
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "FastSimulation/Tracking/interface/TrackerRecHit.h"
00002 #include "FastSimulation/TrackerSetup/interface/TrackerInteractionGeometry.h"
00004 TrackerRecHit::TrackerRecHit(const SiTrackerGSMatchedRecHit2D* theHit, 
00005                              const TrackerGeometry* theGeometry) :
00006   theSplitHit(0),
00007   theMatchedHit(theHit),
00008   theSubDetId(0),
00009   theLayerNumber(0),
00010   theRingNumber(0),
00011   theCylinderNumber(0),
00012   theLocalError(0.),
00013   theLargerError(0.)
00015 { 
00016   init(theGeometry);
00017 }
00019 TrackerRecHit::TrackerRecHit(const SiTrackerGSRecHit2D* theHit, 
00020                              const TrackerGeometry* theGeometry) :
00021   theSplitHit(theHit),
00022   theMatchedHit(0),
00023   theSubDetId(0),
00024   theLayerNumber(0),
00025   theRingNumber(0),
00026   theCylinderNumber(0),
00027   theLocalError(0.),
00028   theLargerError(0.)
00030 { 
00031   init(theGeometry);
00032 }
00034 void
00035 TrackerRecHit::init(const TrackerGeometry* theGeometry) { 
00037   const DetId& theDetId = hit()->geographicalId();
00038   theGeomDet = theGeometry->idToDet(theDetId);
00039   theSubDetId = theDetId.subdetId(); 
00040   if ( theSubDetId == StripSubdetector::TIB) { 
00041     TIBDetId tibid(theDetId.rawId()); 
00042     theLayerNumber = tibid.layer();
00043     theCylinderNumber = TrackerInteractionGeometry::TIB+theLayerNumber;
00044     forward = false;
00045   } else if ( theSubDetId ==  StripSubdetector::TOB ) { 
00046     TOBDetId tobid(theDetId.rawId()); 
00047     theLayerNumber = tobid.layer();
00048     theCylinderNumber = TrackerInteractionGeometry::TOB+theLayerNumber;
00049     forward = false;
00050   } else if ( theSubDetId ==  StripSubdetector::TID) { 
00051     TIDDetId tidid(theDetId.rawId());
00052     theLayerNumber = tidid.wheel();
00053     theCylinderNumber = TrackerInteractionGeometry::TID+theLayerNumber;
00054     theRingNumber = tidid.ring();
00055     forward = true;
00056   } else if ( theSubDetId ==  StripSubdetector::TEC ) { 
00057     TECDetId tecid(theDetId.rawId()); 
00058     theLayerNumber = tecid.wheel(); 
00059     theCylinderNumber = TrackerInteractionGeometry::TEC+theLayerNumber;
00060     theRingNumber = tecid.ring();
00061     forward = true;
00062   } else if ( theSubDetId ==  PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel ) { 
00063     PXBDetId pxbid(theDetId.rawId()); 
00064     theLayerNumber = pxbid.layer(); 
00065     theCylinderNumber = TrackerInteractionGeometry::PXB+theLayerNumber;
00066     forward = false;
00067   } else if ( theSubDetId ==  PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap ) { 
00068     PXFDetId pxfid(theDetId.rawId()); 
00069     theLayerNumber = pxfid.disk();  
00070     theCylinderNumber = TrackerInteractionGeometry::PXD+theLayerNumber;
00071     forward = true;
00072   }
00074 }
00077 bool
00078 TrackerRecHit::isOnRequestedDet(const std::vector<std::string>& layerList) const { 
00080   std::cout << "layerList.size() = " << layerList.size()  << std::endl;
00081   bool isOnDet = false;
00083   int subdet = 0; // 1 = PXB, 2 = PXD, 3 = TIB, 4 = TID, 5 = TOB, 6 = TEC, 0 = not valid
00084   int idLayer = 0;
00085   int side = 0; // 0 = barrel, -1 = neg. endcap, +1 = pos. endcap
00087   for (unsigned i=0; i<layerList.size();i++) {
00088     std::string name = layerList[i];
00089     std::cout << "------- Name = " << name << std::endl;
00091     //
00092     // BPIX
00093     //
00094     if (name.substr(0,4) == "BPix") {
00095       subdet = 1;
00096       idLayer = atoi(name.substr(4,1).c_str());
00097       side=0;
00098     }
00099     //
00100     // FPIX
00101     //
