);
00014     db_pass=std::string(c_pass);
00015     con = env->createConnection (db_user,db_pass,"omds");
00016     std::cout << "Connection to Online DB is done." << std::endl;
00017   }// end of constructor condbon ()
00021   condbon::~condbon () throw (oracle::occi::SQLException)
00022   {
00023     env->terminateConnection (con);
00024     oracle::occi::Environment::terminateEnvironment (env);
00025   }  // end of ~condbon ()
00027   void condbon::cdbon_write (CSCobject *obj, std::string obj_name, int record,
00028                             int global_run, std::string data_time)
00029 {
00030   int i,j,k;
00031   std::string tab, tab_map, tab_data;
00032   std::string sqlStmt, sqlStmt1;
00033   int rec_id =0, map_id =0, map_index =0;
00034   tm curtime;
00035   time_t now;
00037   tab=obj_name;
00038   tab_map=obj_name+"_map";
00039   tab_data=obj_name+"_data";
00040   if(obj_name=="test"){
00041    tab="gains";
00042    tab_map="gains_map";
00043    tab_data="gains_data";
00044   }
00045   stmt = con->createStatement ();
00047   oracle::occi::ResultSet *rset;
00049   sqlStmt = "SELECT max(record_id) from "+tab;
00050   stmt->setSQL(sqlStmt);
00051   rset = stmt->executeQuery ();
00052   //  try{
00053     while (rset->next ())
00054     {rec_id= rset->getInt (1);}
00055     //     }catch(oracle::occi::SQLException ex)
00056     //    {
00057     // std::cout<<"Exception thrown: "<<std::endl;
00058     // std::cout<<"Error number: "<<  ex.getErrorCode() << std::endl;
00059     // std::cout<<ex.getMessage() << std::endl;
00060     //}
00061   stmt->closeResultSet (rset);
00063   if(record>rec_id){
00064    sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO "+tab+" VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, null)";
00065    stmt->setSQL(sqlStmt);
00066    time(&now);
00067    curtime=*localtime(&now);
00068    try{
00069    stmt->setInt (1, record);
00070    stmt->setInt (2, global_run);
00071    stmt->setInt (5, 0);
00072 /* For time as "05/17/2006 16:30:07"
00073   std::string st=data_time.substr(0,2);
00074   int mon=atoi(st.c_str());
00075   st=data_time.substr(3,2);
00076   int mday=atoi(st.c_str());
00077   st=data_time.substr(6,4);
00078   int year=atoi(st.c_str());
00079   st=data_time.substr(11,2);
00080   int hour=atoi(st.c_str());
00081   st=data_time.substr(14,2);
00082   int min=atoi(st.c_str());
00083   st=data_time.substr(17,2);
00084   int sec=atoi(st.c_str());
00085 */
00086 /* For time of format "Mon May 29 10:28:58 2006" */
00087    std::map <std::string, int> month;
00088    month["Jan"]=1; month["Feb"]=2; month["Mar"]=3; month["Apr"]=4;
00089    month["May"]=5; month["Jun"]=6; month["Jul"]=7; month["Aug"]=8;
00090    month["Sep"]=9; month["Oct"]=10; month["Nov"]=11; month["Dec"]=12;
00091    std::string st=data_time.substr(4,3);
00092    int mon=month[st];
00093    st=data_time.substr(8,2);
00094    int mday=atoi(st.c_str());
00095    st=data_time.substr(20,4);
00096    int year=atoi(st.c_str());
00097    st=data_time.substr(11,2);
00098    int hour=atoi(st.c_str());
00099    st=data_time.substr(14,2);
00100    int min=atoi(st.c_str());
00101    st=data_time.substr(17,2);
00102    int sec=atoi(st.c_str());
00103    oracle::occi::Date edate(env, year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec);
00104    stmt->setDate(3, edate);
00105    oracle::occi::Date edate_c(env, curtime.tm_year+1900, curtime.tm_mon+1, curtime.tm_mday,
00106    curtime.tm_hour, curtime.tm_min, curtime.tm_sec);
00107    stmt->setDate(4, edate_c);
00108    if(obj_name!="test") stmt->executeUpdate ();
00109    }catch(oracle::occi::SQLException ex)
00110    {
00111     std::cout<<"Exception thrown for insertBind"<<std::endl;
00112     std::cout<<"Error number: "<<  ex.getErrorCode() << std::endl;
00113     std::cout<<ex.getMessage() << std::endl;
00114    }
00115   }
00117   sqlStmt = "SELECT max(map_id) from "+tab_map;
00118   stmt->setSQL(sqlStmt);
00119   rset = stmt->executeQuery ();
00120   //  try{
00121     while (rset->next ())
00122     {map_id= rset->getInt (1);}
00123     //     }catch(oracle::occi::SQLException ex)
00124     //{
00125     // std::cout<<"Exception thrown: "<<std::endl;
00126     // std::cout<<"Error number: "<<  ex.getErrorCode() << std::endl;
00127     // std::cout<<ex.getMessage() << std::endl;
00128     //}
00129   stmt->closeResultSet (rset);
00131   std::ostringstream ss;
00132   ss<<record;
00134   sqlStmt = "SELECT max(map_index) from "+tab_map+" where record_id="+ss.str();
00135   ss.str(""); // clear
00136   stmt->setSQL(sqlStmt);
00137   rset = stmt->executeQuery ();
00138   //  try{
00139     while (rset->next ())
00140     {map_index= rset->getInt (1);}
00141     //     }catch(oracle::occi::SQLException ex)
00142     //{
00143     // std::cout<<"Exception thrown: "<<std::endl;
00144     // std::cout<<"Error number: "<<  ex.getErrorCode() << std::endl;
00145     // std::cout<<ex.getMessage() << std::endl;
00146     //}
00147   stmt->closeResultSet (rset);
00149   sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO "+tab_map+" VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4)";
00150   stmt->setSQL(sqlStmt);
00152   std::map<int,std::vector<std::vector<float> > >::const_iterator itm;
00153   itm=obj->obj.begin();
00154   int sizeint=itm->second[0].size();
00155   sqlStmt1 = "INSERT INTO "+tab_data+" VALUES (:1, :2";
00156   for(i=1;i<sizeint+1;++i){
00157     ss<<i+2;
00158     sqlStmt1=sqlStmt1+", :"+ss.str();
00159     ss.str(""); // clear
00160   }
00161   sqlStmt1=sqlStmt1+")";
00163   sb4 si=sizeof(int);
00164   sb4 sf=sizeof(float);
00165   ub2 elensi[200];
00166   ub2 elensf[200];
00167   int c1[200],c2[200];
00168   float c[100][200];
00169   for(i=0;i<200;++i){
00170     elensi[i]=si;
00171     elensf[i]=sf;
00172   }
00174   stmt1 = con->createStatement ();
00175   stmt1->setSQL(sqlStmt1);
00177   for(itm=obj->obj.begin();itm!=obj->obj.end(); ++itm){
00178    int id_det=itm->first;
00179    int sizev=obj->obj[id_det].size();
00181    map_id=map_id+1;
00182    map_index=map_index+1;
00183    //  try{
00184    stmt->setInt (1, map_id);
00185    stmt->setInt (2, record);
00186    stmt->setInt (3, map_index);
00187    stmt->setInt (4, id_det);
00188    if(obj_name!="test") stmt->executeUpdate ();
00189    //}catch(oracle::occi::SQLException ex)
00190    //{
00191    //std::cout<<"Exception thrown for insertBind"<<std::endl;
00192    //std::cout<<"Error number: "<<  ex.getErrorCode() << std::endl;
00193    //std::cout<<ex.getMessage() << std::endl;
00194    //}
00196    k=0;
00197    for(i=0;i<sizev;++i){
00198     int sizei=obj->obj[id_det][i].size();
00199     if(sizei!=sizeint){
00200       std::cout<<"Inconsistent object - dimention of internal vector is not "
00201           <<sizeint<<std::endl;
00202       exit(1);
00203     }
00204     c1[i]=map_id;
00205     k=k+1;
00206     c2[i]=k;
00207     for(j=0;j<sizei;++j){
00208      c[j][i]=obj->obj[id_det][i][j];
00209     }
00210    }
00211    //  try{
00212    stmt1->setDataBuffer(1, c1, oracle::occi::OCCIINT, si , &elensi[0]);
00213    stmt1->setDataBuffer(2, c2, oracle::occi::OCCIINT, si , &elensi[0]);
00214     for(j=0;j<sizeint;++j){
00215      stmt1->setDataBuffer(j+3, c[j], oracle::occi::OCCIFLOAT, sf, &elensf[0]);
00216     }
00217    if(obj_name!="test") stmt1->executeArrayUpdate(sizev);
00218    //     }catch(oracle::occi::SQLException ex)
00219    // {
00220    //  std::cout<<"Exception thrown: "<<std::endl;
00221    //  std::cout<<"Error number: "<<  ex.getErrorCode() << std::endl;
00222    //  std::cout<<ex.getMessage() << std::endl;