00102     else if (name.substr(0,4) == "FPix") {
00103       subdet = 2;
00104       idLayer = atoi(name.substr(4,1).c_str());
00105       if ( name.find("pos") != std::string::npos ) {
00106         side = +1;
00107       } else {
00108         side = -1;
00109       }
00110     }
00111     //
00112     // TIB
00113     //
00114     else if (name.substr(0,3) == "TIB") {
00115       subdet = 3;
00116       idLayer = atoi(name.substr(3,1).c_str());
00117       side=0;
00118     }
00119     //
00120     // TID
00121     //
00122     else if (name.substr(0,3) == "TID") {
00123       subdet = 4;
00124       idLayer = atoi(name.substr(3,1).c_str());
00125       if ( name.find("pos") !=std::string::npos ) {
00126         side = +1;
00127       } else {
00128         side = -1;
00129       }
00130     }
00131     //
00132     // TOB
00133     //
00134     else if (name.substr(0,3) == "TOB") {
00135       subdet = 5;
00136       idLayer = atoi(name.substr(3,1).c_str());
00137       side = 0;
00138     }
00139     //
00140     // TEC
00141     //
00142     else if (name.substr(0,3) == "TEC") {
00143       subdet = 6;
00144       idLayer = atoi(name.substr(3,1).c_str());
00145       if ( name.find("pos") != std::string::npos ) {
00146         side = +1;
00147       } else {
00148         side = -1;
00149       }
00150     }
00152     std::cout << "subdet = " << subdet << std::endl;
00153     std::cout << "idLayer = " << idLayer << std::endl;
00154     std::cout << "side = " << side << std::endl;
00156   }
00162   return isOnDet;
00163 }
00165 bool
00166 //TrackerRecHit::isOnRequestedDet(const std::vector<unsigned int>& whichDet) const { 
00167 TrackerRecHit::isOnRequestedDet(const std::vector<unsigned int>& whichDet, const std::string& seedingAlgo) const { 
00169   bool isOnDet = false;
00171   for ( unsigned idet=0; idet<whichDet.size(); ++idet ) {
00173     switch ( whichDet[idet] ) { 
00175     case 1: 
00176       //Pixel Barrel
00177       isOnDet =  theSubDetId==1;
00178       break;
00180     case 2: 
00181       //Pixel Disks
00182       isOnDet = theSubDetId==2;
00183       break;
00185     case 3:
00186       //Inner Barrel
00187       isOnDet = theSubDetId==3 && theLayerNumber < 4;
00188       break;
00190     case 4:
00191       //Inner Disks
00192       isOnDet = theSubDetId==4 && theRingNumber < 3;
00193       break;
00195     case 5:
00196       //Outer Barrel
00197       if(seedingAlgo == "TobTecLayerPairs"){
00198         isOnDet = theSubDetId==5 && theLayerNumber <3;
00199       }else {
00200         isOnDet = false;
00201       }
00202       break;
00204     case 6:
00205       //Tracker EndCap
00206       if(seedingAlgo == "PixelLessPairs"){
00207         isOnDet = theSubDetId==6 && theLayerNumber < 6 && theRingNumber < 3;
00208       }else if (seedingAlgo == "TobTecLayerPairs"){
00209         //      isOnDet = theSubDetId==6 && theLayerNumber < 8 && theRingNumber < 5;
00210         isOnDet = theSubDetId==6 && theLayerNumber < 8 && theRingNumber == 5;
00211       } else if (seedingAlgo == "MixedTriplets"){ 
00212         //      isOnDet = theSubDetId==6 && theLayerNumber == 2 && theRingNumber == 1;
00213         isOnDet = theSubDetId==6 && theLayerNumber < 4 && theRingNumber == 1;
00214       } else {
00215         isOnDet = theSubDetId==6;
00216         std::cout << "DEBUG - this should never happen" << std::endl;
00217       }
00219       break;
00221     default:
00222       // Should not happen
00223       isOnDet = false;
00224       break;
00226     }
00228     if ( isOnDet ) break;
00230   }
00232   return isOnDet;
00233 }
00235 bool
00236 TrackerRecHit::makesAPairWith(const TrackerRecHit& anotherHit) const { 
00238   bool isAProperPair = false;
00240   unsigned int anotherSubDetId = anotherHit.subDetId();