00223    // }
00224   }
00225   con->commit();
00226   con->terminateStatement (stmt);
00227   con->terminateStatement (stmt1);
00228 } //end of cdbon_write
00230 void condbon::cdbon_last_record (std::string obj_name, int *record)
00231 {
00232   std::string sqlStmt;
00233   sqlStmt = "SELECT max(record_id) from "+obj_name;
00234   stmt=con->createStatement ();
00235   stmt->setSQL(sqlStmt);
00236   oracle::occi::ResultSet *rset;
00237   rset = stmt->executeQuery ();
00238   //try{
00239     while (rset->next ())
00240     {*record = rset->getInt (1);}
00241     //     }catch(oracle::occi::SQLException ex)
00242     //{
00243     // std::cout<<"Exception thrown: "<<std::endl;
00244     // std::cout<<"Error number: "<<  ex.getErrorCode() << std::endl;
00245     // std::cout<<ex.getMessage() << std::endl;
00246     //}
00247   con->terminateStatement (stmt);
00248 } // end of cdbon_last_record
00250   void condbon::cdbon_read_rec (std::string obj_name, int record,
00251                                 CSCobject *obj)
00252 {
00253   int i,len;
00254   int map_id=0, layer_id=0;
00255   std::string tab, tab_map, tab_data;
00256   tab=obj_name;
00257   tab_map=obj_name+"_map";
00258   tab_data=obj_name+"_data";
00259   int num_var =0;
00260   int vec_index;
00262   std::string sqlStmt,sqlStmt1;
00263   stmt=con->createStatement ();
00264   stmt1=con->createStatement ();
00265   oracle::occi::ResultSet *rset, *rset1;
00266   std::ostringstream ss;
00268   char d;
00269   const char* p=tab_data.c_str();
00270   len=tab_data.length();
00271   for(i=0;i<len;++i){
00272    d=toupper(*(p+i));
00273    ss<<d;
00274   }
00275   sqlStmt = "SELECT count(column_name) from user_tab_columns where table_name='"+ss.str()+"'";
00276   ss.str(""); // clear
00277   stmt->setSQL(sqlStmt);
00278   rset = stmt->executeQuery ();
00279   //  try{
00280     while (rset->next ())
00281     {num_var= rset->getInt(1) - 2;}
00282     //     }catch(oracle::occi::SQLException ex)
00283     //{
00284     // std::cout<<"Exception thrown: "<<std::endl;
00285     // std::cout<<"Error number: "<<  ex.getErrorCode() << std::endl;
00286     // std::cout<<ex.getMessage() << std::endl;
00287     //}
00288   stmt->closeResultSet (rset);
00290   ss<<record;
00292 sqlStmt = "SELECT map_id,map_index,layer_id from "+tab_map+" where record_id="+ss.str()+" order by map_index";
00293   ss.str(""); // clear
00294   stmt->setSQL(sqlStmt);
00295   rset = stmt->executeQuery ();
00296   //  try{
00297     while (rset->next ())
00298     {map_id = rset->getInt (1);
00299      rset->getInt (2);
00300      layer_id = rset->getInt (3);
00301      ss<<map_id;
00302      sqlStmt1 = "SELECT * from "+tab_data+" where map_id="+ss.str()+" order by vec_index";
00303      ss.str(""); // clear
00304      stmt1->setSQL(sqlStmt1);
00305      rset1 = stmt1->executeQuery ();
00306      //     try{
00307        while (rset1->next ())
00308        {vec_index = rset1->getInt (2);
00309                obj->obj[layer_id].resize(vec_index);
00310         for(i=0;i<num_var;++i){
00311          obj->obj[layer_id][vec_index-1].push_back(rset1->getFloat(3+i));
00312                               }
00313        }
00314        //   }catch(oracle::occi::SQLException ex)
00315        //{
00316        // std::cout<<"Exception thrown: "<<std::endl;
00317        // std::cout<<"Error number: "<<  ex.getErrorCode() << std::endl;
00318        // std::cout<<ex.getMessage() << std::endl;
00319        //}
00320     }
00321     // }catch(oracle::occi::SQLException ex)
00322     //{
00323     // std::cout<<"Exception thrown: "<<std::endl;
00324     // std::cout<<"Error number: "<<  ex.getErrorCode() << std::endl;
00325     // std::cout<<ex.getMessage() << std::endl;
00326     //}
00327 } // end of cdbon_read_rec