00241   unsigned int anotherLayerNumber = anotherHit.layerNumber();
00242   isAProperPair = 
00243     // First hit on PXB1
00244     ( ( theSubDetId == 1 && theLayerNumber == 1 ) && (
00245       ( anotherSubDetId == 1 && anotherLayerNumber == 2) || 
00246       ( anotherSubDetId == 1 && anotherLayerNumber == 3) || 
00247       ( anotherSubDetId == 2 && anotherLayerNumber == 1) || 
00248       ( anotherSubDetId == 2 && anotherLayerNumber == 2) ) ) || 
00249     // First hit on PXB2
00250     ( ( theSubDetId == 1 && theLayerNumber == 2 ) && (
00251       ( anotherSubDetId == 1 && anotherLayerNumber == 3) || 
00252       ( anotherSubDetId == 2 && anotherLayerNumber == 1) || 
00253       ( anotherSubDetId == 2 && anotherLayerNumber == 2) ) ) ||
00254     // First Hit on PXD1
00255     ( ( theSubDetId == 2 && theLayerNumber == 1 ) && 
00256       ( anotherSubDetId == 2 && anotherLayerNumber == 2 ) ) ||
00257     // First Hit on PXD2
00258     ( ( theSubDetId == 2 && theLayerNumber == 2 ) && ( 
00259       ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 1 ) ||
00260       ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 2 ) ) ) ||
00261     // First Hit on TEC1
00262     ( ( theSubDetId == 6 && theLayerNumber == 1 ) && 
00263       ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 2 ) ) ||
00264     // First Hit on TEC2
00265     ( ( theSubDetId == 6 && theLayerNumber == 2 ) && 
00266       ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 3 ) ) ||
00268   //Pixelless Pairs  
00269    // First Hit on TIB1
00270     ( ( theSubDetId == 3 && theLayerNumber == 1 ) && 
00271       (( anotherSubDetId == 3 && anotherLayerNumber == 2 ) ||
00272        ( anotherSubDetId == 4 && anotherLayerNumber == 1 )) ) ||
00273     // First Hit on TID1
00274     ( ( theSubDetId == 4 && theLayerNumber == 1 ) && 
00275       ( anotherSubDetId == 4 && anotherLayerNumber == 2 ) ) ||
00276     // First Hit on TID2
00277     ( ( theSubDetId == 4 && theLayerNumber == 2 ) && 
00278       ( anotherSubDetId == 4 && anotherLayerNumber == 3 ) ) ||
00279     // First Hit on TID3
00280     ( ( theSubDetId == 4 && theLayerNumber == 3 ) && 
00281       ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 1 ) ) ||
00282     // First Hit on TEC3
00283     ( ( theSubDetId == 6 && theLayerNumber == 3 ) && 
00284       (      ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 4 ) || 
00285              ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 5 ))  ) ||
00286     // First Hit on TEC4
00287     ( ( theSubDetId == 6 && theLayerNumber == 4 ) && 
00288       ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 5 ) ) ||
00290   //Tob-Tec pairs
00291   //first hit on TOB1 
00292     ( ( theSubDetId == 5 && theLayerNumber == 1 ) && 
00293       (( anotherSubDetId == 5 && anotherLayerNumber == 2 ) ||
00294        ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 1 )) ) ||
00295     // First Hit on TEC1
00296     ( ( theSubDetId == 6 && theLayerNumber == 1 ) && 
00297       ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 2 ) ) ||
00298     // First Hit on TEC2
00299     ( ( theSubDetId == 6 && theLayerNumber == 2 ) && 
00300       ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 3 ) ) ||
00301     // First Hit on TEC3
00302     ( ( theSubDetId == 6 && theLayerNumber == 3 ) && 
00303       ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 4 ) ) || 
00304       // ???     ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 5 ) ) ||
00305     // First Hit on TEC4
00306     ( ( theSubDetId == 6 && theLayerNumber == 4 ) && 
00307       ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 5 ) ) ||
00308     // First Hit on TEC5
00309     ( ( theSubDetId == 6 && theLayerNumber == 5 ) && 
00310       ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 6 ) ) ||
00311     // First Hit on TEC6
00312     ( ( theSubDetId == 6 && theLayerNumber == 6 ) && 
00313       ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 7 ) ) ;
00315   return isAProperPair;
00317 } 
00319 bool
00320 TrackerRecHit::makesAPairWith3rd(const TrackerRecHit& anotherHit) const { 
00322   bool isAProperPair = false;
00324   unsigned int anotherSubDetId = anotherHit.subDetId();
00325   unsigned int anotherLayerNumber = anotherHit.layerNumber();
00326   isAProperPair = 
00327     // First hit on PXB1
00328     ( ( theSubDetId == 1 && theLayerNumber == 1 ) && (
00329       ( anotherSubDetId == 1 && anotherLayerNumber == 2) || 
00330       ( anotherSubDetId == 2 && anotherLayerNumber == 1) ) ) || 
00331       // First hit on PXB2
00332     ( ( theSubDetId == 1 && theLayerNumber == 2 ) && 
00333       ( anotherSubDetId == 1 && anotherLayerNumber == 3) ) || 
00334     // First Hit on PXD1
00335     ( ( theSubDetId == 2 && theLayerNumber == 1 ) && 
00336       ( anotherSubDetId == 2 && anotherLayerNumber == 2) ) ||
00337     // First Hit on PXD2
00338     ( ( theSubDetId == 2 && theLayerNumber == 2 ) &&  
00339       ( anotherSubDetId == 6 && anotherLayerNumber == 2 ) );
00341  return isAProperPair;
00343 }
00345 bool
00346 TrackerRecHit::makesATripletWith(const TrackerRecHit& anotherHit,
00347                                  const TrackerRecHit& yetAnotherHit ) const { 
00349   bool isAProperTriplet = false;
00351   unsigned int anotherSubDetId = anotherHit.subDetId();
00352   unsigned int anotherLayerNumber = anotherHit.layerNumber();
00353   unsigned int yetAnotherSubDetId = yetAnotherHit.subDetId();
00354   unsigned int yetAnotherLayerNumber = yetAnotherHit.layerNumber();
00355   isAProperTriplet = 
00356     // First hit on PXB1, second on PXB2
00357     ( ( theSubDetId == 1 && theLayerNumber == 1 ) && 
00358       ( anotherSubDetId == 1 && anotherLayerNumber == 2) && ( 
00359       ( yetAnotherSubDetId == 1 && yetAnotherLayerNumber == 3) || 
00360       ( yetAnotherSubDetId == 2 && yetAnotherLayerNumber == 1) || 
00361       ( yetAnotherSubDetId == 3 && yetAnotherLayerNumber == 1) ) ) || 
00362     // First hit on PXB1, second on PXB3 
00363     ( ( theSubDetId == 1 && theLayerNumber == 1 ) &&
00364       ( anotherSubDetId == 1 && anotherLayerNumber == 3) && 
00365       ( yetAnotherSubDetId == 3 && yetAnotherLayerNumber == 1) ) || 
00366     // First hit on PXB2, second on PXB3 
00367     ( ( theSubDetId == 1 && theLayerNumber == 2 ) &&
00368       ( anotherSubDetId == 1 && anotherLayerNumber == 3) && 
00369       ( yetAnotherSubDetId == 3 && yetAnotherLayerNumber == 1) ) || 
00370     // First Hit on PXB1, second on PXD1
00371     ( ( theSubDetId == 1 && theLayerNumber == 1 ) &&
00372       ( anotherSubDetId == 2 && anotherLayerNumber == 1) && ( 
00373       ( yetAnotherSubDetId == 2 && yetAnotherLayerNumber == 2) || 
00374       ( yetAnotherSubDetId == 4 && yetAnotherLayerNumber == 1) || 
00375       ( yetAnotherSubDetId == 4 && yetAnotherLayerNumber == 2) ) ) || 
00376     // First Hit on PXD1, second on PXD2
00377     ( ( theSubDetId == 2 && theLayerNumber == 1 ) && 
00378       ( anotherSubDetId == 2 && anotherLayerNumber == 2 ) && (
00379       ( yetAnotherSubDetId == 6 && yetAnotherLayerNumber == 1 ) ||
00380       ( yetAnotherSubDetId == 6 && yetAnotherLayerNumber == 2 ) ) ) ||
00381     // First hit on TIB1 (pixel less)
00382     ( ( theSubDetId == 3 && theLayerNumber == 1 ) && 
00383       ( anotherSubDetId == 3 && anotherLayerNumber == 2 ) && 
00384       ( yetAnotherSubDetId == 3 && yetAnotherLayerNumber == 3 ) );
00386   return isAProperTriplet;
00388 }